42 research outputs found

    Associations of anthropometric measures on breast cancer risk in pre- and postmenopausal women : a case-control study

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    Background: The type of silhouette and quantity of fat tissue are correlated with hormonal imbalance which plays a substantial role in breast carcinogenesis. The goal of the study was to investigate the association between various anthropometric characteristics and breast cancer risk. Methods: Detailed anthropometric assessment was conducted on 487 women of whom 193 had diagnosed breast cancer and were consecutive patients in the Oncology Center, Cracow, Poland between 2002 and 2004. Measurements were divided into four categories: overall body size (body mass index [BMI], waist circumference [WC], waist-hip ratio [WHR]), regional body sizes (skinfold thicknesses, circumferences), thickness of the skeleton (widths, chest diameters), and body proportions. Additionally, results were analyzed in regar, to menopausal status. Differences between groups were assessed using Student’s t test and Mann-Whitney’s test. Models of logistic regression for selected data were built to estimate the odds ratio. Results were considered statistically significant when the P value was less than 0.05. Results: The BMI in both groups was negatively associated with the risk of cancer. Among premenopausal women, WHR increased the risk of breast cancer (WHR > 0.83, OR, 2.72; 95 % CI, 1.01-7.27). Anthropometric indices of hip-to-shoulder ratio in postmenopausal (≥84.2 mm, OR, 0.02; 95 % CI, 0.01-0.11) and trunk-to-height ratio in both premenopausal women (≥32.76, OR, 0.09; 95 % CI, 0.03-0.28) and postmenopausal women (≥32.76, OR, 0.13; 95 % CI, 0.05-0.33) were strongly related to a decreased risk of breast cancer. Thicknesses of the triceps and subscapular skinfolds increased the risk of breast cancer. Conclusions: Women with breast cancer present with an obese type of silhouette with a specific concentration of fat tissue in the central and upper parts of the body

    Konferencja naukowa „Książka i biblioteka w procesie komunikacji społecznej. W setną rocznicę urodzin Profesora Karola Głombiowskiego” (Wrocław, 4–6 grudnia 2013 r.)

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    On 4th–6th December, 2013 a conference devoted to the role of books and libraries in the system of social communication was held in Wrocław. The meeting was organized by the Institute of Information and Library Science at University of Wrocław. The conference’s title explicitly refers to the works of Karol Głombiowski published in 1980; it was the organizers’ intention to commemorate the centenary of Professor’s birth. The event was an opportunity to discuss questions asked by Professor Głombiowski on the role the book plays in modern means of communication, as well as examine the impact of evolving communication models of library activities. The  article summarizes the conference and presents information on delivered papers.W dniach 4–6 grudnia 2013 r. we Wrocławiu odbywała się zorganizowana przez Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego konferencja naukowa poświęcona roli książki i biblioteki w systemie komunikacji społecznej. Tytuł konferencji jednoznacznie nawiązywał do dzieła Karola Głombiowskiego wydanego w 1980 r., bowiem intencją organizatorów było upamiętnienie setnej rocznicy urodzin Profesora. Obrady stały się okazją do przypomnienia stawianych przez niego pytań oraz zastanowienia się nad miejscem, jakie zajmuje książka wśród współczesnych środków przekazu, a także rozpatrzenia wpływu ewoluujących modeli komunikacyjnych na działalność bibliotek. Artykuł podsumowuje konferencję i prezentuje informacje na temat wygłoszonych w jej ramach wystąpień

