73 research outputs found

    Evaluation of work environment factors in a forest nursery activities from Curvelo, Minas Gerais

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e avaliar os fatores do ambiente de trabalho em atividades de um viveiro de propagação de mudas clonais de Eucalyptus spp., visando à melhoria da saúde, do bem-estar, da segurança, do conforto e da produtividade dos trabalhadores envolvidos nessa atividade. A caracterização dos fatores do ambiente de trabalho – sensações térmicas (temperatura, umidade e velocidade do vento), ruído e luminosidade – foram obtidos através da observação direta da unidade de trabalho e aferição de agentes físicos, sendo avaliados os setores de lavagem e desinfecção de tubetes e bandejas, embandejamento e enchimento de tubetes, preparo de substrato, jardim clonal, estaqueamento, casa de vegetação, casa de sombra e crescimento a céu aberto. Das atividades avaliadas, as que se apresentam em níveis inadequados, com limites acima do permitido, correspondem a casa de vegetação (temperatura e umidade), jardim clonal e crescimento a céu aberto (luminosidade), preparo de substrato e enchimento de tubetes (ruído) e velocidade do vento (atividades a céu aberto).Palavras-chave: Ergonomia; condições de trabalho; produção de mudas. AbstractEvaluation of work environment factors in a forest nursery activities from Curvelo, Minas Gerais. The objective of this study is to characterize and evaluate factors of work environment in a nursery for clonal propagation of Eucalyptus spp., in order to improve health, welfare, safety, comfort and productivity of the workers involved in such activity. Factors characterized in work environment: thermal sensations (temperature, humidity and wind speed), noise and light were obtained by direct observation of the work unit and measurement of physical agents, it was evaluated sectors of cleaning and disinfection of tubes and trays, tubes and filling boxing, substrate preparation, clonal garden, staking, greenhouse, shade and growth in the open. Evaluated activities that present inadequate levels, surpassing the allowed limits are as follows: the greenhouse (temperature and humidity); garden and clonal growth in the open (light) substrate preparation and filling of tubes (noise) and speed wind (open activities).Keywords: Ergonomics; working conditions; production of seedlings.The objective of this study is to characterize and evaluate factors of work environment in a nursery for clonal propagation of Eucalyptus spp., in order to improve health, welfare, safety, comfort and productivity of the workers involved in such activity. Factors characterized in work environment: thermal sensations (temperature, humidity and wind speed), noise and light were obtained by direct observation of the work unit and measurement of physical agents, it was evaluated sectors of cleaning and disinfection of tubes and trays, tubes and filling boxing, substrate preparation, clonal garden, staking, greenhouse, shade and growth in the open. Evaluated activities that present inadequate levels, surpassing the allowed limits are as follows: the greenhouse (temperature and humidity); garden and clonal growth in the open (light) substrate preparation and filling of tubes (noise) and speed wind (open activities)

    Cystic adenomatoid malformations are induced by localized FGF10 overexpression in fetal rat lung

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    Fibroblast growth factor-10 (FGF10) is a mesenchymal growth factor, involved in epithelial and mesenchymal interactions during lung branching morphogenesis. In the present work, FGF10 overexpression was transiently induced in a temporally and spatially restricted manner, during the pseudoglandular or canalicular stages of rat lung development, by trans-uterine ultrasound-guided intraparenchymal microinjections of adenoviral vector encoding the rfgf10 transgene. The morphologic and histologic classification of the resulting malformations were dependent upon developmental stage and location. Overexpression of FGF10 restricted to the proximal tracheobronchial tree during the pseudoglandular phase resulted in large cysts lined by tall columnar epithelium composed primarily of Clara cells with a paucity of Type II pneumocytes, resembling bronchiolar type epithelium. In contrast, FGF10 overexpression in the distal lung parenchyma during the canalicular phase resulted in small cysts lined by cuboidal epithelial cells composed of primarily Type II pneumocytes resembling acinar epithelial differentiation. The cystic malformations induced by FGF10 overexpression appear to closely recapitulate the morphology and histology of the spectrum of human congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM). These findings support a role for FGF10 in the induction of human CCAM and provide further mechanistic insight into the role of FGF10 in normal and abnormal lung development.This project was in part funded by proceeds from the Ruth and Tristram C. Colket Jr. Chair in Pediatric Surgery (A.W.F.), and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (POCI/SAUOBS/56428/2004). S.G. was supported by FCT grant ref. SFRH/BD/15260/2004

