1,627 research outputs found
Slovenia: Cardiovascular Disease
Though the rates of mortality due to cardiovascular diseases in Slovenia have decreased, this is still the leading cause of death in the country. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Europe in general as well. Various forms of heart disease have the highest rate of death within the country as a whole. As Slovenia continues to educate its population on how to prevent and be cautious when dealing with this disease, the people of Slovenia will suffer less from cardiovascular diseases.This report will discuss the challenges of Cardiovascular disease in Slovenia, the frequency of the disease and what suggestions can be made for a country dealing with this disease
Ansiedad estado competitiva y estrategias de afrontamiento : su relación con el rendimiento en una muestra argentina de jugadores amateurs de golf
The aim of the study is to analyse whether there exists a relationship between the level of competitive state anxiety, the use of coping strategies and the performance of a sample of 77 Argentinian amateur golf players (mean age: 16.14). The design of the study was descriptive, correlational and transversal. For data collection the Spanish versions of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory and the Approach to Coping in Sport Questionnaire were administered. While golf players who show a poorer handicap reveal higher levels of somatic anxiety (r = .30; p < .01), those who achieve better performance in tournaments are the ones who have higher levels of self-confidence (r = -.31; p < .01) and resort to social support as a coping strategy (r = -.27; p < .01).El objetivo del trabajo consiste en estudiar si existe una relación entre ansiedad competitiva, estrategias de afrontamiento, y rendimiento deportivo en una muestra de 77 jugadores argentinos amateurs de golf (edad promedio: 16,14). Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, correlacional y transversal. Se administraron las versiones en español del Inventario de Ansiedad Competitiva (Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump, y Smith, 1990) y del Cuestionario de Aproximación al Afrontamiento en el Deporte (Kim, 1999; Kim y Duda, 1997). Los jugadores de golf que tienen un peor nivel de hándicap presentan mayores niveles de ansiedad somática (r=,30; p< ,01); mientras que los que obtienen un mejor rendimiento deportivo en el torneo son los que presentan mayores niveles de autoconfianza (r=-,31; p< ,01) y recurren a la búsqueda de apoyo social como estrategia de afrontamiento (r=-,27; p< ,01)
Competitive state anxiety and coping strategies: their relationship with the performance of an argentinean sample of amateur golf players
El objetivo del trabajo consiste en estudiar si existe una relación entre ansiedad competitiva, estrategias de afrontamiento, y rendimiento deportivo en una muestra de 77 jugadores argentinos amateurs de golf (edad promedio: 16,14). Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, correlacional y transversal. Se administraron las versiones en español del Inventario de Ansiedad Competitiva (Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump, y Smith, 1990) y del Cuestionario de Aproximación al Afrontamiento en el Deporte (Kim, 1999; Kim y Duda, 1997). Los jugadores de golf que tienen un peor nivel de hándicap presentan mayores niveles de ansiedad somática (r=,30; p< ,01); mientras que los que obtienen un mejor rendimiento deportivo en el torneo son los que presentan mayores niveles de autoconfianza (r=-,31; p< ,01) y recurren a la búsqueda de apoyo social como estrategia de afrontamiento (r=-,27; p< ,01).The aim of the study is to analyse whether there exists a relationship between the level of competitive state anxiety, the use of coping strategies and the performance of a sample of 77 Argentinian amateur golf players (mean age: 16.14). The design of the study was descriptive, correlational and transversal. For data collection the Spanish versions of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory and the Approach to Coping in Sport Questionnaire were administered. While golf players who show a poorer handicap reveal higher levels of somatic anxiety (r = .30; p < .01), those who achieve better performance in tournaments are the ones who have higher levels of self-confidence (r = -.31; p < .01) and resort to social support as a coping strategy (r = -.27; p < .01).Fil: Pinto, María Florencia. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Facultad de Psicología y Psicopedagogía. Centro de Investigaciones en Psicología y Psicopedagogía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Vázquez, Natalia. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
Calidad de los textos expositivos de estudiantes de octavo básico de tres colegios de la Región Metropolitana
Tesis (Magíster en Comprensión Lectora y Producción de Textos)La investigación permite conocer la calidad de la producción escrita expositiva de estudiantes de octavo básico. La investigación se sustenta en los modelos de escritura de Hayes, Flower, Scardamalia y Bereiter, asimismo, en aspectos conceptuales discursivos de Van Dijk y Bajtín. El trabajo investigativo, de enfoque cuantitativo–descriptivo, fue realizado con estudiantes de tres establecimientos educativos de la Región Metropolitana- un colegio del sistema particular subvencionado y dos colegios pertenecientes al sistema municipal-. Los estudiantes produjeron textos expositivos a partir de una consigna establecida, presentada en dos instrumentos evaluativos diferentes, uno con información de apoyo a modo de andamiaje para activar conocimientos previos y otro sin este elemento. Los textos producidos fueron revisados con una rúbrica analítica, que consideró los aspectos evaluados en la prueba Simce de escritura. Los resultados evidenciaron diferencias significativas en la calidad entre textos expositivos producidos con andamiaje versus otros producidos sin este componente. Estos resultados subrayan la relevancia de factores como el andamiaje y el dominio de los patrones de géneros discursivos en el proceso de escritura.This research allows to know the quality of the expository text production from students in eight degree from primary. The research is based on the writing models of Hayes, Flower, Scardamalia and Bereiter, as well as on the conceptual discursive aspects of Van Dijk and Bajtin. The research, with a quantitative-descriptive approach, was developed with students from three schools in the Metropolitan Region- one of them belonging to the subsidized private system and the two others belonging to the public system -. The students produced expository texts based on an established slogan, presented in two different evaluative instruments, one prior knowledge scaffolding and other lacking those elements. The produced texts were reviewed with an analytical rubric, which considered the aspects evaluated in the “Simce” writing test. The results showed significant differences in the quality between expository texts produced with scaffolding of previous knowledge versus others produced without it. These results highlight the relevance of factors such as scaffolding and mastery of the patterns of discursive genres in the writing process
