69 research outputs found

    Estação experimental de Lages, 110 anos de contribuição à agropecuária catarinense

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    O artigo aborda o histórico da Estação Experimental de Lages (EEL), desde a criação do Campo Demonstrativo em 1905 e do Posto Zootécnico Federal de Lages em 1912, implantado no mesmo local onde está sediada a Epagri/EEL, razão pela qual está se comemorando os 110 anos de existência. Descreve todas as denominações e instâncias às quais essas instituições estiveram subordinadas. Também relata os primeiros trabalhos, que foram pioneiros no Sul do Brasil e as atividades desenvolvidas no decorrer das décadas. Em 1971 a EEL recebe a denominação atual, subordinada ao Instituto de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Sul (Ipeas), posteriormente Embrapa e Empasc em 1975 e finalmente Epagri em 1991. Descreve a estrutura atual da unidade, como corpo de colaboradores, as áreas que ocupa, edificações, rebanhos e principais área de pesquisa, bem como as parcerias, as estratégias de difusão de conhecimento e as tecnologias geradas nas últimas décadas


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    The aciculated dry branches of Araucaria angustifolia, which fall throughout the year by the natural pruning of the species, can be a renewable and sustainable alternative for energy generation and income for rural producers inserted in the Mixed Ombrophilous Forest. This research aimed to energetically characterize these dry branches produced by free-growing trees throughout the year in the Santa Catarina's Plateau Region. Also, it aimed to determine the influence of weather conditions on the energetic quality of the aciculated dry branches. To that end, we demarcated 37 trees by choosing a quadrant according to the radius of the crowns in which the dry branches were collected. Collections happened monthly between June 2018 and May 2019. Subsequently, the biomass's physical, chemical, and energetic properties were determined. A simple correlation between climatic variables and properties was obtained. The main advantage of aciculated dry branches as an energy resource was their low moisture content (18%) and the disadvantages were the high ash content and the low basic density (220 kg.m-3). Except for the moisture content, all the properties of the aciculated dry branches varied throughout the year, and they were influenced by the weather variables. The correlations between the climatic variables and the properties analyzed indicated that the energetic quality of the dry branches was better in the months with the highest values of average temperatures and solar radiation

    Ingestive behavior of Angus yearling steers in natural grassland subjected to fertilization and over sown of temperate species

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    The objective was to evaluate the ingestive behavior of Angus yearling steers grazing natural grasslands of Southern Brazil, submitted or not to the application of fertilizers: NG= natural grassland; FNG= fertilized natural grassland, and FONG= fertilized natural grassland improved with the over sown of temperate forage species. Three Angus yearling steers and a variable number of put-and-take animals were used per experimental unit, to maintain a forage allowance of 13 kg of dry matter/100 kg of body weight. Ingestive behavior of tester animals was visually assessed in four seasons of the year through instantaneous records of activity every ten minutes during the daytime period. There was no effect of pasture treatments on ingestive behavior. An interaction between seasons and periods of the day was observed for daily grazing and rumination time (P <0.05). The grazing activities were clustered at the beginning and the end of the day in summer, autumn and winter, while in spring it was similar in the 1 st three quarters of the day, with higher activity in the period close to sunset. The animals spent more time grazing in the spring despite the better quality of forage in this season. Regardless of the season, longer residence and grazing time were found in water foci areas. We conclude that grazing time on natural pastures is influenced by forage mass and forage allowance, and bite rate is influenced by the chemical composition of the sward

    A contribuição do queijo artesanal serrano para o desenvolvimento regional e preservação dos campos de altitude do sul do Brasil

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    Este artigo tem comoobjetivo apresentar o estado da arte da evolução histórica e influênciacultural do queijo artesanal serrano (QAS) no sul do Brasil. Caracterizar osdiferentes sistemas de produção bem como os processos envolvidos em suafabricação, definindo a identidade territorial do QAS no sul do Brasil. Apresentarprincipais resultados de pesquisas do Projeto Queijo Artesanal Serrano,apontando as potencialidades, limitações e desafios como signo distinto para odesenvolvimento regional por meio da valorização do produto, capacitação deprodutores e legalização do QAS. Busca-se,como desafio, a concessão de uma indicação geográfica e o registro do produtono Livro dos Saberes do Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico Artístico Nacional(Iphan), como patrimônio cultural de natureza imaterial do Brasil. Além dalegalização de sua produção e comercialização, tirando-o da informalidade

    Limestone and phosphorus application and forage production in natural pastures with sodseeding of cool-season species

