49 research outputs found

    An energy efficient routing algorithm based on genetic algorithm for ad hoc networks

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    Highly dynamic topology is an essential feature of mobile ad hoc networks. For this reason, maintaining a consistent state for routing purposes can be a very difficult task. The primary goal is correct and efficient route establishment between a pair of nodes. Although a more challenging goal is to provide energy efficient routing protocols. This paper presents a concept of an energy efficient routing algorithm based on applying genetic algorithm (GA). The aim of the algorithm is a prolongation of life time of the network. The life time of the network depends on nodes life, which is a function of battery energy nodes. A routing metric is a time measure from a moment when the network starts up, to the moment when the first battery in any nodes runs down. The purpose of the proposed algorithm is to maximize the life time of the network. To choose a path we propose to use one of a few different heuristics. In this paper we describe the GA-based approach to find a heuristic combination for solving power-aware routing problem. A problem solution is such a heuristic combination, which depends on an actual state of the network (energy of nodes) and will choose optimal paths

    Analiza nosive reÅ”etke trkaćeg rally vozila

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    U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu prikazan je FIA pravilnik 283-2011, koji se odnosi na opće sigurnosne zahtjeve za sva izvancestovna (engl.off-road) trkaća vozila, te FIA pravilnik 285-2011 koji se odnosi na izvancestovna trkaća vozila grupe T1. Prema ovim pravilnicima konstruirana je nosiva reÅ”etka trkaćeg rally vozila. Nakon konstruiranja nosive reÅ”etke slijedi analiza reÅ”etke za tri slučaja opterećenja: opterećenje vertikalnim ubrzanjem od 1g, opterećenje vertikalnim ubrzanjem od 5g i opterećenje vertikalnim ubrzanjem od 20g. Napravljena je simulacija navedenih opterećenja pri doskoku vozila te su prikazani rezultati pripadajućih naprezanja, deformacija i pomaka nosive reÅ”etke trkaćeg rally vozila. Na kraju je dan kratki pregled komponenti pogonskog sustava koje se ugrađuju u nosivu reÅ”etku, te je prikazan izgled gotovog vozila koje će predstavljati hrvatski CRO DAKAR tim na predstojećoj utrci Dakar 2012. Ovaj projektni zadatak je sastavni dio projekta Dakar vozila. Zbog toga su ulazni podaci za ovaj projekt, koji se odnose na konfiguraciju reÅ”etke i točke vezanja ovjesa na Å”asiju, dobiveni od sudionika u projektu koji su za to zaduženi

    Analysis of Facial Skin Temperature Changes in Acquaintance Comparison Question Test

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    From introduction: "Polygraph instruments have been used in criminal investigations for a long time now, and several types of tests using the polygraph have been developed. One such test is called the Acquaintance Comparison Question Test (ACQT) [1], which is extremely effective when traditional polygraph measures are used. However, the devices used to record these measures still resemble the fi rst models from 20 years ago [2, 3] and most often include metal electrodes attached to the fingers, pneumatic tubes surrounding the thoracic and abdominal areas, and a pneumatic blood pressure cuff attached to the upper arm overlying the brachial artery. Th ese sensors require time to attach, and the examinee can feel certain discomfort when the blood pressure cuff is infl ated for more than approximately fi ve minutes. Additionally, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) measures of the orienting response rely on such cognitive phenomena as memory updating rather than emotional responses to the test questions [4ā€“7]. Many believe that increases in polygraph accuracy might be possible if questions could be determined. Th is would be useful not only in the ACQT format, but in other polygraph test formats as well. Research has documented a link between behavioral reactions and the expression of specific emotions [8ā€“11]. Th e cited studies typically involve detailed measures of facial muscles as specifi c emotions are invoked. One technology that shows promise in overcoming some of the limitations of traditional polygraph measurements is thermography."(...

    Primjena HACCP na benzinske postaje Petrol d.o.o.

