15 research outputs found
Estudo quantitativo teve por objetivo identificar a prevalência dos fatores de risco relacionados ao Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio em 258 pacientes idosos cadastrados no programa Hiperdia em três unidades de saúde de Guarapuava - Paraná. Os dados foram coletados em domicílio no período de junho de 2010 a julho de 2011, utilizando questionário semiestruturado e analisados com auxílio de estatística descritiva. Os resultados mostraram que 72,49% eram mulheres com média de idade de 72,2 anos. Evidenciaram-se como fatores de risco o sedentarismo (55,81%), hereditariedade (53,87%), ingesta hipercalórica (27,51%), tabagismo (25,58%), obesidade (24,8%) e alcoolismo (8,52%). Considerando serem, em sua maioria, fatores de risco modificáveis, salienta-se a importância de estratégias que reorientem e direcionem as ações de controle para além da medicalização, contemplando as particularidades dos idosos nas ações de educação à saúde. This qualitative study aimed to identify the prevalence of the risk factors related to Acute Myocardial Infarction in 258 elderly patients registered in the Hyperdia program in three health centers in Guaparava, in the state of Parana. The data was collected in the patients’ homes in the period June 2010 to July 2011, using a semi-structured questionnaire, and was analyzed with the help of descriptive statistics. The results showed that 72.49% were women, with an average age of 72.2 years. The following were evidenced as risk factors: sedentarism (55.81%), heredity (53.87%), hypercaloric intake (27.51%), smoking (25.58%), obesity (24.8%) and alcoholism (8.52%). Considering that the majority of these are modifiable risk factors, the importance of strategies which re-orient and direct control actions beyond medicalization stands out, taking into account the elderly people’s particular characteristics in health education actions.Estudio cuantitativo que tuvo el objetivo de identificar la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo acerca del Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en 258 pacientes ancianos cadastrados en el programa Hiperdia en tres unidades de salud de Guarapuava – Paraná. Los datos fueron recogidos en domicilio en el período de junio de 2010 a julio de 2011, utilizando cuestionario semiestructurado y analizados con la ayuda de estadística descriptiva. Los resultados muetran que 72,49% eran mujeres con media de edad de 72,2 años. Los factores de riesgo evidenciados fueron el sedentarismo (55,81%), hereditariedad (53,87%), ingesta hipercalórica (27,51%), tabaquismo (25,58%), obesidad (24,8%) y alcoholismo (8,52%). Ya que son considerados, en su mayoría, factores de riesgo modificables, se ressalta la importancia de estrategias para reorientar y direccionar las acciones de control para además de la medicalización, contemplando las particularidades de los ancianos en las acciones de educación a la salud
Percepção das mães frente à consulta de Enfermagem em puericultura
This study aimed to seek the perception of mothers about the puerperal consultation with children up to 2 years of age to show different understandings about this procedure from the maternal perspective. This is a qualitative exploratory study carried out in the city of Guarapuava-PR, which involved a semi-structured interview based on an elaborated questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the Bardin method. Two study categories were listed, namely: Knowledge about childcare consultation and Assistance performed during childcare consultation. When analyzing, it was possible to perceive that mothers have knowledge limitations regarding puerperal consultations and their importance, both in the woman's and the baby's lives. It is observed that, for the most part, women see routine monitoring of the child's weight and development. It appears that, despite the interviewees recognizing the importance of nurses in carrying out childcare, this activity could still be used more efficiently, avoiding so many absences in the appointments.Este estudo teve como objetivo buscar a percepção de mães sobre a consulta puerperal com crianças até os 2 anos de idade a fim de evidenciar diferentes entendimentos sobre este procedimento a partir do olhar materno. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de carácter exploratório realizado na cidade de Guarapuava- PR, que envolveu entrevista semiestruturada a partir de questionário elaborado. A análise dos dados foi feita através do método de Bardin. Foram elencadas duas categorias de estudo, sendo: Conhecimento sobre a consulta de puericultura e Assistência realizada durante a consulta de puericultura. Ao analisarmos, foi possível perceber que as mães possuem limitações de conhecimento sobre as consultas puerperais e sua importância, tanto na vida da mulher quanto na do bebê. É observado que, em sua maioria, as mulheres veem como acompanhamento rotineiro sobre peso e desenvolvimento da criança. Verifica-se que, apesar das entrevistadas reconhecerem a importância do enfermeiro na execução da puericultura, ainda assim essa atividade poderia ser utilizada de maneira mais eficiente, evitando tantas faltas nos agendamentos das consultas
Studies of micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities in red blood cells of Colossoma macropomum exposed to methylmercury
The frequencies of micronuclei (MN) and morphological nuclear abnormalities (NA) in erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), treated with 2 mg.L−1 methylmercury (MeHg), were analyzed. Two groups (nine specimens in each) were exposed to MeHg for different periods (group A - 24 h; group B - 120 h). A third group served as negative control (group C, untreated; n = 9). Although, when compared to the control group there were no significant differences in MN frequency in the treated groups, for NA, the differences between the frequencies of group B (treated for 120 h) and the control group were extremely significant (p < 0.02), thus demonstrating the potentially adverse effects of MeHg on C. macropomum erythrocytes after prolonged exposure
Time-course changes of blood pressure and vascular remodeling in young shr during the stablishment of hypertension: effects of low intensity aerobic training.
