142 research outputs found

    La protección social de las trabajadoras víctimas de violencia de género

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    La atención a las necesidades económicas de las víctimas de violencia de género constituye divisa de la LOVG y elemento central de su carácter integral. En muchos supuestos, la previa actividad productiva de la mujer habrá generado el período de ocupación cotizada suficiente para percibir el desempleo, de modo que la ausencia de ingresos propiciada por la suspensión o extinción del contrato podrá suplirse mediante tales prestaciones. Otros mecanismos supletorios que permitan la obtención de ciertos ingresos, casi a nivel de subsistencia son también conocidos en el terreno de la protección social y, en parte, puestos en juego por la LOVG.___________________________________The main goal of the LOVG is to provide economic assistance to victims ofgender violence. Women with lack of income due to suspension without pay or contract expiration could be compensated by unemployment benefits since they have contributed to the social security system. The LOVG also uses other ways of getting income which are widely known in the social security field


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    The main goal of the LOVG is to provide economic assistance to victims of gender violence. Women with lack of income due to suspension without pay or contract expiration could be compensated by unemployment benefits since they have contributed to the social security system. The LOVG also uses other ways of getting income which are widely known in the social security field.La atención a las necesidades económicas de las víctimas de violencia de género constituye divisa de la LOVG y elemento central de su carácter integral. En muchos supuestos, la previa actividad productiva de la mujer habrá generado el período de ocupación cotizada suficiente para percibir el desempleo, de modo que la ausencia de ingresos propiciada por la suspensión o extinción del contrato podrá suplirse mediante tales prestaciones. Otros mecanismos supletorios que permitan la obtención de ciertos ingresos, casi a nivel de subsistencia son también conocidos en el terreno de la protección social y, en parte, puestos en juego por la LOVG

    El rechazo de las mujeres mayores viudas a volverse a emparejar: cuestión de género y cambio social

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    The aim of this paper is delving into the attitudes by widowed older people in Spain around the possibility of repartnering, whether it is through marriage or mere cohabitation. A qualitative methodology with a sociological lens, in the way of discussion groups, has been implemented. Main research findings show that widowed older persons –particularly women, are scarcely interested in initiating a relationship with a new partner. There are diverse reasons for this lack of interest. In some cases, older widows are just bounded to traditional moral rules such as not allowing anyone to seize the place of their first husband, or a fear of familial and social criticism. However, there are more powerful reasons: unwillingness to partner with someone who is older, a wish to preserve their own freedom and independency, or a determination to safeguard their autonomy. These reasons allow us to glimpse an important change in terms of how older women understand bothold age and relationships between genders.El objetivo de este artículo es indagar sobre las actitudes personas mayores viudas en España respecto a la posibilidad de formar otra pareja, sea celebrando otro matrimonio o conviviendo con alguien sin llegar a casarse. Lo hacemos desde una óptica sociológica, aplicando metodología cualitativa y, en concreto, la técnica del grupo de discusión. De los resultados cabe destacar que iniciar una relación de pareja despierta un interés muy escaso, particularmente entre las mujeres, por diversas razones. Aunque en algunas de ellas influyen valores tradicionales (como, por ejemplo, el no querer poner a nadie en el lugar de su primer marido o el temor a recibir la crítica familiar y social), cuenta tanto o más otra serie de motivaciones (como el renunciar a emparejarse con alguien mayor que ellas, el mantener su libertad y su independencia, la defensa de su autonomía) que permiten entrever la existencia de un importante cambio en el modo en que las mujeres mayores conciben la vejez y las relaciones entre los géneros

    Adaptación del gestor de colecciones digitales CONTENTdm en un entorno corporativo

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    The measures taken to adapt the ContentDm application to users’ validation requirements are introduced, along with the collections in the Instituto Cervantes image bank creation project. The project’s general characteristics are then laid out in a presentation. This is followed by a summary of the objectives and strategies inherent within the complex task of implementing a document manager which is suitable for both internal use to meet the needs of an institution’s personnel and for the publishing of images on the internet. Finally, there is an account of the suggestions which have been put into practice to further tailor users’ needs to the digital collection manager’s characteristics

