32 research outputs found

    IA2 i GAD65: Estudi de la resposta humoral específica en la Diabetis Mellitus tipus I. Desenvolupament d’eines per a l’estudi d’una possible relació causal d’ambdós autoantígens en el desencadenament de la malaltia

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    [cat] La Diabetis mellitus tipus 1 (T1D) és una malaltia crònica que es produeix com a conseqüència de la destrucció selectiva de la cèl·lula β dels illots pancreàtics de Langerhans, mediada pel sistema immune, que comporta una absoluta deficiència d'insulina. En els anys que precedeixen el debut clínic de la T1D existeixen molts canvis en el sistema immune i el metabolisme que poden ser detectats en sang perifèrica. La naturalesa, intensitat, extensió i persistència dels canvis immunològics distingeixen els individus que desenvoluparan T1D d'aquells que no ho faran. Així, la caracterització dels autoantígens associats a la T1D que actuen com a dianes de la resposta immune té doble importància: els anticossos contra aquestes molècules poden actuar com a marcadors predictius en el desenvolupament de la malaltia i la modulació d'aquesta resposta podria alterar el curs de la malaltia. En aquest treball s'obté i caracteritza un monoclonal (76F) contra IA2 utilitzat posteriorment en estudis de funcionalitat i de detecció d'anticossos en la T1D epítop específics. S'identifiquen els epítops JM1 i JM2, reconeguts per una gran part dels sèrums dels familiars de primer grau positius per a la molècula d'IA2. Es desenvolupa un mètode que demostra que la presentació d'un pèptid petit que codifica per a un epítop complet a l'interior d'una proteïna neutra, tipus TrxA, és una tècnica sensible per detectar específicament els diferents epítops d'una molècula, procediment que d'altra banda, permet l'aplicació de l'anàlisi mutacional que condueix a la identificació dels residus clau per a la formació dels epítops i els subsegüents subtipus d'especificitats antigèniques. Finalment, es descarta la possible existència d'un patró humoral específic de resposta contra la molècula d'GAD entre pacients afectats de T1D respecte individus afectes d'altres malalties autoimmunes (SMS i APS-II).[eng] Type 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1D) is a chronic disease that occurs as a result of selective immune-mediated destruction of the β-cell in the Langerhans pancreatic islets which results in absolute insulin deficiency. In the years preceding the clinical debut of T1D there are many changes in the immune system and metabolism that can be detected in peripheral blood. The nature, intensity, extent, and persistence of immune changes distinguish individuals who will develop T1D from those who will not. Thus, the characterization of T1D-associated autoantigens that act as targets of the immune response is of twofold importance: antibodies against these molecules may act as predictive markers in disease development, and modulation of this response could alter course of the disease. In this work, we obtain and characterize a monoclonal antibody (76F) against IA2 molecule subsequently used in functional studies and antibody detection in the specific epitope T1D. We also identified the IA2 JM1 and JM2 epitopes, which are recognized by a large part of the serums of the first-degree relatives positive for the molecule. We develop a method that shows that the presentation of a small peptide that encodes for a complete epitope inside a neutral protein, type TrxA, is a sensitive technique to specifically detect the different epitopes of a molecule, procedure which, on the other hand, allows the application of mutational analysis that leads to the identification of the key residues for the formation of the epitopes and the subsequent subtypes of antigenic specificities. Finally, the possible existence of a specific humoral response pattern against the GAD molecule among patients affected by T1D with respect to individuals affected by other autoimmune diseases (SMS and APS-II) is ruled out

    Efectividad de un programa de intervención desde Terapia Ocupacional para el desarrollo de factores personales y ambientales en niños y niñas nacidos prematuros

