13 research outputs found

    Sociodemographic and Lifestyle Determinants of Adherence to Current Dietary Recommendations and Diet Quality in Middle-Aged Spanish Premenopausal Women

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    Background: A healthy diet when approaching menopause could prevent some of the symptoms associated with the climacteric. Few studies examine adherence to current healthy dietary recommendations in middle-aged premenopausal women. Our objective was to analyze the diet quality and the adherence to the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) dietary recommendations in middle-aged Spanish premenopausal women, and to identify the associated sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study based on 1251 premenopausal women, aged 39-50, who attended to Madrid City Council Medical Diagnostic Center. Women completed an epidemiological and a food frequency questionnaire. Degree of adherence to the SENC recommendations was estimated with a score that evaluated null (0 points) and full (1 point) adherence of each specific recommendation. Associations were explored using an ordinal logistic multivariable regression model. Results: Regarding food groups, the worst adherence was found for sweets, red/processed meat, olive oil and eggs. Most of the participants exceeded the recommended caloric intake from proteins and fats, and practically all of them showed vitamin D intake deficiency. The overall score ranged from 2 to 12 (out of 15), with a median of 6.0 (interquartile range: 5.0-7.0). Former smokers (OR: 1.38; 95%CI: 1.08-1.78), as well as those with higher educational level (ORSSecondary:1.68; 95%CI: 0.97-2.93, ORUniversity:1.82; 95%IC: 1.05-3.14), with two or more children (OR: 1.31; 95%IC: 1.00-1.72), with higher caloric intake (OR>2188.2kcal/day: 8.22; 95%CI: 6.19-10.92) and with greater physical activity (OR≥21METS-h/week: 1.29; 95%CI: 0.95-1.76) showed greater adherence. Conclusions: Almost two-thirds of middle-aged premenopausal participants showed low or moderate compliance with SENC recommendations. Education, smoking, parity, and physical activity were associated with the degree of adherence to these recommendations.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health (EC11–273) and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI15CIII/0029). The article presents independent research.S

    Plan de cuidados para pacientes prediabéticos

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    La Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 repercute de manera creciente en la supervivencia y el bienestar de la población. En los últimos años su incidencia ha ido aumentando progresivamente de forma alarmante. Sin embargo, existen algunos factores de riesgo que son modificables y que están directamente relacionados con los estilos de vida. El profesional de enfermería desempeña un papel fundamental tanto en la identificación de dichos factores como en la promoción de hábitos saludables para la prevención de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2. En este trabajo se presenta un plan de cuidados estandarizados para individuos con prediabetes, utilizando para ello las taxonomías NANDA, NOC, NIC. Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus type 2 has a growing impact in the survival and well-being of the population. In recent years its incidence has progressively increased at an alarming rate. However, there are some modifiable risks factors directly related with life styles. Nurse plays a fundamental role in the identification of such factors as well as promoting healthy habits for the prevention of the Diabetes Mellitus type 2. This works presents a standardized care plan for prediabetic state, for this, it had been used the NANDA, NOC, NIC classifications. Centro de Trabajo: Enfermera. Adjunta a sección.CMS Ciudad Lineal. Dto. Prevención y Promoción de la Salud. Madrid Salud. Fecha del Trabajo: 12/03/2013 Palabra Clave: Prevención; diabetes mellitus; estado prediabético; estilo de vida; taxonomía. Key Words: Prevention; diabetes mellitus; prediabetic state; life style; classification

    Care plan for prediabetic patients

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    Diabetes Mellitus type 2 has a growing impact in the survival and well-being of the population. In recent years its incidence has progressively increased at an alarming rate. However, there are some modifiable risks factors directly related with life styles. Nurse plays a fundamental role in the identification of such factors as well as promoting healthy habits for the prevention of the Diabetes Mellitus type 2.This works presents a standardized care plan for prediabetic state, for this, it had been used the NANDA, NOC, NIC classifications

    Plan de cuidados para pacientes prediabéticos

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    Diabetes Mellitus type 2 has a growing impact in the survival and well-being of the population. In recent years its incidence has progressively increased at an alarming rate. However, there are some modifiable risks factors directly related with life styles. Nurse plays a fundamental role in the identification of such factors as well as promoting healthy habits for the prevention of the Diabetes Mellitus type 2. This works presents a standardized care plan for prediabetic state, for this, it had been used the NANDA, NOC, NIC classifications.La Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 repercute de manera creciente en la supervivencia y el bienestar de la población. En los últimos años su incidencia ha ido aumentando progresivamente de forma alarmante. Sin embargo, existen algunos factores de riesgo que son modificables y que están directamente relacionados con los estilos de vida. El profesional de enfermería desempeña un papel fundamental tanto en la identificación de dichos factores como en la promoción de hábitos saludables para la prevención de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2. En este trabajo se presenta un plan de cuidados estandarizados para individuos con prediabetes, utilizando para ello las taxonomías NANDA, NOC, NIC

    Factors Associated with Serum Vitamin D Metabolites and Vitamin D Metabolite Ratios in Premenopausal Women

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    The most representative indicator of vitamin D status in clinical practice is 25(OH)D3, but new biomarkers could improve the assessment of vitamin D status and metabolism. The objective of this study is to investigate the association of serum vitamin D metabolites and vitamin D metabolite ratios (VMRs) with potentially influential factors in premenopausal women. This is a cross-sectional study based on 1422 women, aged 39-50, recruited from a Madrid Medical Diagnostic Center. Participants answered an epidemiological and a food frequency questionnaire. Serum vitamin D metabolites were determined using an SPE-LC-MS/MS platform. The association between participant's characteristics, vitamin D metabolites, and VMRs was quantified by multiple linear regression models. Mean 25(OH)D3 concentration was 49.2 + 18.9 nmol/L, with greater deficits among obese, nulliparous, dark-skinned women, and with less sun exposure. A lower R2 ratio (1,25(OH)2D3/25(OH)D3) and a higher R4 (24,25(OH)2D3/1,25(OH)2D3) were observed in nulliparous women, with high sun exposure, and those with low caloric intake or high consumption of calcium, vitamin D supplements, or alcohol. Nulliparous women had lower R1 (25(OH)D3/Vit D3) and R3 (24,25(OH)2D3/25(OH)D3), and older women showed lower R3 and R4. Vitamin D status modified the association of the VMRs with seasons. VMRs can be complementary indicators of vitamin D status and its endogenous metabolism, and reveal the influence of certain individual characteristics on the expression of hydroxylase enzymes.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health (EC11–273) and by the Carlos III Institute of Health (PI15CIII/0029). The article presents independent research. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Carlos III Institute of Health.Ye

    Mammographic density in the environs of multiple industrial sources

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    Background: Mammographic density (MD), defined as the percentage of dense fibroglandular tissue in the breast, is a modifiable marker of the risk of developing breast cancer. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of residential proximity to an increasing number of industrial sources in MD. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1225 premenopausal women participating in the DDM-Madrid study. We calculated distances between women's houses and industries. The association between MD and proximity to an increasing number of industrial facilities and industrial clusters was explored using multiple linear regression models. Results: We found a positive linear trend between MD and proximity to an increasing number of industrial sources for all industries, at distances of 1.5 km (p-trend = 0.055) and 2 km (p-trend = 0.083). Moreover, 62 specific industrial clusters were analyzed, highlighting the significant associations found between MD and proximity to the following 6 industrial clusters: cluster 10 and women living at ≤1.5 km (β = 10.78, 95 % confidence interval (95%CI) = 1.59; 19.97) and at ≤2 km (β = 7.96, 95%CI = 0.21; 15.70); cluster 18 and women residing at ≤3 km (β = 8.48, 95%CI = 0.01; 16.96); cluster 19 and women living at ≤3 km (β = 15.72, 95%CI = 1.96; 29.49); cluster 20 and women living at ≤3 km (β = 16.95, 95%CI = 2.90; 31.00); cluster 48 and women residing at ≤3 km (β = 15.86, 95%CI = 3.95; 27.77); and cluster 52 and women living at ≤2.5 km (β = 11.09, 95%CI = 0.12; 22.05). These clusters include the following industrial activities: surface treatment of metals/plastic, surface treatment using organic solvents, production/processing of metals, recycling of animal waste, hazardous waste, urban waste-water treatment plants, inorganic chemical industry, cement and lime, galvanization, and food/beverage sector. Conclusions: Our results suggest that women living in the proximity to an increasing number of industrial sources and those near certain types of industrial clusters have higher MD.This work was supported by the Carlos III Institute of Health (AESI PI15CIII/0029, AESI PI15CIII/00013, and EPY-505/19-PFIS). The article presents independent research. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Carlos III Institute of Health.S

    Residential proximity to industrial pollution and mammographic density

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    [EN] Background: Mammographic density (MD), expressed as percentage of fibroglandular breast tissue, is an important risk factor for breast cancer. Our objective is to investigate the relationship between MD and residential proximity to pol-lutant industries in premenopausal Spanish women. MeOds: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 1225 women extracted from the DDM-Madrid study. Multiple linear regression models were used to assess the association of MD percentage (and their 95% confidence in-tervals (95%CIs)) and proximity (between 1 km and 3 km) to industries included in the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. Results: Although no association was found between MD and distance to all industries as a whole, several industrial sectors showed significant association for some distances: "surface treatment of metals and plastic" (j3 = 4.98, 95%CI = (0.85; 9.12) at <_1.5 km, and j3 = 3.00, 95%CI = (0.26; 5.73) at <_2.5 km), "organic chemical industry" (j3 = 6.73, 95%CI = (0.50; 12.97) at <_1.5 km), "pharmaceutical products" (j3 = 4.14, 95%CI = (0.58; 7.70) at <_2 km; j3 = 3.55, 95%CI = (0.49; 6.60) at <_2.5 km; and j3 = 3.11, 95%CI = (0.20; 6.01) at <_3 km), and "urban waste-water treatment plants" (j3 = 8.06, 95%CI = (0.82; 15.30) at <_1 km; j3 = 5.28; 95%CI = (0.49; 10.06) at <_1.5 km; j3 = 4.30, 95%CI = (0.03; 8.57) at <_2 km; j3 = 5.26, 95%CI = (1.83; 8.68) at <_2.5 km; and j3 = 3.19, 95%CI = (0.46; 5.92) at <_3 km). Moreover, significant increased MD was observed in women close to industries releasing specific pollutants: ammonia (j3 = 4.55, 95%CI = (0.26; 8.83) at <_1.5 km; and j3 = 3.81, 95%CI = (0.49; 7.14) at <_2 km), dichloromethane (j3 = 3.86, 95%CI = (0.00; 7.71) at <_2 km), ethylbenzene (j3 = 8.96, 95%CI = (0.57; 17.35) at <_3 km), and phenols (j3 = 2.60, 95%CI = (0.21; 5.00) at <_2.5 km). Conclusions: Our results suggest no statistically significant relationship between MD and proximity to industries as a whole, although we detected associations with various industrial sectors and some specific pollutants, which suggests that MD could have a mediating role in breast carcinogenesis.We would like to thank the participants in the DDM-Madrid study for their contribution to breast cancer research. This work was supported by the Carlos III Institute of Health (AESI PI15CIII/0029, AESI PI15CIII/00013, and EPY-505/19-PFIS) . The article presents independent research. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Carlos III Institute of Health.Jiménez, T.; Pollán, M.; Domínguez-Castillo, A.; Lucas, P.; Sierra, MÁ.; Fernández De Larrea-Baz, N.; González-Sánchez, M.... (2022). Residential proximity to industrial pollution and mammographic density. Science of The Total Environment. 829:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.15457811182

    Occupation, occupational exposures and mammographic density in Spanish women

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    [EN] Introduction: Mammographic density (MD), the proportion of radiologically dense breast tissue, is a strong risk factor for breast cancer. Our objective is to investigate the influence of occupations and occupational exposure to physical, chemical, and microbiological agents on MD in Spanish premenopausal women. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study based on 1362 premenopausal workers, aged 39-50, who attended a gynecological screening in a breast radiodiagnosis unit of Madrid City Council. The work history was compiled through a personal interview. Exposure to occupational agents was evaluated using the Spanish job-exposure matrix MatEmESp. MD percentage was assessed using the validated semi-automated computer tool DM-Scan. The association between occupation, occupational exposures, and MD was quantified using multiple linear regression models, adjusted for age, educational level, body mass index, parity, previous breast biopsies, family history of breast cancer, energy intake, use of oral contraceptives, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Results: Although no occupation was statistically significantly associated with MD, a borderline significant inverse association was mainly observed in orchard, greenhouse, nursery, and garden workers (beta = -6.60; 95% confidence interval (95%CI) = -14.27; 1.07) and information and communication technology technicians (beta = -7.27; 95%CI = -15.37; 0.84). On the contrary, a positive association was found among technicians in art galleries, museums, and libraries (beta = 8.47; 95%CI = -0.65; 17.60). Women occupationally exposed to fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides tended to have lower MD. The percentage of density decreased by almost 2% for every 5 years spent in occupations exposed to the mentioned agents. Conclusions: Although our findings point to a lack of association with the occupations and exposures analyzed, this study supports a deeper exploration of the role of certain occupational agents in MD, such as pesticides.This work was supported by the Carlos III Institute of Health (AESI PI15CIII/00029 and AESI PI15CIII/00013). The article presents independent research. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Carlos III Institute of Health.Jiménez, T.; Garcia-Perez, J.; Van Der Haar, R.; Alba, MÁ.; Lucas, P.; Sierra, MÁ.; Fernández De Larrea-Baz, N.... (2021). Occupation, occupational exposures and mammographic density in Spanish women. Environmental Research. 195:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2021.110816S1919

    A multicentric study to evaluate the use of relative retention times in targeted proteomics

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    Despite the maturity reached by targeted proteomic strategies, reliable and standardized protocols are urgently needed to enhance reproducibility among different laboratories and analytical platforms, facilitating a more widespread use in biomedical research. To achieve this goal, the use of dimensionless relative retention times (iRT), defined on the basis of peptide standard retention times (RT), has lately emerged as a powerful tool. The robustness, reproducibility and utility of this strategy were examined for the first time in a multicentric setting, involving 28 laboratories that included 24 of the Spanish network of proteomics laboratories (ProteoRed-ISCIII). According to the results obtained in this study, dimensionless retention time values (iRTs) demonstrated to be a useful tool for transferring and sharing peptide retention times across different chromatographic set-ups both intra- and inter-laboratories. iRT values also showed very low variability over long time periods. Furthermore, parallel quantitative analyses showed a high reproducibility despite the variety of experimental strategies used, either MRM (multiple reaction monitoring) or pseudoMRM, and the diversity of analytical platforms employed. BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: From the very beginning of proteomics as an analytical science there has been a growing interest in developing standardized methods and experimental procedures in order to ensure the highest quality and reproducibility of the results. In this regard, the recent (2012) introduction of the dimensionless retention time concept has been a significant advance. In our multicentric (28 laboratories) study we explore the usefulness of this concept in the context of a targeted proteomics experiment, demonstrating that dimensionless retention time values is a useful tool for transferring and sharing peptide retention times across different chromatographic set-ups.All laboratories from Spain are members of ProteoRed (Plataforma de Recursos Biomoleculares y Bioinformáticos) and are supported by grant PT13/0001 funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and FEDER.S