    Adapting the ContentDm digital collection manager to a corporate environment

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    The measures taken to adapt the ContentDm  application to users’ validation requirements are introduced, along with the collections in the Instituto Cervantes  image bank creation project. The project’s general characteristics are then laid out in a presentation. This is followed by a summary of the objectives and strategies inherent within the complex task of implementing a document manager which is suitable for both internal use to meet the needs of an institution’s personnel and for the publishing of images on the internet. Finally, there is an account of the suggestions which have been put into practice to further tailor users’ needs to the digital collection manager’s characteristics

    Adaptación del gestor de colecciones digitales CONTENTdm en un entorno corporativo

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    The measures taken to adapt the ContentDm application to users’ validation requirements are introduced, along with the collections in the Instituto Cervantes image bank creation project. The project’s general characteristics are then laid out in a presentation. This is followed by a summary of the objectives and strategies inherent within the complex task of implementing a document manager which is suitable for both internal use to meet the needs of an institution’s personnel and for the publishing of images on the internet. Finally, there is an account of the suggestions which have been put into practice to further tailor users’ needs to the digital collection manager’s characteristics

    The feeling of loneliness in old age

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    Nuestro objetivo es indagar sobre uno de los problemas sociales que más afectan a las personas mayores, el sentimiento de soledad, distinguiendo entre las dimensiones emocional y social. Utilizando una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, con el grupo de discusión como técnica de producción de información y la teoría fundamentada como técnica de análisis, investigamos acerca de cómo lo experimentan las personas mayores viudas que viven solas, que constituyen un grupo de población que lo sufre especialmente. Hemos constatado que padecen soledad emocional, sobre todo, quienes enviudan a edad avanzada, tras varias décadas de matrimonio. Es un sentimiento ligado al vacío conyugal, con la noche como marco de aparición más propenso. Además, enviudar conlleva el riesgo de sufrir soledad social, debido al distanciamiento relacional que suele producirse con las amistades matrimoniales. También hemos apreciado diferencias de género en la incidencia del sentimiento de soledad, con una especial fragilidad de los varones para combatirlo.Our purpose is to look into one of the social problems affecting the most to older people, namely the feeling of loneliness. We intend to approach this problem differ-entiating its social and emotional dimensions. Through a qualitative methodological strategy ‒focus groups as procedure to raise data and Grounded Theory as ana-lytical perspective‒ we study how that feeling is expe-rienced among a profile of older persons particularly affected by loneliness: older widowed persons living alone. Our findings prove that these persons suffer from emotional loneliness, especially those who enter wid-owhood at a later age and after decades of marriage. This feeling is linked to the loss of their spouse and it is at night when it is more likely to emerge. Moreover, wid-owhood comes along with the risk of social loneliness because of the relational distancing from friends who used to be connected to the married couple. We have identified as well gender differences regarding the im-pact of loneliness, being men those who are especially frail to confront it

    Role of ACE2 genetic polymorphisms in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 among highly exposed but non infected healthcare workers

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    We aim to evaluate the role of single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection. We included 28 uninfected but highly exposed healthcare workers and 39 hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Thirty-five SNPs were rationally selected. Two variants were associated with increased risk of being susceptible to SARS-CoV-2: the minor A allele in the rs2106806 variant (OR 3.75 [95% CI 1.23-11.43]) and the minor T allele in the rs6629110 variant (OR 3.39 [95% CI 1.09-10.56]). Evaluating the role of genetic variants in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection could help identify more vulnerable individuals and suggest potential drug targets for COVID-19 patients.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III: [grant number AC17/00019,COV20/00349,PI18/00154,PT17/0019]; Merck, Sharp & Dohme: [Ref IISP 59181].S