807 research outputs found

    La promotion du patient comme partenaire de soin:: interventions infirmières : travail de Bachelor

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    Introduction : La relation infirmière-patient est une base fondamentale de la profession infirmière. Cependant, la place du patient n’a pas toujours été la même au cours de ces dernières années. L’approche du patient partenaire apporte une nouvelle vision de soins où l’on considère le patient comme un expert. Les soins qui lui sont prodigués sont les fruits de processus décisionnels partagés. La théorie de l’Human Caring de J. Watson a été utilisé comme ancrage disciplinaire dans ce travail. Méthodologie : Cette revue de littérature est basée sur l’analyse de six articles scientifiques sélectionnés dans les bases de données PubMed et Cinahl. La consultation des bases de données a été effectuée en sélectionnant l’option « All Fields ». Différents filtres ont été utilisés pour restreindre les recherches : Publication de moins de cinq ans, articles disponibles au complet (FULL), population adulte, filtres de langue : anglais, français, portugais, italien. Les critères d’exclusion concernaient essentiellement : la mauvaise population, le milieu de soin extra hospitalier et les articles ayant peu de lien ou ne traitant pas d’un sujet en rapport avec le patient partenaire

    Artificial Intelligence, Technostress and Work Outcomes in Healthcare: A Power Perspective on AI Characteristics

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for complex decision-making. However, little is known about how AI-based systems should be integrated into clinical practice to improve patient and provider outcomes. We argue that AI-based systems are no longer passive tools and can assume certain responsibilities for tasks. A novel aspect of our study is the exploration of the power relationship between AI and physicians, which can significantly impact medical care. Therefore, we aim to shed light on how configurations of power in AI interactions influence technostress and work outcomes. We outline a lab-in-the-field experiment on diagnosis and reporting by physicians using AI. Our study aims to uncover (1) the differential effects of power configurations in AI on physicians’ positive and negative technostress levels, and (2) their psychological and behavioral outcomes. We aim to contribute to information systems research and practice by highlighting the power implications of AI

    A blended learning approach for teaching thoracic radiology to medical students: a proof-of-concept study

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    IntroductionThe best way to impart knowledge to medical students is still unclear. Therefore, we designed a blended learning course in thoracic radiology including both “traditional” in-class time as well as online learning modules. The aims were (1) to investigate students’ attitudes toward this blended learning approach; and (2) to test whether it improved their knowledge about thoracic radiology.MethodsA prospective study was conducted at the local medical center; 156 fourth-year medical students completed this study. Before and after the course, students had to complete (1) questionnaires to investigate their attitudes (7-point Likert scale); and (2) an objective test to assess their knowledge (multiple-choice/free text questions; results as % of correct answers).ResultsRegarding (1), the course led to an improvement in all items compared to baseline, exemplary: interest in thoracic radiology (precourse 4.2 vs. 5.4 postcourse) and the fulfillment of students’ expressed requirements regarding the teaching content (4.5 precourse vs. 6.2 postcourse). Furthermore, the great majority (88%) of our participants wished for more online learning offerings in the future. Regarding (2), the course led to improved knowledge on the objective test (precourse: 40% vs. postcourse: 63% correct answers).ConclusionThis feasibility study showed the successful design and implementation of a blended learning approach in thoracic radiology. Furthermore, it revealed medical students’ positive attitudes toward this approach and showed an increased knowledge in thoracic radiology. Thus, such approaches might be used to enrich the teaching armamentarium in medical education and to further enhance interest and knowledge in thoracic diseases among medical students

    Computer-aided imaging analysis in acute ischemic stroke – background and clinical applications

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    Tools for medical image analysis have been developed to reduce the time needed to detect abnormalities and to provide more accurate results. Particularly, tools based on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques have led to significant improvements in medical imaging interpretation in the last decade. Automatic evaluation of acute ischemic stroke in medical imaging is one of the fields that witnessed a major development. Commercially available products so far aim to identify (and quantify) the ischemic core, the ischemic penumbra, the site of arterial occlusion and the collateral flow but they are not (yet) intended as standalone diagnostic tools. Their use can be complementary; they are intended to support physicians’ interpretation of medical images and hence standardise selection of patients for acute treatment. This review provides an introduction into the field of computer-aided diagnosis and focuses on the automatic analysis of non-contrast-enhanced computed tomography, computed tomography angiography and perfusion imaging. Future studies are necessary that allow the evaluation and comparison of different imaging strategies and post-processing algorithms during the diagnosis process in patients with suspected acute ischemic stroke; which may further facilitate the standardisation of treatment and stroke management

    Comportamento dinâmico do sistema fruto-pedúnculo-ramo do cafeeiro, usando método de elementos finitos estocástico

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    The development of an efficient machine for harvesting coffee requires comprehensive knowledge of the dynamic behavior of the plant and its parts. The finite element method is a numerical approach used to determine natural frequencies and mode shapes. However, the stochastic finite element method has not been employed for the analysis of the dynamic behavior of coffee. The aim is to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes for the coffee fruit-stem-branch system. The natural frequencies and the mode shapes were determined by employing the stochastic finite element method, in which the elastic modulus and the specific mass were treated as random variables, and the variation in the natural frequency was obtained as a function of the variability of these properties. The natural frequencies were reduced according to the evolution of the ripening process of the fruit and stem or due to the increase in the total weight of the system due to an increase in the number of fruits attached to the stem. The natural frequencies increased with an increase in the elastic modulus or with a reduction in the specific mass.O desenvolvimento de máquinas eficientes para a colheita do cafeeiro exige conhecimentos sólidos sobre o comportamento dinâmico da planta. O método de elementos finitos é uma ferramenta numérica utilizada para determinar frequências naturais e modos de vibração. Porém não se tem empregado o método de elementos finitos estocástico para análise do comportamento dinâmico do cafeeiro. Assim, objetivou-se neste trabalho determinar as frequências naturais e modos de  vibração do sistema fruto-pedúnculo-ramo do cafeeiro. Foram determinadas as frequências naturais e os modos de vibração  empregando-se o método de elementos finitos estocástico, em que o módulo de elasticidade e a massa específica dos frutos, pedúnculo e ramos foram tratados como variáveis aleatórias, obtendo-se a variação das frequências naturais em função da variabilidade destas propriedades. As frequências naturais reduziram na medida em que se evolui o estádio de maturação dos frutos e pedúnculos ou se aumenta a massa total do sistema, dado pelo aumento do número de frutos solidários ao pedúnculo. As frequências naturais aumentaram na medida em que se elevou o módulo de elasticidade ou se reduziu a massa específica dos frutos, pedúnculos e ramos

    Influence of constructive profiles on the generation of construction waste in construction in the Northeast

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    The construction sector is one of the main modifiers of the environment, since in its activities there is, essentially, the exploitation of natural resources, generating a large amount of waste. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of management parameters (term, contracting and costs) and constructive parameters (building standard, type of foundation and type of masonry) in the generation of construction waste. The methodology consisted of the following steps: definition of the parameters to be analyzed for the generation of waste in 15 works; data collection and processing and, finally, data dispersion analysis through the boxplot. The class was predominant A waste, 89.2% of the total generated; among class B waste, gypsum is more prominent, with 55% of the waste generated; in class C the mixed materials are predominant, with 64%. Regarding the analyzed parameters, the ones that contributed the most to the generation of civil construction waste (CCW) were: high work pattern (48%); incorporation hiring regime (58%); intermediate execution time between 36 and 45 months (49%); the foundation of the shoe type (36%); sealing masonry with ceramic blocks in the peripheries and gypsum blocks internally (58%)

    Characterization of essential oil and effects on growth of Verbena gratissima plants treated with homeopathic phosphorus.

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    Plant models offer a method to examine the efficacy of homeopathic solutions. Homeopathic Phosphorus (P) dynamizations were evaluated on the linear growth and dry biomass of Verbena gratissima, a plant native to Brazil. The yields and chemical characterization of the essential oil are also given. Plants exhibited phenotypic plasticity after the homeopathic Phosphorus treatments. The dynamization 9CH, in particular, interfered with plant growth, height, diameter of stems and total dry mass. 9CH treatment showed the highest yield of essential oil. The essential oil composition of V. gratissima varied according to the different dynamization used. Homeopathic Phosphorus provided the greatest amount of β-pinene, trans-pinocarveol, trans-pinocamphone and trans-pinocarvyl acetate in comparison with controls