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    Introducción: Los nacimientos prematuros están aumentando considerablemente año tras año, debido a los avances de los cuidados obstétricos y neonatales. Esto supone mayor probabilidad de nacimientos donde los recién nacidos presenten complicaciones y limitaciones en la participación de las actividades de la vida diaria. Todo ello se une a la preocupación de los padres, los cuales experimentan incertidumbre y pensamientos negativos acerca de cómo van a evolucionar sus hijos y cuáles son las posibles secuelas en el desarrollo de los mismos. Desde Terapia Ocupacional, se pretende actuar en beneficio de esas afectaciones potenciando lo máximo posible sus capacidades y disminuyendo cualquier limitación en el desempeño fomentando así la inclusión en la sociedad. Objetivos: se propone una intervención centrada en el desarrollo de los factores personales y ambientales que pueden limitar la participación de niños y niñas nacidos prematuros, y la medición de su eficacia. Metodología: El programa de intervención tendrá una duración inicial de 10 sesiones y se trabajarán las habilidades de procesamiento, la volición, habituación, coordinación general, motricidad fina, y habilidades de interacción de los niños, así como la habilidad de promoción del desempeño del hijo/a en los padres. Para medir la eficacia de la intervención se utilizará el Perfil Inicial Ocupacional del Niño (SCOPE) y el Cuestionario de habilidades de promoción del desempeño para los padres (ad hoc). La selección de participantes se realizará con la colaboración de la Asociación de Prematuros de Aragón (ARAPREM). Palabras clave: "prematuridad", "terapia ocupacional", "atención temprana".<br /

    Molecular mechanisms of tungstate-induced pancreatic plasticity: a transcriptomics approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sodium tungstate is known to be an effective anti-diabetic agent, able to increase beta cell mass in animal models of diabetes, although the molecular mechanisms of this treatment and the genes that control pancreas plasticity are yet to be identified. Using a transcriptomics approach, the aim of the study is to unravel the molecular mechanisms which participate in the recovery of exocrine and endocrine function of streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats treated with tungstate, determining the hyperglycemia contribution and the direct effect of tungstate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats were treated orally with tungstate for five weeks. Treated (STZ)-diabetic rats showed a partial recovery of exocrine and endocrine function, with lower glycemia, increased insulinemia and amylasemia, and increased beta cell mass achieved by reducing beta cell apoptosis and raising beta cell proliferation. The microarray analysis of the pancreases led to the identification of three groups of differentially expressed genes: genes altered due to diabetes, genes restored by the treatment, and genes specifically induced by tungstate in the diabetic animals. The results were corroborated by quantitative PCR. A detailed description of the pathways involved in the pancreatic effects of tungstate is provided in this paper. Hyperglycemia contribution was studied in STZ-diabetic rats treated with phloridzin, and the direct effect of tungstate was determined in INS-1E cells treated with tungstate or serum from untreated or treated STZ-rats, observing that tungstate action in the pancreas takes places via hyperglycemia-independent pathways and via a combination of tungstate direct and indirect (through the serum profile modification) effects. Finally, the MAPK pathway was evaluated, observing that it has a key role in the tungstate-induced increase of beta cell proliferation as tungstate activates the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway directly by increasing p42/p44 phosphorylation and indirectly by decreasing the expression of raf kinase inhibitor protein (Rkip), a negative modulator of the pathway.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, tungstate improves pancreatic function through a combination of hyperglycemia-independent pathways and through its own direct and indirect effects, whereas the MAPK pathway has a key role in the tungstate-induced increase of beta cell proliferation.</p

    Co-administration of human MSC overexpressing HIF-1α increases human CD34+ cell engraftment in vivo

