1,014 research outputs found

    Country effects in ISSP-1993 environmental data: Comparison of SEM approaches

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    Structural equation models (SEM) are commonly used to analyze the relationship between variables some of which may be latent, such as individual ``attitude'' to and ``behavior'' concerning specific issues. A number of difficulties arise when we want to compare a large number of groups, each with large sample size, and the manifest variables are distinctly non-normally distributed. Using an specific data set, we evaluate the appropriateness of the following alternative SEM approaches: multiple group versus MIMIC models, continuous versus ordinal variables estimation methods, and normal theory versus non-normal estimation methods. The approaches are applied to the ISSP-1993 Environmental data set, with the purpose of exploring variation in the mean level of variables of ``attitude'' to and ``behavior'' concerning environmental issues and their mutual relationship across countries. Issues of both theoretical and practical relevance arise in the course of this application.Structural equation models, factors models, MIMIC models, latent variables, multiple group analysis, non-normality, goodness of fit test, environmental data

    Fostering Family Engagement at the Morris Arboretum

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    This project is a web-based Arboretum app for families with children between the ages of 6 and 8 years old. This piece of digital mobile technology is in support of the Arboretum’s interpretive initiative, Awakening the Senses. The main purpose of this project is to encourage families to connect with their natural surroundings and one another through sensory engagement. There are five unique experiences that coordinate with the five senses and five different plant parts. Each experience provides a movement cue, interactive activity, scientific lesson, an open-ended question to answer as a family, and a digital reward for completing the section. The project began by identifying a target audience based on data compiled from the Arboretum Membership and Visitor Education departments. Research began by benchmarking digital interpretation at other museums and arboreta in the Philadelphia area as well as across the country. Select digital experiences from these institutions provided the inspiration for navigation, movement cues, and open-ended questions built into this project. Each of the five experiences referred to the Pennsylvania Department of Education Standards for language and accompanying scientific lesson. A local illustrator, Todd Miyashiro, was selected to create the graphic elements for the digital app. He will be designing illustrated graphics in collaboration with the project author and supervisor. A paper prototype version of the app will be tested among member family groups, and a focus group will be conducted with school teachers of the target age range to assess the comprehension of language used in the project. Finally, the app will be designed and made available via the Arboretum website

    Measurement and effects of teaching quality : an empirical model applied to masters programs

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    This study applies service quality and customer satisfaction theory to the field of education, and particularly to postgraduate studies. It examines the impact of multiple indicators of teaching quality on student satisfaction. For this purpose, a model is proposed and verified in which the teaching quality indicators are antecedents of the student's satisfaction with the professor and the program. An innovative aspect of the study is the introduction into education of the concept of customer loyalty as a result of satisfaction. In its analysis of these aspects, the study draws on data from a survey conducted among students of two business administration programs. A total of 2,446 valid questionnaires were obtained. In the proposed model, the latent variable, student satisfaction, is considered to be a consequence of the combined effect of satisfaction with certain aspects of teaching quality and the cause of the variation in the indicators on the satisfaction measurement scale. The model was tested by using the MIMIC [Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes] structural equation technique

    Fecal pellet deposition and disappearance rates for snowshoe hares near Seeley Lake Montana

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    Interstitial Lung Diseases in Developing Countries

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    More than 100 different conditions are grouped under the term interstitial lung disease (ILD). A diagnosis of an ILD primarily relies on a combination of clinical, radiological, and pathological criteria, which should be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team of specialists. Multiple factors, such as environmental and occupational exposures, infections, drugs, radiation, and genetic predisposition have been implicated in the pathogenesis of these conditions. Asbestosis and other pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), chronic beryllium disease, and smoking-related ILD are specifically linked to inhalational exposure of environmental agents. The recent Global Burden of Disease Study reported that ILD rank 40th in relation to global years of life lost in 2013, which represents an increase of 86% compared to 1990. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the prototype of fibrotic ILD. A recent study from the United States reported that the incidence and prevalence of IPF are 14.6 per 100,000 person-years and 58.7 per 100,000 persons, respectively. These data suggests that, in large populated areas such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the BRIC region), there may be approximately 2 million people living with IPF. However, studies from South America found much lower rates (0.4-1.2 cases per 100,000 per year). Limited access to high-resolution computed tomography and spirometry or to multidisciplinary teams for accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment are common challenges to the management of ILD in developing countries

    Dealing with Functional Diversity in EFL Classrooms: English Teachers’ Positioning