Estudos na fase crônica da hipertensão comprovam a eficácia do treinamento aeróbio (T) em reduzir parcialmente a pressão arterial (PA), no qual correlacionavam-se com o remodelamento vascular. Pouco se sabe sobre o potencial efeito benéfico do T iniciado em fase pré-hipertensiva. Os objetivos foram analisar em SHR jovens (4 semanas) e seus controles WKY os efeitos sequenciais do T sobre níveis de PA, alterações vasculares, conteúdo de colágeno total, associando-as à modulação neural. Animais em fase pré-hipertensiva realizaram T de baixa intensidade (50-60%) ou sedentarismo por 8 semanas. Foram avaliados os parâmetros funcionais e seus componentes espectrais, alterações estruturais ocorridas em artérias (femoral e renal), arteríolas (músculo sóleo e temporal) e com conteúdo de colágeno. O T reduziu a PAM no SHR na 4ª e 8ª semana, provocou bradicardia de repouso em ambos os grupos na 8ª, melhorou a variabilidade da FC (WKY e SHR) e impediu o aumento da variabilidade da PAS nos SHR. Hipertensão provocou aumento da razão parede/luz e conteúdo de colágeno em ambas as artérias, T impediu esse aumento na artéria femoral, efeito não foi observado na artéria renal. T impediu a queda da razão parede/luz em arteríolas do músculo sóleo sem efeitos no músculo sóleo.Studies in the chronic phase of hypertension prove the effectiveness of aerobic training (T) in partially reduce blood pressure (BP), which correlated with vascular remodeling. Little is known about the potential beneficial effect of T started in pre-hypertensive stage. The objectives were to analyze in young SHR (4 weeks) and their WKY controls the sequential effects of T on BP levels, vascular changes, total collagen content, linking them to the neural modulation. Animals in the pre-hypertension stage T made of low intensity (50-60%) or inactivity for 8 weeks. We evaluated the functional parameters and their spectral components, structural changes in arteries (femoral and renal), arterioles (soleus muscle and temporal) and collagen content. OT reduced MAP in SHR at 4 and 8 weeks, caused bradycardia standby in both groups in 8th improved HR variability (WKY and SHR) and prevent the increase of SBP variability in SHR. Hypertension caused ratio increase / wall light and collagen content in both arteries, t prevented this increase in femoral artery, an effect was not observed in the renal artery. T prevented the fall of reason / wall light in arterioles of the soleus muscle without effects in the soleus muscle
Estudo quantitativo teve por objetivo identificar a prevalência dos fatores de risco relacionados ao Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio em 258 pacientes idosos cadastrados no programa Hiperdia em três unidades de saúde de Guarapuava - Paraná. Os dados foram coletados em domicílio no período de junho de 2010 a julho de 2011, utilizando questionário semiestruturado e analisados com auxílio de estatística descritiva. Os resultados mostraram que 72,49% eram mulheres com média de idade de 72,2 anos. Evidenciaram-se como fatores de risco o sedentarismo (55,81%), hereditariedade (53,87%), ingesta hipercalórica (27,51%), tabagismo (25,58%), obesidade (24,8%) e alcoolismo (8,52%). Considerando serem, em sua maioria, fatores de risco modificáveis, salienta-se a importância de estratégias que reorientem e direcionem as ações de controle para além da medicalização, contemplando as particularidades dos idosos nas ações de educação à saúde. This qualitative study aimed to identify the prevalence of the risk factors related to Acute Myocardial Infarction in 258 elderly patients registered in the Hyperdia program in three health centers in Guaparava, in the state of Parana. The data was collected in the patients’ homes in the period June 2010 to July 2011, using a semi-structured questionnaire, and was analyzed with the help of descriptive statistics. The results showed that 72.49% were women, with an average age of 72.2 years. The following were evidenced as risk factors: sedentarism (55.81%), heredity (53.87%), hypercaloric intake (27.51%), smoking (25.58%), obesity (24.8%) and alcoholism (8.52%). Considering that the majority of these are modifiable risk factors, the importance of strategies which re-orient and direct control actions beyond medicalization