198 research outputs found

    The effect of positive reinforcement on the achievement of 3rd grade students\u27 spelling

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of positive reinforcement in the form of rewards on the achievement of 3rd grade students\u27 end of the week post spelling test. The study was conducted on fourteen 3rd grade students in a kindergarten through sixth grade school in southern New Jersey. The researcher collected the students\u27 grades for four weeks during which positive reinforcements in the form of rewards were not used and the grades for four weeks during which the students received positive reinforcements in the form of rewards every time the student earned a grade of ninety-two or above. The eight week study showed significant improvement in the grades of the students when they received positive reinforcement in the form of rewards than when the same students did not receive rewards. The implications of the study are that positive reinforcement can be used to obtain a desired result that a teacher or parent seeks for a student to achieve; and that when used correctly, positive reinforcement is very effective

    Descarte de medicamentos e perfurocortantes no Distrito Federal : um olhar sobre a sociedade e os catadores de materiais recicláveis

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ceilândia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências e Tecnologias em Saúde, 2017.Os resíduos sólidos (RS) apresentam uma vasta diversidade e complexidade, sendo que suas características físicas, químicas e biológicas variam de acordo com a fonte ou atividade geradora. Dentre a variedade dos resíduos produzidos os Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde (RSS) ocupam um lugar em destaque em decorrência dos graves riscos sanitários e ambientais. Assim, o descarte inadequado pode colocar em risco a saúde dos trabalhadores, dos usuários, da comunidade e do meio ambiente. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar o descarte de medicamentos e perfurocortantes realizado pela população do Distrito Federal (DF) e as possíveis consequências à saúde dos catadores de materiais recicláveis. O trabalho se subdividi em três artigos: no primeiro temos como objetivo analisar o descarte de medicamentos pela população do DF, refletindo sobre os riscos sanitários e ambientais. O segundo teve como objetivo compreender a percepção dos catadores de materiais recicláveis de cooperativas do DF com relação ao descarte dos RSS em especial medicamentos dispostos de forma inadequada juntamente com o resíduo do tipo comum, já o terceiro, teve como objetivo compreender a percepção dos catadores de materiais recicláveis acerca da temática do descarte de RSS em especial perfurocortantes envolvendo questões relacionadas aos acidentes com esse tipo de resíduo e o uso de Equipamento de Proteção Individual (EPI). Constatou-se que a população entrevistada realiza o descarte de medicamentos de forma inadequada. Os catadores são expostos aos diversos riscos provocados pelo contato com medicamentos e resíduos perfurocortantes. Além disso, os resultados dessa dissertação apontam que o Brasil conseguiu grandes avanços na legislação com relação ao descarte de RSS, porém existem ainda lacunas em especial no descarte de resíduos de serviços de saúde gerados em domicílios e na fiscalização da destinação final que necessitam ser supridas.The solid waste (SW) presents a wide diversity and complexity, and its physical, chemical and biological characteristics vary according to the source or generating activity. Among the variety of waste produced, Health Services Waste (HSW) have a prominent place due to serious health and environmental risks. Thus, its inappropriate disposal can endanger the health of workers, users, the community, and the environment. The objective of this study was to analyze the disposal of medicines and sharp objects produced by the population of the Federal District (FD) and the possible consequences to the health of recyclable waste collectors. This paper is subdivided into three articles: in the first one, we aim at analyzing the disposal of drugs by the population of the Federal District, reflecting on sanitary and environmental risks. The second objective was to understand the perception of recyclable material collectors from the FD cooperatives in relation to the disposal of HSW, in special drugs that are improperly disposed along with residue of the common type; and the third one aimed at understanding the perception of recyclable material collectors regarding the issue of HSW discarding, in particular sharp objects, involving issues related to accidents with this type of waste and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). It has been found that the interviewed population performs improper disposal of medications. The collectors are exposed to various risks from the contact with medicinal products and sharp objects. In addition, the results of this dissertation indicate that Brazil has achieved great advances in legislation regarding the disposal of HWS, however, there are still gaps especially regarding the disposal of residues of health services generated in households and in the inspection of the final destination that need to be fulfilled

