82 research outputs found

    Mapping quantitative trait loci for performance traits on pig chromosome 6 (SSC6)

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    The objective of this study was to perform QTL mapping associated to performance traits on swine chromosome 6 (SSC6). The F2 population was produced by an outbred crossing using two native Brazilian breed Piau sires and 18 commercial dams. A total of 617 F2 animals were genotyped for 13 microsatellite markers. The traits evaluated on the F2 population were teat number (TN), birth weight (BW), weight at 21, 42, 63, 77 and 105 days of age (W21, W42, W63, W77, W105), weight at slaughter (WS), and average daily gain (ADG), feed intake (FI) and feed-gain ratio (FG) from 77 to 105 days of age. Data were analyzed by multiple regression developed for analysis of crosses between outbred lines, using the QTL Express software. A significant QTL was detected for FI at 99 cM. A suggestive QTL was detected for W42 located at 55 cM. A locus located at 100 cM seems to affect the traits FI and ADG. Evidence for loci affecting weight at different ages not was found


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    Objetivou-se avaliar diferentes modelos de regressão não-linear para descrição da curva de crescimento de codornas de corte, machos e fêmeas. Foram utilizados 30.410 registros de peso corporais, originalmente mensurados semanalmente de codornas de corte, do 1º ao 42º dia de idade, participantes do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri. O peso corporal das aves foram agrupados em machos ou fêmeas e submetidos aos modelos de regressão não-lineares de Brody, Gompertz, Logístico, MMF (Morgan-Mercer-Flodin), Richards, e van Bertalanffy. Os modelos foram avaliados quanto ao ajuste das curvas de crescimento preditas em relação aos valores observados. Não se obteve convergência com o modelo Brody. Os demais modelos apresentaram bons valores de IA (índice assintótico), sendo o modelo MMF o mais adequado para predizer o peso dos machos com IA 33,59, enquanto que o modelo Gompertz com IA 36,100, apresentou-se como mais adequados para predizer o peso das fêmeas. Portanto, no presente estudo os modelos de Gompertz e MMF apresentaram melhor ajuste aos dados para machos e para fêmeas; com R2aj acima de 0,92. Os resultados indicam a utilização de ambos modelos para descrever o crescimento dos animais, independente do sexo.