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    U danaÅ”njem načinu poslovanja zbog sve veće konkurencije zadaća svake tvrtke je da kupac prepozna njegovu kvalitetu i da bude zadovoljan uslugama koje tvrtka nudi. Kako bi se postigao takav cilj potrebno je da tvrtka uspostavi određeni sustav te njegovom implementacijom i provođenjem privuče nove kupce te zadrži postojeće. Integrirani sustav kvalitete grupe Petrol uključuje standarde s područja sustava vođenja kvalitete EN ISO 9001, sustava postupanja s okoliÅ”em EN ISO 14001, sustava sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu OHSAS te sustava postupanja s namirnicama HACCP. U ovom radu opisan je sustav HACCP na benzinskim postajama Petrol d.o.o.. Ovaj sustav je ključan kada je riječ o proizvodnji hrane ali i o transportu, samom načinu skladiÅ”tenja hrane pa sve do prodaje tj. serviranja pred kupca

    Attitudes tovards people suffering from mental disourders and people suffering from malignant diseases

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 271 studenta, od čega je 123 studenta pomagačkih zanimanja, a 148 studenata je nepomagačkih zanimanja. Pomagačka zanimanja su ona za koja se studenti inicijalno obrazuju na humanističkim i druÅ”tvenim studijima i podrazumijevaju izravan rad s ljudima, a nepomagačka su ona u kojima rad s ljudima nije primarna zadaća. Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati razlike u stavovima studenata prema osobama oboljelim od psihičkih poremećaja i prema osobama oboljelim od malignih bolesti, ovisno o vrsti studija, o sociodemografskim obilježjima, o iskustvu s pripadnicima pojedine skupine te ispitati razliku u atribuciji uzroka. KoriÅ”teni su sljedeći instrumenti: Ljestvica stavova o psihičkim bolesnicima ili malignim bolesnicima, Lista stereotipa, atribucija uzroka, podljestvica iskustva s osobama oboljelim od psihičkog poremećaja ili osobama oboljelim od malignih bolesti i upitnik o općim podacima. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na općenito pozitivniji stav studenata pomagačkih zanimanja prema osobama oboljelim od psihičkih poremećaja i/ili osobama oboljelim od malignih bolesti od studenata nepomagačkih zanimanja. Žene i osobe koje imaju viÅ”e izravnog iskustva u kontaktu sa psihički oboljelim osobama ili osobama oboljelim od malignih bolesti, imaju pozitivniji stav prema obje ispitivane skupine. Studenti nepomagačkih zanimanja tipičnim osobama oboljelim od psihičkog poremećaja viÅ”e pridaju osobine nepredvidljivog ponaÅ”anja, a studenti pomagačkih zanimanja im viÅ”e pridaju osobine labilnog karaktera te izražavaju osjećaj sažaljenja prema njima. Obje skupine sudionika odabiru za tipično oboljelu osobu od malignih bolesti osobine koje ne ukazuju na prisutnost stereotipa. Sudionici smatraju da su i psihički poremećaj i maligna bolest nestabilno/promjenjivo stanje te da je njihov uzrok podjednako vezan uz karakteristike osobe i uz vanjske okolnosti. Studenti pomagačkih i nepomagačkih zanimanja po pitanju kontrolabilnosti razlikuju se na način da studenti nepomagačkih zanimanja za stanje psihičkog poremećaja smatraju kako osoba ima kontrolu nad istim. Nalaze ovog istraživanja bilo bi vrijedno uzeti u obzir pri osmiÅ”ljavanju programa i edukacije orijentirane na destigmatizaciji ove dvije skupine oboljelih.Research on Attitudes towards people with mental illness and towards people suffering from malignant diseases was conducted on a sample of 271 participants, from whom 123 students were in helping occupation and 148 were non-helping occupation. Helping occupations are the ones students initially educate themselves in Human sciences and that implies direct work with other people and non-helping occupations are the ones working with people is not their primary task. This research objective is to investigate the differences in attitudes of students towards people who are suffering from mental illness and towards people suffering from malignant diseases, depending on types of studies, on sociodemographic characteristics, depending on experiences with members of individual groups and to investigate the differences in sample attribution. The following instruments were used: scale of attitudes about people with mental illness and towards people suffering from malignant diseases, stereotype list, sample attribution, sub list of experiences dealing with people with mental illness and towards people suffering from malignant diseases and questionnaire of sociodemographic data. Given results point to more positive general attitudes from students of helping occupation towards people with mental illness and towards people suffering from malignant diseases unlike students of non-helping occupation. Women and person who have more direct experience in contact with people with mental illness and towards people suffering from malignant diseases have a more positive attitude towards both groups. Students of non-helping occupations are attributing qualities of unpredictable behavior to typical people suffering from mental diseases while students from helping occupations are more inclined of giving them qualities of an emotionally unstable person and are feeling regret towards them. Both of these groups of participants are choosing, for typical people suffering from malignant diseases, non presence of stereotypes. Participants consider mental illness and malignant disease unstable/changeable condition and that the cause is equally connected with person's characteristics as well as external circumstances. Students of helping and non-helping occupations on question of controllability are different in a way that students of non-helping occupation consider the state of mental disorder as something manageable. The findings of this research would be valuable in designing a educational program based on non stigmatization of these two groups of ill people