    Predatory lizards perceive plant-derived volatile odorants

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    Many lizards are olfactory foragers and prey upon herbivorous arthropods, yet their responses to common herbivore-associated plant volatiles remain unknown. As such, their role in mediating plant indirect defenses also remains largely obscured. In this paper, we use a cotton-swab odor presentation assay to ask whether lizards respond to two arthropod-associated plant-derived volatile compounds: 2-(E)-hexenal and hexanoic acid. We studied the response of two lizard species, Sceloporus virgatusand Aspidoscelis exsanguis, because they differ substantially in their foraging behavior. We found that the actively foraging A. exsanguisresponded strongly to hexanoic acid, whereas the ambush foraging S. virgatus responded to 2-(E)-hexenal—an herbivore-associated plant volatile involved in indirect defense against herbivores. These findings indicate that S. virgatus may contribute to plant indirect defense and that a species\u27 response to specific odorants is linked with foraging mode. Future studies can elucidate how lizards use various compounds to locate prey and how these responses impact plant-herbivore interactions

    O impacto do descarte inadequado dos resíduos de saúde aos catadores de materiais recicláveis de Ceilândia DF

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ceilândia, Curso de Saúde Coletiva, 2015.Resíduos de saúde são gerados em ambientes que prestam assistência à saúde humana e animal. Alguns destes resíduos de acordo com suas propriedades podem representar riscos à saúde pública e ao meio ambiente. As leis relacionadas ao gerenciamento e disposição final desses resíduos vêm sofrendo alterações ao longo do tempo, visando minimizar os impactos provocados ao meio ambiente e a saúde pública. O problema atual é a grande quantidade de resíduos de saúde gerados em ambientes domiciliares que, quando descartados no lixo comum, colocam em risco o meio ambiente e a saúde dos trabalhadores responsáveis pela triagem do material. Neste sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho é analisar os possíveis riscos de danos à saúde dos catadores da Ceilândia- DF, frente ao descarte incorreto de resíduos de saúde. Tem como abordagem um estudo epidemiológico, transversal, descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa. A entrevista foi realizada através de um questionário Survey aplicados a 61 trabalhadores das Associações Pré-Cooperativa dos Catadores de Resíduos Sólidos e Recicle a Vida. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e analisados de forma descritiva. Os resultados desse estudo mostram a prevalência de 51,0% de mulheres trabalhando nas associações; 36,0% do total de entrevistados estão na faixa etária entre os 30 a 39 anos de idade, 42,6% estão a mais de 10 anos trabalhando na profissão de catador, 81,0% fazem o uso de Equipamento de Proteção Individual. Dos entrevistados, 23,0% já sofreram algum tipo de acidente com resíduos de serviços de saúde; 95,1% declaram que encontram frequentemente medicamentos no seu ambiente de trabalho e 86,9% encontram resíduos hospitalares. Em relação à periculosidade dos resíduos, 90,2% dos trabalhadores consideram que estes resíduos podem transmitir doenças virais e bacterianas, bem como danos com risco a qualidade de vida e saúde. Concluise que os trabalhadores estão expostos a riscos devido à destinação inadequada de resíduos de saúde. Portanto, é necessário reforçar as estratégias para aumentar a sensibilização sobre o descarte correto de medicamentos e resíduos de saúde além de incorporar em leis existentes a gestão desses resíduos produzidos em domicílios. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTWaste of health services are generated in environments that provide assistance to human and animal health. Some of this waste according to its properties can pose risks to public health and the environment. The laws relating to the management and disposal of such waste have been undergoing changes over time aimed at minimizing impacts to the environment and public health. The current problem is the large amount of waste of health services generated in home environments that when discarded in the trash common, endanger the environment and the health of workers responsible for screening the material. In this sense the objective of this study is to analyze the risks that collectors Administrative Region of Ceilândia DF, are exposed through of incorrect disposal of waste medicines and health services. The methodology of this study used the epidemiological study, cross-sectional, descriptive, with quantitative approach. The interview took place through a Survey questionnaire applied to 61 workers of the Pre-Cooperative Associations of Collectors of Solid Waste and Recycle Life. Data collected were tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The results of this study show a prevalence of 51.0% of women working in associations; 36.0% of respondents are aged between 30-39 years old, 42.6% are over 10 years working in the profession of collector, 81.0% make use of Personal Protective Equipment. of the respondents, 23.0% had experienced some kind of accident with waste of health services ; 95.1% say they often find drugs in the workplace and 86.9% are medical waste. Regarding hazardous waste, 90.2% of workers consider that this waste can transmit viral and bacterial diseases as well as damage life-threatening and health. It concludes that workers are exposed to risks due to improper disposal of waste from health services. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen strategies to raise awareness about the proper disposal of medicines and medical waste and incorporate existing laws the management of such waste produced in households

