278 research outputs found

    Resumen de la Tarea DA-VINCIS en IberLEF 2022: Detección de Incidentes Violentos en Redes Sociales en Español

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    This paper presents the overview of the DA-VINCIS 2022 task, organized at IberLEF 2023 and co-located with the 38th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2022). DA-VINCIS challenged participants to develop automated solutions for the detection of violent events mentioned in social networks. We released a novel corpus collected from Twitter and manually labeled with 4 categories of violent incidents (plus the no-incident label). The shared task focused on the Mexican variant of Spanish and it was divided into two tracks: (1) a binary classification task in which users had to determine whether tweets were associated to a violent incident or not; and (2) a multi-label classification task in which the category of the violent incident should be spotted. More than 40 teams registered for the task and 12 participants submitted predictions for the final phase. Very competitive results were reported in both sub tasks, where transformer-based solutions obtained the best results. Corpora and results are available at the shared task website at https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/2638.Se presenta el resumen de la tarea DA-VINCIS 2022, organizada en IberLEF 2022 junto a la 38ª Conferencia Internacional de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2022). DA-VINCIS plantea el reto de detectar automáticamente piezas de información en redes sociales que estén asociadas a eventos violentos. Se liberó un nuevo corpus para el Español Mexicano que fue etiquetado manualmente con 4 categorías de eventos violentos (además de la categoría no-violento). Se propusieron dos subtareas: (1) una tarea de clasificación binaria donde se buscaba distinguir tuits asociados a eventos violentos del resto; y otra (2) donde se buscaba identificar la categoría del evento violento. Más de 40 participantes se registraron en el portal y 12 enviaron resultados para la fase final. Los resultados obtenidos fueron muy competitivos para ambas tareas; las soluciones que obtuvieron los mejores resultados se basaron en modelos tipo transformer para el español. El corpus y los resultados detallados pueden consultarse en el sitio web de la tarea: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/2638.This work was supported by CONACyT under grant CB-S-26314, Integración de Lenguaje y Visión mediante Representaciones Multimodales Aprendidas para Clasificación y Recuperación de Imágenes. We also would like to thank CONACyT for partially supporting this work under grant CB-2015-01-257383

    Contabilidad de costos: Órdenes de producción

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    Este libro de contabilidad de costos proporciona a los estudiantes las bases para fortalecer la formación profesional, permite identificar la importancia de los costos en las industrias y en las empresas de servicios, la clasificación de los costos, los elementos del costo, el tratamiento del proceso contable, a través del sistema de costos facilita la caracterización de los materiales, la fuerza laboral y la carga fabril, para dar soluciones a los requerimientos que exige el entorno industrial. Mediante el estudio de la contabilidad de costos se adquieren conocimientos teóricos y prácticos que permitan la contabilización y registro contable de las operaciones productivas. Además, el estudiante podrá emitir juicios críticos sobre realidades socioeconómicas y contribuir en la industria para optimizar los recursos de las diferentes actividades productivas

    Resumen de la Tarea DA-VINCIS en IberLEF 2023: Detección de Incidentes Violentos en Redes Sociales en Español

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    In this paper, we present the overview of the DA-VINCIS 2023 shared task which was organized at IberLEF 2023 and co-located in the framework of the 39th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023). The main aim of this task is to promote the research on developing automatic solutions for detecting violent events in social networks. Two subtasks were considered: (i) A binary classification task aimed to determine whether or not a tweet is about a violent incident; and (ii) A multi-label multi-class classification task in which the category(ies) of a violent incident must be identified. A multimodal manual annotated corpus comprising both tweets and images associated to them was provided to the participants. A total of 15 systems were submitted for the final evaluation phase. Competitive results were obtained for both subtasks, the higher ones were in the binary classification task. Corpora and results are available at the shared task website at https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/11312.En este documento presentamos el resumen de la tarea DA-VINCIS 2023 organizada como parte del IberLEF 2023 junto con la 39a Conferencia Internacional de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2023). El principal objetivo de la tarea es promover la investigación en el desarrollo de soluciones automáticas para la detección de incidentes violentos en redes sociales. Se consideraron dos tareas: (i) Clasificación binaria cuyo objetivo es determinar si un tweet reporta o no un incidente violento, y (ii) Clasificación multietiqueta multiclase donde la categoría(s) de un incidente violento debe ser identificada. A los participantes de la tarea se les proporcionó un conjunto de datos multimodal anotado manualmente el cual contiene tanto tweets como imágenes relacionadas. Un total de 15 sistemas fueron enviados para la fase de evaluación. En ambas tareas se obtuvieron resultados competitivos, siendo los mejores aquellos de la tarea de clasificación binaria. El corpus y los resultados detallados pueden consultarse en el sitio web de la tarea: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/11312.This work was supported by CONACyT under grant CB-S-26314, Integración de Lenguaje y Visión mediante Representaciones Multimodales Aprendidas para Clasificación y Recuperación de Imágenes and scholarship 925996