    Kardiomiopatia z niescalenia mięśnia lewej komory

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    Non-compaction cardiomyopathy is a rare genetic condition and may occur either in a familial form or in a sporadic form. It is characterized by excessive trabeculation and occurrence of deep intertrabecular recesses. Usually the diagnosis is made during an accidental echocardiography or during the screening process of the family members. Although there is no gold standard for the diagnosis, Jenni et al. criteria used during echocardiography examination are the most common. Treatment is based on suppressing the progression of heart failure, thromboembolism prevention and dealing with arrhythmias. Moreover, patients have often cardioverter-defibrillator implanted and they are enrolled on the heart transplant list.Kardiomiopatia z niescalenia jest niezwykle rzadko spotykaną odmianą kardiomiopatii uwarunkowanej genetycznie i występującej zarówno rodzinnie, jak i sporadycznie. Polega ona na nadmiernym beleczkowaniu oraz na występowaniu głębokich zachyłków pomiędzy tymi beleczkami. Najczęściej wykrywana jest zupełnie przypadkowo w trakcie echokardiografii lub podczas screeningu członków rodziny. Choć nie ma złotych standardów diagnostyki kardiomiopatii z niescalenia, to najszerzej na świecie stosowane są kryteria Jenni i wsp. podczas badania echokardiograficznego. Leczenie tej kardiomiopatii opiera się głównie na spowalnianiu progresji niewydolności serca, na profilaktyce przeciwzakrzepowej oraz na leczeniu zaburzeń rytmu serca. U niektórych grup pacjentów wskazane jest również wszczepienie kardiowertera-defibrylatora, a nawet należy rozważyć przeszczepienie serca

    Metamizole relieves pain by influencing cytokine levels in dorsal root ganglia in a rat model of neuropathic pain

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    Background Treatment of neuropathic pain is still challenging. Recent studies have suggested that dorsal root ganglia (DRG), which carry sensory neural signals from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system, are important for pathological nociception. A proper understanding of the significance and function of DRG and their role in pharmacotherapy can help to improve the treatment of neuropathic pain. Metamizole, also known as sulpyrine or dipyrone, is a non-opioid analgesic commonly used in clinical practice, but it is not used for neuropathic pain treatment. Methods Chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve was induced in Wistar rats. Metamizole was administered intraperitoneally (ip) preemptively at 16 and 1 h before CCI and then twice a day for 7 days. To evaluate tactile and thermal hypersensitivity, von Frey and cold plate tests were conducted, respectively. Results Our behavioral results provide evidence that repeated intraperitoneal administration of metamizole diminishes the development of neuropathic pain symptoms in rats. Simultaneously, our findings provide evidence that metamizole diminishes the expression of pronociceptive interleukins (IL-1beta, IL-6, and IL-18) and chemokines (CCL2, CCL4, and CCL7) in DRG measured 7 days after sciatic nerve injury. These assays indicate, for the first time, that metamizole exerts antinociceptive effects on nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain at the DRG level. Conclusions Finally, we indicate that metamizole-induced analgesia in neuropathy is associated with silencing of a broad spectrum of cytokines in DRG. Our results also suggest that metamizole is likely to be an effective medication for neuropathic pain

    Dzieci sieci 2.0

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    S\u142owa kluczowe: kompetencje komunikacyjne m\u142odzie\u17cy, edukacja medialna - gimnazjum, szkolne programy nauczania, netnografia, internet a uczniowie gimnazj\uf3

    Dzieci sieci 2.0. Kompetencje komunikacyjne młodych

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    Monografia, którą oddajemy w Państwa ręce, jest efektem drugiego już projektu badawczego realizowanego pod szyldem Dzieci sieci. Raport to wynik ośmiomiesięcznej pracy dziesięcioosobowego zespołu badaczek i badaczy, którzy zajęli się tematem kompetencji komunikacyjnych związanych z korzystaniem z internetu uczniów na trzecim etapie edukacyjnym. Celem projektu była diagnoza owych umiejętności oraz określenie stanu działań odnoszących się do omawianych kompetencji w zakresie edukacji prowadzonej w ramach formalnego systemu kształcenia. Zadanie Dzieci Sieci – kompetencje komunikacyjne młodych realizował Ośrodek Badań i Analiz Społecznych wspólnie z Instytutem Kultury Miejskiej w Gdańsku, a finansowało Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Omawiany projekt otrzymał dofinansowanie w programie Obserwatorium kultury, a działania badawcze trwały od marca do grudnia 2013 roku. Koordynatorem projektu jest Piotr Siuda, jego asystentem Grzegorz D. Stunża. W skład zespołu badawczego weszli również: Anna Justyna Dąbrowska, Marta Klimowicz, Emanuel Kulczycki, Damian Muszyński, Renata Piotrowska, Ewa Rozkosz, Marcin Sieńko oraz Krzysztof Stachura.Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego

    Wirtualne serwisy informacyjne w bibliotekach naukowych

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    The article presents the definition of virtual reference service and guidelines of implementing and maintaining reference services (preparing for virtual reference service, provision of service, organization of service, privacy). Advantages and disadvantages of services which allow patrons and librarians to communicate are reported. Web sites of American, European and Polish academic libraries are explored and several methods of providing reference assistance are presented

    Wykorzystanie oferty edukacyjnej biblioteki szkolnej przez nauczycieli przedmiotowych — wyniki sondażu

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     USE OF EDUCATIONAL RES OURCES OF SCHOOL LIBRARIES BY TEACHERS OF VARIOUS SUBJECTS — RESULTS OF A SURVEYThe author of the paper discusses cooperation between teachers of various subjects and school librarians. She stresses that from the point of view of developing information literacy, such cooperation translates into development of the pupils’ skills. She points to the recommendations of American librarian societies in this respect Information Power. Guidelines for School Library Media Programs and Information Power. Building partnerships for learning as well as Polish ministerial recommendations annex to Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z 27 sierpnia 2012 r. w sprawie podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego oraz kształcenia ogólnego w poszczególnych typach szkół [Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 27 August 2012 on the core curriculum for kindergartens and general education in various types of schools]. At the same time the author’s analysis of the curricula for various subjects in Poland in the second half of the 20th century demonstrates that the problem was marginalised with the exception of Polish language curricula. The aim of the author’s study was to establish whether teachers of selected subjects used the potential of school libraries in line with the ministerial recommendations. In addition, the author was looking for a link between the type of the subject taught at school and use of educational resources of the school library. The author discusses the results of her diagnostic survey N=244. The statistical conclusions are based on the results of chisquared tests. The results show unequivocally that teachers of Polish are statistically more likely, than teachers of other subjects included in the study, to use the educational resources of the school library, to suggest that they should be expanded and to collaborate with the librarian. USE OF EDUCATIONAL RES OURCES OF SCHOOL LIBRARIES BY TEACHERS OF VARIOUS SUBJECTS — RESULTS OF A SURVEYThe author of the paper discusses cooperation between teachers of various subjects and school librarians. She stresses that from the point of view of developing information literacy, such cooperation translates into development of the pupils’ skills. She points to the recommendations of American librarian societies in this respect Information Power. Guidelines for School Library Media Programs and Information Power. Building partnerships for learning as well as Polish ministerial recommendations annex to Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z 27 sierpnia 2012 r. w sprawie podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego oraz kształcenia ogólnego w poszczególnych typach szkół [Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 27 August 2012 on the core curriculum for kindergartens and general education in various types of schools]. At the same time the author’s analysis of the curricula for various subjects in Poland in the second half of the 20th century demonstrates that the problem was marginalised with the exception of Polish language curricula. The aim of the author’s study was to establish whether teachers of selected subjects used the potential of school libraries in line with the ministerial recommendations. In addition, the author was looking for a link between the type of the subject taught at school and use of educational resources of the school library. The author discusses the results of her diagnostic survey N=244. The statistical conclusions are based on the results of chisquared tests. The results show unequivocally that teachers of Polish are statistically more likely, than teachers of other subjects included in the study, to use the educational resources of the school library, to suggest that they should be expanded and to collaborate with the librarian

    Biblioteki w Stambule

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