14 research outputs found

    Limnological variations of a reservoir during two successive years: one wet, another dry

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    Changes in environmental variables, as well as in planktonic algae and in crustacean zooplankton abundance, were investigated in a meso-eutrophic reservoir during two successive years: one wet, another dry. In the wet winter, both total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus reached their maxima, whereas water transparency achieved the minimum during the same period. The obtained data suggest that total phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus peaks were related to the increase in nutrient loading as a consequence of the intense rainfall which occurred during this period. Phytoplankton composition was dominated by Cyclotella spp., except during the dry winter when Anabaena became dominant. The dominance of this alga seemed to be related to nitrate depletion. The establishment of more stable environmental conditions (e.g. low water turbulence, longer water retention time) and the increase of irradiance during the dry period (summer 2001 and winter 2001/2002) also favoured growth of this cyanobacterium. Concomitant to Anabaena dominance, Ceriodaphnia abundance decreased while nauplii increased. Although variation between the two years of study seemed to be related to the sequence of a pluvial and a dry year, further research is needed to evaluate whether variations in precipitation intensity influence reservoir ecological processes

    Feminist contributions on sexual experiences of women with serious mental illness: a literature review

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    This paper aims to explore the contributions of research that include gender perspective in analysing the sexual experiences of women diagnosed with serious mental illness and to identify any barriers and systems that impede sexual fulfilment. We have developed a qualitative literature review using the PRISMA statement. The databases SCOPUS, WOS and PsychINFO were used in this review. Studies were included if they were published up to March 15, 2022, and only studies in English were included. An initial database search was preformed; upon screening for eligibility, there remained 16 studies that explored the sexual experiences of women with diagnoses of serious mental illness. The studies were analysed by a thematic synthesis. Data was coded line-by-line which generated descriptive themes, resulting in four synthesised findings. The four synthesised findings that derived from the reviewed studies were stigma and subjectivity, the experience of interpersonal relationships, the socialisation of women and the effects of psychiatric hegemony. A feminist perspective highlights the interrelationship between gender and stigma as it relates to serious mental illness and sexuality. A feminist perspective and an intersectional approach should be adopted at the intersubjective and structural level to account for the complexity of human experience and to subvert the heteropatriarchal system

    Sexual and reproductive rights in women with a diagnosis of severe mental disorder: arguments and consensus of community mental health professionals

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    Con el objetivo de conocer los argumentos de profesionales de la salud mental en torno al ejercicio y/o vulneración de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos (DSR) de las mujeres con diagnóstico en trastorno mental grave (DTMG) y establecer prioridades para la investigación en intervención dentro del área, aplicamos el método Delphi para la obtención de información y un análisis del contenido temático para su análisis. Los resultados evidencian como el género interactúa con el estigma social asociado al DTMG como elementos que posicionan a las mujeres en situaciones de vulnerabilidad social, los cuales tienen efectos negativos sobre el ejercicio de sus DSR. Estos efectos están presentes tanto en el área de la sexualidad, caracterizada por el tabú y la medicalización, como en el área de la reproducción, caracterizada por la mirada incapacitante en torno a la maternidad y el control reproductivo. Asimismo, sitúan a las mujeres en posiciones de opresión que favorecen situaciones de abusos y maltratos. Se concluye destacando los elementos clave para la comprensión del fenómeno, los cuales serán de utilidad para el desarrollo de futuros análisis en el área: el estigma del DTMG, el ejercicio del poder simbólico sobre la construcción de la subjetividad y la reproducción de la exclusión social. Finalmente, proponemos líneas de acción social orientadas a revisar los recursos, el reconocimiento de la agencia de las mujeres con DTMG, y el establecimiento de procesos donde participen el saber científico y profesional, las mujeres y sus familias

    Derechos sexuales y reproductivos en mujeres con diagnóstico de trastorno mental grave: argumentos y consensos de profesionales en salud mental comunitaria

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    This study explores the arguments of mental health practitioners around the exercise or infringement of sexual and reproductive rights of women with a severe mental health diagnosis, in order to both gain insight and establish priorities for further research and intervention actions in the field. Data has been collected applying the Delphy method and a thematic content analysis has been carried out.  The results and analysis show evidence that gender interacts with the social stigma associated with severe mental health conditions, positioning these women in vulnerable social situations, which has a negative effect on exercising their sexual and reproductive rights. These negative effects become evident both in the ambit of their sexuality, which appears characterized by taboo and medicalisation, and in the reproductory sphere, which is characterized by reproductive control and where they are seen as incompetent mothers. Because of the above generated views, these women are placed in oppressive and abusive situations.  In conclusion, the following elements have been identified for further research: stigma attached to diagnosis of the severe mental health condition, the exercise of the symbolic power over the construction of subjectivity and there production of social exclusion.  Finally, social action guidelines are proposed, leading to the revision of resources, the recognition of women with severe mental health conditions and the establishment processes with the participation of scientific and professional fields as well as the women and their families. Con el objetivo de conocer los argumentos de profesionales de la salud mental en torno al ejercicio y/o vulneración de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos (DSR) de las mujeres con diagnóstico en trastorno mental grave (DTMG) y establecer prioridades para la investigación en intervención dentro del área, aplicamos el método Delphi para la obtención de información y un análisis del contenido temático para su análisis.Los resultados evidencian como el género interactúa con el estigma social asociado al DTMG como elementos que posicionan a las mujeres en situaciones de vulnerabilidad social, los cuales tienen efectos negativos sobre el ejercicio de sus DSR. Estos efectos están presentes tanto en el área de la sexualidad, caracterizada por el tabú y la medicalización, como en el área de la reproducción, caracterizada por la mirada incapacitante en torno a la maternidad y el control reproductivo. Asimismo, sitúan a las mujeres en posiciones de opresión que favorecen situaciones de abusos y maltratos.Se concluye destacando los elementos clave para la comprensión del fenómeno, los cuales serán de utilidad para el desarrollo de futuros análisis en el área: el estigma del DTMG, el ejercicio del poder simbólico sobre la construcción de la subjetividad y la reproducción de la exclusión social. Finalmente, proponemos líneas de acción social orientadas a revisar los recursos, el reconocimiento de la agencia de las mujeres con DTMG, y el establecimiento de procesos donde participen el saber científico y profesional, las mujeres y sus familias

