662 research outputs found

    La complejidad del análisis documental

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    The value of the information and the incorporation of technologies for its processing, make it necessary to deepen the documentary analysis as a real mediating process. The aim of this study is to go into the linguistical and psychological dimensions of that process. The specific objectives intend to go deeper their characteristic aspects, to explain the linguistical dimension of that process, and its relationship with the analysis of speech with the model showed by T. van Dijk as reference. Finally, all the mental processes that are involved in the reception and also the emission of such information is explained. For that reason, it was necessary to deploy a documentary research with a real rational approach which allowed to integrate theoretical perspectives of Linguistics, Psychology, Psycholinguistics and also Documentation and to identify concepts related to the work of the documentary analysis as well. This paper concludes that some linguistical concepts allow the comprehension and disassembling of grammatical structures and, therefore, they affect the moment the documentary analysis is going to be applied. The existing methodology to analyze speeches represents a valuable theoretical and methodological tool for the applied documentary analysis in information units. Some psychological concepts allow to understand mental processes from the ones that receive and transmit information. Thus, it is important in the analytical and synthetic processes because it is received and creates new information

    Public Communication of Science: The Experience of the Rio Grande Valley Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research

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    Introduction: There are multiple models of public communication of science. Some models focus on communication within the science community, while others involve public participation. At the Rio Grande Valley AD-RCMAR, we hope to implement a public outreach program to aid in the dissemination of accurate information regarding Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Objective: The purpose of this project was to identify behavioral change models that will allow the RGV AD-RCMAR to increase awareness and engagement of brain aging, including Alzheimer’s disease, within the Rio Grande Valley. Methods: A literature review was conducted to identify models of behavioral change that will assist the center in the dissemination of science. Public communication models were narrowed down to models that aligned with the goals of the center. Results: We identified four models and found that the Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM) and the Tailored Health Communication (THC) model were grounded in behavioral change and would best fit the needs of the AD-RCMAR. We integrated these models by building profiles to highlight Latinx researchers and a database of neuroscience seminars that will aid in the increased awareness and recruitment of individuals on topics that are tailored to their interests. Discussion: In order to make an impact, we must consider human behavior. By integrating the PAPM and THC models, individuals will have access to topics that are tailored to what they are searching for, which will result in raised awareness. Conclusion: These models will allow us to raise engagement and awareness in the RGV and support the recruitment of participants in research. There are some factors to consider prior to implementing these models including Hispanic values and their effect on involvement and communication of scientific information. Then, we will begin to question the changes in the levels of engagement and action

    Delito corporativo y la ética profesional del contador público en América Latina

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    El propósito del artículo fue analizar la relación entre los delitos corporativos y la ética profesional del contador público en América Latina. Basado en un estudio hermenéutico, de carácter cualitativo y con un enfoque descriptivo; se consultaron los artículos científicos publicados desde enero 2020 a junio 2021 en las bases de datos electrónicas Google Académico, Scopus, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scielo y Jstore. Los resultados revelaron que las organizaciones han sido víctimas de delitos corporativos y que las universidades están llamadas a la formación de profesionales capaces de darle apoyo idóneo para detectar y prevenir actos dolosos. En conclusión, el contador público con formación integral tiene las competencias para establecer sistemas de control interno que permitan fortalecer las falencias organizacionales, contribuyendo a la prevención de los delitos corporativos. Por tanto, por lo que representa un elemento de gran importancia para combatir la corrupción y los fraudes dentro de las instituciones públicas y privadas

    Cero polarización, cómo dejar de dividirnos frente a lo trascendental

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    No hay una época en la que a uno se le pongan tanto los pelos de punta como la época electoral. Unos quieren apoyar al candidato A porque se enfoca detalladamente en la situación del país, mientras que otros apoyan al candidato B porque su retórica y su plan de gobierno es más “atractivo” a las masas, por decirlo de cierta manera. La misma situación se presenta cuando uno está en un partido de fútbol: la hinchada del equipo rojo y la del equipo azul alientan a sus respectivos equipos. Al principio todos se encuentran en armonía apoyando a su equipo, pero de un momento a otro pasan de simples burlas y chistes amistosos a ofensas gravísimas, arremetiendo contra la integridad física de sus rivales. ¿En qué momento empezamos a perder la cordura? Si se trata de una decisión transcendental para el país, para nuestro futuro, ¿qué estamos haciendo mal

    Corporate crime and the professional ethics of public accounting in Latin America