Estudio de la percepción de la calidad de vida laboral de los funcionarios/as y trabajadores/as del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura a nivel central
Tesis (Trabajo Social)La presente investigación se desarrolló de acuerdo a los estándares de la calidad de vida laboral haciendo una relación con la percepción que tienen los funcionarios/as y los trabajadores/as. El lugar físico del estudio se desarrolló específicamente en una institución de carácter público y gubernamental, como lo es el Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes (CNCA) a nivel central. De acuerdo a esta temática, se desarrolló un instrumento que nos permitió medir la percepción que tienen los funcionarios/as y trabajadores/as en cuanto a la calidad de vida laboral, considerando y vinculando los estándares de calidad de vida laboral de la OCDE y OIT, dando respuesta a la calidad de vida laboral en la que se encuentran los/as funcionarios/as y trabajadores/as del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes a nivel central la que se pretende conocer.
De acuerdo a ello se realizó un estudio de diseño correlacional, descriptivo y no experimental. Los datos obtenidos se describieron utilizando técnicas de la metodología cuantitativa, de manera que los datos obtenidos permiten detectar el contraste y relación de la percepción de los funcionarios/as y trabajadores/as con el cuestionario.The current investigation has been done according to the quality of work life standards and relating it with the perception of officials and workers. The study took place, physically and specifically, in a public and governmental institution as it is the Consejo Nacional de Cultura y las Artes (CNCA), at a central level. In obedience to the topic, it was developed an instrument that allowed us to measure the workers’ perception regarding the quality of work life, considering the OIT and OCDE official standards, about the quality of work life, and showing the answer to this question and to have a certainty of what is pretended to know.
According to that, an studio was performed in which it main features were that it was descriptive, non experimental and correlation. The data obtained were described by using quantitative methodology techniques, in order that the data obtained could help to determinate the contract and relation of the perception between workers and the questionnaire
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a stroke masquerade case: Case report
Background: The first Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) outbreak was in 1996 in the UK, where 10 cases of a new rare neurological disease were reported. CJD continues to be an unclear neurodegenerative disease. The disease is usually higher in the retina and the brain, which in the majority of cases results in neurological symptoms, including rapidly progressing dementia, extrapyramidal signs, myoclonus, and visual symptoms with a mean age of 67. There are 3 groups of human prion disease, sporadic CJD accounts for about 85% of the cases.
Case presentation: A 66-year-old woman who presented with slurred speech and forgetfulness started in March 2020, in September the patient presented right leg limping and gait difficulties which progressed to right arm weakness and stiffness. MRI was read as a stroke. A month later, she lost vision in her right eye and progressive deterioration of her left eye. Later, the patient reported multiple jolts of electricity and sporadic jerking movements that worsened in 3 months. In January, an MRI was repeated and compared to the previous image, it showed patterns more consistent with an autoimmune disease. Lumbar Puncture with CSF analysis was negative for infection, but due to continued deterioration, a third lumbar puncture was performed, with a positive 14-3-3 protein in CSF, but with an EEG showing no clear triphasic waveforms of CJD.
Conclusions: CJD is the most frequent of the human prion diseases, new sporadic CJD cases are found 1 in 1,000,000 individuals every year. No treatment has been identified at the moment, making the course of this disease fatal, with a survival time around the year. It is important to educate the worldwide population in order to attempt an early identification of its different presentations, avoiding unnecessary testing, and mostly focusing on the quality of life in this patient\u27s population
Bulimia Nervosa: Is Body Dissatisfaction a Risk Factor?
Eating disorder studies are often carried out with adolescents. However, having a normal weight and the appearance of a seemingly healthy body makes many young people wait for years before seeking out professional consultation with a specialist. Therefore, after a review of the literature we will reflect on the role of body dissatisfaction in the development and persistence that occur in bulimia nervosa. It will be linked to the data found by our research group, both in samples of adolescents and adult women. Results on risk scores in purgative behaviors associated with bulimia nervosa, dieting, eating habits, physical activity, self-esteem, social skills, and body dissatisfaction will be described. They will be contrasted in a descriptive way with data from clinical study participants diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, leading to a predictive model of the role body dissatisfaction plays as a risk factor in the development of bulimia nervosa
Estudio sobre el reciclaje de los residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD) enfocado en el hormigón elaborado con áridos reciclados
83 p.Esta memoria comprende un trabajo netamente investigativo, el cual pretende dar a
conocer al lector un tema del cual poco se sabe en nuestro país, el “Hormigón Reciclado”.El sentido de realizar una investigación sobre este tema es que el hormigón es uno de los materiales más utilizados, tanto en Chile como en el mundo y, paradójicamente, el sector industrial
que más residuos genera es el de la construcción, donde el hormigón juega un papel importante con índices muy altos. Por lo cual anualmente se tienen toneladas de Residuos de Construcción y Demolición (RCD).
