80 research outputs found

    Oxidação sob pressão de águas de cabine de pintura da indústria de calçado

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    Tese de mestr.. Engenharia do Ambiente. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 199

    Exportações e restrições financeiras: análise à indústria de calçado português

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    Mestrado em EconomiaÉ anunciado na literatura que as empresas exportadoras possuem comportamentos distintos das empresas não exportadoras quando estão perante uma decisão de investimento (Campa e Shaver, 2002; Espanol, 2006; Manole e Spatareanu, 2010; Askenazy, Caldera, Gaulier e Irac, 2015; Manole e Spatareanu, 2015). Neste contexto, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo responder às seguintes questões: terão as empresas exportadoras mais restrições de liquidez do que as empresas não exportadoras perante uma decisão de investimento? Será que a atividade internacional que as empresas exportadoras exercem ajudará a enfrentar as restrições de liquidez que possam surgir? Para esse efeito, são analisadas 181 empresas da indústria de calçado português, caracterizada pelo contributo que tem dado à economia portuguesa, durante o período de 2011 a 2013. Deste modo, para além do enquadramento teórico que existe no universo literário acerca do tema, explora-se empiricamente o mesmo e, numa fase posterior, confrontam-se os resultados obtidos com os que a literatura evidencia. Com base nos dados, é possível constatar que as empresas exportadoras investem mais e têm maiores taxas de crescimento das vendas comparativamente às não exportadoras e que as empresas exportadoras têm apostado fortemente no mercado extracomunitário, exportando cada vez mais para o mercado fora da zona Euro. Em termos econométricos, o estudo induz à conclusão de que as empresas exportadoras financiam os seus investimentos mais facilmente que as empresas não exportadoras, salientando que, enfrentando restrições de liquidez, estas terão menos problemas de financiamento.It is advertised in the literature that exporting firms have distinct behaviors of non-exporting companies when they are facing an investment decision (Campa and Shaver, 2002; Espanol, 2006; Manole and Spatareanu, 2010; Askenazy, Caldera, Gaulier and Irac, 2015; Manole and Spatareanu, 2015).Thus, this thesis aims to answer the following questions: will the exporting companies face more liquidity constraints than non-exporting companies before an investment decision? Does the international activity that exporting companies exercise help address the liquidity constraints that might arise? To that end, we analyzed 181 companies in the Portuguese footwear industry, characterized by the contribution that this has given to the Portuguese economy during the period from 2011 to 2013. Thus, beyond the theoretical framework that exists in the literary world about the theme we explore empirically the subject and, at a later stage, it is confronted with the results revealed by the literature. Based on the data, it was found that the exporting companies invest more and have higher growth rates in sales compared to non-exporting and that exporting companies have strongly backed the extra-market, exporting more and more to the market outside the Euro zone. In econometric terms, the study leads to the conclusion that the exporting companies finance their investments more easily than non-exporting companies, noting that, facing liquidity constraints, these have fewer funding problems

    Shrinkage in Portuguese National Policy and Regional Spatial Plans: Concern or Unspoken Word?

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    This paper aims to assess whether and how current Portuguese national spatial planning policy and regional spatial plans are based on evidence revealing trends and patterns of population decrease and rural and urban shrinkage in Portugal. Firstly, built on a literature review, we identify the consequences of population decrease, the so-called characteristics of shrinkage, and we briefly look at dominant approaches and strategies to deal with it. Secondly, we review macro level policy documents to access global awareness and perception of shrinkage from a transnational perspective. Finally, after sketching an international framework on our subject matter shrinkage, a content analysis is applied to the Regional Spatial Plans of the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon and of the Northern Region. Urban shrinkage and shrinking cities are not explicitly mentioned in these documents. This is partly understandable because it is an emergent phenomenon in Portugal, in comparison with other countries, and because the concept is recent and it has not yet come to light in Portuguese planning practice. In addition, results suggest that the doctrine of growth is still embedded in Portuguese planning culture. In sum, despite clear evidence of population decrease in Portugal, spatial planning policy and regional spatial plans have either disavowal or reactive character pertaining population decrease and shrinkage

    Efeito do cronótipo e da hora do dia no desempenho numa tarefa de emparelhamento de faces