    Self-regulation and social representations in the learning process of education workers : experimental research on the effects of a work/study training program in high-priority education networks

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    Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le système complexe de la formation par alternance des adultes avec une initiation à l’autoévaluation. Quels sont les éléments qui participeraient aux changements initiés par la loi de Refondation pour pallier les inégalités scolaires constatées ? Notre objet d’étude se situe hors de l’école en REP, avec un dispositif d’accompagnement à la scolarité qui prend en charge des enfants de 7 ans en difficulté scolaire : le CELEM (Club Lecture Ecriture Mathématiques). Bien que des études s’intéressent à l’impact de différents facteurs sur la réussite des enfants, les recherches qui permettent la validation des modèles d’évaluation formatrice sont rares. Nous proposons une initiation à l’autorégulation lors de la formation des intervenants des clubs afin de favoriser le développement cognitif et l’autonomie des adultes et par la suite des enfants. Notre méthodologie a pour objectif de tester une relation causale entre la formation des intervenants et la progression des enfants pour des disciplines scolaires et dans le comportement. Notre méthode est quasi expérimentale, comparative, prospective en quasi double aveugle. Deux groupes d’intervenants ont été constitués par randomisation. Les cartes associatives réalisées ont permis de suivre l’évolution des représentations que les intervenants se font de leur mission. Les résultats obtenus sont positifs et ont été corroborés par les résultats des enfants. On a constaté des modifications statistiquement significatives qui permettent d’affirmer que l’initiation à l’autorégulation des intervenants a entraîné des modifications de leurs représentations et l’amélioration des résultats des enfants.This thesis falls within the complex system of the work/study training program of adults with an introduction to self-regulation. Which elements would participate to the changes initiated by the law of Reorganization to compensate the existing educational inequalities? Our subject is set outside school in the high-priority education network, within a plan of educational support for seven-year-olds with learning difficulties : the Reading Writing Mathematics Club. Though several studies take interest in the impact of various factors on the children’s success, little research has been done to validate the models of formative evaluation. We propose to improve the training of the Club’s staff members with an introduction to self-regulation, to stimulate the cognitive development and independence of both adults and children. Our methodology aimed to test a cause and effect relation between the staff's training and the children’s progress in both school subjects and behaviour. Our method was almost experimental, comparative, prospective, practically double blinded. Two staff groups were randomly formed. We observed how the representations they had of their own mission evolved, before and after their training; the obtained results were corroborated by the children’s results. We observed statistically significant differences which allow us to affirm that the training in self-regulation of the staff members changed their representations and led to better results for the childre

    La dynamique de construction d'un objet qui devient tiers dans le système complexe d'un dispositif scolaire : la table dans un jeu de rôle

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    International audienceLa médiation sociale est un enjeu éducatif et fait l'objet de projets et de recherches menés au sein de l'Education Nationale. L'observation de situations éducatives préparant les élèves de 5 ème à la médiation entre pairs nous permet de mettre en évidence la place de tiers, déliant et reliant qu'occupe un objet inanimé et élément du système considéré. La dynamique évolutive des interactions montre la co-construction d'un monde commun, d'une co-référence dans laquelle l'objet devient tiers, facilitant l'émergence d'une modalité relationnelle et des processus d'apprentissage et de régulation constitutif de la médiation

    Self-evaluating participatory research projects: A content validation of the InSPIRES online impact evaluation tool

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    Research projects involving science shops and citizen science in their promotion of participatory approaches are flourishing globally. However, an instrument evaluating the impacts of such approaches at different stages of a participatory research processes has yet to be validated. The InSPIRES H2020 project developed an impact evaluation tool for just this purpose, consisting of 64 items that reflect upon the dimensions of knowledge democracy, citizen-led research, participatory dynamics, transformative change, and integrity. In this article, we seek to test the content validity of this tool and to provide recommendations that can ensure its validity. A panel of nine experts was created to evaluate each item as regards the following three criteria: representativeness, relevance, and clarity. The Aiken's V and Wilson Score methods were used to assess the tool's content validity based on the experts' ratings. Experts' written comments were also reviewed. At the panel level, 75% of the items were considered satisfactory in relation to each of the three validity criteria. However, at the population level, 72% of the items suggested that parts of the tool were not valid and required revision. The main suggestions from the experts pointed to the need to reformulate items in which the separation between science and society appeared reinforced and to develop more items about the gender perspective of a research project. The revised version of the tool should serve as a well-founded, comprehensive evaluation instrument for on-going and future projects whose goal is to self-reflect and compare participatory research processes