151 research outputs found

    Event-related brain potentials in the study of inhibition: cognitive control, source localization and age-related modulations

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    In the previous 15 years, a variety of experimental paradigms and methods have been employed to study inhibition. In the current review, we analyze studies that have used the high temporal resolution of the event-related potential (ERP) technique to identify the temporal course of inhibition to understand the various processes that contribute to inhibition. ERP studies with a focus on normal aging are specifically analyzed because they contribute to a deeper understanding of inhibition. Three time windows are proposed to organize the ERP data collected using inhibition paradigms: the 200 ms period following stimulus onset; the period between 200 and 400 ms after stimulus onset; and the period between 400 and 800 ms after stimulus onset. In the first 200 ms, ERP inhibition research has primarily focused on N1 and P1 as the ERP components associated with inhibition. The inhibitory processing in the second time window has been associated with the N2 and P3 ERP components. Finally, in the third time window, inhibition has primarily been associated with the N400 and N450 ERP components. Source localization studies are analyzed to examine the association between the inhibition processes that are indexed by the ERP components and their functional brain areas. Inhibition can be organized in a complex functional structure that is not constrained to a specific time point but, rather, extends its activity through different time windows. This review characterizes inhibition as a set of processes rather than a unitary process


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    Since the beginning of the 1970s, when capoeira started to enter university extension projects, it has been generating dilemmas and challenges that problematize and question anachronistic and welfare models of extension. The presence of capoeira in university extension projects, in addition to contributing to the democratization of the Brazilian university, promotes the increase and visibility of a cultural manifestation that, although recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of Brazil and humanity, is still charged of stereotypes and prejudices.  Desde principios de la década de 1970, cuando la capoeira comenzó a entrar en los proyectos de extensión universitaria, viene generando dilemas y desafíos que problematizan y cuestionan modelos de extensión anacrónicos y asistencialistas. La presencia de la capoeira en los proyectos de extensión universitaria, además de contribuir a la democratización de la universidad brasileña, promueve el aumento y la visibilidad de una manifestación cultural que, aunque reconocida como patrimonio cultural inmaterial de Brasil y de la humanidad, todavía está cargada de estereotipos y prejuicios.  Desde o início da década de 1970, quando a capoeira passou a adentrar os projetos de extensão universitária, ela vem gerando dilemas e desafios que problematizam e questionam modelos anacrônicos e assistencialistas de extensão. A presença da capoeira em projetos de extensão universitária, além de contribuir para a democratização da universidade brasileira, promove o incremento e a visibilidade de uma manifestação cultural que, embora seja reconhecida como patrimônio cultural imaterial do Brasil e da humanidade, ainda encontra-se carregada de estereótipos e de preconceitos. &nbsp

    Efeito da umidade relativa do ar na volatilidade de herbicidas / Effect of relative humidity in the volatility of herbicides

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    O processo de volatilidade pode reduzir a eficiência de controle de plantas daninhas por herbicidas e causar contaminação ambiental e fito intoxicação de culturas sensíveis, sendo que as condições ambientais no momento das aplicações podem influenciar neste processo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito de duas condições controladas de umidade relativa do ar na volatilidade de herbicidas. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições. Foi avaliada a volatilidade dos herbicidas 2,4-D, Trifluralina, Haloxyfope-P metil ester, Glyphosate e Clomazona em sete tempos (1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 5h, 6h e 7h após a deposição), em duas condições de umidade relativa do ar 47 e 70% (±2%) e temperatura 25 °C (±2°C). A volatilidade foi determinada conforme a Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas-ABNT (NBR 13238:2014) e expressa em percentual de material volatilizado. Os resultados indicaram que a volatilidade aumenta ao longo do tempo e se estabilizou para todos os herbicidas após três horas da deposição. Na metodologia de determinação da volatilidade de herbicidas será necessário a indicação da umidade relativa do ar, pois com a elevação de 47% para 70% houve redução da volatilidade da Trifluralina. A volatilidade foi decrescente para os herbicidas Haloxyfope > Glyphosate > 2,4-D > Trifluralina = Clomazona

    Diversidade genética do cavalo Pantaneiro e relações com outras raças de eqüinos

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic diversity of Brazilian Pantaneiro horse by microsatellite markers, investigate the effect of genetic bottlenecks and estimate genetic differentiation among four horse breeds. Genetic variation was estimated through allele frequencies and mean breed heterozygosity. Nei´s genetic distances among the breeds Pantaneiro, Thoroughbred, Arabian, Spanish Pure Breed (Andalusian), and Uruguay Creole were calculated, and it was used to construct an UPGMA dendrogram. Clustering at different K values was calculated to infer population structure and assign individuals to populations. Nei´s distances showed a minimum distance between Pantaneiro horse and Spanish Pure Breed (0.228), and similar distances from Spanish Pure Breed to Thoroughbred and to Arabian (0.355 and 0.332). It was observed a great level of diversity, clear distance from Pantaneiro horse to other breeds, and genetic uniformity within breed. It was verified a certain level of substructure of Pantaneiro horse showing no influences from the other studied breeds.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade genética do cavalo Pantaneiro, por meio de marcadores microssatélites, investigar o efeito genético de "bottlenecks" e estimar a variação genética entre quatro raças de cavalo. A diversidade genética foi estimada por meio da freqüência de alelos e da média de heterozigosidade por raças. A distância genética de Nei foi calculada para as raças Pantaneiro, Puro Sangue Inglês, Árabe, Puro Sangue Espanhol e Crioulo Uruguaio. O agrupamento em diferentes valores de K foi calculado para inferir a estrutura da população e determinar indivíduos às populações. A distância de Nei mostrou distância mínima entre o cavalo Pantaneiro e o Puro Sangue Espanhol (0,228), e entre o Puro Sangue Espanhol e o Puro Sangue Inglês e o Árabe (0,355 e 0,332, respectivamente). Foi observada grande diversidade genética dentro da raça Pantaneiro, evidente distância desta raça em relação às demais raças estudadas, e uniformidade genética dentro da raça. Verificou-se certo nível de subestruturação no cavalo Pantaneiro, sem demonstrar influência das outras raças estudadas

    Effects of Euterpe oleracea Mart. (AÇAÍ) extract in acute lung inflammation induced by cigarette smoke in the mouse

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    AbstractShort term inhalation of cigarette smoke (CS) induces significant lung inflammation due to an imbalance of oxidant/antioxidant mechanisms. Açai fruit (Euterpe oleracea) has significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. The present study aimed to determine whether oral administration of an açai stone extract (ASE) could reduce lung inflammation induced by CS. Thirty C57BL/6 mice were assigned to three groups (n=10 each): the Control+A group was exposed to ambient air and treated orally with ASE 300mg/kg/day; the CS group was exposed to smoke from 6 cigarettes per day for 5 days; and the CS+A group was exposed to smoke from 6 cigarettes per day for 5 days and treated orally with ASE (300mg/kg/day). On day 6, all mice were sacrificed. After bronchoalveolar lavage, the lungs were removed for histological and biochemical analyses. The CS group exhibited increases in alveolar macrophage (AMs) and neutrophil numbers (PMNs), myeloperoxidase (MPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase activities (GPx), TNF-α expression, and nitrites levels in lung tissue when compared with the control ones (p<0.001 for all parameters). The AMs, PMNs, MPO, SOD, CAT, GPx and nitrite were significantly reduced by oral administration of ASE when compared with CS group (p<0.001 for all parameters, with exception of AMs p<0.01). The present results suggested that systemic administration of an ASE extract could reduce the inflammatory and oxidant actions of CS. Thus, the results of this study in mice should stimulate future studies on ASE as a potential agent to protect against CS-induced inflammation in humans

    Investigation on solubilization protocols in the refolding of the thioredoxin TsnC from Xylella fastidiosa by high hydrostatic pressure approach

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    The lack of efficient refolding methodologies must be overcome to take full advantage of the fact that bacteria express high levels of aggregated recombinant proteins. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) impairs intermolecular hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, dissociating aggregates, which makes HHP a useful tool to solubilize proteins for subsequent refolding. A process of refolding was set up by using as a model TsnC, a thioredoxin that catalyzes the disulfide reduction to a dithiol, a useful indication of biological activity. The inclusion bodies (IB) were dissociated at 2.4 kbar. The effect of incubation of IB suspensions at 1–800 bar, the guanidine hydrochloride concentration, the oxidized/reduced glutathione (GSH/GSSG) ratios, and the additives in the refolding buffer were analyzed. To assess the yields of fully biologically active protein obtained for each tested condition, it was crucial to analyze both the TsnC solubilization yield and its enzymatic activity. Application of 2.4 kbar to the IB suspension in the presence of 9 mM GSH, 1 mM GSSG, 0.75 M guanidine hydrochloride, and 0.5 M arginine with subsequent incubation at 1 bar furnished high refolding yield (81%). The experience gained in this study shall help to establish efficient HHP-based protein refolding processes for other proteins.This work was supported by grants from the State of São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP (Process 10/13353-0) and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq (Process 479816/2007-7) and fellowship 134597/2010-9 from National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq

    The measurement of beta-hCG in trophoblastic disease as a biologic marker : experience of a clinic

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    A dosagem periódica dos níveis séricos de gonadotrofina coriônica (fração beta) por radioimunoensaio tem sido apontada como método eficaz para o seguimento de casos de doença trofoblástica gestacional. O estudo de 36 pacientes com essa patologia confirmou a excelência do método como auxiliar diagnóstico e, principalmente, como critério de cura e alerta nos casos de recidiva. A perfeita correlação clínica das dosagens seriadas observada nos casos estudados mostrou-se de grande utilidade e segurança para o seguimento de pacientes com doença trofoblástica gestacional.The serial human chorionicgonadotropin (beta-hCG) titer analysis in the serum by radioimmunoassay (RIA) has been indicated as an efficient method for the follow-up of trophoblastic disease cases. The study of 36 patients with the diagnosis of trophoblastic disease confirmed the supremacy of this method as a standard of recovery and warning of recurrence and also as a useful diagnostic aid. The correlation between clinical signs and symptoms and serial beta-hCG titers in the cases investigated, indicated the value of this method in follow-up of patients of trophoblastic disease

    Resistance of progenies of cacao to Ceratocystis wilt

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    Resistance of progenies of cacao to Ceratocystis wilt Seedlings from open-pollinated progenies of 20 clones of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) were inoculated with the fungus Ceratocystis cacaofunesta, the causal agent of Ceratocystis wilt, and their response was assessed based on the percentage of dead plants. Open pollinated progeny of clones TSH1188 and VB1151 were used as standards for resistance, while CCN51 and SJ02 for susceptibility. Contrasts between these benchmarks and the progenies studied were estimated and evaluated by Dunnett's t test (alpha = 0.05). The progenies showed different responses to C. cacaofunesta, and it was possible to classify them into three groups: resistant (FCB01, CSG70, BOBA01, VB902, TSH1188, VB1151, PS1319 and MAC01), moderately susceptible (HW25, PM02, FA13, PH15, M05 and BJ11) and susceptible (CCN51, FB206, PH16, SJ02, CCN10 and FSU77)