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    Background: Poor graft function or graft failure after allogeneic stem cell transplantation is an unmet medical need, in which mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) constitute an attractive potential therapeutic approach. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) overexpression in MSC (HIF-MSC) potentiates the angiogenic and immunomodulatory properties of these cells, so we hypothesized that co-transplantation of MSC-HIF with CD34+ human cord blood cells would also enhance hematopoietic stem cell engraftment and function both in vitro and in vivo. Methods: Human MSC were obtained from dental pulp. Lentiviral overexpression of HIF-1α was performed transducing cells with pWPI-green fluorescent protein (GFP) (MSC WT) or pWPI-HIF-1α-GFP (HIF-MSC) expression vectors. Human cord blood CD34+ cells were co-cultured with MSC WT or HIF-MSC (4:1) for 72 h. Then, viability (Annexin V and 7-AAD), cell cycle, ROS expression and immunophenotyping of key molecules involved in engraftment (CXCR4, CD34, ITGA4, c-KIT) were evaluated by flow cytometry in CD34+ cells. In addition, CD34+ cells clonal expansion was analyzed by clonogenic assays. Finally, in vivo engraftment was measured by flow cytometry 4-weeks after CD34+ cell transplantation with or without intrabone MSC WT or HIF-MSC in NOD/SCID mice. Results: We did not observe significant differences in viability, cell cycle and ROS expression between CD34+ cells co-cultured with MSC WT or HIF-MSC. Nevertheless, a significant increase in CD34, CXCR4 and ITGA4 expression (p = 0.009; p = 0.001; p = 0.013, respectively) was observed in CD34+ cells co-cultured with HIF-MSC compared to MSC WT. In addition, CD34+ cells cultured with HIF-MSC displayed a higher CFU-GM clonogenic potential than those cultured with MSC WT (p = 0.048). We also observed a significant increase in CD34+ cells engraftment ability when they were co-transplanted with HIF-MSC compared to CD34+ co-transplanted with MSC WT (p = 0.016) or alone (p = 0.015) in both the injected and contralateral femurs (p = 0.024, p = 0.008 respectively). Conclusions: Co-transplantation of human CD34+ cells with HIF-MSC enhances cell engraftment in vivo. This is probably due to the ability of HIF-MSC to increase clonogenic capacity of hematopoietic cells and to induce the expression of adhesion molecules involved in graft survival in the hematopoietic niche

    Two Distinctly HLA-Associated Contiguous Linear Epitopes Uniquely Expressed Within the Islet Antigen 2 Molecule Are Major Autoantibody Epitopes of the Diabetes-Specific Tyrosine Phosphatase-Like Protein Autoantigens

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    AbstractThe related tyrosine phosphatase-like proteins islet Ag (IA)-2 and IA-2β are autoantigens of type 1 diabetes in humans. Autoantibodies are predominantly against IA-2, and IA-2-specific epitopes are major autoantibody targets. We used the close homology of IA-2 and IA-2β to design chimeras and mutants to identify humoral IA-2-specific epitopes. Two major IA-2 epitopes that are absent from the related autoantigens IA-2β and IA-2Δ 13 splice variant ICA512.bdc were found contiguous to each other within IA-2 juxtamembrane amino acids 611–620 (epitope JM1) and 621–630 (epitope JM2). JM1 and JM2 are recognized by sera from 67% of patients with IA-2 Abs, and relatives of patients with type 1 diabetes having Abs to either JM epitope had a &gt;50% risk for developing type 1 diabetes within 6 years, even in the absence of diabetes-associated HLA genotypes. Remarkably, the presence of Abs to one of these two epitopes was mutually exclusive of the other; JM2 Abs and not JM1 Abs were found in relatives with HLA DR3/4, DR4/13, or DR1/4 genotypes; and the binding of autoantibodies to the JM2 epitope, but not the JM1 epitope, markedly affected proteolysis of IA-2. This is a unique demonstration of HLA-associated B cell responses to epitopes within a single autoantigen in humans and is consistent with modification of Ag processing by specific Ab-influencing peptide presentation by HLA molecules

    Molecular mechanisms of tungstate-induced pancreatic plasticity: A transcriptomics approach

