876 research outputs found

    Gestão Participativa do PELC

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    Livro publicado como recurso didático do curso EaD. Apresenta 98 páginas contendo a descrição de todas as unidades de ensino e de cada aula, totalizando 27. Apresenta ainda as atividades a serem desenvolvidas pelos alunos assim como o processo de avaliação.Material didático produzido pelo Centro de Apoio à Educação a Distância da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (CAED/UFMG) para os cursos de capacitação do Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade.DoaçãoPELC e Vida Saudáve

    Temperatura e luz na germinação de sementes de Myrceugenia myrtoides O. Berg

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    Myrceugenia myrtoides (Myrtaceae) is a species of tree size, occurring restricted to the state of Rio Grande do Sul state in Brazil, and Uruguay, presenting ornamental potential. The interest in native species for diverse uses is increasing, but their insertion is limited due to the lack of information on its propagation and cultivation. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of temperature and light on the germination of M. myrtoides seeds, in order to generate information that could aid in the propagation of the species and the exploration of its potential. The effects of constant temperatures of 20, 25 and 30 °C under a 16-hour photoperiod were evaluated. To evaluate the effect of light, the germination was tested in continuous darkness and under photoperiod of 16 hours, at a temperature of 25 °C and light intensity of 27 and 33.75 μmol m-2s-1 under white light quality and diffuse green light. The results showed a lower average germination time at temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC and a higher accumulation of dry mass under 30 ºC. There was superiority in the variables of seedling formation, shoot and root length and seedling formation under the number of seeds germinated at 25 ºC. However, the different light conditions tested did not affect the percentage of germination. It is concluded that the temperature of 25 °C was the most adequate for seed germination and development of M. myrtoides seedlings and their seeds are classified as neutral photoblasts.Myrceugenia myrtoides (Myrtaceae) é uma espécie de porte arbóreo, com ocorrência restrita ao estado do Rio Grande do Sul no Brasil, e Uruguai, apresentando potencial ornamental. O interesse em espécies nativas para usos diversos é crescente, mas sua inserção é limitada devido à falta de informações sobre sua propagação e cultivo. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de temperatura e luz na germinação das sementes de M. myrtoides, a fim de gerar informações que possam auxiliar na propagação da espécie e exploração do seu potencial. Avaliaram-se os efeitos das temperaturas constantes de 20, 25 e 30 ºC sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas. Para avaliar o efeito da luz, a germinação foi testada em ausência total de luz e sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas, na temperatura de 25 ºC e intensidade luminosa de 27 e 33,75 μmol m-2s-1, sob qualidade de luz branca e luz verde difusa. Os resultados demonstraram menor tempo médio de germinação nas temperaturas de 25 e 30 ºC e ainda, maior acúmulo de massa seca sob 30 ºC. Houve superioridade nas variáveis de formação de plântula, comprimento de parte aérea e raiz e formação de plântulas sob número de sementes germinadas para a temperatura de 25 ºC. Já as diferentes condições de luz testadas não afetaram a porcentagem de germinação. Conclui-se que a temperatura de 25 °C foi a mais adequada para a germinação de sementes e desenvolvimento de plântulas de M. myrtoides e as suas sementes são classificadas como fotoblásticas neutras