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    Abstract Functional Diversity (FD) and inclusion are nowadays widely explored subjects, specifically in the field of English language teaching. This article examines the ways in which EFL teachers problematize their role in functionally diverse scenarios while exposing their efforts to improve the exercise of their profession in FD classrooms. By applying positioning theory (Harré, 2001), we analyzed the narratives of four English language teachers at a high school in Bogotá, Colombia. Data obtained from autobiographical narrative essays revealed three main findings: first, English language teachers positioned themselves as novice or apprentice in FD contexts; second, they struggled with their unpreparedness as they learned to work with FD students; and finally, they positioned themselves as agents of change to overcome difficulties and embrace an inclusive pedagogy. This study contributes to the field by raising awareness of real teaching problems and school situations that EFL teachers face, specifically those related to the struggles of the self.Resumen La Diversidad Funcional (DF) y la inclusión son temas que se están explorando en la actualidad, específicamente, en el campo de la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL). Este artículo examina la forma en la que los profesores de inglés problematizan su labor docente, mientras revela sus esfuerzos por mejorar el ejercicio de su profesión en los espacios educativos en los que enfrentan la realidad de la diversidad funcional. Este estudio tuvo en cuenta la Teoría de Posicionamiento (Harré, 2001) para analizar narrativas de cuatro profesores de inglés, en el nivel de secundaria, de un colegio privado en Bogotá, Colombia. Los datos obtenidos expusieron tres grandes conclusiones: (1) los docentes de inglés se posicionaron como novatos y aprendices en relación a la Diversidad Funcional; (2) los docentes de inglés lucharon contra su falta de preparación, mientras aprendían a trabajar con estudiantes con Diversidad Funcional; (3) estos docentes se posicionaron como agentes de cambio para superar las dificultades encontradas y poder incluir una pedagogía más inclusiva en sus prácticas diarias. Este estudio contribuye al campo de la Lingüística Aplicada, al crear conciencia sobre los problemas reales de la enseñanza y de las situaciones escolares que enfrentan a diario los profesores de inglés, específicamente, todas aquellas relacionadas con las luchas de uno mismo


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    This article introduces the results of an experimental intercultural English class (IEC) using the flipped classroom methodology. Thematic units were developed with the 5 E's instructional model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) based on the constructivist approach to learning.  This qualitative study collected data from 20 students at Atlántico University. The questionnaires used in the analysis of the 2 survey rounds rate Students’ responses in relation to learning of contents, methodology of the class and autonomy. Results based on the second round led to four major conclusions: (i). There is satisfaction with the use of the Flipped Classroom strategy, in terms of time management and freedom to prepare classes. (ii). Practical activities are more engaging to work collaboratively. (iii) Teachers have a subtle presence which provides more opportunities for students to negotiate control and participation. (iv) Although autonomous learning is possible, teacher support is pivotal to increasing it. These findings are discussed within the framework of the didactical component of teaching and its implications for this public university.  Este artículo presenta los resultados de un curso experimental de inglés con enfoque intercultural utilizando la metodología del aula invertida. Las unidades temáticas se desarrollaron con las 5 E de un modelo instruccional basado en el enfoque constructivista del aprendizaje. Este estudio cualitativo recogió datos de 20 estudiantes de la Universidad del Atlántico. Se analizaron los cuestionarios de dos rondas de encuestas que midieron las respuestas de los estudiantes en relación al aprendizaje del contenido, la metodología de la clase y la autonomía. Los resultados de la segunda encuesta nos permiten colegir las siguientes conclusiones: (i). Satisfacción con el uso de la estrategia del aula invertida en relación con el manejo del tiempo y libertad para preparar clases. (ii). Las actividades prácticas favorecen el trabajo colaborativo. (iii). La sutil presencia de los profesores brinda mayores oportunidades a los estudiantes para negociar el control y la participación. (iv) Aunque es posible aprender autónomamente, el apoyo del docente es importante para incrementar el aprendizaje. Estos resultados se discuten en el marco del componente didáctico de la enseñanza y sus implicaciones para esta universidad pública.&nbsp

    Aprendizaje cooperativo, aprendizaje percibido y rendimiento académico en la enseñanza del marketing