    Evaluation of posture rating curves of a female line of broilers

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho estimar os par?metros gen?ticos e fenot?picos dos par?metros da curva de produ??o de ovos, pelo o modelo de polin?mios segmentados (x p- idade das aves ao pico de postura, P- n?vel de produ??o no pico, s - taxa de decr?scimo semanal na produ??o de ovos ap?s o pico e t - tempo entre o in?cio da postura e o pico de produ??o de ovos). Foram utilizados dados da produ??o de ovos semanal da 25? at? 64? semanas de idade, provenientes de 2.398 matrizes de uma linhagem de frangos de corte. A estima??o dos componentes de covari?ncias, herdabilidade e correla??es para esses par?metros da curva de postura foram obtidas por m?xima verossimilhan?a restrita. As tend?ncias gen?ticas foram estimadas com as m?dias dos valores gen?ticos dos par?metros da curva em fun??o do ano de nascimento das matrizes. As m?dias das herdabilidades foram de baixa a m?dia magnitudes, 0,25 (x p), 0,18 (P), 0,17 (s) e 0,10 (t). As correla??es gen?ticas entre o par?metro t e os demais par?metros da curva foram positivas, variando de 0,21 at? 1,00, sendo menor entre t e s e maior entre os par?metros x p e t. Entre os par?metros x p e P, a correla??o tamb?m foi positiva, de magnitude m?dia (0,39). As correla??es foram negativas entre os par?metros s e x p e s e P, apresentando-se menor entre s e x p (-0,17) e maior entre s e P (-0,91). As tend?ncias gen?ticas encontradas para os par?metros indicaram uma redu??o no tempo entre o in?cio e pico de produ??o e idade ao pico de postura. O n?vel de produ??o apresentou uma queda no valor gen?tico ao longo do per?odo avaliado. Pode-se observar poss?vel ganho gen?tico para os par?metros da curva de produ??o de ovos, contudo, deve-se atentar para as correla??es gen?ticas positivas entre os par?metro x p e P, o que pode levar a um aumento do n?vel de produ??o e a um aumento na idade ao pico de produ??o. O mesmo caso acontece com os par?metros x p e s, indicando que as aves mais precoces ao pico poder?o apresentar menor persist?ncia.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and phenotypic parameters of egg production curve, using the segmented polynomial model(x p- the peak age of the birds in attitude, P - at peak production level, s - rate of decline in weekly egg production after peak, and t - time between the onset of lay and peak egg production). We used data from the weekly egg production from 25 to 64 weeks of age from 2,398 arrays of a lineage of broilers chickens. Estimation of covariance components, heritability and correlations for these parameters curve posture were obtained by restricted maximum likelihood. Genetic trends were estimated with the average breeding values the of parameters of the curve as a function of birth year of the arrays. The mean heritabilities were low to medium magnitude, 0.25 (x p), 0.18 (P), 0.17 (s) e 0.10 (t). Genetic correlations among the parameter t and the other parameters of the curve were positive ranging from 0.21 to 1.00, being lower between t and s, and higher between the parameters x p and t. Between the parameters x p and P the correlation was also positive, of an average magnitude (0.39). Correlations were negative between parameters s and x p, and s and P, presenting itself lower between s and x p (-0.17) and higher between s and P (-0.91). The genetic trends found for the parameters of the model indicated a reduction in time between the production's onset and peak, and age at production's peak. The level of production showed a decline in breeding value over the period evaluated. It can be observed a potential genetic gain for the egg's production parameters' curve; however, it must be paid special attention to the positive genetic correlations between the parameter x p and P. What can lead to an increase in the level of production and may lead to an increase in age at peak production. The same applies to the parameters x p indicating that birds with earlier peaks may present lower persistence

    Errata: Curvas de crescimento para codornas de corte

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    Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES

    Generalized linear mixed models for the genetic evaluation of binary reproductive traits: a simulation study

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    Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of probit and logit link functions for the genetic evaluation of early pregnancy using simulated data. The following simulation/analysis structures were constructed: logit/logit, logit/probit, probit/logit, and probit/probit. The percentages of precocious females were 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% and were adjusted based on a change in the mean of the latent variable. The parametric heritability (h?) was 0.40. Simulation and genetic evaluation were implemented in the R software. Heritability estimates (h^2) were compared with h? using the mean squared error. Pearson correlations between predicted and true breeding values and the percentage of coincidence between true and predicted ranking, considering the 10% of bulls with the highest breeding values (TOP10) were calculated. The mean h^? values were under- and overestimated for all percentages of precocious females when logit/probit and probit/logit models used. In addition, the mean squared errors of these models were high when compared with those obtained with the probit/probit and logit/logit models. Considering (h^2), probit/probit and logit/logit were also superior to logit/probit and probit/logit, providing values close to the parametric heritability. Logit/probit and probit/logit presented low Pearson correlations, whereas the correlations obtained with probit/probit and logit/logit ranged from moderate to high. With respect to the TOP10 bulls, logit/probit and probit/logit presented much lower percentages than probit/probit and logit/logit. The genetic parameter estimates and predictions of breeding values of the animals obtained with the logit/logit and probit/probit models were similar. In contrast, the results obtained with probit/logit and logit/probit were not satisfactory. There is need to compare the estimation and prediction ability of logit and probit link functions

    Performance of meat-type quails subjected the different levels of crude protein and metabolizable energy