    Utilização de serviços de saúde por idosos quilombolas

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    Objective: To analyze the use of health services by quilombola elderly people. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and household-based study conducted in 11 quilombola communities, with 236 elderly people ≥60 years old. Statistical differences were found in the estimates of indicators of the use of health services according to gender and age group. Pearson’s Chi-square or Fisher’s Exact tests were performed. Differences were considered statisticallysignificant when p<0.05. Results: Most of the elderly people did not have a health insurance plan, seeking mainly public hospital/outpatient unit. The last medical consultation for 80.3% of the participants was performed in the 12 months prior to the interviews, with fewer consultations for men (p= 0.027). There was a low hospitalization rate in the last year and a low demand for health services in the last two weeks. Conclusion: Quilombola women and long-lived elderly people use health services more and, in general, the elderly citizens depend on SUS to exercise their right to health. The public hospital/outpatient unit was the most used service, and PHCU was little sought.Objetivo: Analisar a utilização de serviços de saúde por idosos quilombolas. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de base domiciliar, realizado em 11 comunidades quilombolas, com 236 idosos ≥60 anos. Verificou-se diferenças estatísticas nas estimativas dos indicadores de uso de serviços de saúde segundo sexo e faixa etária. Realizaram-se testes de Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou Exa to de Fisher. As diferenças foram consideradas estatisticamente significantes quando p<0,05. Resultados: A maioria dos idosos não possuía plano de saúde, buscando, principalmente, hospital/ambulatório público. A última consulta médica de 80,3% dos participantes foi realizadanos 12 meses anteriores às entrevistas, com número menor de consulta para os homens (p= 0,027). Houve baixa internação hospitalar no último ano e procura de algum serviço de saúde nas duas últimas semanas. Conclusão: As mulheres quilombolas e os idosos mais velhos utilizam mais os serviços de saúde e, no geral, os idosos dependem do SUS para exercer o seu direito à saúde. O hospital/ambulatório público foi o serviço mais utilizado, e a UBS pouco procurada

    Different intrauterine environments and children motor development in the first 6 months of life : a prospective longitudinal cohort

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    This prospective cohort longitudinal study examines the risk factors associated with different intrauterine environments and the influence of different intrauterine environments on children’s motor development at 3- and 6-months of life. Participants were 346 mother/newborn dyads enrolled in the first 24 to 48 h after delivery in public hospitals. Four groups with no concurrent condition composed the sample: mothers with a clinical diagnosis of diabetes, mothers with newborns small for gestational age due to idiopathic intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), mothers who smoked tobacco during gestation, and a control group composed of mothers without clinical condition. Children were assessed at three- and six-months regarding motor development, weight, length, head circumference, and parents completed a socioeconomic questionnaire. The IUGR children had lower supine, sitting, and overall gross motor scores at 6 months than the other children’s groups. Anthropometric and sociodemographic characteristics negatively influenced gross motor development. IUGR and anthropometric and sociodemographic characteristics negatively impact motor development. Intrauterine environment impact child neurodevelopment

    Infant processed food consumption and their interaction to breastfeeding and growth in children up to six months old

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    Background: Evidences suggest that early processed food (PF) consumption may cause harm to infant health. During the first 6 months of life, it is not known whether the timing and quantity of this food group can impact breastfeeding and growth. The aim of the study was to analyze the associations between time of introduction and quantity of infant PF consumption with duration of breastfeeding and infant growth at 6 months of age. Methods: Data were longitudinally collected in six interviews, from birth to 6 months, in a sample of Brazilian newborns with adverse intrauterine environments. PF consumption was calculated by gravity score of processed foods (GSPF) in relation to feeding supply quality and time. For the analysis, the scores were divided into tertiles, making scores severities: Null, Mild, Moderate, and Severe. The interaction between GSPF and breastfeeding (exclusive and non-exclusive) and growth parameters (analyzed in Z-scores, by weight for height, weight for age, and body mass index for age) was tested. Results: A total of 236 infants were included in the study. Greater GSPF were associated with better rates of breastfeeding practices and higher growth indicators scores in the sixth month of infants. These findings were confirmed after adjustment for family income, maternal age, pre-gestational body mass index, and growth z scores at birth. Conclusion: The harms of eating PF in relation to breastfeeding and infant growth are more evident the greater and earlier they are consumed. Future studies should explore interventions to reduce and delay the consumption of these foods to prevent adverse health outcomes in later life

    Vivência do homem diante do adoecimento pelo câncer: implicações para o cuidado em saúde