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    Natural pastures are important ecosystems that both contribute to biodiversity conservation and provide an important source of income, especially for cattle ranchers. While these pastures yield fairly low productivity, they can be improved by increasing soil fertility and introducing species with high productive potentials. In this sense, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of applying limestone and phosphorus, as well as introducing cool-season species with a mixture of species dominated by Schizachyrium tenerum Nees, into a natural pasture in the Catarinense Plateau. The experiment was conducted from January 2010 to December 2013; the treatments consisted of superficial distribution of limestone in proportions of 3.6, 7.2, 11.0, and 14.4 t ha-1, as well as distribution of phosphorus in the form of triple superphosphate in proportions of 35, 70, 105, and 140 kg of P2O5 ha-1. In addition, cool-season species were overseeded. The experiment consisted of a randomized block design with subdivided plots and three replications. Limestone was applied to the main parcel, whereas phosphorus was applied to the subplots. There was no interaction between the levels of limestone and phosphorus. The application of 11.0 t ha-1 of limestone yielded the highest forage production, with 3,932.2 kg of dry matter (DM) ha-1 during the second year. Red clover was the species that best reacted to the additions, with levels of 7.2 and 11.0 t ha-1 over the 4 years. In addition, phosphorus provoked a positive response throughout the experiment. The highest forage production was observed during the second year, with an addition of 140 kg P2O5 ha-1 (4,419.4 kg DM ha-1). Only one-eighth of the recommended amount of limestone (3.6 t ha-1) allowed for the establishment and persistence of the legumes introduced into natural pastures. These additions, associated with increasing levels of phosphorus, yielded linear growth in the production of forage in natural pastures with a mixture of species dominated by Schizachyrium tenerum Nees

    Ecosystems services from natural grasslands: ¿it's possible to enhance them with more productivity?

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    Grazing intensity is the key component of the interrelations between plants and their environment in pastoral ecosystems. In this way, the natural structural and floristic heterogeneity that is a response to soil variability can be modified by grazing. But the degree of such alterations must to be controlled in order to maintain ecosystems services and at same time to offers an adequate nutritional environment to the herbivores. In this paper we summarize some results from a series of experiments conducted in natural pastures from south Brazil, to demonstrate how grazing control can modified structural pasture characteristics, enhancing animal performance, soil quality, water infiltration, and producing a meat with particular fatty acids composition

    A produção de carne e leite a base de pastagens começa por sementes de qualidade

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    Winter pastures are an important component of livestock systems in southern Brazil. It provides meat and milk production at low costs. The seeds quality is fundamental for establishment of productive forages, with high potential and free contamination of undesirable pathogens and weeds. The objective was to evaluate the seeds quality of winter forage acquired by ranchers in highlands region of Santa Catarina State.  It were sampled 78 lots of seeds in the local market in 12 municipalities, collected during summer and autumn of 2017 and 2019. Parameters were germination, purity, other seeds and inert material analyzed in laboratory homologated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. More than 67% of the analyzed seeds lots are below what the current legislation calls for. This compromises the establishment, the production, and profitability of the ranchers.As pastagens cultivadas de inverno são um importante componente dos sistemas pecuários no sul do Brasil, oportunizando a produção de carne e leite a custos competitivos. A qualidade de sementes é fundamental para o estabelecimento de pastos produtivos, com alto potencial e livre de contaminação de patógenos e plantas indesejáveis. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de sementes de forrageiras de inverno adquiridas por produtores rurais no Planalto Catarinense, no verão/outono de 2017 e 2019. Foram amostrados 78 lotes de sementes de forrageiras adquiridas no mercado local em 12 municípios da região. Parâmetros de germinação, pureza, outras sementes e material inerte foram analisadas em laboratório de análise de sementes credenciado no Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento. A maior parte dos lotes de sementes analisadas estão abaixo do que preconiza a legislação vigente. Isto compromete o estabelecimento, produção e rentabilidade dos pecuaristas

    Alturas de manejo do pastejo não alteram a estratégia de persistência do capim-caninha em pastagem natural

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate tiller dynamics and population stability of Andropogon lateralis in a natural pasture subjected to grazing height management under intermittent stocking method. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with four treatments and four replicates, in 16 experimental units of 875 m² each. The treatments consisted of four pre-grazing heights of A. lateralis (12, 20, 28, and 36 cm), which was grazed until its initial height was reduced by 40%. Dynamics of tiller birth and death were evaluated using the marked tiller technique over a period of 18 months, from October 2015 to March 2017. The results indicate that the use of different heights for the management of natural pastures does not affect the stability of the tiller population of A. lateralis and that, regardless of the management strategy, the persistent pathway of this species is mainly based on the maintenance of high-tiller survival rates.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica e a estabilidade populacional de perfilhos do capim-caninha (Andropogon lateralis) em pastagem natural submetida a diferentes alturas de manejo, sob método de lotação intermitente. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições, em 16 unidades experimentais de 875 m² cada uma. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro alturas pré-pastejo de capim-caninha (12, 20, 28 e 36 cm), que foi pastejado a até 40% da altura inicial. Com o uso da técnica de perfilhos marcados, avaliou-se a dinâmica de aparecimento e morte de perfilhos ao longo de 18 meses, de outubro de 2015 até março de 2017. Os resultados indicam que a utilização de diferentes alturas de manejo em campo nativo não afeta a estabilidade da população de perfilhos do capim-caninha e que, independentemente do manejo empregado, a via de persistência desta espécie é baseada, principalmente, na manutenção de altas taxas de sobrevivência de perfilhos