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho de codornas de corte, submetidas a diferentes n?veis de prote?na bruta (PB) e energia metaboliz?vel (EM). Avaliaram-se 720 codornas distribu?das em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial (5x3), com cinco n?veis de PB (18, 20, 22, 24 e 26%) e tr?s n?veis de EM (2700, 2900 e 3100kcal kg-1). As an?lises foram realizadas utilizando-se o programa SAEG (2007). No per?odo inicial, houve efeito quadr?tico da PB e EM sobre o consumo de ra??o (CR), efeito quadr?tico da PB e linear da EM sobre o peso corporal (PC), efeito linear da intera??o EM e PB sobre o ganho de peso (GP) e convers?o alimentar (CA). No crescimento, efeito quadr?tico da EM e PB sobre o CR, efeito linear da EM e PB sobre o PC e CA, efeito quadr?tico da PB e linear da EM sobre o GP. Na termina??o, efeito linear da EM e PB sobre o CR, PC e CA, efeito linear e quadr?tico da EM e PB sobre GP. Na fase inicial, recomenda-se 26% de PB e 3100kcal EM kg-1. Para a fase de crescimento, sugere-se 3100kcal EM kg-1 e 23% de PB, j?, para a fase de termina??o, recomenda-se 26% de PB e 3100kcal EM kg-1.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Aimed to evaluate the performance of meat-type quails, exposed to different levels of crude protein (PB) and metabolizable energy (EM). We evaluated 720 quails distributed in randomized blocks design, in (5x3) factorial scheme, with five levels of PB (18, 20, 22, 24 and 26%) and three levels of EM (2700, 2900 and 3100kcal kg-1). Analyses were performed using the program SAEG (2007). In the initial period, there was a quadratic effect of PB and EM on the feed intake (CR), quadratic effect of PB and linear of EM about body weight (PC), linear effect of interaction of PB and EM about weight gain (GP) and feed conversion (CA). Growth, quadratic effect of EM and PB about CR, linear effect of PB and EM on the PC and CA, quadratic effect of PB and linear effect of EM about GP. Upon termination, linear effect of EM and PB about CR, PC and CA, linear and quadratic effect of EM and PB about GP. In the initial phase, it is recommended 26% of PB and 3100kcal EM kg-1. For the growth phase, it is suggested, 3100kcal EM kg-1 and 23% of PB, as for the finishing phase is recommended 26% of PB and 3100kcal EM kg-1

    Análise morfométrica de populações do caranguejo-uçá (Ucides Cordatus L.) (Crustacea - Decapoda) em manguezais do litoral do Espírito Santo

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    The mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus) is a crustacean (Decapoda: Brachyura) of great cultural, biological and commercial value in all Espírito Santo. However, there is still a great lack of data regarding the mangrove crab. In order to minimize this situation, the present work carried through a study on the population divergence of Ucides cordatus in Espírito Santo mangroves. Four morphometric features have been analysed in 172 male individuals, from São Mateus (N=62), from Vitória (N=60) and from Anchieta (N=50). Meaningful difference between the three populations was observed (p < 0,01) by the Multivaried Analysis. The greatest degree of similarity was found between São Mateus (North) and Anchieta (South) so they had been classified in a single group. Vitória (Center) was enclosed in another group, evidencing divergence between this population and the other. This results suggests differents pressure by selection in the interior populations in relation with de capital populations, which may be connected with a greater human action on the capital populations.O caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus) é um crustáceo (Decápoda: Brachyura) de grande valor cultural, biológico e comercial em todo Espírito Santo. Contudo, ainda há uma grande lacuna de conhecimentos acerca de sua biologia. Com o intuito de minimizar essa carência, o presente trabalho realizou um estudo sobre a caracterização morfológica de três populações do caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus L.) em manguezais do Espírito Santo. Foram analisadas quatro características morfométricas em 172 indivíduos machos, coletados nas cidades de São Mateus (N=62), Vitória (N=60) e Anchieta (50). Foi observada diferença significativa entre as três populações (

    Urea nitrogen in the urine of dairy cows fed with crambe meal in replacement of dietary soybean meal