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    Objective: to understand how men experience the process of becoming ill with cancer, from diagnosis to treatment. Method: a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study, conducted with ten men undergoing cancer treatment, in a municipality in the interior of Minas Gerais, between March and May 2017. Data were collected from recorded interviews, later transcribed in full and submitted to thematic analysis of the content. Results: two categories emerged: “The discovery of diagnosis, the treatment and the changes in daily life: coping and resignification’’ and; ‘‘The care offered by the health team’’. Conclusion: the experience of an oncological disease is permeated by denial, anger, anguish, sadness and fear. The man faces the possibility of death, threat to his future and has difficulty adapting to his new life. Family, friends and health professionals are important for the control and coping with the disease.Objetivo: compreender como o homem vivencia o processo de adoecimento do câncer, desde o diagnóstico até o tratamento. Método: estudo descritivo, exploratório e qualitativo, realizado com dez homens em tratamento oncológico, em um município do interior de Minas Gerais, entre março e maio de 2017. Os dados foram coletados a partir de entrevistas gravadas, posteriormente transcritos na íntegra e submetidos a análise temática do conteúdo. Resultados: emergiram duas categorias: ‘‘A descoberta do diagnóstico, o tratamento e as mudanças no cotidiano: enfrentamentos e ressignificações’’ e ‘‘O cuidado oferecido pela equipe de saúde’’. Conclusão: a vivência de uma doença oncológica é permeada por negação, raiva, angústia, tristeza e temor. O homem se depara com possibilidade de morte, ameaça ao seu futuro e dificuldades para se adaptar à nova vida. A família, amigos e os profissionais de saúde são importantes para o controle e o enfrentamento da doença

    Levantamento da flora apícola em municípios da microrregião de Catolé do Rocha-PB

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    Objetivou-se com este estudo realizar um levantamento sobre a flora apícola em municípios da microrregião de Catolé do Rocha-PB. O levantamento dos dados foi realizado através da aplicação de 55 questionários, onde foram levantados dados sobre os aspectos sociais, ecológicos e da flora, com apicultores dos municípios de Brejo dos Santos, Catolé do Rocha, Jericó e Riacho dos Cavalos-PB. Os resultados mostraram que os apicultores entrevistados são todos do sexo masculino, tem em média meio século de idade, com 3,6 habitantes/residência. Para a manutenção do pasto apícola 96% evitam queimadas e desmatamentos, sendo que 52,7% dos apicultores informaram que a polinização das culturas é a principal contribuição dada pelas abelhas, garantindo a manutenção dos ecossistemas vegetais. Para o fornecimento de água dos apiários 29% informou que utilizam água de poços e açudes. Em relação aos estratos da vegetação de caatinga, foram identificadas 33 famílias, 78 gêneros e 107 espécies. Para as famílias botânicas, constatou-se que do total 17 são arbóreas, 10 arbustivas e 17 herbáceas, onde a Fabaceae apresentou o maior número de espécies, seguida pelas Anacardiaceae, Euforbiaceae e Rubiaceae, respectivamente.Destacando que todos os entrevistados reconhecem a existência das espécies Alfazema (Hyptis suaveolens Salzm R. Braga), Angico (Anadenanthera calubrina Vell. Brenam), Aroeira (Myracrodron urundeuva Fr. All.), Jitirana-branca, roxa e lilás (Ipomoea bahiensis Willd.), Jurema preta (Mimosa tenuiflora Wild. Poiret), Marmeleiro (Croton sonderianusMüll. Arg.), Mufunbo (Combretum leprosumMart.). O conhecimento das espécies apícolas do bioma caatinga e sua época de floração garante uma apicultura sustentável. Existe a necessidade de estudos relacionados aos estratos da vegetação nativa, uma vez que as herbáceas é quem garante a produção na época das chuvas, sendo este o estrato menos estudado

    Perfil das condições de saúde das idosas quilombolas no município de Bequimão, Maranhão: dados do IQUIBEQ

