75 research outputs found

    Tavola Rotonda dei Dirigenti

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    Questo contributo racchiude gli interventi di alcuni tra i dirigenti delle sette scuole paritarie e statali coinvolte nella ricerca triennale "Ricerca-azione Istituto Vladimiro Spallanzani", che ha trovato un punto di riflessione condivisa nel Convegno "Scuole che educano, insegnanti creativi in Emilia-Romagna. Una ricerca sul campo" (Sassuolo, MO). Gli interventi mancanti sono comunque ascoltabili e visionabili tramite il link alla videoregistrazione della Tavola rotonda, incluso nel file. Per preparare questo momento, i Dirigenti delle scuole partecipanti avevano ricevuto anticipatamente il Report della ricerca, assieme ad alcune domande-guida che avrebbero dovuto orientare la discussione e costituire una base condivisa per il confronto

    Citizenship education through practices and representations

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    La investigación se llevó a cabo en los años 2008 y 2009, con la intención de identificar las prácticas de educación para la ciudadanía más difundidas en la escuela secundaria superior italiana y las representaciones más comunes presentes entre los estudiantes y profesores. Se suministraron 1308 cuestionarios, en 76 clases, correspondientes a tres regiones de Italia (Emilia-Romagna, Lombardía y Sicilia), 68 fichas han sido recopiladas a partir de los sondeos de 46 profesores. Diez de estos 46 profesores fueron también entrevistados directamente. El estudio describe las prácticas más difundidas y los temas fundamentales (predomina la prevención de accidentes de tráfico, medidas preventivas de la salud en general, con especial atención a las drogas, el alcohol, las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y el SIDA.) Se observa una presencia muy limitada de proyectos específicos de dimensión jurídica, política y ética, de la ciudadanía, en cambio los estudiantes muestran expectativas y un deseo de intervención sobre la ciudadanía. También parece importante el análisis de las representaciones implícitas identificadas en las respuestas abiertas de los estudiantes.This research was conducted in 2008 and 2009, and sought to identify the most popular practices of citizenship education in secondary school, as well as the most common representations among students and teachers. 1308 open-ended questions questionnaires were administered to 76 classes across three Italian regions (Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Sicily); 68 monitoring cards were compiled by 46 teachers. Ten out of these 46 teachers were also interviewed directly. The study describes the most common practices and the privileged topics (road accidents and health care prevention in general with particular regard to drugs, alcohol, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV were among the most popular). The evidence shows a very limited number of projects specifically related to the legal, political and ethical dimensions of citizenship, whilst students express expectation and desire for intervention. Furthermore, the analysis of the implicit representations identified in the open-ended responses provided by the students seems particularly significant.peerReviewe

    Identità e conflitti religiosi: piste di formazione interculturale per gli educatori

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    Religious pluralism and multicultural society require specific pedagogical and didactic interventions, especially when “religious” conflicts arise. This study analyzes the empirical data of a workshop, realized in the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Bologna, performed with the case study methodology. After gathering the representations of religious identity and religious conflicts thatwere detected through a questionnaire given to the students, before and after the teaching activity, we noted the need of recover a “dynamic” vision of personal identity to give foundation to the educational intervention.It is necessary to think and plan training courses for educators in order to fulfill the need of concrete encounter and dialogue in an intercultural perspective.Il pluralismo religioso e la società multiculturale richiedono interventi pedagogici e didattici specifici, specie in presenza di conflitti “religiosi”. L’articolo analizza del materiale didattico di un laboratorio, realizzato nella facoltà di Scienze dell’Educazione di Bologna, centrato sulla metodologia dello “studio di caso”. Mettendo a fuoco le rappresentazioni dell’identità religiosa e dei conflitti religiosi rilevate tramite questionario tra gli studenti, prima e dopo l’attività didattica,emerge la necessità di recuperare una visione “dinamica” dell’identità personaleper dare fondamento all’intervento educativo. Occorre pensare e progettarepercorsi formativi, per le professioni educative, tali da mettere questi operatori in grado di far fronte concretamente al bisogno di incontro e di dialogo in prospettiva interculturale

    Problemi di valutazione della qualità di un corso universitario Uno studio esplorativo

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    Il contributo discute il problema generale della valutazione dell’efficacia didattica a livello universitario, con il supporto dei datiricavati in due anni accademici successivi (2010/11 e 2011/12) monitorando il corso di Teoria e pratica della formazione (Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Lettere) a partire dal giudizio dei frequentanti, per verificare la percezione degli studenti degli obiettivi formativi e delle scelte metodologiche e organizzativedel corso stesso. A chi aveva completato l’esame nei primi tre appelli (43 studenti nel 2010/11 e 37 nel 2011/12) sono state rivolte due domande ee è stato somministrato un breve questionario (nei due anni il questionario è stato modificato). Questi elementi sono stati messi a confronto con i dati della scheda personale dello studente (che registra il percorso di scuola secondaria, quello accademico, il giudizio sull’esercitazione svolta all’interno del corso e il voto finale conseguito). I dati ricavati, che sono indicativi del riconoscimento, da parte degli studenti, degli obiettivi del corso e delle scelte metodologiche in esso operate, forniscono almeno alcune suggestioni e indicazioni per future ipotesi di lavoro in questa direzione

    Genesi di comunità educative fra creatività e orizzonti di senso. Una ricerca con le scuole in Emilia-Romagna

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    A partire da una ricerca empirica di durata triennale svolta presso alcune scuole statali e paritarie dell'Emilia-Romagna, il volume tematizza nodi cruciali della competenza docente e della sua formazione iniziale e in servizio: creatività, orizzonti di senso e sfera emotivo-affettiva, pratiche induttivo-laboratoriali, comunità di pratica. Il tentativo è quello di restituire la ricca complessità dell'azione di insegnamento e, contemporaneamente, di delineare alcune "direttrici di senso pedagogico" che consentano di riconoscere le comunità educative che operano ed interagiscono nella scuola

    Translation and validation of an Italian language version of the Religious Beliefs and Mental Illness Stigma Scale (I-RBMIS)

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    The aim of this study is to validate the Italian version of the Religious Beliefs and Mental Illness Stigma Scale (I-RBMIS): a self-report measure of religious beliefs that may contribute to stigma regarding mental disorders. Scale validation included: linguistic validation; pilot test for understandability; face validity; factor analysis as test of dimensionality; Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin test to evaluate sample sampling adequacy; internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha; scale validity was assessed through concurrent criterion validity using as gold standard the Italian version of Attribution Questionnaire 27 and mental health knowledge schedule; A total of 311 people agreed to participate in the study. Face validity showed that 13 items out of 16 were completely understandable while only three items (4, 9 and 13) highlighted small lexical concerns. The average compilation time was under 4 min. Bartlett’s test for sphericity was statistically significant (Χ2 = 1497.54; df = 120; p < 0.001). Cronbach's alpha values were acceptable both for the entire questionnaire (0.80) and for the morality/sin subscale (0.73), whereas it was slightly below the standard cutoff for the spiritually oriented causes/treatments (0.68). Scale validity showed a positive correlation between I-RBMIS and AQ-27-I, and a negative correlation between I-RBMIS and MAKS-I. I-RBMIS demonstrated good psychometric properties to assess stigmatizing religious beliefs toward mental illness in general population

    Development of a Nomogram Predicting the Risk of Persistence/Recurrence of Cervical Dysplasia

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    Background: Cervical dysplasia persistence/recurrence has a great impact on women's health and quality of life. In this study, we investigated whether a prognostic nomogram may improve risk assessment after primary conization. Methods: This is a retrospective multi-institutional study based on charts of consecutive patients undergoing conization between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2014. A nomogram assessing the importance of different variables was built. A cohort of patients treated between 1 January 2015 and 30 June 2016 was used to validate the nomogram. Results: A total of 2966 patients undergoing primary conization were analyzed. The median (range) patient age was 40 (18-89) years. At 5-year of follow-up, 6% of patients (175/2966) had developed a persistent/recurrent cervical dysplasia. Median (range) recurrence-free survival was 18 (5-52) months. Diagnosis of CIN3, presence of HR-HPV types, positive endocervical margins, HPV persistence, and the omission of HPV vaccination after conization increased significantly and independently of the risk of developing cervical dysplasia persistence/recurrence. A nomogram weighting the impact of all variables was built with a C-Index of 0.809. A dataset of 549 patients was used to validate the nomogram, with a C-index of 0.809. Conclusions: The present nomogram represents a useful tool for counseling women about their risk of persistence/recurrence after primary conization. HPV vaccination after conization is associated with a reduced risk of CIN2+

    Problemi teorico-metodologici dell'osservazione pedagogica nella scuola: analisi di un caso di motivazione alla lettura

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    The present reflection belongs to a wider action research plan born from partnership between the Department of Arts (University of Bologna) and the officially recognised school "Vladimiro Spallanzani". In September 2018 I started an ethnographic observation of the activities in the school. This school has decided to open the doors to the researchers, in order to promote the teachers' professional self-reflection competence. In this article I propose a specific case observation dealing with a project about reading, involving the five classes of the primary school. The empirical element is assumed as an observational case, not as a confirmation of theories about reading. This analytic report is introduced by an epistemological and methodological reflection, whose aim is to contextualize the way of use of the empirical data and to establish a theoretical frame about the role of the empirical dimension in research, especially in the field of General Pedagogy