248 research outputs found

    Aplicação de efluentes de suiniculturas como fertilizantes na agricultura : impacto da qualidade dos meios hídricos : um caso de estudo em Santiago do Cacém, Alentejo

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    A descarga nos cursos de água, de efluentes (brutos ou pré-tratados) de suiniculturas, tem provocado a deterioração da qualidade dos meios hídricos já que estes são potenciais focos de poluição, em especial no que se refere ao azoto, ao fósforo e a determinados metais pesados como é o caso do cobre e do zinco. A valorização agrícola dos efluentes pode ser de grande utilidade, em certas regiões de Portugal, como é o caso do Alentejo, devido à reduzida fertilidade da maioria dos seus solos, que resulta em parte do seu empobrecimento em matéria orgânica. No quadro de um projecto de Demonstração e Desenvolvimento Experimental no Concelho de Santiago do Cacém, apoiado pelo programa AGRO, desenvolveu-se um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão (SAD), com o qual foi possível classificar as formações aquíferas da região quanto ao seu grau de susceptibilidade à poluição, possibilitando desta forma seleccionar com mais rigor as potenciais áreas de aplicação dos efluentes. Foram escolhidas duas áreas para espalhamento de efluentes ("área experimental do Montado" - Vale de Ermida, e "área experimental dos Suínos" - Vale Madeiros) e analisada a evolução dos parâmetros físico-químicos observados

    A new structural two-component epoxy adhesive: Strength and fracture characterization

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    30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM2021) -15-18 June 2021, Athens, GreeceIn the past decades, adhesive technology has been useful in order to solve numerous issues related with conventional joining techniques (bolting, riveting and welding). Several advantages of adhesive bonding can be pointed out, such as low weight (relevant in the automotive and aeronautical industries), capability to resist to adverse environmental conditions, lower manufacturing costs and possibility to join different materials. To predict crack propagation of an adhesive joint by advanced fracture mechanics-based techniques such as cohesive zone models (CZM) it is not enough to know the traditional mechanical properties, such as Young’s modulus (E), shear modulus (G), tensile strength (σf) and shear strength (τf). Actually, it is also mandatory to estimate the tensile (GIC) and shear fracture energies (GIIC). The purpose of this work is to carry out the mechanical and fracture property characterization of a new structural two-component epoxy adhesive. With this purpose, four tests which were conducted: tensile testing to bulk specimens, shear testing with thick adherend shear tests (TAST), double-cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched flexure (ENF). With these tests, it was possible to determine the mechanical and fracture properties of the adhesive in tension and shear. Different data reduction methods were evaluated for the fracture properties. The test results agreed with the data provided by the manufacturer and will enable the design of bonded structures with this adhesive.The authors would like to thank Sika® Portugal for supplying the adhesive SikaPower® 1277info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resiliência em discentes de administração, por idade, religiosidade e gênero

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar o nível de resiliência dos discentes de Administração, conforme os segmentos de faixa etária, religiosidade e gênero. Para consecução do objetivo proposto foi realizada, inicialmente, uma revisão bibliográfica que forneceu o embasamento teórico necessário, seguida de uma pesquisa de campo com 361 discentes regularmente matriculados em dois cursos de Bacharelado em Administração de duas Instituições públicas de Ensino Superior (IES) localizadas em uma capital do Nordeste brasileiro. O instrumento utilizado na pesquisa de campo foi constituído de duas partes: pela Escala de Resiliência de Wagnild e Young (1993) e por questões sociodemográficas. Os dados foram trabalhados no software SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)versão 19.0. Os resultados apontaram que o nível de resiliência no público investigado não foi não variou entre os gêneros. Percebeu-se também que para a amostra a bordada houve pouca variação da resiliência em função da idade e do nível de religiosidade. Na presente pesquisa, observou-se um equilíbrio entre as variáveis: idade, religiosidade e gênero