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    Mestrado em Psicologia da Saúde e Reabilitação NeuropsicológicaOs ritmos circadianos têm vindo a despertar interesse há largos anos, sabendo-se que cada indivíduo tem a sua preferência pessoal por estar ativo a diferentes horas do dia. A noção de cronótipo traduz esta preferência, classificando-nos em matutinos, intermédios, ou vespertinos. Encontra-se já definida uma relação entre o cronótipo de um indivíduo e a hora do dia a que realiza determinadas tarefas, fator que influencia o desempenho em muitos processos cognitivos, observando-se o designado efeito de sincronia: o desempenho atinge o seu pico quando a tarefa se realiza na hora ótima, aquela que se coaduna com a hora preferencial da pessoa. Desse modo, sujeitos matutinos têm frequentemente um melhor desempenho em diversas tarefas durante a manhã, e sujeitos vespertinos ao final do dia. O presente estudo pretendeu verificar se este efeito influencia o processo de emparelhamento de faces não familiares, tarefa em que o desempenho é por norma pobre. Nesse sentido, 33 participantes (17 matutinos e 16 vespertinos) avaliaram os 168 pares de faces (84 em cada sessão) que compõem o Glasgow Face Matching Test, e decidiram se as duas pertenciam à mesma pessoa, ou a pessoas diferentes. A tarefa foi realizada em duas sessões, uma às 9h e outra às 19h, para avaliar o efeito de sincronia. Verificou-se um efeito de interação significativo entre o cronótipo e a hora ótima no tempo de reação dos participantes, quando acertavam a sua resposta. Parte dos nossos resultados foram de encontro ao esperado, com os participantes vespertinos a serem mais rápidos na sua hora ótima. É sugerida então a existência de alguma influência do cronótipo e da hora do dia na rapidez de processamento e emparelhamento de faces não familiares.Circadian rhythms have been a source of interest for several years, and it is well known that each individual has its own preference for being active at specific times of day. The concept of chronotype refers to this preference, classifying each individual as morning-type, evening-type, or neither. Chronotype, especially when related to time-of-day, has been determined to influence performance in a variety of cognitive processes, causing the so called synchrony effect: performance peaks when a task is conducted at optimal time, which is the one that matches our personal preference (morning for morning-types and later in the day for evening-types). The present study aimed to find if this effect can influence the matching of unfamiliar faces, a task that shows typically poor performance levels. To do so, 33 subjects (17 morning-types and 16 evening-types) assessed the 168 pairs of faces (84 per test session) included in the Glasgow Face Matching Test, and decided whether the faces belonged to the same person, or to two different people. The task was performed two times, once at 9am, and once again at 19pm, with sessions conducted a week apart, to assess the presence of synchrony effects. Results showed a significant interaction between chronotype and optimal hour of day on subjects’ reaction times when they answered correctly, with evening-type participants being faster at their optimal time-of-day. This suggests that there is some influence of chronotype and time-of-day in the speed with which we process and match unfamiliar faces

    Dificuldades na amamentação no primeiro mês de vida : impacto do contexto da amamentação e dos contextos de vida

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    Enquadramento: O aleitamento materno não é determinado simplesmente de forma biológica, mas também envolve fatores emocionais e socioculturais. Objetivos: Caraterizar o perfil sociodemográfico das puérperas em estudo; identificar as dificuldades mais frequentes associadas à amamentação no primeiro mês de vida do bebé; avaliar a relação das dificuldades na amamentação com o contexto de amamentação, o suporte familiar e a satisfação com a vida das puérperas. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo, correlacional. Recorreu-se ao questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica, caracterização da amamentação, Escala de Satisfação com a Vida (Simões, 1992) e Escala de Apgar familiar (Smilkstein, 1984). A amostra é não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 255 puérperas que amamentam, inscritas nas Unidades de Saúde Familiar e Unidades de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados das cidades de Viseu e Aveiro. Resultados: As participantes apresentam uma média de idade de 20,7 anos, sendo maioritariamente casadas, com escolaridade inferior ao 3º ciclo, empregadas em tempo completo e residentes na cidade. Quanto às dificuldades mais frequentes associadas à amamentação nos dois momentos de avaliação que as mulheres tinham ao 7º dia e continuaram a ter ao 30º dia, predominam as fissuras (77.5%), o ingurgitamento mamário (66.7%), a mastite (63.6%), as dificuldades na pega (82.4%), na posição e postura para amamentar (50.0%). Conclusões: Perante estes resultados, e sabendo que as mulheres apresentam dificuldades relacionadas com a amamentação nos dois momentos de avaliação, é importante o apoio por parte dos enfermeiros de modo a que as mesmas possam ultrapassá-las e que não se constituam como motivo de abandono da amamentação. Palavras-Chave: Amamentação; Dificuldades; Manutenção; Apoio familiar; Satisfação com a vida.Abstract: Background: Breastfeeding is determined not just organically but also involves emotional and socio-cultural factors. Objectives: Characterize the sociodemographic profile of the mothers in the study; identify the most common problems associated with breastfeeding in the first months of baby's life; evaluate the relationship of the difficulties in breastfeeding to breastfeeding context, family support and life satisfaction of mothers. Methods: A quantitative study, descriptive, correlational. It used the questionnaire of sociodemographic, characterization of breastfeeding, Satisfaction with Life Scale (Simões, 1992) and family Apgar Scale (Smilkstein, 1984). The sample is not probabilistic for convenience, made up of 255 mothers who breastfeed, entered in the Family Health Units and Custom Health Care Units in the cities of Viseu and Aveiro. Results: Participants have an average age of 20.7 years, mostly married, with education less than the 3rd cycle, and residents employed full time in the city. As for the most common problems associated with breastfeeding in the two stages of evaluation that women had the 7th day and continued to be the 30th day, the fissures predominate (77.5%), breast engorgement (66.7%), mastitis (63.6%) the difficulties in the handle (82.4%), the position and posture for nursing (50.0%). Conclusions: In view of these results, and knowing that women have difficulties with breastfeeding in the two time points, it is important the support from nurses so that they can overcome them and do not constitute a repudiation of reason breastfeeding. Keywords: Breastfeeding; Difficulties; Maintenance; Family Support; Life Satisfaction