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    Background: Sodium tungstate is known to be an effective anti-diabetic agent, able to increase beta cell mass in animal models of diabetes, although the molecular mechanisms of this treatment and the genes that control pancreas plasticity are yet to be identified. Using a transcriptomics approach, the aim of the study is to unravel the molecular mechanisms which participate in the recovery of exocrine and endocrine function of streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats treated with tungstate, determining the hyperglycemia contribution and the direct effect of tungstate. Results: Streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats were treated orally with tungstate for five weeks. Treated (STZ)-diabetic rats showed a partial recovery of exocrine and endocrine function, with lower glycemia, increased insulinemia and amylasemia, and increased beta cell mass achieved by reducing beta cell apoptosis and raising beta cell proliferation. The microarray analysis of the pancreases led to the identification of three groups of differentially expressed genes: genes altered due to diabetes, genes restored by the treatment, and genes specifically induced by tungstate in the diabetic animals. The results were corroborated by quantitative PCR. A detailed description of the pathways involved in the pancreatic effects of tungstate is provided in this paper. Hyperglycemia contribution was studied in STZ-diabetic rats treated with phloridzin, and the direct effect of tungstate was determined in INS-1E cells treated with tungstate or serum from untreated or treated STZ-rats, observing that tungstate action in the pancreas takes places via hyperglycemia-independent pathways and via a combination of tungstate direct and indirect (through the serum profile modification) effects. Finally, the MAPK pathway was evaluated, observing that it has a key role in the tungstate-induced increase of beta cell proliferation as tungstate activates the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway directly by increasing p42/p44 phosphorylation and indirectly by decreasing the expression of raf kinase inhibitor protein (Rkip), a negative modulator of the pathway. Conclusion: In conclusion, tungstate improves pancreatic function through a combination of hyperglycemia-independent pathways and through its own direct and indirect effects, whereas the MAPK pathway has a key role in the tungstate-induced increase of beta cell proliferation.Centro de Endocrinología Experimental y Aplicad

    Relationship between olive oil consumption and ankle-brachial pressure index in a population at high cardiovascular risk

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    Background and aims: The aim of this study was to ascertain the association between the consumption of different categories of edible olive oils (virgin olive oils and olive oil) and olive pomace oil and ankle-brachial pressure index (ABI) in participants in the PREDIMED-Plus study, a trial of lifestyle modification for weight and cardiovascular event reduction in individuals with overweight/obesity harboring the metabolic syndrome. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional analysis of the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Consumption of any category of olive oil and olive pomace oil was assessed through a validated food-frequency questionnaire. Multivariable linear regression models were fitted to assess associations between olive oil consumption and ABI. Additionally, ABI ≤1 was considered as the outcome in logistic models with different categories of olive oil and olive pomace oil as exposure. Results: Among 4330 participants, the highest quintile of total olive oil consumption (sum of all categories of olive oil and olive pomace oil) was associated with higher mean values of ABI (beta coefficient: 0.014, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.002, 0.027) (p for trend = 0.010). Logistic models comparing the consumption of different categories of olive oils, olive pomace oil and ABI ≤1 values revealed an inverse association between virgin olive oils consumption and the likelihood of a low ABI (odds ratio [OR] 0.73, 95% CI [0.56, 0.97]), while consumption of olive pomace oil was positively associated with a low ABI (OR 1.22 95% CI [1.00, 1.48]). Conclusions: In a Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk, total olive oil consumption was associated with a higher mean ABI. These results suggest that olive oil consumption may be beneficial for peripheral artery disease prevention, but longitudinal studies are needed

    How Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Pandemic Affect the Depression Symptomatology in Mediterranean Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome?

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    Background and Aims. To control the COVID-19 spread, in March 2020, a forced home lockdown was established in Spain. In the present study, we aimed to assess the effect of mobility and social COVID-19-established restrictions on depressive symptomatology in older adults with metabolic syndrome. We hypothesize that severe restrictions might have resulted in detrimental changes in depressive symptomatology. Methods. 2,312 PREDIMED-Plus study participants (men = 53:9%; mean age = 64:9±4:8 years) who completed a COVID-19 lockdown questionnaire to assess the severity of restrictions/lockdown and the validated Spanish version of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) during the three established phases concerning the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain (prelockdown, lockdown, and postlockdown) were included in this longitudinal analysis. Participants were categorized according to high or low lockdown severity. Analyses of covariance were performed to assess changes in depressive symptomatology across lockdown phases. Results. No significant differences in participant depression symptomatology changes were observed between lockdown severity categories (low/high) at the studied phases. During the lockdown phase, participants showed a decrease in BDI-II score compared to the prelockdown phase (mean (95% CI), -0.48 (-0.24, -0.72), P < 0:001); a nonsignificantly larger decrease was observed in participants allocated in the low-lockdown category (low: -0.59 (-0.95, -0.23), high: -0.43 (-0.67, -0.19)). Similar decreases in depression symptomatology were found for the physical environment dimension. The post- and prelockdown phase BDI-II scores were roughly similar. Conclusions. The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown was associated with a decrease in depressive symptomatology that returned to prelockdown levels after the lockdown. The degree of lockdown was not associated with depressive symptomatology. The potential preventive role of the physical environment and social interactions on mental disorders during forced home lockdown should be further studie