    Targeted gene transfer to fetal rat lung interstitium by ultrasound-guided intrapulmonary injection

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    In utero gene transfer to the developing lung may have clinical or research applications. In this study, we developed a new method for specifically targeting the fetal rat lung with adeno and lentiviral vectors encoding the enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) marker gene at E15.5 using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). Survival rate, morphometric parameters, viral biodistribution, and lung transduction efficiency were analyzed and compared to the intra-amniotic route of administration. Expression of EGFP started as early as 24 and 72 h after the injection of adenoviral and lentiviral vectors, respectively. Both vectors transduced lung parenchyma with gene expression limited to interstitial cells of the injected region, in contrast to intra-amniotic injection, which targeted the pulmonary epithelium. Expression of EGFP was most intense at E18.5 and E21.5 for adenoviral and lentiviral vectors, respectively. In contrast to lentivirus, adenoviral expression significantly declined until final analysis at 1 week of age. This study demonstrates the feasibility of targeting the fetal rat lung interstitium with viral vectors under UBM guidance during the pseudoglandular stage. This model system may facilitate in vivo studies of dynamic lung morphogenesis and could provide insight into the efficacy of prenatal gene transfer strategies for treatment of specific lung disorders.FCT Grant (SFRH/BD/15260/2004) on behalf of the FCT Grant POCI/SAU-OBS/56428/200

    Synthesis of esters derived from [4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-[1,2,3]triazol-1-yl]-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranose

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    The synthesis of six novel esters containing a triazole ring and an acetylated glucose residue are presentedFCT and FEDER, for National NMR Network (Bruker Avance II 400). We are also grateful for research grant VZ MSMT-0021627501, Czech Republi

    Synthesis of esters derived from [4-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-[1,2,3]triazol-1-YL-2,3,4,6-tetra-o-acetylglucopyranose

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    2,3,4-Tri-O-benzyl-alpha-D-methylglucoside was prepared and reacted with several acids: benzoic, phenylacetic, 2-(3-bromo-propoxy)-benzoic, acetylsalicylic and 4-(toluene-4-sulfonylamino)-benzoic. The products were isolated with low to fair yields and fully characterized by usual analytical techniquesFundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and FEDER, for National NMR Network (Bruker Avance III 400). We are also grateful for research grant VZ MSMT-0021627501, Czech Republic

    Educação pró-envelhecimento ativo - Geron...quê?! Estudo de intervenção com estudantes portugueses