    Correlation between volumetric CT scans and lung function in lower respiratory tract infection

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    Computed tomography(CT) is currently the gold standard to monitor lower respiratory tract infection(LRTI), however CT is expensive and involves considerable doses of radiation which prevents monitoring patients with the required frequency. As spirometry is a simple procedure that measures inhaled and exhaled volume of air as a function of time, it may have potential to overcome some of these difficulties. This study aimed to explore the correlation between spirometry and CT parameters in LRTI. Volumetric CT was performed in 34 outpatients with LRTI using a 64 MultiDetector CT. Tracheobronchial tree and lung parenchyma were segmented with Region Growing technique and Morphological Operations to obtain tracheobronchial and bronchial(left and right) trees and lung parenchyma volumes(LPV). Forced expiratory volume in the 1º second percentage predicted(FEV1pp), forced vital capacity percentage predicted(FVCpp) and FEV1/FVC ratio were also collected. Correlations were explored with Pearson’s Correlation(PASW 18.0). Participants’(47.1% males) mean age was 52.7±18.9y. Tracheobronchial tree volume correlated significantly with FEV1pp(r=0.357, p=0.038) and FVCpp(r=0.369, p=0.032). Left and right bronchial tree volumes also correlated significantly with FEV1pp(r=0.514, p=0.02 and r=0.507, p=0.02, respectively) and FVCpp(r=0.503, p=0.002 and r=0.436, p=0.010, respectively). Regarding the FEV1/FVC ratio, a negative and significant correlation with LPV was found(r=0.385, p=0.025). These findings suggest that spirometry should not be used alone to monitor LRTI as correlations found were mainly moderate. Further research is needed to explore other non-invasive measures, e.g., respiratory sound analysis.publishe

    Characteristics of effluents from healthcare waste treatment with alkaline hydrolysis

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    Although alkaline hydrolysis emerges as an alternative process to treat healthcare waste (HCW), information about its emissions is scarce, namely as regards effluents production. This work aims to characterize the effluents from alkaline hydrolysis tests with samples of components usually present in HCW, under a temperature of 110 degrees C and with 1 M NaOH aqueous solutions. Some of the regulatory parameters for discharging effluents were determined; also, tests for assessing aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation of those effluents were carried out. The effluents showed values lower than threshold values for almost all the parameters except pH, total nitrogen, TOC, COD and BOD5. Although with high organic load, the effluents from discarded medical components (DMC) and animal tissues (AT) showed a percentage of aerobic biodegradation of 50.5 and 52.9%, respectively. The anaerobic biodegradability obtained for the effluents from DMC were 22.3 and 42.2% for those with AT

    Inactivation of Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores by alkaline hydrolysis applied to medical waste treatment

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    Although alkaline hydrolysis treatment emerges as an alternative disinfection/sterilization method for medical waste, information on its effects on the inactivation of biological indicators is scarce. The effects of alkaline treatment on the resistance of Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores were investigated and the influence of temperature (80 degrees C, 100 degrees C and 110 degrees C) and NaOH concentration was evaluated. In addition, spore inactivation in the presence of animal tissues and discarded medical components, used as surrogate of medical waste, was also assessed. The effectiveness of the alkaline treatment was carried out by determination of survival curves and D-values. No significant differences were seen in D-values obtained at 80 degrees C and 100 degrees C for NaOH concentrations of 0.5 M and 0.75 M. The D-values obtained at 110 degrees C (2.3-0.5 min) were approximately 3 times lower than those at 100 degrees C (8.8-1.6 min). Independent of the presence of animal tissues and discarded medical components, 6 log10 reduction times varied between 66 and 5 min at 100 degrees C-0.1 M NaOH and 110 degrees C-1 M NaOH, respectively. The alkaline treatment may be used in future as a disinfection or sterilization alternative method for contaminated waste

    Advanced and clean technologies for chromium tanned leather waste recycling and green energy production

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    Chromium tanned leather wastes are difficult to valorise by chemical and biological processes dueto the strong bonds established between collagen and chromium. Thus a one-step fast clean pressureassisted alkaline hydrolysis method has been studied to disrupt recalcitrant bonds. The effects of calciumoxide, temperature, time, liquid to solid ratio and leather scrap size on organic matrix destruction, chromiumdissolution and anaerobic biodegradability of hydrolyzates obtained were evaluated. The results show thatpressure-assisted hydrolysis with CaO may be a good alternative to reduce leather waste volume, obtainbiodegradable solutions with low Cr concentration and final residues usable as a chromium bearingresource. In the optimised conditions, about 50% to 55% of the leather is dissolved. The slurries obtainedcontain above 90% of the chromium. The hydrolyzates show good anaerobic biodegradability mostly in therange of 50% to 70 %, indicating them as a source of biogas