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    Las universidades españolas están integrando el aprendizaje cooperativo en las capacidades a conseguir por sus estudiantes, por lo que es necesario profundizar sobre qué se entiende por aprendizaje cooperativo, sus antecedentes y sus resultados. El objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en estudiar las relaciones entre el aprendizaje cooperativo y dos de sus resultados: la percepción de aprendizaje del estudiante (o resultado subjetivo de aprendizaje) y el rendimiento académico del alumno (o resultado objetivo de aprendizaje). Para alcanzar el objetivo marcado, en primer lugar, se operacionaliza el concepto de aprendizaje cooperativo en cuatro dimensiones: interactividad con los compañeros, interactividad con el profesor, compromiso y aprendizaje activo. En segundo lugar, se operacionaliza el concepto de aprendizaje subjetivo, a partir de las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre sus logros alcanzados tras el desarrollo de una actividad de aprendizaje cooperativo: Team-Games-Tournaments o concurso. Para finalizar, se analiza cómo el aprendizaje subjetivo media en la relación entre aprendizaje cooperativo y resultado objetivo. El marco de análisis se concreta en una actividad desarrollada en una asignatura de Fundamentos de Marketing que se imparte en los grados de Economía, Administración de Empresas y Finanzas y Contabilidad, en una universidad pública española, con una muestra de 319 casos. La metodología utilizada son los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Tres son las aportaciones de este trabajo: en primer lugar la medida del concepto multivariable de aprendizaje cooperativo; en segundo lugar, conseguir anidar dos bases de datos, las relativas a percepciones del alumno con las objetivas de rendimiento académico, lo que nos ha permitido, en tercer lugar, evidenciar la influencia directa y positiva del aprendizaje cooperativo sobre el resultado subjetivo de aprendizaje del alumno y la influencia indirecta sobre el resultado objetivo o rendimiento logrado por el estudiante.Spanish universities are incorporating cooperative learning into the capabilities to be achieved by their students. It therefore becomes necessary to take a detailed look at what is meant by cooperative learning, as well as its antecedents and its outcomes. The main aim of this work is to study the relationships between cooperative learning and two of its outcomes, namely student perception of learning (or the subjective learning outcome) and student academic achievement (or the objective learning outcome). In order to achieve our aim, first the concept of cooperative learning is operationalised in four dimensions: interactivity with peers, interactivity with the teacher, commitment and active learning. Second, the concept of subjective learning is operationalised on the basis of student perceptions of the achievements they have attained after carrying out a cooperative learning activity: Team- Games-Tournaments. Finally, an analysis is performed to see how subjective learning mediates in the relationship between cooperative learning and objective outcome. The framework of analysis consists in an activity carried out on a sample of 319 cases, within a subject called Foundations of Marketing, which is taught as part of the degrees in Economics, Business Administration, and Finance and Accounting at a public university in Spain. The methodology applied involves the use of structural equation models. This research makes three main contributions to the literature. Firstly, it measures the multivariable concept of cooperative learning. Secondly, it manages to nest two databases, one with data concerning the student perceptions and the other with objective data about academic achievement, which has in turn enabled us, thirdly, to find evidence of the direct positive influence of cooperative learning on the student subjective learning outcome and the indirect influence on the objective outcome or achievement attained by the student.El presente trabajo forma parte de los resultados obtenidos bajo el marco de los Proyectos de Innovación Educativa 10G136-348, 10G136-536 y 10G136-593 de la Universitat Jaume I (Castellón). Además han apoyado su realización el proyecto de investigación ECO2013- 48496-C4-3-R financiado por MINECO. MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDAD y el Grupo de Investigación CREVALOR reconocido por la DGA y financiado por FSE

    Maternal fetal relationship and attachment facility during the pregnancy

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    A diario vemos ejemplos de noticias por las que nos preguntamos qué pasa por la mente de una madre para llegar a tratar de una forma tan negativa a sus hijos. Es conocida la gran importancia que tiene para el desarrollo cognitivo, emocional y social durante la infancia, el establecimiento de una adecuada relación de apego madre-bebé, desde el inicio de su vida. Pero poco se ha estudiado sobre la importancia de la formación de este apego a lo largo del embarazo. Este trabajo trata de otorgar el valor que tiene el hecho de que las mujeres embazadas establezcan, ya durante este periodo vital, un fuerte lazo de apego materno – fetal. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar cómo 117 mujeres embarazadas, de toda Huelva capital, interaccionan a lo largo de la gestación con el que será su futuro bebé. Para ello, se ha utilizado la Escala de la Vinculación Afectiva y la Adaptación Prenatal (EVAP). Las conclusiones a las que llega el estudio aportan orientaciones prácticas para el trabajo con mujeres, familias, y otorga pistas para entender las relaciones que, de forma temprana, se dan en las familias.Daily news often make us wonder what goes through the mind of a mother who comes to treat her children in a negative way. It’s well-known how important is an appropiate rapport between mother and child, from the beginning of life, in order to achieve a cognitive, emotional and social maturation during childhood. But little has been studied about the importance of the formation of this attachment during pregnancy. This paper tries to put a high value on the fact that pregnat women estatblish a strong maternal bond with their fetus. The objective of this research is to analyze how 117 pregnant women, from the town of Huelva, have interacted with their babies-to be for the pregnancy period. For that purpose, the Scale and Adaptation bonding Prenatal (EVAP) has been used. The conclusions reached from our study provide practical guidelines for working with women and families, and help to a better comprenhension of the early relationships in families