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    El propósito del artículo fue analizar la relación entre los delitos corporativos y la ética profesional del contador público en América Latina. Basado en un estudio hermenéutico, de carácter cualitativo y con un enfoque descriptivo; se consultaron los artículos científicos publicados desde enero 2020 a junio 2021 en las bases de datos electrónicas Google Académico, Scopus, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scielo y Jstore. Los resultados revelaron que las organizaciones han sido víctimas de delitos corporativos y que las universidades están llamadas a la formación de profesionales capaces de darle apoyo idóneo para detectar y prevenir actos dolosos. Se concluyó que el contador público con formación integral tiene las competencias para establecer sistemas de control interno que permitan fortalecer las falencias organizacionales contribuyendo a la prevención de los delitos corporativos por lo que representa un elemento de gran importancia para combatir la corrupción y los fraudes dentro de las instituciones públicas y privadas.The purpose of the article was to analyze the relationship between corporate crimes and the professional ethics of public accountants in Latin America. Based on a hermeneutical study, of a qualitative nature and with a descriptive approach; Scientific articles published from January 2020 to June 2021 in the electronic databases Google Scholar, Scopus, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scielo and Jstore were consulted. The results revealed that organizations have been victims of corporate crimes and that universities are called to train professionals capable of providing suitable support to detect and prevent malicious acts. It was concluded that the public accountant with comprehensive training has the skills to establish internal control systems that allow strengthening organizational shortcomings, contributing to the prevention of corporate crimes, which is why it represents an element of great importance to combat corruption and fraud within public and private institutions

    Productive Failures: From Class Requirement to Fostering a Support Group

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    Mistakes occur frequently in mathematics. Reframing mistakes into positive moments can be psychologically important in a student’s educational journey. We investigated two tertiary math classes that explicitly valued mistakes through a pedagogical requirement called “productive failure”. For a percentage of their grade, students demonstrated how they made mistakes in their problem solving and, most importantly, how they overcame those mistakes. Through interviews, video-stimulated recalls, and evaluations of the course all from students, we initially looked for affectual responses to the pedagogical allowance and student-led demonstration. Many of the responses, both benefits and drawbacks of the productive failure, were interpreted by the research group to resemble the psychology literature on peer-led support groups. Descriptions of both productive failure and support groups, as well as quotes from the students, aim to shed light on psychological benefits of valuing mistakes. Finally, we believe that productive failures benefitted many students because it made the human aspect of mathematics more explicit

    Estudio descriptivo del lenguaje comprensivo y denominativo en adultos mayores entre 60 y 90 años con enfermedad de alzhéimer y envejecimiento normal 

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    PsicologíaLa enfermedad de Alzheimer presenta una alta prevalencia en la población adulta mayor, es por tanto que se hace necesario el reconocimiento de las características del lenguaje y sus trastornos en poblaciones con envejecimiento normal y patológico, ya que dicha diferenciación puede acentuar la utilidad en el diagnóstico diferencial. Por consiguiente se pretende describir los procesos de denominación y comprensión del lenguaje evaluado a través del Test de Denominación de Boston y el Token Test en adultos mayores con enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) y envejecimiento normal (EN) con edades entre 60 y 90 años, de la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia. Metodológicamente la presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva, de corte transversal, en la que se contrastan dos grupos de 30 sujetos cada uno, uno denominado control (EN) y el otro caso (EA).Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que los pacientes con EA presentaron una ejecución significativamente inferior (p < 0,05) en las funciones de denominación y comprensión en adultos con enfermedad de Alzheimer vs adultos con envejecimiento normal, así mismo también se hallaron diferencias significativas de acuerdo con el estado cognitivo valorado a través del Mini Mental State ExaminationMMSE. De esta manera se considera de alta relevancia mayores investigaciones de esta índole en nuestro contexto en aras de diseñar protocolos de evaluación del lenguaje que permitan un mejor diagnóstico diferencial, debido en que en nuestro país no se registra amplia literatura sobre esta problemática que según los datos epidemiológicos afecta no solo a nivel físico, sino emocional, familiar y social.Alzheimer's disease has a high prevalence in the older population, it is therefore necessary that the recognition of characteristics of language and its disorders in people with normal and pathological aging, and that this differentiation may enhance the utility in the diagnosis differential. Therefore we intend to describe the processes of naming and comprehensionassessed by the Boston Naming Test and Token Test in older adults with Alzheimer disease (AD) and normal aging (EN) between 60 and 90years, in Barranquillacity, Colombia. Methodologically this research is descriptive, cross-sectional, which contrasted two groups of 30 subjects each, one called control (EN) and the other case (EE). The results show that patients with AD had a significantly lower performance (p <0.05) in the functions of naming and comprehension in adults with Alzheimer's disease versus normal aging adults, and it also found significant differences according to cognitive status evaluated through the Mini Mental State Examination MMSE. This is considered highly relevant further research of this kind in our context in order to design language assessment protocols that allow for better differential diagnosis, because in our country that is not recorded extensive literature on this issue that based on epidemiology affects not only physical, but emotional, family and society