7,446 research outputs found

    Simulation of static and random errors on Grover's search algorithm implemented in a Ising nuclear spin chain quantum computer with few qubits

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    We consider Grover's search algorithm on a model quantum computer implemented on a chain of four or five nuclear spins with first and second neighbour Ising interactions. Noise is introduced into the system in terms of random fluctuations of the external fields. By averaging over many repetitions of the algorithm, the output state becomes effectively a mixed state. We study its overlap with the nominal output state of the algorithm, which is called fidelity. We find either an exponential or a Gaussian decay for the fidelity as a function of the strength of the noise, depending on the type of noise (static or random) and whether error supression is applied (the 2pi k-method) or not.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, extensive revision with new figure

    Effective field theories for heavy quarkonium

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    We review recent theoretical developments in heavy quarkonium physics from the point of view of Effective Field Theories of QCD. We discuss Non-Relativistic QCD and concentrate on potential Non-Relativistic QCD. Our main goal will be to derive QCD Schr\"odinger-like equations that govern the heavy quarkonium physics in the weak and strong coupling regime. We also discuss a selected set of applications, which include spectroscopy, inclusive decays and electromagnetic threshold production.Comment: 162 pages, 30 figures, revised version, references added. Accepted for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Order alpha^3 ln(1/alpha) Corrections to Positronium Decays

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    The logarithmically enhanced alpha^3 ln(1/alpha) corrections to the para- and orthopositronium decay widths are calculated in the framework of dimensionally regularized nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics.In the case of parapositronium, the correction is negative, approximately doubles the effect of the leading logarithmic alpha^3 ln^2(1/alpha) one, and is comparable to the nonlogarithmic O(alpha^2) one. As for orthopositronium, the correction is positive and almost cancels the alpha^3 ln^2(1/alpha) one. The uncertainties in the theoretical predictions for the decay widths are reduced.Comment: 10 pages (Latex); missing term added, corrected coefficient B_p used, numerical results insignificantly change

    Leading Chiral Logarithms to the Hyperfine Splitting of the Hydrogen and Muonic Hydrogen

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    We study the hydrogen and muonic hydrogen within an effective field theory framework. We perform the matching between heavy baryon effective theory coupled to photons and leptons and the relevant effective field theory at atomic scales. This matching can be performed in a perturbative expansion in alpha, 1/m_p and the chiral counting. We then compute the O(m_{l_i}^3 alpha^5/m_p^2 x logarithms) contribution (including the leading chiral logarithms) to the Hyperfine splitting and compare with experiment. They can explain about 2/3 of the difference between experiment and the pure QED prediction when setting the renormalization scale at the rho mass. We give an estimate of the matching coefficient of the spin-dependent proton-lepton operator in heavy baryon effective theory.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, minor changes, one reference adde

    The QCD Potential at O(1/m)O(1/m)

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    Within an effective field theory framework, we obtain an expression for the next-to-leading term in the 1/m1/m expansion of the singlet QQˉQ{\bar Q} QCD potential in terms of Wilson loops, which holds beyond perturbation theory. The ambiguities in the definition of the QCD potential beyond leading order in 1/m1/m are discussed and a specific expression for the 1/m1/m potential is given. We explicitly evaluate this expression at one loop and compare the outcome with the existing perturbative results. On general grounds we show that for quenched QED and fully Abelian-like models this expression exactly vanishes.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure. Journal version. Discussion refined, misprints corrected, few references added; results unchange

    Poincare' invariance and the heavy-quark potential

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    We derive and discuss the constraints induced by Poincare' invariance on the form of the heavy-quark potential up to order 1/m^2. We present two derivations: one uses general arguments directly based on the Poincare' algebra and the other follows from an explicit calculation on the expression of the potential in terms of Wilson loops. We confirm relations from the literature, but also clarify the origin of a long-standing false statement pointed out recently.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Chaos and Complexity of quantum motion

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    The problem of characterizing complexity of quantum dynamics - in particular of locally interacting chains of quantum particles - will be reviewed and discussed from several different perspectives: (i) stability of motion against external perturbations and decoherence, (ii) efficiency of quantum simulation in terms of classical computation and entanglement production in operator spaces, (iii) quantum transport, relaxation to equilibrium and quantum mixing, and (iv) computation of quantum dynamical entropies. Discussions of all these criteria will be confronted with the established criteria of integrability or quantum chaos, and sometimes quite surprising conclusions are found. Some conjectures and interesting open problems in ergodic theory of the quantum many problem are suggested.Comment: 45 pages, 22 figures, final version, at press in J. Phys. A, special issue on Quantum Informatio

    Zemach and magnetic radius of the proton from the hyperfine splitting in hydrogen

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    The current status of the determination of corrections to the hyperfine splitting of the ground state in hydrogen is considered. Improved calculations are provided taking into account the most recent value for the proton charge radius. Comparing experimental data with predictions for the hyperfine splitting, the Zemach radius of the proton is deduced to be 1.045(16)1.045(16) fm. Employing exponential parametrizations for the electromagnetic form factors we determine the magnetic radius of the proton to be 0.778(29)0.778(29) fm. Both values are compared with the corresponding ones derived from the data obtained in electron-proton scattering experiments and the data extracted from a rescaled difference between the hyperfine splittings in hydrogen and muonium

    Running of the heavy quark production current and 1/k potential in QCD

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    The 1/k contribution to the heavy quark potential is first generated at one loop order in QCD. We compute the two loop anomalous dimension for this potential, and find that the renormalization group running is significant. The next-to-leading-log coefficient for the heavy quark production current near threshold is determined. The velocity renormalization group result includes the alpha_s^3 ln^2(alpha_s) ``non-renormalization group logarithms'' of Kniehl and Penin.Comment: 30 pages, journal versio