245 research outputs found

    Educação em saúde: uma estratégia de cuidado ao cuidador leigo

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    This article aimed to reflect about the importance of the role nurses perform in strategies of health education to lay caregivers, who are important actors in the health/disease process. It is a thematic reflection, built through bibliographic review, which discusses the role of lay caregivers in different stages of the life cycle. Considering the participation of lay caregivers in the Brazilian reality, strategies have been sought to include them in the health care, given the little attention Public Policies have given to them. Therefore, the nurses as health educators, must offer support to the lay caregivers helping them to choose among available alternatives, while delivering care, to not harm their own health. Concluding, health education can be an alternative to offer attention to the lay caregivers, while the nurse has important role in the development of alternatives.Este artículo tiene por objetivo reflexionar acerca de la importancia de la intervención de enfermería a través de estrategias de educación en salud, para los cuidadores legos, actores fundamentales en el proceso salud/enfermedad. Se trata de una reflexión temática, construida por medio de la búsqueda bibliográfica, a través de la cual se discute el rol de los cuidadores en las diferentes etapas del ciclo vital. Tomando como base la actual participación de los cuidadores legos en el escenario brasileño, se buscan estrategias para incluirlos en la asistencia de salud teniendo en vista la poca relevancia que las Políticas Públicas les han demostrado. Así, el enfermero, como educador en salud, debe ofrecer subsidios a los cuidadores legos para que sean capaces de escoger entre las alternativas disponibles para el cuidado de los enfermos, de forma tal que esta función no perjudique la salud del paciente. Se concluye que la educación en salud puede ser una forma alternativa para ofrecer atención de salud a los cuidadores legos, siendo el rol del enfermero indispensable para el desarrollo de estrategias.Objetiva-se, com este artigo, tecer reflexões acerca da importância da atuação do enfermeiro por meio de estratégias de educação em saúde aos cuidadores leigos, atores fundamentais no processo saúde/doença. Trata-se de reflexão temática, construída a partir de busca bibliográfica, através da qual se discute o papel desses cuidadores nas diferentes etapas do ciclo vital. Tomando como base sua atual participação no cenário brasileiro, buscam-se estratégias para incluí-los na assistência de saúde, tendo em vista a pouca relevância que as Políticas Públicas têm demonstrado a eles. Assim, o enfermeiro, como educador em saúde, deve buscar oferecer subsídios aos cuidadores leigos para que escolham as alternativas disponíveis, durante a fase em que cuidam dos doentes, sem que essa função acarrete prejuízo à sua saúde. Conclui-se que a educação em saúde pode ser alternativa para oferecer atenção aos cuidadores leigos, tendo o enfermeiro papel indispensável no desenvolvimento de suas estratégias

    “Nós e eles" – Relações assimétricas na comunicação institucional

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    UID/LIN/03213/2013 PEst-OE/LIN/UI3213/2011This work, which follows a praxeological approach on speech in consonancewith theoretical-methodological aspects of the Socio-discursive Interactionism, aims at studying how asymmetrical relationships materialize themselves, textual-linguistically, in interactions in public institutions. Taking in consideration thefact that those relationships are constantly updated according to their own ongoinginteraction, we will try to point out some textual-linguistic configurations that reflectthose asymmetries in institutional complaint letters. Emails from two public institutionswere collected for analysis: an university and an airline company in 2010. Such documents consisted in macro-act complaint.publishersversionpublishe

    A co-creation methodology in heath graduations; perceptions of the graduating actors