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    Mentalni poremećaji su bolesti koje utječu na razmiÅ”ljanje, osjećaje, raspoloženje i ponaÅ”anje. Mogu utjecati na sposobnost povezivanja s drugima i svakodnevno funkcioniranje. Mentalni poremećaji, kao Å”to su anksiozni i depresivni poremećaji, jedan su od vodećih problema u zdravstvenom sustavu. U danaÅ”nje vrijeme sve viÅ”e ljudi boluje od jednog od tih mentalnih poremećaja koji mogu biti u komorbiditetu. Većinom su zahvaćene žene. Liječenje je najčeŔće kombinirano psihoterapijom i lijekovima, te ovisi i o jačini poremećaja, stoga je liječenje individualno. U pacijenata s depresivnim i anksioznim poremećajem prisutna je ne briga za opću higijenu i ne briga za oralno zdravlje. Ovi poremećaji imaju negativan utjecaj na oralno zdravlje, a u usnoj Å”upljini uzrokuju kserostomiju, karijese, loÅ”e parodontno stanje, veliki broj nedostajućih zuba, recesiju gingive i abraziju zuba. Kako bi se unaprijedilo oralno zdravlje ovih pacijenata vrlo je važno da su zdravstveni djelatnici u području dentalne medicine u radu s tim pacijentima strpljivi, stručni, iskusni i da pravovremeno prepoznaju i liječe oralne komplikacije.Mental disorders are illnesses which affect ones thought process, feelings mood and behaviour, they can negatively imoact the ability to form social bonds and day to day functioning. Mental disorders such as anxiety and depression are some of the leading problems in healthcare systems worldwide. In this day and age, an ever-increasing number of people are suffering from such conditions which may occur in comorbidity. Mental disorders are more likely to occur in women. Treatment usually includes both drugs/medicine and psichotherapy which depends on the severity of the case. For this reason, each treatment is individual. Mental disorders associated with anxiety and depression are often accompanied with lack of care for oral health and general hygene. They negatively impact oral health as xerostomia , caries, poor periodontal condition, and teeth loss are often found in patients oral cavity. It is crucial that healthcare workers in the field of dental medicine remain patient, professional and confident to successfully protect the oral health of such individual