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    Ageing is an undeniable reality in the contemporary world, with repercussions in various areas of society. In the Western world, ageing and old age are accompanied by ageism or gerontophobia, being older people perceived as fragile society contributors to the economy and the aging associated with very negative connotations. This view permeates the society, being children affected from an early age, which tends to perpetuate the ageism or gerontophobia. In this context, emerge the paradigm of active ageing, in which education has a major role. Education and educational programmes targeted at the general population, with special attention to young people, can help to change the vision of society on aging and old age. On the above, this study aimed to plan, implement and evaluate an educational program on active ageing for students of the 9th grade of schooling in Portugal. It was accomplished through an intervention study of mixed nature, with 47 young people from a basic school of the District of Aveiro, Portugal. The data were collected through participant observation and questionnaire and analysed based on content analysis, and descriptive and inferential statistics. The educational program consisted of five sessions, on the theoretical axes: i) to age actively and with greater quality of life; II) Gerontology as knowledge area and profession that focuses on the ageing process in General; and iii) creating a friendly society of the old people. The evaluation considered the qualitative and quantitative aspects. In general, the data show that the implementation of the educational program was positive. The interest of the students on the topic of ageing has exceeded expectations. There was an evolution of knowledge on the part of students and there has been a tendency on the part of young people to face the ageing of a more positive way. In addition, the study allowed researchers to overcome their own prejudices against the young people. The results obtained show that educational programmes in the area could play a key role in eliminating prejudices about ageing, and in the preparation of the young for active ageing, with extremely positive social and economic repercussions.El envejecimiento es una realidad innegable en el mundo contemporáneo, con repercusiones en diferentes ámbitos de la sociedad. En el mundo occidental, envejecimiento y vejez son acompañados por edadismo o gerontophobía, siendo las personas mayores percibidas como frágil colaboradores de la sociedad a la economía y el envejecimiento asociado con connotaciones muy negativas. Este punto de vista impregna la sociedad, siendo los niños afectados desde una edad temprana, que tiende a perpetuar el edadismo o gerontofobía. En este contexto, emerge el paradigma del envejecimiento activo, en el que la educación tiene un papel importante. Educación y el programas educativos dirigidos a la población en general, con especial atención a los jóvenes, pueden ayudar a cambiar la visión de la sociedad a cerca del envejecimiento y vejez. A lo anterior, este estudio pretende planificar, implementar y evaluar un programa educativo sobre el envejecimiento activo para los estudiantes de 9º grado de escolaridad en Portugal. Se logró a través de un estudio de intervención de naturaleza mixta, con 47 jóvenes de una escuela básica del distrito de Aveiro, Portugal. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de cuestionario y observación participante y análisis basado en el análisis de contenido y estadística descriptiva e inferencial. El programa educativo consistió en cinco sesiones, en los ejes teóricos: i) a la edad activa y con mayor calidad de vida; II) Gerontología como área de conocimiento y profesión que se centra en el proceso de envejecimiento en general; y iii) creación de una sociedad amigable de los ancianos. La evaluación considera los aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos. En general, los datos muestran que la aplicación del programa educativo es positiva. El interés de los estudiantes sobre el tema del envejecimiento ha superado las expectativas. Hubo una evolución del conocimiento por parte de estudiantes y ha habido una tendencia por parte de los jóvenes para enfrentar el envejecimiento de una manera más positiva. Además, el estudio permitió investigadores superar su propia discriminación en relación con los jóvenes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los programas educativos en el área podrían jugar un papel clave en la eliminación de la discriminación sobre el envejecimiento y en la preparación de los jóvenes para el envejecimiento activo, con repercusiones sociales y económicas muy positivas.O envelhecimento é uma realidade incontestável no mundo contemporâneo, com repercussões em várias áreas da sociedade. No mundo ocidental, o envelhecimento e a velhice são acompanhados de atitudes idadistas e de gerontofobia, num quadro em que as pessoas idosas são percebidas como contribuintes frágeis da sociedade para a economia e o envelhecimento é associado a conotações muito negativas. Essa visão permeia a sociedade e afeta as crianças desde cedo, o que tende a perpetuar o idadismo ou a gerontofobia. Nesse contexto, surge o paradigma do envelhecimento ativo, no qual a educação tem um papel de destaque. A educação e os programas educativos direcionados à população geral, com especial atenção à população jovem, podem contribuir para mudar a visão da sociedade sobre o envelhecimento e a velhice. Este estudo teve por objetivo, planejar, implementar e avaliar um programa educativo sobre o envelhecimento ativo para estudantes do 9º grau de escolaridade em Portugal e realizou-se por intermédio de um estudo de intervenção, de natureza mista, com 47 jovens de uma escola básica do Distrito de Aveiro, Portugal. Os dados foram coletados por meio da observação participante e de questionário e foram ponderados com base na análise de conteúdo e na estatística descritiva e inferencial. O programa educativo constou de cinco sessões, tendo por eixos teóricos: i) envelhecer de forma ativa e com maior qualidade de vida; ii) gerontologia como área do saber e profissão que se foca no processo do envelhecimento em geral; e iii) criação de uma sociedade amiga das pessoas idosas. Na avaliação considerou-se os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos. De forma geral, os dados mostram que a implementação do programa educativo foi positiva. O interesse dos estudantes sobre o tema do envelhecimento superou as expetativas. Houve uma evolução de conhecimentos por parte dos estudantes que tendem a encarar o envelhecimento de uma forma mais positiva. Além disso, o estudo permitiu aos investigadores ultrapassar os seus próprios preconceitos em relação aos jovens. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que programas educativos na área poderão desempenhar um papel fundamental na eliminação de preconceitos sobre o envelhecimento, e na preparação dos mais novos para um envelhecimento ativo, com repercussões sociais e econômicas extremamente positivas.