    Role of Kynurenine Pathway in Glioblastoma

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    In brain, the tryptophan degradation products through the kynurenine pathway exhibit neuromodulatory and inflammatory effects and have been related to the progression of neurodegenerative disorders, furthermore, their protagonism on the modulation of immune response and in cancer development has been reported. The immunosuppressive role of kynurenines has been described on glioblastoma models. In patients, the elevated activity of indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) such as the increase of kynurenine/tryptophan ratio have been also reported, suggesting that activation of kynurenine pathway is present during glioblastoma formation and can be related with tumor progression. The importance of the kynurenine pathway during cancer development has encouraged recent studies to the use of IDO inhibitors as a therapeutic strategy for treatment of breast, lung and ovarian cancer, until to get its use in clinical trials. IDO inhibitors also have been used in in vitro and in vivo models of glioblastoma showing promising results. The effect of kynurenines on glioblastoma offer a new perspective about the tryptophan metabolism during cancer. Due to the relevance of the kynurenine pathway in brain homeostasis, immunomodulation and cancer, we discuss the relevance of the kynurenine pathway on the development of glioblastoma multiforme as well as a possible molecular target for glioblastoma treatment

    Nueva información para la avifauna del estado de Querétaro, México

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    We present new information about 24 species, including 12 noteworthy records for the avifauna of the Mexican state of Queretaro. These data were gathered during fieldwork performed between 1993 to 2007, mainly in the Eje Neovolcánico province. Five species are considered protected under Mexican law NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001: Buteogallus anthracinus, Buteo albonotatus, Trogon collaris, Turdus infuscatus and Vermivora crissalis. The checklist of birds present in Queretaro is now at least 347 species.Presentamos información nueva de 24 especies, incluyendo 12 nuevos registros de aves para el estado de Querétaro, México. Estos datos fueron obtenidos en diversos estudios de campo de 1993 a 2007, principalmente en la provincia del Eje Neovolcánico. Cinco especies están bajo alguna categoría de riesgo según la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001: Buteogallus anthracinus, Buteo albonotatus, Trogon collaris, Turdus infuscatus y Vermivora crissalis. Con estas adiciones el listado de aves de Querétaro se incrementa al menos a 347 especie

    Heterogeneous solar photo-Fenton treatment of industrial wastewater via δ-FeOOH

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    68-76The wastewater from the textile industry has been treated with heterogeneous solar photo-Fenton using iron oxyhydroxides (δ-FeOOH and FeOOH)nanoparticles. δ-FeOOH and FeOOH catalysts have been prepared, respectively, from ferrous and ferric ions as precursor species using an easy and low-cost method. The FeOOH catalyst exhibits slightly higher catalytic activity than δ-FeOOH in the heterogeneous solar photo-Fenton process but is less stable. The oxidation efficiency of basic blue 9 and acid green 50, analytical textile dyes, is compared to that of wastewater dye. The as-prepared catalysts are highly efficient for the wastewater treatment and the synthetic solutions prepared from the analytical textile dyes. High mineralization (over 90%) of the organic components of wastewater was achieved at 5 h of solar photo-Fenton treatment

    La Edutecnología, una alternativa interactiva en el aprendizaje de las operaciones aritméticas básicas