stands out, taking into account the elderly people’s particular characteristics in health education actions.Estudio cuantitativo que tuvo el objetivo de identificar la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo acerca del Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en 258 pacientes ancianos cadastrados en el programa Hiperdia en tres unidades de salud de Guarapuava – Paraná. Los datos fueron recogidos en domicilio en el período de junio de 2010 a julio de 2011, utilizando cuestionario semiestructurado y analizados con la ayuda de estadística descriptiva. Los resultados muetran que 72,49% eran mujeres con media de edad de 72,2 años. Los factores de riesgo evidenciados fueron el sedentarismo (55,81%), hereditariedad (53,87%), ingesta hipercalórica (27,51%), tabaquismo (25,58%), obesidad (24,8%) y alcoholismo (8,52%). Ya que son considerados, en su mayoría, factores de riesgo modificables, se ressalta la importancia de estrategias para reorientar y direccionar las acciones de control para además de la medicalización, contemplando las particularidades de los ancianos en las acciones de educación a la salud
Skrjabinodon campiaoae De Sousa & Silva De Oliveira & Morais & Da Silva Pinheiro & Ávila 2022, sp. nov.
Skrjabinodon campiaoaesp. nov. (Figure 2a–g) Type host Vanzosaura multiscutata (Amaral) (Gymnophthalmidae). Type locality Aiuaba Ecological Station, Aiuaba municipality (06°35 ʹ 35 ″ S, 40°08 ʹ 31 ″ W), Ceará State, Northeast Brazil. Site of infection Intestine. Numbers of parasite specimens/hosts 10/4 Prevalence 12.5% Mean intensity of infection 2.5 Range 1–5 Etymology The species is named after Dra Karla Magalhães Campião, Department of Zoology, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Paraná, Brazil, for her significant contribution to the knowledge of ecology and parasitism of Brazilian amphibians and reptiles. Description General Small cylindrical nematodes, sexually dimorphic, males approximately one-third length of female. Lateral alae present in males, absent in females. Caudal alae absent in males (Figuere 3(a)). Anterior extremity tapered, mouth opening triangular with three simple lips, a pair of amphids located on ventrolateral lips, and absent sessile papillae in both sexes (Figure 3 (b)). Male (one holotype) Length (excluding tail filament) 1036 ± 143 µm (896−1161); width at level of excretory pore 101 ± 25 (75−134); cuticle with distinct transverse pseudo-annulations; lateral alae starting at level of nerve ring and disappearing at level of first ventral pair of precloacal papillae; longitudinal striations absent; oesophagus length 210 ± 30 (165−227): corpus length 155 ± 26 (116−174); isthmus length 9; bulb length 57 ± 7 (46−63); bulb width 63 ± 11 (47−70); nerve ring 60 ± 5 (54−64) and excretory pore 306 from anterior end, respectively; spicule absent; smooth cloacal lips; caudal alae absent; four pairs of mammiliform papillae: one precloacal ventrally directed, two postcloacal ventrally directed, and one at base of filament tail (Figures 2 (g) and 4(b)). Tail filament 216 ± 70 (117−275) in length, with 3–9 spines (Table 1). Female (nine paratypes) Length (excluding tail filament) 3007 ± 966 µm (677−3668); width at level of excretory pore 144 ± 29 (76−167); oesophagus length 479 ± 52 (373−531): corpus length 370 ± 32 (306−414); isthmus length 10; bulb length 103 ± 20 (64−124); bulb width 114 ± 22 (74 −142); nerve ring 107 ± 28 (63−130) and excretory pore 168 from anterior end, respectively. Prebulbar vulva near mouth 158 ± 46 (61−206) from anterior end. Amphidelphic reproductive apparatus, vagina gives rise to two uteri. Thick-walled muscular ovijector extending posteriorly to join a valved, thin-walled, dilated vagina (Figure 2 (b)). In gravid females, the extent of the uteri cannot be seen; in immature females, one uterus extends anteriorly, the other posteriorly. Anus 231 ± 152 (67−366) anterior of tail filament insertion; tail filament 577 ± 136 (291−731) in length, 18–51 small cuticular spines present (Figure 3 (c) and Figure 4 (c)). Fusiform eggs with both ends rounded, length 114 ± 6 (102−124), width 37 ± 8 (19−49); Eggs in initial cleavage. Eggs with smooth surfaces and numerous inside uterus. As the number of eggs increases, the intestine is not visualised (Table 1).Published as part of De Sousa, Charles, Silva De Oliveira, Samanta, Morais, Drausio Honorio, Da Silva Pinheiro, Raul Henrique & Ávila, Robson Waldemar, 2022, A new species of Skrjabinodon (Oxyuroidea: Pharyngodonidae) infecting Vanzosaura multiscutata (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) from Northeastern Brazil, pp. 35-48 in Journal of Natural History 56 (1 - 4) on pages 37-40, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2022.2046886, http://zenodo.org/record/645695