    Association Among Polyphenol Intake, Uric Acid, and Hyperuricemia: A CrossSectional Analysis in a Population at High Cardiovascular Risk

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    Dietary polyphenol intake has been associated with a decreased risk of hyperuricemia, but most of this knowledge comes from preclinical studies. The aim of the present study was to assess the association of the intake of different classes of polyphenols with serum uric acid and hyperuricemia. This cross- sectional analysis involved baseline data of 6332 participants. Food polyphenol con- tent was estimated by a validated semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire and from the Phenol-Explorer database. Multivariable-adjusted linear regression models with serum uric acid (milligrams per deciliter) as the outcome and polyphenol intake (quintiles) as the main independent variable were fitted. Cox regression models with constant follow-up time (t=1) were performed to estimate the prevalence ratios (PRs) of hyperuricemia (≥7 mg/dL in men and ≥6 mg/dL in women). An inverse association between the intake of the phenolic acid class (β coefficient, −0.17 mg/dL for quintile 5 versus quintile 1 [95% CI, −0.27 to −0.06]) and hydroxycinnamic acids (β coefficient, −0.19 [95% CI, −0.3 to −0.09]), alkylmethoxyphenols (β coefficient, −0.2 [95% CI, −0.31 to −0.1]), and methoxyphenols (β coefficient, −0.24 [95% CI, −0.34 to −0.13]) subclasses with serum uric acid levels and hyperuricemia (PR, 0.82 [95% CI, 0.71– 0.95]; PR, 0.82 [95% CI, 0.71– 0.95]; PR, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.70– 0.92]; and PR, 0.79 [95% CI, 0.69– 0.91]; respectively) was found. The intake of hydroxybenzoic acids was directly and significantly as- sociated with mean serum uric acid levels (β coefficient, 0.14 for quintile 5 versus quintile 1 [95% CI, 0.02– 0.26]) but not with hyperuricemia

    Ultra-processed foods consumption as a promoting factor of greenhouse gas emissions, water, energy, and land use: A longitudinal assessment

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    Background: Dietary patterns can produce an environmental impact. Changes in people's diet, such as the increased consumption of ultra-processed food (UPF) can not only influence human health but also environment sustainability. Objectives: Assessment of the impact of 2-year changes in UPF consumption on greenhouse gas emissions and water, energy and land use. Design A 2-year longitudinal study after a dietary intervention including 5879 participants from a Southern European population between the ages of 55-75 years with metabolic syndrome. Methods Food intake was assessed using a validated 143-item food frequency questionnaire, which allowed classifying foods according to the NOVA system. In addition, sociodemographic data, Mediterranean diet adherence, and physical activity were obtained from validated questionnaires. Greenhouse gas emissions, water, energy and land use were calculated by means of the Agribalyse® 3.0.1 database of environmental impact indicators for food items. Changes in UPF consumption during a 2-year period were analyzed. Statistical analyses were conducted using computed General Linear Models. Results: Participants with major reductions in their UPF consumption reduced their impact by −0.6 kg of CO2eq and −5.3 MJ of energy. Water use was the only factor that increased as the percentage of UPF was reduced. Conclusions: Low consumption of ultra-processed foods may contribute to environmental sustainability. The processing level of the consumed food should be considered not only for nutritional advice on health but also for environmental protection