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    Estudio descriptivo, de abordaje cualitativo, cuyo propósito fue identificar los riegos ocupacionales en salas de vacunas. Participaron de la investigación 10 técnicos de enfermería que actúan en cinco salas de vacuna de un municipio del noroeste de Rio Grande do Sul. Los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada y de observación simple, y analizados por medio del análisis temático en el periodo de marzo a mayo de 2012. Se observó que las salas de vacunas presentan muchos riegos ocupacionales y que muchos trabajadores no los perciben, pues había local para lavar las manos, pero este presentaba una altura muy baja en las cinco salas observadas, además de la iluminación deficiente en todas las salas. Las personas que aplican las vacunas entienden que los riegos ocupacionales están relacionados solamente a los accidentes de trabajo. La atención del servicio municipal de promoción de la salud del trabajador puede agregar valor a la cualidad en el trabajo de estes sujetos.This descriptive study with a qualitative approach aimed to identify the occupational risks in vaccinations. A total of 10 nursing technicians participated in the research; these worked in five vaccination rooms in a municipality in the North-west of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and simple observation, and were analyzed using thematic analysis in the period March – May 2012. It was observed that the vaccination rooms present innumerable occupational risks – and that many workers do not perceive these. There was a work surface with a basin for handwashing, but these were at a very low height in the five rooms observed, in addition to there being inadequate lighting in all rooms. The vaccinators understand occupational risks as relating only to work accidents. The attention of the municipal service for the promotion of worker’s health could add value to the quality in these subjects’ work.Estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, cujo objetivo foi identificar os riscos ocupacionais em salas de vacinas. Participaram da pesquisa, 10 técnicos de enfermagem que atuam em cinco salas de vacina de um município no noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram coletados por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada e observação simples, e analisados por meio da análise temática no período de março a maio de 2012. Observou-se que as salas de vacinas apresentam inúmeros riscos ocupacionais e que muitos trabalhadores não os percebem, pois havia balcão com pia para lavar as mãos, mas estas continham uma altura muito baixa nas cinco salas observadas além da iluminação deficiente em todas salas. As vacinadoras entendem que os riscos ocupacionais estão relacionados somente aos acidentes de trabalho. A atenção do serviço municipal de promoção à saúde do trabalhador pode conferir valor à qualidade no trabalho destes sujeitos

    Assegurar a acessibilidade e a inclusão no ensino superior com o apoio da tecnologia digital: a abordagem integrada de aprendizagem ao longo da vida do projeto EduTech

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    Recurso Educacional relativo à apresentação do Projeto Edu Tech, Erasmus+ KA2, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Capacity Building in Higher Education, 609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPFinanciado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito dos projetos, UIDB/04372/2020. Projeto de Investigação integrado na UID LE@D- 4372/FCT - EDU TECH 609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Can we rely on iFR for avoiding FFR? Conclusions of a 5-year experience

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    Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2017Background: Recently, the instantaneous wave free ratio (iFR), has been proposed an alternative or complementary method to fractional flow reserve (FFR). This new method does not require the use of adenosine and may expedite the speed of functional assessment. The iFR “hybrid strategy” relies on values 0,93 as definitive results which would not require the use of FFR. However, this strategy is much less consensual than FFR alone. Purpose: We aimed to assess the concordance of FFR and iFR results using the principle of the “hybrid strategy”, based on the 5-year experience of a single center. We also aimed to analyse the effect of iFR in the operator's decision to proceed to FFR, and its impact on procedure duration and radiation time/dosage. Methods: Single-center registry of all patients undergoing functional coronary lesion assessment during 5 years. FFR was used as a gold standard (with a cut-off point for intervention ≤0,80) for assessing the diagnostic accuracy of iFR in every patient who underwent measurements with both techniques. For analysis purposes, an iFR value 0,93 was considered negative (i.e. defer intervention). Values in between were deemed inconclusive. For statistical analysis we used the T student and Chi-Square tests. Results: Functional testing was undertaken in 326 patients (67±11 years, 65,6% male), encompassing 402 lesions. 154 lesions underwent assessment with both techniques, 222 by FFR only and 26 cases iFR only. The average iFR was 0,9±0,1. 60 lesions had an iFR >0,93 and 21 an iFR <0,86. An iFR value between 0,86 and 0,93 was strongly associated with the decision to proceed to FFR (χ2=30,1; p0,93 (71,4% vs 68%; p=0,792). In these cases, there was a statistically significant concordance of 87% between the iFR and FFR results (χ2=22,43; p<0,001). Notwithstanding, there were 4 out of 13 cases (30,7%) of positive iFR with negative FFR and 3 out of 42 (7,1%) cases of negative iFR and positive FFR. This difference was statistically significant (p=0,026). Regarding procedural time, radiation time and radiation dose, there were no statistically significant differences between patients who only underwent iFR, FFR only, or both techniques. Conclusions: The iFR results were inconclusive (i.e. between 0,86 and 0,93) in most cases. There was a high degree of concordance between the iFR and FFR values. However, a significant proportion of patients, particularly in cases of positive iFR (<0,86), were classified as negative by FFR. The use of iFR had no impact on procedural time, radiation time and radiation dose.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Project Management: A Model of Monitoring and Control of Public Projects Executed with Voluntary Transfers Resources