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    Ageing is an undeniable reality in the contemporary world, with repercussions in various areas of society. In the Western world, ageing and old age are accompanied by ageism or gerontophobia, being older people perceived as fragile society contributors to the economy and the aging associated with very negative connotations. This view permeates the society, being children affected from an early age, which tends to perpetuate the ageism or gerontophobia. In this context, emerge the paradigm of active ageing, in which education has a major role. Education and educational programmes targeted at the general population, with special attention to young people, can help to change the vision of society on aging and old age. On the above, this study aimed to plan, implement and evaluate an educational program on active ageing for students of the 9th grade of schooling in Portugal. It was accomplished through an intervention study of mixed nature, with 47 young people from a basic school of the District of Aveiro, Portugal. The data were collected through participant observation and questionnaire and analysed based on content analysis, and descriptive and inferential statistics. The educational program consisted of five sessions, on the theoretical axes: i) to age actively and with greater quality of life; II) Gerontology as knowledge area and profession that focuses on the ageing process in General; and iii) creating a friendly society of the old people. The evaluation considered the qualitative and quantitative aspects. In general, the data show that the implementation of the educational program was positive. The interest of the students on the topic of ageing has exceeded expectations. There was an evolution of knowledge on the part of students and there has been a tendency on the part of young people to face the ageing of a more positive way. In addition, the study allowed researchers to overcome their own prejudices against the young people. The results obtained show that educational programmes in the area could play a key role in eliminating prejudices about ageing, and in the preparation of the young for active ageing, with extremely positive social and economic repercussions

    Educação pró-envelhecimento ativo - Geron...quê?! Estudo de intervenção com estudantes portugueses