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    The new education policies hold students accountable for their own learning. Also a growing number of study results are finding positive relationships between active methodologies and student learning. In this sense, it is important to understand the perceptions of innovative process experiences in learning. Aims: Assess the perceptions of students during an implementation of co-creation methodology in curricular units of Dietetics Nutrition and Pharmacy graduations. Methods: It is a quantitative and longitudinal study in 3rd year degree students across one semester. A co-creation pedagogical process was performed including a multidisciplinary group of students from 4 different subjects of the undergraduate courses in Dietetics Nutrition and Pharmacy, School of Health, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal. Throughout the semester, students had to develop a multidisciplinary research project. Co-creation events, guided by subject teachers, took place at four different times: kick-off, jam1, jam2 and final-pitch. The students' perception of the teaching-learning process was evaluated in the end of each event, through an online questionnaire with eight positive statements about the working day. Each student should indicate their agreement on a scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). Options 3 and 4 were considered as satisfaction. Results: Most students are satisfied with this process (52,3%-94,4%), considering all questions at all events (Figure 1). In half of the statements (I loved this day, I love this work, Today was a full day of learning, I understood this methodology/learning process), student satisfaction gradually increased over the course of the events. Teamwork was clearly appreciated at Jam1 (94,4%) and Final Pitch was much appreciated (84,1%) and considered a great learning day (86,3%). However, if students could decide, only around half students choose this learning methodology (52,3%-57,9%). Conclusion: Most students enjoyed this co-creation process, valuing teamwork and learning. However, some students hesitate to use this methodology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Função cognitiva, dieta mediterrânica e estado nutricional em idosos institucionalizados

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    A low adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) and poor nutritional status (NS) have been associated with impaired cognitive function (CF) in non-institutionalized elderly. Objectives: Investigate the relationship between CF and adherence to the MD and NS in institutionalized the elderly in Bragança – Portugal. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study in institutionalized the elderly who evaluated CF through the Mini Mental State Examination in two categories: with and without cognitive defect, adherence to MD through an indirect PREDIMED questionnaire in two categories: good and low adherence, protein NS through the measurement of the adductor pollicis muscle thickness (APMT) and energy NS through tricipital skinfold thickness (TST), both in two categories: eutrophic and malnutrition. The relationship between variables was studied through the chi-square test and odds ratio (OR) and confidence intervals (95%CI) were computed from adjusted logistic regression. Results: 208 institutionalized elderly, mostly women (64.9%), were evaluated and a direct relationship was found between CF without defect with good adherence MD (p<0.001) and with eutrophic APMT (p=0.016), but not with TST (p=0.611). The elderly with a good adherence to MD were more likely to have no cognitive defect (OR=6.48, 95%CI:2.09-20.11, p=0.001), but there was no relation to APMT (p=0.678). Conclusions: This data suggests that good adherence to the MD can have a beneficial effect on CF in institutionalized elderly, however the NS apparently was associated with CF. The elderly population, specially who is institutionalized, can benefit from the promotion of healthy eating habits.N/

    Diagnósticos de enfermagem em adultos com leucemia mielóide aguda

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    This case study aimed at identifying Nursing Diagnosis (ND) in adult patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, with the purpose of contributing to the Systematization of Nurse Care. Interviews and observation were used for data collection, in addition to Nursing Process application. During the three months of data collection, other NDs were obtained by searching the files of the 6 patients. The 32 ND found in this study were grouped according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Out of these 32 ND, 15 corresponded to changes in Physiological Needs, and 10 to changes in Protection and Safety Needs.Se trata de un estudio de casos que buscó identificar los Diagnósticos de Enfermería (DE) de pacientes adultos con Leucemia Mieloide Aguda, para ofrecer recursos a la sistematización de la Atención de Enfermería. Las técnicas usadas fueran la entrevista y la observación, y se utilizó también del Proceso de Enfermería. En los tres meses de la recolección de dados, se encontraron otros DEs mediante nuevas búsquedas en los manuales de 6 pacientes estudiados. Los 32 DES encontrados se agruparon de acuerdo con la Teoría de las Necesidades de los Seres Humanos de Maslow, de los cuales: 15 correspondieron a las alteraciones en Necesidades Fisiológicas y 10 a las alteraciones en las Necesidades de Protección y de Seguridad.Trata-se de um estudo de casos, que objetivou identificar os Diagnósticos de Enfermagem (DE) de pacientes adultos com Leucemia Mielóide Aguda, a fim de fornecer subsídios à sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem. Utilizaram-se as técnicas de entrevista e observação, além da aplicação do Processo de Enfermagem. Durantes os três meses da coleta de dados, outros DEs foram encontrados através de novas buscas nos prontuários dos 6 pacientes. Os 32 DEs encontrados foram agrupados conforme a Teoria das Necessidades Humanas de Maslow, sendo que: 15 correspondiam às alterações nas Necessidades Fisiológicas e 10 às alterações nas Necessidades de Proteção e Segurança