    Herbivore-mediated negative frequency-dependent selection underlies a trichome dimorphism in nature

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    Authors are grateful for funding provided by an NSF GRFP to J.K.G. (2015195769) and DEB‐1353970 to L.F.D.Negative frequency‐dependent selection (NFDS) has been shown to maintain polymorphism in a diverse array of traits. The action of NFDS has been confirmed through modeling, experimental approaches, and genetic analyses. In this study, we investigated NFDS in the wild using morph‐frequency changes spanning a 20‐year period from over 30 dimorphic populations of Datura wrightii. In these populations, plants either possess glandular (sticky) or non‐glandular (velvety) trichomes, and the ratio of these morphs varies substantially among populations. Our method provided evidence that NFDS, rather than drift or migration, is the primary force maintaining this dimorphism. Most populations that were initially dimorphic remained dimorphic, and the overall mean and variance in morph frequency did not change over time. Furthermore, morph‐frequency differences were not related to geographic distances. Together, these results indicate that neither directional selection, drift, or migration played a substantial role in determining morph frequencies. However, as predicted by negative frequency‐dependent selection, we found that the rare morph tended to increase in frequency, leading to a negative relationship between the change in the frequency of the sticky morph and its initial frequency. In addition, we found that morph‐frequency change over time was significantly correlated with the damage inflicted by two herbivores: Lema daturaphila and Tupiochoris notatus. The latter is a specialist on the sticky morph and damage by this herbivore was greatest when the sticky morph was common. The reverse was true for L. daturaphila, such that damage increased with the frequency of the velvety morph. These findings suggest that these herbivores contribute to balancing selection on the observed trichome dimorphism.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe


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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo categorizar as fake news a respeito da COVID-19 e apontar as principais estratégias para o enfrentamento às informações falsas no Brasil. A metodologia consistiu em duas etapas: levantamento e categorização das notícias sobre a COVID-19, e busca de estratégias para minimizar os impactos de notícias identificadas como falsas, no período de janeiro a maio de 2020. No levantamento realizado foram encontrados 186 fake news sobre a pandemia, que posteriormente foram categorizadas em cinco temas:  cura e prevenção da COVID-19, descrença no isolamento, pesquisas duvidosas, manipulação de dados, qualidade dos Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI) e fraudes em redes sociais. Os resultados apontaram que 37,6% e 28,5% dessas notícias eram relacionados a manipulação de dados e formas enganosas de cura ou prevenção do vírus, respectivamente. Além disso, na busca por estratégias de enfrentamento às fake news sobre COVID-19 houve destaque para as iniciativas de instituições Federais e Estaduais com a divulgação de informações verídicas por meio das mídias sociais. O estudo atingiu o objetivo proposto, entretanto, compreendeu-se a dificuldade em acompanhar a velocidade com que são disparadas centenas de novas informações falsas, logo neste trabalho não foi possível contemplar todas as notícias publicadas e compartilhadas nos veículos de informação. Desta forma, evidencia-se a necessidade de novos estudos sobre os efeitos, os motivos e a quem favorece o impulsionamento deste tipo de informação.The present study aims to categorize fake news about COVID-19, in addition to pointing out the main strategies for tackling this false information in Brazil. The methodology consisted of two stages: survey and categorization of news about COVID-19, and the search for strategies to minimize impacts of news identified as false, from January to May 2020. In the survey, 186 Fake News about COVID-19, which were later categorized into 5 themes: cure and prevention of COVID-19, disbelief in isolation, dubious research, data manipulation, quality of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and scams on social networks. Thus, it was highlighted that 37.6% and 28.5% of the news were related to data manipulation and deceptive ways of curing or preventing the virus, respectively. In addition, in the search for strategies to combat fake news about COVID-19, there was an emphasis on the initiatives of Federal and State institutions with the dissemination of truthful information through social media. The study managed to achieve the proposed objective, however, it was understood that hundreds of new fakes news are shared all the time, and with that, it was not possible to cover in this work all the news that are published and shared in the information vehicles. Thus, there is a need for further studies on the effects, reasons and who favors the promotion of this type of information.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo clasificar las noticias falsas sobre COVID-19 y apuntar las principales estrategias para el combate a la información falsa en Brasil. La metodología consistió en dos etapas: levantamiento y categorización de noticias falsas sobre COVID-19, y búsqueda de estrategias para enfrentar noticias falsas, de enero a mayo de 2020. En el levantamiento, se encontraron 186 noticias falsas sobre el COVID-19, que luego fueron clasificadas en cinco temas: cura y prevención de COVID-19, incredulidad aislada, investigación dudosa, manipulación de datos, calidad del Equipo de Protección Personal (EPP) y fraude en las redes sociales. Los resultados mostraron que 37,6% y 28,5% de las noticias falsas estaban relacionadas con la manipulación de datos y formas engañosas para curar o prevenir el virus, respectivamente. Además, en la búsqueda de estrategias para combatir las noticias falsas sobre COVID-19, se resaltan las iniciativas de las instituciones federales y estatales con la difusión de información veraz a través de las redes sociales. El estudio logró el objetivo propuesto, sin embargo, se entendió que es costoso seguir la velocidad con la que se desencadenan cientos de nuevas noticias falsas, por lo que en este trabajo no fue posible contemplar todas las noticias falsas publicadas y compartidas en los vehículos de información. Por lo tanto, es evidente la necesidad de realizar más estudios sobre los efectos, las razones y quién favorece la promoción de este tipo de información