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    A crescente demanda social por serviços púbicos de qualidade e ao alcance de todos, em contraposição à diminuição das receitas públicas nos últimos anos, conferem aos recursos oriundos das transferências voluntárias da União papel fundamental na execução dos projetos do poder executivo estadual. Em um Estado no qual os recursos destinados a investimentos dependem das transferências voluntárias, a falta de planejamento quando da captação e da execução, aliada à ausência de uma ferramenta estadual de monitoramento e controle desses recursos, acarretam perdas financeiras e sociais de difícil reparação. O objetivo geral deste artigo é propor uma rotina e uma ferramenta de gestão capazes de acompanhar, de forma tempestiva, a execução orçamentária, financeira e física de todas as fases dos projetos no âmbito do poder executivo estadual, executados com recursos oriundos de transferências voluntárias. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório e descritiva, baseada em um estudo de caso. Como principais resultados, listam-se: a identificação do total de convênios em execução e dos recursos devolvidos nos últimos exercícios, além da propositura de uma rotina e ferramenta de acompanhamento. Sugere-se que futuras pesquisas avancem nas causas de insucesso dos projetos individuais.The increasing social demand for quality in public services and the universality of it, in contrast to the decrease in public revenues in recent years, make the resources derived from the voluntary transfers of the federal government to play a fundamental role in the execution of projects of the state executive power. In a state in which investment resources depend on voluntary transfers, a lack of planning of funding and execution, with the absence of a public tool for monitoring and controlling these resources, lead to financial and social losses that are difficult to repair. The main objective of this article is to propose a routine and a management tool for monitoring, in a timely manner, the budgetary, financial and physical execution of all phases of the projects within the scope of the state executive power, executed with funds from voluntary transfers. This qualitative research based on a case study is exploratory and descriptive. The main results are: a) the identification of agreements in execution and the sum of resources returned in the last years, b) the proposal of a routine and monitoring tool for the public power. We suggest that future research should focus on the causes of failure of individual projects

    Score CTo-aBCDE : um novo score preditor de sucesso nas CTOs

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    © 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Introduction: Patient selection for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in chronic total occlusions (CTOs) is crucial to procedural success. Our aim was to identify independent predictors of success in CTO PCI in order to create an accurate score. Methods: In a single-center observational registry of CTO PCI, demographic and clinical data and anatomical characteristics of coronary lesions were recorded. Linear and logistic regression analysis were used to identify predictors of success. A score to predict success was created and its accuracy was measured by receiver operating curve analysis. Results: A total of 377 interventions were performed (334 patients, age 68±11 years, 75% male). The success rate was 65% per patient and 60% per procedure. Predictors of success in univariate analysis were absence of active smoking (OR 2.02, 95% CI 1.243-3.29; p=0.005), presence of tapered stump (OR 5.2, 95% CI 2.7-10.2; p8 with high probability (95%). Conclusion: In our sample only anatomical characteristics were predictors of success. The creation of a score to predict success, with good accuracy, may enable selection of cases that can be treated by any operator, those in which a dedicated operator will be desirable, and those with an extremely low probability of success, which should be considered individually for conservative management, surgical revascularization or PCI by a team experienced in CTO.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio