2,632 research outputs found

    Run-time Support to Manage Architectural Variability Speci ed with CVL

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    The execution context in which pervasive systems or mobile computing run changes continuously. Hence, applications for these systems should be adapted at run-time according to the current context. In order to implement a context-aware dynamic reconfiguration service, most approaches usually require to model at design-time both the list of all possible configurations and the plans to switch among them. In this paper we present an alternative approach for the automatic run-time generation of application configurations and the reconfiguration plans. The generated configurations are optimal regarding di erent criteria, such as functionality or resource consumption (e.g. battery or memory). This is achieved by: (1) modelling architectural variability at design-time using Common Variability Language (CVL), and (2) using a genetic algorithm that finds at run-time nearly-optimal configurations using the information provided by the variability model. We also specify a case study and we use it to evaluate our approach, showing that it is efficient and suitable for devices with scarce resources.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech y proyectos de investigación TIN2008-01942, P09-TIC-5231 and INTER-TRUST FP7-317731

    The impact of the international treaties on tax law on the Brazilian law

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os principais aspectos a respeito do tratamento oferecido aos tratados internacionais em matéria tributária no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Para tal, o artigo analisa as características desses tratados enquanto fonte de direito internacional, seu posicionamento hierárquico perante a constituição federal e legislação infraconstitucional, bem como a jurisprudência mais relevante a respeito da matéria. Ao final, pretende-se demonstrar que, nos casos específicos sobre os quais tais instrumentos versarem, estes prevalecem sobre o ordenamento interno em razão do princípio da autolimitação da soberania no tocante à imposição tributária.The following article presents the main aspects of the interaction between tax treaties and national law within the brazilian legal system. The article analyses the characteristics of such treaties as sources of international law, their hierarchy before the constitution and legislation, as well as the relevant jurisprudence on the subject. The article aims at demonstrating that, regarding the specific situations addressed in its body, the tax treaty takes precedence over the national law, based on the principle of selflimitation of taxation power

    Modeling a complex production line using virtual cells

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    This chapter presents modeling and simulation of a complex multistage multiproduct production line with four closed loop networks configuration, which also act as a virtual cell. This allows for a greater understanding of the functions within the production line through the simplification of the production flow with the addition of buffers between the cells. Virtual cells are crucial in this instance due to the dynamic configuration, which could help production system designers in optimizing the complex configuration of production

    Coral Unila (Todocanto)

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    VII Seminário de Extensão Universitária da UNILA (SEUNI); VIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica e IV Encontro de Iniciação em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação (EICTI 2019) e Seminário de Atividades Formativas da UNILA (SAFOR)El objetivo del resumen expandido es realizar una breve contextualización del coro de la UNILA. Tratándose de una agrupación vocal con fines de integración social y creación de nuevos focos de difusión cultural dentro de la ciudad, el coro se presenta desde su creación en diversos encuentros internacionales de coros, congresos científicos y actividades culturales. El coro reúne estudiantes y técnicos de la UNILA, además de miembros de la comunidad en general. Se realizan prácticas generales y grupales con cada naipe, con el objetivo de enseñar de la forma más didáctica posible el dominio de diversas técnicas y texturas vocales, aplicadas a un repertorio creciente de piezas eruditas y populares. De esta forma, la música vocal se usa como factor fundamental de socialización, pedagogía y difusión culturalAgradezco a la Universidad Federal de la Integración Latinoamericana (UNILA), responsable por otorgarme la beca de bolsista en el Coro. Ese incentivo financiero me permite crecer y mejorar no sólo como intérprete vocal, en lo cual se basa mi formación, sino también como pedagoga y profesional de la vo

    Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi action of a new benzofuran derivative based on amiodarone structure

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    Chagas disease is a neglected tropical affection caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. There is no current effective treatment since the only two available drugs have a limited efficacy and produce side effects. Thus, investigation efforts have been directed to the identification of new drug leads. In this context, Ca2+ regulating mechanisms have been postulated as targets for antiparasitic compounds, since they present paramount differences when compared to host cells. Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic with demonstrated trypanocidal activity acting through the disruption of the parasite intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. We now report the effect of a benzofuran derivative based on the structure of amiodarone on T. cruzi. This derivative was able to inhibit the growth of epimastigotes in culture and of amastigotes inside infected cells, the clinically relevant phase. We also show that this compound, similarly to amiodarone, disrupts Ca2+ homeostasis in T. cruzi epimastigotes, via two organelles involved in the intracellular Ca2+ regulation and the bioenergetics of the parasite. We demonstrate that the benzofuran derivative was able to totally collapse the membrane potential of the unique giant mitochondrion of the parasite and simultaneously produced the alkalinization of the acidocalcisomes. Both effects are evidenced by a large increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration of T. cruzi.Fil: Pinto Martinez, Andrea. instituto de Estudios Avanzados; VenezuelaFil: Hernández Rodríguez, Vanessa. instituto de Estudios Avanzados; VenezuelaFil: Rodríguez Durán, Jessica Jenireth. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. instituto de Estudios Avanzados; VenezuelaFil: Hejchman, Elżbieta. Medical University of Warsaw; PoloniaFil: Benaim, Gustavo. Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuel

    A compressed sensing approach to block-iterative equalization: connections and applications to radar imaging reconstruction

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    The widespread of underdetermined systems has brought forth a variety of new algorithmic solutions, which capitalize on the Compressed Sensing (CS) of sparse data. While well known greedy or iterative threshold type of CS recursions take the form of an adaptive filter followed by a proximal operator, this is no different in spirit from the role of block iterative decision-feedback equalizers (BI-DFE), where structure is roughly exploited by the signal constellation slicer. By taking advantage of the intrinsic sparsity of signal modulations in a communications scenario, the concept of interblock interference (IBI) can be approached more cunningly in light of CS concepts, whereby the optimal feedback of detected symbols is devised adaptively. The new DFE takes the form of a more efficient re-estimation scheme, proposed under recursive-least-squares based adaptations. Whenever suitable, these recursions are derived under a reduced-complexity, widely-linear formulation, which further reduces the minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) in comparison with traditional strictly-linear approaches. Besides maximizing system throughput, the new algorithms exhibit significantly higher performance when compared to existing methods. Our reasoning will also show that a properly formulated BI-DFE turns out to be a powerful CS algorithm itself. A new algorithm, referred to as CS-Block DFE (CS-BDFE) exhibits improved convergence and detection when compared to first order methods, thus outperforming the state-of-the-art Complex Approximate Message Passing (CAMP) recursions. The merits of the new recursions are illustrated under a novel 3D MIMO Radar formulation, where the CAMP algorithm is shown to fail with respect to important performance measures.A proliferação de sistemas sub-determinados trouxe a tona uma gama de novas soluções algorítmicas, baseadas no sensoriamento compressivo (CS) de dados esparsos. As recursões do tipo greedy e de limitação iterativa para CS se apresentam comumente como um filtro adaptativo seguido de um operador proximal, não muito diferente dos equalizadores de realimentação de decisão iterativos em blocos (BI-DFE), em que um decisor explora a estrutura do sinal de constelação. A partir da esparsidade intrínseca presente na modulação de sinais no contexto de comunicações, a interferência entre blocos (IBI) pode ser abordada utilizando-se o conceito de CS, onde a realimentação ótima de símbolos detectados é realizada de forma adaptativa. O novo DFE se apresenta como um esquema mais eficiente de reestimação, baseado na atualização por mínimos quadrados recursivos (RLS). Sempre que possível estas recursões são propostas via formulação linear no sentido amplo, o que reduz ainda mais o erro médio quadrático mínimo (MMSE) em comparação com abordagens tradicionais. Além de maximizar a taxa de transferência de informação, o novo algoritmo exibe um desempenho significativamente superior quando comparado aos métodos existentes. Também mostraremos que um equalizador BI-DFE formulado adequadamente se torna um poderoso algoritmo de CS. O novo algoritmo CS-BDFE apresenta convergência e detecção aprimoradas, quando comparado a métodos de primeira ordem, superando as recursões de Passagem de Mensagem Aproximada para Complexos (CAMP). Os méritos das novas recursões são ilustrados através de um modelo tridimensional para radares MIMO recentemente proposto, onde o algoritmo CAMP falha em aspectos importantes de medidas de desempenho

    We Don't Need Another Hero? The Impact of "Heroes" on Software Development

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    A software project has "Hero Developers" when 80% of contributions are delivered by 20% of the developers. Are such heroes a good idea? Are too many heroes bad for software quality? Is it better to have more/less heroes for different kinds of projects? To answer these questions, we studied 661 open source projects from Public open source software (OSS) Github and 171 projects from an Enterprise Github. We find that hero projects are very common. In fact, as projects grow in size, nearly all project become hero projects. These findings motivated us to look more closely at the effects of heroes on software development. Analysis shows that the frequency to close issues and bugs are not significantly affected by the presence of project type (Public or Enterprise). Similarly, the time needed to resolve an issue/bug/enhancement is not affected by heroes or project type. This is a surprising result since, before looking at the data, we expected that increasing heroes on a project will slow down howfast that project reacts to change. However, we do find a statistically significant association between heroes, project types, and enhancement resolution rates. Heroes do not affect enhancement resolution rates in Public projects. However, in Enterprise projects, the more heroes increase the rate at which project complete enhancements. In summary, our empirical results call for a revision of a long-held truism in software engineering. Software heroes are far more common and valuable than suggested by the literature, particularly for medium to large Enterprise developments. Organizations should reflect on better ways to find and retain more of these heroesComment: 8 pages + 1 references, Accepted to International conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Practice, 201