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    Objective: to analyze the health conditions of elderly quilombola women living in a city in the interior of the state of Maranhão, Brazil. Method: This is a cross-sectional, household-based study conducted in 11 remaining quilombola communities in the Municipality of Bequimão, Maranhão. A census of the quilombola elderly population was carried out, which was represented by 132 elderly women ≥60 years of age. The data were analyzed in the Stata® version 14 program, with descriptive statistics techniques. Results: the median of the elderly women was 70 to 79 years old, (61.4%) declared themselves as black in color/race; (32.6%) were widows, 53.8% of the women cannot read and write. Regarding their health status, 60.6% reported having two or more chronic conditions, 38.8% had had a cervical cancer preventive exam at least 3 years ago. Most elderly women had never had a mammogram (67.2%) and had never been submitted to a clinical examination of the breasts (56.9%). Conclusion: Most elderly quilombola women live in precarious socioeconomic, sanitary, and health situations; among them, the prevalence of multi-morbidity was high.Objetivo: analisar as condições de saúde de mulheres idosas quilombolas residentes em uma cidade do interior do estado do Maranhão, Brasil. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de base domiciliar realizado em 11 comunidades remanescentes de quilombolas no Município de Bequimão, Maranhão. Realizou-se o censo da população de idosos quilombolas, que foi representada por 132 mulheres idosas ≥60 anos de idade. Os dados foram analisados no programa Stata® versão 14, com técnicas de estatística descritiva. Resultados: a mediana das idosa foi de 70 a 79 anos, (61,4%) se declarava na cor/raça preta; (32,6%) eram viúvas, 53,8% das mulheres não sabem ler e escrever. Quanto à situação de saúde, em relação às condições crônicas, 60,6% referiam acometimento por duas ou mais, 38,8% realizaram exame preventivo para câncer de colo do útero há, pelo menos, 3 anos. A maioria das idosas nunca realizou uma mamografia (67,2%) e nunca tinham sido submetidas a um exame clínico das mamas (56,9%). Conclusão: A maioria das idosas quilombolas vivem em precária situação socioeconômica, sanitária e de saúde, entre eles, a prevalência de multimorbidade foi elevada.

    Acceptability Of An Alimentary Supplement Of Whey-protein Concentrate And Tgf- β In Patients With Crohn's Disease.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the acceptability of an alimentary supplement of bovine whey-protein concentrate (WPC) and TGF- β , unavailable commercially, by patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and determine the chemical composition, solubility, and total amino acids content. The supplement was diluted in water, and an acceptance test was done to evaluate the aroma, flavour, and viscosity of the product using facial hedonic scale (nine-point scale), applied on 54 CD patients. The supplement composition indicated 73.3% protein, 10.5% fat, 2.2% ash, 6.3% water, and 7.7% carbohydrate. The supplement is presented as a good protein source and high content of essential amino acids. The average acceptance for all the attributes was between 5.0 and 6.0, and the flavour was mainly associated with soybean/grain, sour milk, and sweet/vanilla flavour. The results indicated that the supplement provided important nutritional properties for CD patients; however, for a large number of individuals to be encouraged to perform supplementation, it is essential to improve the sensory quality of the product. In order to do so, additional research is necessary to prevent the formation of volatiles which cause off-flavours or to mask undesirable aromas/flavours found in it.201394786

    Translation and cultural adaptation of the DSM-5 Personality Inventory – Brief Form (PID-5-BF)

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    Introduction: The Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 – Brief Form (PID-5-BF) – is an instrument for assessment of the five pathological personality traits from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) alternative model of personality disorders. Objectives: To determine the psychometric properties of the version of the PID-5-BF translated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: The process of translating and cross-culturally adapting the text was carried out by independent translators and the resulting version was administered to 176 patients in two hospitals in Rio Grande do Sul. The internal structure was tested by means of confirmatory factor analysis. Evidence of reliability was tested by examining the internal consistency of the scales and their convergent and concurrent validity with other methods of psychopathology. Results: The five factors were replicated in the present sample with adequate indicators of fit of the data to the model. Appropriate reliability coefficients for the scales and evidence of validity were observed, indicating the clinical usefulness of the PID-5-BF in the Brazilian context. Conclusion: The psychometric properties of PID-5-BF proved satisfactory in an initial sample of Brazilians
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