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    Ageing is an undeniable reality in the contemporary world, with repercussions in various areas of society. In the Western world, ageing and old age are accompanied by ageism or gerontophobia, being older people perceived as fragile society contributors to the economy and the aging associated with very negative connotations. This view permeates the society, being children affected from an early age, which tends to perpetuate the ageism or gerontophobia. In this context, emerge the paradigm of active ageing, in which education has a major role. Education and educational programmes targeted at the general population, with special attention to young people, can help to change the vision of society on aging and old age. On the above, this study aimed to plan, implement and evaluate an educational program on active ageing for students of the 9th grade of schooling in Portugal. It was accomplished through an intervention study of mixed nature, with 47 young people from a basic school of the District of Aveiro, Portugal. The data were collected through participant observation and questionnaire and analysed based on content analysis, and descriptive and inferential statistics. The educational program consisted of five sessions, on the theoretical axes: i) to age actively and with greater quality of life; II) Gerontology as knowledge area and profession that focuses on the ageing process in General; and iii) creating a friendly society of the old people. The evaluation considered the qualitative and quantitative aspects. In general, the data show that the implementation of the educational program was positive. The interest of the students on the topic of ageing has exceeded expectations. There was an evolution of knowledge on the part of students and there has been a tendency on the part of young people to face the ageing of a more positive way. In addition, the study allowed researchers to overcome their own prejudices against the young people. The results obtained show that educational programmes in the area could play a key role in eliminating prejudices about ageing, and in the preparation of the young for active ageing, with extremely positive social and economic repercussions.El envejecimiento es una realidad innegable en el mundo contemporáneo, con repercusiones en diferentes ámbitos de la sociedad. En el mundo occidental, envejecimiento y vejez son acompañados por edadismo o gerontophobía, siendo las personas mayores percibidas como frágil colaboradores de la sociedad a la economía y el envejecimiento asociado con connotaciones muy negativas. Este punto de vista impregna la sociedad, siendo los niños afectados desde una edad temprana, que tiende a perpetuar el edadismo o gerontofobía. En este contexto, emerge el paradigma del envejecimiento activo, en el que la educación tiene un papel importante. Educación y el programas educativos dirigidos a la población en general, con especial atención a los jóvenes, pueden ayudar a cambiar la visión de la sociedad a cerca del envejecimiento y vejez. A lo anterior, este estudio pretende planificar, implementar y evaluar un programa educativo sobre el envejecimiento activo para los estudiantes de 9º grado de escolaridad en Portugal. Se logró a través de un estudio de intervención de naturaleza mixta, con 47 jóvenes de una escuela básica del distrito de Aveiro, Portugal. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de cuestionario y observación participante y análisis basado en el análisis de contenido y estadística descriptiva e inferencial. El programa educativo consistió en cinco sesiones, en los ejes teóricos: i) a la edad activa y con mayor calidad de vida; II) Gerontología como área de conocimiento y profesión que se centra en el proceso de envejecimiento en general; y iii) creación de una sociedad amigable de los ancianos. La evaluación considera los aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos. En general, los datos muestran que la aplicación del programa educativo es positiva. El interés de los estudiantes sobre el tema del envejecimiento ha superado las expectativas. Hubo una evolución del conocimiento por parte de estudiantes y ha habido una tendencia por parte de los jóvenes para enfrentar el envejecimiento de una manera más positiva. Además, el estudio permitió investigadores superar su propia discriminación en relación con los jóvenes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los programas educativos en el área podrían jugar un papel clave en la eliminación de la discriminación sobre el envejecimiento y en la preparación de los jóvenes para el envejecimiento activo, con repercusiones sociales y económicas muy positivas.O envelhecimento é uma realidade incontestável no mundo contemporâneo, com repercussões em várias áreas da sociedade. No mundo ocidental, o envelhecimento e a velhice são acompanhados de atitudes idadistas e de gerontofobia, num quadro em que as pessoas idosas são percebidas como contribuintes frágeis da sociedade para a economia e o envelhecimento é associado a conotações muito negativas. Essa visão permeia a sociedade e afeta as crianças desde cedo, o que tende a perpetuar o idadismo ou a gerontofobia. Nesse contexto, surge o paradigma do envelhecimento ativo, no qual a educação tem um papel de destaque. A educação e os programas educativos direcionados à população geral, com especial atenção à população jovem, podem contribuir para mudar a visão da sociedade sobre o envelhecimento e a velhice. Este estudo teve por objetivo, planejar, implementar e avaliar um programa educativo sobre o envelhecimento ativo para estudantes do 9º grau de escolaridade em Portugal e realizou-se por intermédio de um estudo de intervenção, de natureza mista, com 47 jovens de uma escola básica do Distrito de Aveiro, Portugal. Os dados foram coletados por meio da observação participante e de questionário e foram ponderados com base na análise de conteúdo e na estatística descritiva e inferencial. O programa educativo constou de cinco sessões, tendo por eixos teóricos: i) envelhecer de forma ativa e com maior qualidade de vida; ii) gerontologia como área do saber e profissão que se foca no processo do envelhecimento em geral; e iii) criação de uma sociedade amiga das pessoas idosas. Na avaliação considerou-se os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos. De forma geral, os dados mostram que a implementação do programa educativo foi positiva. O interesse dos estudantes sobre o tema do envelhecimento superou as expetativas. Houve uma evolução de conhecimentos por parte dos estudantes que tendem a encarar o envelhecimento de uma forma mais positiva. Além disso, o estudo permitiu aos investigadores ultrapassar os seus próprios preconceitos em relação aos jovens. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que programas educativos na área poderão desempenhar um papel fundamental na eliminação de preconceitos sobre o envelhecimento, e na preparação dos mais novos para um envelhecimento ativo, com repercussões sociais e econômicas extremamente positivas.

    Heterogeneidade dos acervos da Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa: um desafio na estruturação da arquitetura da informação para o Repositório Rui Barbosa de Informações Culturais (RUBI)

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    A Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa (FCRB), que mantém uma diversidade cultural em seus acervos, apresenta a experiência no desafio da estruturação da arquitetura da informação no Repositório Rui Barbosa de Informações culturais (RUBI). Lançado, em julho de 2016, o RUBI tem crescente acesso no âmbito nacional e internacional. A plataforma escolhida para implantação do RUBI é o DSpace, software criado pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) e pelo Laboratórios Hewlett-Packard Company. Dentro da FCRB o RUBI se mostra consolidado e com adesão, pois disponibiliza os acervos memoriais arquivísticos, bibliográficos e museológicos, bem como a produção intelectual técnico-científica da Fundação. A pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar a experiência no desafio da estruturação da arquitetura da informação no RUBI de seus acervos heterogêneos

    Human-umbilical cord matrix mesenchymal cells improved left ventricular contractility independently of infarct size in swine myocardial infarction with reperfusion

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    Funding Information: This work was funded by: i) national funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the scope of the Cardiovascular R&D Center - UnIC (UIDB/00051/2020 and UIDP/00051/2020); ii) “la Caixa” Banking Foundation and FCT under the project code LCF/PR/HP17/52190002”; iii) the QREN project 2013/30196; and iv) the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), under the Lisbon Portugal Regional Operational Program and National Funds through FCT [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030985]. RNG and TLL were funded by the FCT individual fellowships [SFRH/BD/144490/2019] and [PD/BD/127997/2016], respectively. Funding sources had no interference in the design of the study, study governance, data collection and analysis, nor in manuscript writing or its scientific and intellectual content. Publisher Copyright: 2023 Raposo, Cerqueira, Leite, Moreira-Costa, Laundos, Miranda, Mendes-Ferreira, Coelho, Gomes, Pinto-do-Ó, Nascimento, Lourenço, Cardim and Leite-Moreira.Background: Human umbilical cord matrix-mesenchymal stromal cells (hUCM-MSC) have demonstrated beneficial effects in experimental acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Reperfusion injury hampers myocardial recovery in a clinical setting and its management is an unmet need. We investigated the efficacy of intracoronary (IC) delivery of xenogeneic hUCM-MSC as reperfusion-adjuvant therapy in a translational model of AMI in swine. Methods: In a placebo-controlled trial, pot-belied pigs were randomly assigned to a sham-control group (vehicle-injection; n = 8), AMI + vehicle (n = 12) or AMI + IC-injection (n = 11) of 5 × 105 hUCM-MSC/Kg, within 30 min of reperfusion. AMI was created percutaneously by balloon occlusion of the mid-LAD. Left-ventricular function was blindly evaluated at 8-weeks by invasive pressure-volume loop analysis (primary endpoint). Mechanistic readouts included histology, strength-length relationship in skinned cardiomyocytes and gene expression analysis by RNA-sequencing. Results: As compared to vehicle, hUCM-MSC enhanced systolic function as shown by higher ejection fraction (65 ± 6% vs. 43 ± 4%; p = 0.0048), cardiac index (4.1 ± 0.4 vs. 3.1 ± 0.2 L/min/m2; p = 0.0378), preload recruitable stroke work (75 ± 13 vs. 36 ± 4 mmHg; p = 0.0256) and end-systolic elastance (2.8 ± 0.7 vs. 2.1 ± 0.4 mmHg*m2/ml; p = 0.0663). Infarct size was non-significantly lower in cell-treated animals (13.7 ± 2.2% vs. 15.9 ± 2.7%; Δ = −2.2%; p = 0.23), as was interstitial fibrosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in the remote myocardium. Sarcomere active tension improved, and genes related to extracellular matrix remodelling (including MMP9, TIMP1 and PAI1), collagen fibril organization and glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis were downregulated in animals treated with hUCM-MSC. Conclusion: Intracoronary transfer of xenogeneic hUCM-MSC shortly after reperfusion improved left-ventricular systolic function, which could not be explained by the observed extent of infarct size reduction alone. Combined contributions of favourable modification of myocardial interstitial fibrosis, matrix remodelling and enhanced cardiomyocyte contractility in the remote myocardium may provide mechanistic insight for the biological effect.publishersversionpublishe