    Geochemical and ecotoxicological evaluation of sediments of a semiarid estuary on the northeast of Brazil (Natal / RN)

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    Supplementary material related to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101676. The following is available online at www.mdpi.com/20763298/7/6/42/s1, Table S1: Metal enrichment factor (% EF) and geoaccumulation index (Igeo) estimated in sediment simple samples of Potengi river during dry (DS15 and DS16) and rainy (RS16) seasons of 2015 and 2016.The Jundiaí-Potengi Estuary (JPE), northeast of Brazil, suffers from intense degradation due to anthropogenic pollution from different sources, including several punctual treated and untreated domestic sewage discharges. To evaluate the estuary surface sediment quality near the outlet of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), five sampling points were selected. Four campaigns were performed on dry and rainy seasons of the years 2015 and 2016. The sediment samples were submitted to chronic ecotoxicological tests with Nitocra sp., and to metals, granulometry, and total organic matter analysis. The geochemical data were analyzed through enrichment indexes and, multivariate analysis, was performed integrating the ecotoxicological data. The sediment did not display toxicity to Nitocra sp. however, some metals’ concentration (Mn, Pb, Cu, Ni, and Cd) exceeded the limits established by Brazilian legislation. In general, the concentration of the analyzed metals doubled from rainy season to dry season. Considering our findings, we suggest quantifying other classes of contaminants and conducting studies on the bioavailability of metals in JPE, as well as using other organisms of different trophic levels in ecotoxicity tests

    RISK MANAGEMENT AND PERSONAL VALUES: a research in process

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    Various authors have identified behavioral factors that may affect the perceptions that people. have about risks. Facing the risks requires that the company manages them, understanding in advance their nature and impact, monitoring the relevant indicators to anticipate their occurrence, and being ready to act immediately at the first signs of trouble. Risk perception is hard to understand. This paper presents an research in process aimed at deepening scientific knowledge of managing the risks associated with personal values in crowdsourcing innovation. Specifically, we will identify the main human risks factors and we will also seek to understand how personal values might potentially affect the risk´s perception. As deliverables of the research we will produce a checklist to manage risks associated with

    Phenomenography’s contribution to organizational studies based on a practice perspective

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    Purpose – This paper aims to propose the phenomenography as an approach that may contribute to the organizational studies based on the practice perspective, considering that it analyzes the phenomenon through the practitioner’s view and experience. Design/methodology/approach – It is a theoretical essay about phenomenography as a theoreticalmethodological perspective, considering its concept, its relation with practice theories and how its theoreticalmethodological approach is capable of bringing a new perspective over the organizations, in the practice perspective. Findings – The phenomenographic method, together with the practice perspective, enables mapping, identifying, describing and relating all the different ways by which an organization, in each one of its structuring dimensions, is effectively experienced. It argues that aspects such as the phenomenographic interview, the second-order perspective, the collective conceptions stated in the outcome space and their relations, the complexity of hierarchy and the abductive theorization about the emerging concepts of collective perceptions form, all together, an alternative and promising theoretical approach to analyze the entanglement between action and the material dimension that constitutes the organizational practices. Practical implications – The phenomenographic outcome space may become a catalyst of a theorization about practices, which is capable to modify them or modify the way they are understood. Originality/value – It discusses the possibility of phenomenography to theorize from the agents’ collective consciousness
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