Percepção das mães frente à consulta de Enfermagem em puericultura
This study aimed to seek the perception of mothers about the puerperal consultation with children up to 2 years of age to show different understandings about this procedure from the maternal perspective. This is a qualitative exploratory study carried out in the city of Guarapuava-PR, which involved a semi-structured interview based on an elaborated questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the Bardin method. Two study categories were listed, namely: Knowledge about childcare consultation and Assistance performed during childcare consultation. When analyzing, it was possible to perceive that mothers have knowledge limitations regarding puerperal consultations and their importance, both in the woman's and the baby's lives. It is observed that, for the most part, women see routine monitoring of the child's weight and development. It appears that, despite the interviewees recognizing the importance of nurses in carrying out childcare, this activity could still be used more efficiently, avoiding so many absences in the appointments.Este estudo teve como objetivo buscar a percepção de mães sobre a consulta puerperal com crianças até os 2 anos de idade a fim de evidenciar diferentes entendimentos sobre este procedimento a partir do olhar materno. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de carácter exploratório realizado na cidade de Guarapuava- PR, que envolveu entrevista semiestruturada a partir de questionário elaborado. A análise dos dados foi feita através do método de Bardin. Foram elencadas duas categorias de estudo, sendo: Conhecimento sobre a consulta de puericultura e Assistência realizada durante a consulta de puericultura. Ao analisarmos, foi possível perceber que as mães possuem limitações de conhecimento sobre as consultas puerperais e sua importância, tanto na vida da mulher quanto na do bebê. É observado que, em sua maioria, as mulheres veem como acompanhamento rotineiro sobre peso e desenvolvimento da criança. Verifica-se que, apesar das entrevistadas reconhecerem a importância do enfermeiro na execução da puericultura, ainda assim essa atividade poderia ser utilizada de maneira mais eficiente, evitando tantas faltas nos agendamentos das consultas
Engineering Gold Shelled Nanomagnets for Pre-Setting the Operating Temperature for Magnetic Hyperthermia
This study investigated the fabrication of spherical gold shelled maghemite nanoparticles for use in magnetic hyperthermia (MHT) assays. A maghemite core (14 ± 3 nm) was used to fabricate two samples with different gold thicknesses, which presented gold (g)/maghemite (m) content ratios of 0.0376 and 0.0752. The samples were tested in MHT assays (temperature versus time) with varying frequencies (100–650 kHz) and field amplitudes (9–25 mT). The asymptotic temperatures (T∞) of the aqueous suspensions (40 mg Fe/mL) were found to be in the range of 59–77 °C (naked maghemite), 44–58 °C (g/m=0.0376) and 33–51 °C (g/m=0.0752). The MHT data revealed that T∞ could be successful controlled using the gold thickness and cover the range for cell apoptosis, thereby providing a new strategy for the safe use of MHT in practice. The highest SAR (specific absorption rate) value was achieved (75 kW/kg) using the thinner gold shell layer (334 kHz, 17 mT) and was roughly twenty times bigger than the best SAR value that has been reported for similar structures. Moreover, the time that was required to achieve T∞ could be modeled by changing the thermal conductivity of the shell layer and/or the shape/size of the structure. The MHT assays were pioneeringly modeled using a derived equation that was analytically identical to the Box–Lucas method (which was reported as phenomenological)