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    Mentalni poremećaji su bolesti koje utječu na razmiÅ”ljanje, osjećaje, raspoloženje i ponaÅ”anje. Mogu utjecati na sposobnost povezivanja s drugima i svakodnevno funkcioniranje. Mentalni poremećaji, kao Å”to su anksiozni i depresivni poremećaji, jedan su od vodećih problema u zdravstvenom sustavu. U danaÅ”nje vrijeme sve viÅ”e ljudi boluje od jednog od tih mentalnih poremećaja koji mogu biti u komorbiditetu. Većinom su zahvaćene žene. Liječenje je najčeŔće kombinirano psihoterapijom i lijekovima, te ovisi i o jačini poremećaja, stoga je liječenje individualno. U pacijenata s depresivnim i anksioznim poremećajem prisutna je ne briga za opću higijenu i ne briga za oralno zdravlje. Ovi poremećaji imaju negativan utjecaj na oralno zdravlje, a u usnoj Å”upljini uzrokuju kserostomiju, karijese, loÅ”e parodontno stanje, veliki broj nedostajućih zuba, recesiju gingive i abraziju zuba. Kako bi se unaprijedilo oralno zdravlje ovih pacijenata vrlo je važno da su zdravstveni djelatnici u području dentalne medicine u radu s tim pacijentima strpljivi, stručni, iskusni i da pravovremeno prepoznaju i liječe oralne komplikacije.Mental disorders are illnesses which affect ones thought process, feelings mood and behaviour, they can negatively imoact the ability to form social bonds and day to day functioning. Mental disorders such as anxiety and depression are some of the leading problems in healthcare systems worldwide. In this day and age, an ever-increasing number of people are suffering from such conditions which may occur in comorbidity. Mental disorders are more likely to occur in women. Treatment usually includes both drugs/medicine and psichotherapy which depends on the severity of the case. For this reason, each treatment is individual. Mental disorders associated with anxiety and depression are often accompanied with lack of care for oral health and general hygene. They negatively impact oral health as xerostomia , caries, poor periodontal condition, and teeth loss are often found in patients oral cavity. It is crucial that healthcare workers in the field of dental medicine remain patient, professional and confident to successfully protect the oral health of such individual

    Primjena HACCP na benzinske postaje Petrol d.o.o.

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    U danaÅ”njem načinu poslovanja zbog sve veće konkurencije zadaća svake tvrtke je da kupac prepozna njegovu kvalitetu i da bude zadovoljan uslugama koje tvrtka nudi. Kako bi se postigao takav cilj potrebno je da tvrtka uspostavi određeni sustav te njegovom implementacijom i provođenjem privuče nove kupce te zadrži postojeće. Integrirani sustav kvalitete grupe Petrol uključuje standarde s područja sustava vođenja kvalitete EN ISO 9001, sustava postupanja s okoliÅ”em EN ISO 14001, sustava sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu OHSAS te sustava postupanja s namirnicama HACCP. U ovom radu opisan je sustav HACCP na benzinskim postajama Petrol d.o.o.. Ovaj sustav je ključan kada je riječ o proizvodnji hrane ali i o transportu, samom načinu skladiÅ”tenja hrane pa sve do prodaje tj. serviranja pred kupca

    Technologies supporting independent moving inside buildings for people with visual impairment

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    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include disability and persons with disabilities for example partially sighted or blind. Disability is referenced in multiple parts of the SDGs, specifically in the parts related to education, growth and employment, inequality, accessibility of human settlements and buildings. The paper presents selected technologies that support independent movement blind people inside huge buildings. The paper will refer to two SDGs: No 9 and No 11. There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all with access to basic services, housing, friendly public buildings, transportation and more, even to people with eye disabilities. This paper presents selected systems for finding objects or places, recognizing objects inside rooms and navigation inside buildings based on nonradio and wireless technologies. The following technologies and solutions were presented and compared: physical items, smartphone cameras, laser rangefinders, pedestrian dead-reckoning, intelligent lighting, Wi-Fi, BLE beacons, magnetic fields and barometric pressure sensors

    Analiza odnosa varijacija kutne brzine radilice i indiciranog momenta motora primjenom diskretne Fourierove transformacije

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    Cilj zadatka ovog rada je pomoću analitičke metode analizirati odnos varijacija kutne brzine koljenastog vratila i indiciranog momenta 1-cilindarskog, 4-taktnog motora Briggs and Stratton, serije 123400. Za potrebe provođenja analize, prikazane su njezine teorijske osnove, kao i njezina primjena na odabranim primjerima motora. Pomoću programa AVL-Boost proračunat je indicirani tlak navedenog motora, u čiju su svrhu izmjerene visine podizanja ventila i snimljen razvodni dijagram motora. Konačno, u programu Wolfram Mathematica izrađen je jednostavan matematički model, za kojeg su dobiveni rezultati varijacija kutne brzine ispitivanog motora, koji su zatim uspoređeni s rezultatima dobivenima u programu AVL-Excite