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Objetivou-se avaliar a concentra??o de nitrog?nio ureico na urina de vacas F1 Holand?s x Zebu, alimentadas com farelo de crambe em substitui??o ao farelo de soja. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais), situada na cidade de Felixl?ndia, Minas Gerais. Foram utilizadas 20 vacas mult?paras, no ter?o m?dio de lacta??o. O ensaio teve dura??o de 27 dias, sendo os 20 primeiros para adapta??o. Os tratamentos se basearam na substitui??o do farelo de soja pelo farelo de crambe no concentrado, nos n?veis de 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%. Foram coletadas amostras de urina no 24? e 25? dia para an?lise de ureia. Houve diminui??o nos n?veis de ureia urin?ria (P?0,05) com o aumento de inclus?o do farelo de crambe.The objective was to evaluate the concentration of urea nitrogen in the urine of F1 Holstein x Zebu cows, fed crambe meal replacing soybean meal. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of EPAMIG (Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais), located in the city of Felixl?ndia, Minas Gerais. They were used 20 multiparous cows in mid lactation. The experiment lasted 27 days with the first 20 for adaptation. The treatments were based on replacing soybean meal with crambe meal in the concentrate at levels of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. Blood samples were collected at 24 and 25 days for urea analysis. There was a negative linear behavior (P?0.05) increased with the inclusion of crambe meal

    Models for random regression for meat quality traits in meat type quails

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar modelos para caracter?sticas de qualidade de carne em codornas de corte, alimentadas com diferentes rela??es de treonina:lisina de 1 a 21 dias de idade utilizando regress?o aleat?ria adotando-se homogeneidade e heterogeneidade de vari?ncia residual. Por meio de compara??o dos valores de BIC, o modelo de homogeneidade de vari?ncia foi o que apresentou melhor ajuste para as caracter?sticas estudadas.The objective of this study was to evaluate models for meat quality traits in meat type quails, fed with different relations threonine:lysine from 1 to 21 days of age using random regression analysis, with homogeneity and heterogeneity of residual variance. The model of homogeneity of variance fitter better for the traits studied regarding the comparison of BIC values

    Nutrients consumption of assessment in different levels of meal of inclusion crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst) in sheep diet

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autor.Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de inclus?o crescente da prote?na bruta do farelo de crambe em substitui??o ? prote?na bruta do concentrado fornecido a cordeiros confinados em rela??o ao consumo de nutrientes. Foram utilizados vinte e quatro ovinos SRD machos, com idade inicial m?dia de quatro meses e peso vivo m?dio inicial de 17,50 ? 3,90 kg. As dietas foram constitu?das com n?veis crescentes de; 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% de substitui??o da PB do concentrado pela PB do farelo de crambe. Houve efeito linear decrescente da inclus?o do farelo de crambe nas dietas dos animais em rela??o ao consumo de mat?ria seca (CMS), consumo de mat?ria org?nica (CMO),consumo de prote?na bruta (CPB) e consumo de carboidratos n?o fibrosos corrigidos para cinzas e prote?nas (CCNFcp) em Kg.dia-1. Conclui-se que o farelo de crambe utilizado como alimento prot?ico substituindo at? 75% da prote?na bruta do concentrado diminui o consumo de PB e CNF em kg MS.dia-1 de cordeiros confinados, todavia n?o alterou o consumo dos nutrientes na unidade g. Kg-1 de PV.ABSTRACT The objective was to evaluate the effect of increasing inclusion of crude protein of crambe meal to replace the crude protein of the concentrate fed to feedlot lambs in relation to nutrient intake. Twenty-four sheep SRD rats were used, with initial mean age of four months and average weight of 17.50 ? 3.90 kg. The diets were made with increasing levels of; 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% replacement of PB PB concentrated by crambe bran. Decreased linearly the inclusion of crambe meal in animal diets in relation to dry matter intake (DMI), consumption of organic matter (CMO), crude protein intake (CPB) and consumer non-fibrous carbohydrates corrected for ash and protein (CCNFcp) in Kg.dia-1. Concluded that the crambe meal used as protein feed by replacing up to 75% of gross protein concentrate decreases the consumption of PB and CNF in MS.dia kg-1 of lambs, however not alter the intake of nutrients in g unit. Kg-1 PV