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    Teaching from its level of commitment to promote substantial changes, enables the comprehensive development of citizenship, not from a utopian vision, but from a concrete one, through the integration of social development in its constructive boom, where the schoolchildren consolidate their comprehensive skills, in service of a transformative identity of a civic and real nature. In this way, it is pertinent to incorporate technology within the pedagogical purpose, restructuring all its didactics and formative composition, therefore, it is peremptory from this extensive, to contemplate as an ontological purpose, to rethink the traditional form of training, by an edutechnological alternation, as that interconnected interaction for learning basic arithmetic operations.La docencia desde su nivel de compromiso, consciente de promover cambios sustanciales, posibilita el desarrollo integral de la ciudadanía, partiendo no de una visión utópica, sino concreta, mediante la integración del desarrollo social en su auge constructivo, donde el escolar, consolide sus competencias integrales, en servicio de una identidad transformativa de corte cívico y real. De esta manera, es pertinente incorporar la tecnología dentro de la finalidad pedagógica, reestructurando toda su didáctica y composición formativa, por ello, es perentorio desde este extenso, contemplar como finalidad ontológica, repensar la forma tradicional de formación, por una alternanza edutecnológica, como esa interacción interconectada para el aprendizaje de las operaciones aritméticas básicas.&nbsp

    mtDNA Haplogroup A Enhances the Effect of Obesity on the Risk of Knee OA in a Mexican Population

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    [Abstract] To evaluate the influence of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups on the risk of knee OA in terms of their interaction with obesity, in a population from Mexico. Samples were obtained from (n = 353) knee OA patients (KL grade ≥ I) and (n = 364) healthy controls (KL grade = 0) from Mexico city and Torreon (Mexico). Both Caucasian and Amerindian mtDNA haplogroups were assigned by single base extension assay. A set of clinical and demographic variables, including obesity status, were considered to perform appropriate statistical approaches, including chi-square contingency tables, regression models and interaction analyses. To ensure the robustness of the predictive model, a statistical cross-validation strategy of B = 1000 iterations was used. All the analyses were performed using boot, GmAMisc and epiR package from R software v4.0.2 and SPSS software v24. The frequency distribution of the mtDNA haplogroups between OA patients and healthy controls for obese and non-obese groups showed the haplogroup A as significantly over-represented in knee OA patients within the obese group (OR 2.23; 95% CI 1.22-4.05; p-value = 0.008). The subsequent logistic regression analysis, including as covariate the interaction between obesity and mtDNA haplogroup A, supported the significant association of this interaction (OR 2.57; 95% CI 1.24-5.32; p-value = 0.011). The statistical cross-validation strategy confirmed the robustness of the regression model. The data presented here indicate a link between obesity in knee OA patients and mtDNA haplogroup A.This work is supported by Grants from Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (PI17/00210, PI16/02124, PI20/00614, RETIC-RIER-RD16/0012/0002 and PRB3-ISCIII-PT17/0019/0014) integrated in the National Plan for Scientific Program, Development and Technological Innovation 2013–2016 and funded by the ISCIII-General Subdirection of Assessment and Promotion of Research-European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) “A way of making Europe” and Grant IN607A2017/11 from Xunta de Galicia. The authors further acknowledge AE CICA-INIBIC (ED431E 2018/03) for financial support. IRP is supported by Contrato Miguel Servet-II Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (CPII17/00026) and AD-S is supported by Grant IN606A-2018/023 from Xunta de Galicia, Spain. The Biomedical Research Networking Center (CIBER) is an initiative from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)Xunta de Galicia; IN607A2017/11Xunta de Galicia; ED431E 2018/03Xunta de Galicia; IN606A-2018/02

    Cancer-associated fibroblasts in gynecological malignancies: are they really allies of the enemy?

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    Molecular and cellular components of the tumor microenvironment are essential for cancer progression. The cellular element comprises cancer cells and heterogeneous populations of non-cancer cells that satisfy tumor needs. Immune, vascular, and mesenchymal cells provide the necessary factors to feed the tumor mass, promote its development, and favor the spread of cancer cells from the primary site to adjacent and distant anatomical sites. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are mesenchymal cells that promote carcinogenesis and progression of various malignant neoplasms. CAFs act through the secretion of metalloproteinases, growth factors, cytokines, mitochondrial DNA, and non-coding RNAs, among other molecules. Over the last few years, the evidence on the leading role of CAFs in gynecological cancers has notably increased, placing them as the cornerstone of neoplastic processes. In this review, the recently reported findings regarding the promoting role that CAFs play in gynecological cancers, their potential use as therapeutic targets, and the new evidence suggesting that they could act as tumor suppressors are analyzed and discussed