    Deaminase-Independent Inhibition of Parvoviruses by the APOBEC3A Cytidine Deaminase

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    The APOBEC3 proteins form a multigene family of cytidine deaminases with inhibitory activity against viruses and retrotransposons. In contrast to APOBEC3G (A3G), APOBEC3A (A3A) has no effect on lentiviruses but dramatically inhibits replication of the parvovirus adeno-associated virus (AAV). To study the contribution of deaminase activity to the antiviral activity of A3A, we performed a comprehensive mutational analysis of A3A. By mutation of non-conserved residues, we found that regions outside of the catalytic active site contribute to both deaminase and antiviral activities. Using A3A point mutants and A3A/A3G chimeras, we show that deaminase activity is not required for inhibition of recombinant AAV production. We also found that deaminase-deficient A3A mutants block replication of both wild-type AAV and the autonomous parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVM). In addition, we identify specific residues of A3A that confer activity against AAV when substituted into A3G. In summary, our results demonstrate that deaminase activity is not necessary for the antiviral activity of A3A against parvoviruses

    Parvovirus Minute Virus of Mice Induces a DNA Damage Response That Facilitates Viral Replication

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    Infection by DNA viruses can elicit DNA damage responses (DDRs) in host cells. In some cases the DDR presents a block to viral replication that must be overcome, and in other cases the infecting agent exploits the DDR to facilitate replication. We find that low multiplicity infection with the autonomous parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVM) results in the activation of a DDR, characterized by the phosphorylation of H2AX, Nbs1, RPA32, Chk2 and p53. These proteins are recruited to MVM replication centers, where they co-localize with the main viral replication protein, NS1. The response is seen in both human and murine cell lines following infection with either the MVMp or MVMi strains. Replication of the virus is required for DNA damage signaling. Damage response proteins, including the ATM kinase, accumulate in viral-induced replication centers. Using mutant cell lines and specific kinase inhibitors, we show that ATM is the main transducer of the signaling events in the normal murine host. ATM inhibitors restrict MVM replication and ameliorate virus-induced cell cycle arrest, suggesting that DNA damage signaling facilitates virus replication, perhaps in part by promoting cell cycle arrest. Thus it appears that MVM exploits the cellular DNA damage response machinery early in infection to enhance its replication in host cells