En esta memoria investigativa se ha obtenido información de diversas fuentes y países, de
modo de mostrar y justificar por medio de investigaciones y hechos concretos que técnicamente los materiales que se obtienen incorporando RCD tienen propiedades similares e incluso las mismas que un material compuesto por materias primas vírgenes.
Como primer tema, se abarca el hormigón tradicional, tanto sus características como
propiedades, para poder realizar una comparación posteriormente, con los datos que se muestren sobre el hormigón reciclado.
Para enfocarnos particularmente en el hormigón compuesto por árido reciclado, se muestra como claro ejemplo el caso de España.
Se indagó mas sobre hormigón reciclado, sus propiedades, características y qué tan
beneficioso es el utilizar este material en el sector de la construcción, junto con esto y con claros ejemplos de lo que se ha hecho en el mundo con éste material, citando proyectos concretos y una vez más, el caso de España, quienes cuentan con normas y asociaciones que velan porque el hormigón compuesto por estos áridos que, además de beneficiar en lo que respecta al cuidado
ambiental, también beneficie al sector de la construcción. Por último, se propone que como país, también tomemos conciencia sobre el tema, al ver proyectos concretos en los cuales se han obtenido buenos resultados. Surge la necesidad de que se creen normas sobre el tema, buscando avanzar en contenidos medioambientales en un sector que poco se involucra con el tema, pero que es uno de los que más daño causa
A Moyamoya Case Report On A Patient With Slurred Speech And Right-hand Weakness
Background: Moyamoya angiopathy (MMA) is a cerebrovascular disease affecting about one in a million people. It is characterized by progressive stenosis of the terminal portion of the internal carotid arteries leading to cerebral hypo-perfusion which in turn induces neo-angiogenesis in the deep parts of the brain. Patients are predisposed to ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Diagnosis is usually made with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and a magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) to evaluate the brain and its blood vessels. Symptomatic patients should undergo surgical interventions. A few studies have shown that the superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery bypass combined with encephalo-duro-myo-synangiosis (EDMS) can achieve a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of Moyamoya disease.
Case Presentation: A 39-year-old right-handed lady with a history of chronic headaches, a lacunar infarct of the left basal ganglia, and recently diagnosed with Moyamoya disease presented to the ED due to slurred speech and right-hand weakness. On neurological evaluation, the patient was alert and oriented with a flat affect. Her cranial nerves were grossly intact, and sensory functions were preserved. She only had mild fine motor coordination deficits. Imaging showed no acute changes. The patient was already on maximum medical management with dual antiplatelet therapy and had an unsuccessful endovascular revascularization. Plastic surgery and Neurosurgery were consulted, and she underwent a left frontoparietal craniotomy for superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery bypass with concurrent EDMS. A post-surgical angiogram evaluating the carotid artery bypass showed good blood flow. A CT scan without contrast showed surgical changes from recent parietal craniotomy with a small amount of pneumocephalus on the left and minimal hemorrhage in the subdural space which was expected post-surgery. There was no evidence of mass-effect, midline shift, or parenchymal hemorrhage. The patient was stable and discharged to inpatient rehabilitation.
Conclusion: Our patient showed how a joint bypass procedure and EDMS provided efficient revascularization and helped achieve a good therapeutic effect with very few complications. Moyamoya is a rare disease with small evidence published on effective treatments. This case highlights the surgical treatment protocol for Moyamoya disease as an effective way to improve the short- and long-term outcomes
A penora salarial como requisito para a efetividade da tutela jurisdicional: um estudo jurisprudencial
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar que a regra da impenhorabilidade prevista no artigo 833, inciso IV, do Código de Processo Civil, se aplicada de forma absoluta, assume um papel de limitador à satisfação daquele que busca o Poder Judiciário com o objetivo de obter uma tutela jurisdicional efetiva. A importância do assunto se deve ao fato de que grande parte do congestionamento de processos no âmbito do Poder Judiciário, é de processos que se encontram na fase de execução sem bens passíveis de penhora, conforme será abordado no trabalho. O trabalho apresentará os princípios que estão previstos na Constituição Federal e no Código de Processo Civil de 2015 que são aplicados no processo. Será explicado como funciona a fase de execução no processo civil, e, num segundo momento será feita uma analise das decisões recentes dos Tribunais de Justiça do Brasil, bem como dos Tribunais Superiores, demonstrando que não há, no âmbito dos Tribunais, um entendimento unificado a cerca do assunto.http://repositorio.uniceub.br/retrieve/33471/21307652.pd
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