1,793 research outputs found

    Estilos de Aprendizaje en la Transformación Educativa. Un Compromiso en Contextos Sociales.

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    La finalidad de esta propuesta educativa se hace desde la perspectiva de innovación metodológica que parte de procesos cognitivos y afectivos dentro de una simbiosis personal y social. Se desarrolla desde el ámbito de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Málaga, La metodología pedagógica experimentada sobre Aprendizaje Servicio materializados en dos tipos: aprendizaje anticipador de años atrás en contraste con proyectos del presente en las aulas de la Universidad. El núcleo central se fija en ¿cómo se aprende con el impacto social? La finalidad es resaltar a través de las experiencias los beneficios de dicho aprendizaje donde se potencias las habilidades en el desarrollo del alumno unido al valor formativo del servicio socialUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    Al situar al estudiante en el centro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se produce la necesidad de realizar un cambio metodológico que potencie el papel activo del estudiante. Las nuevas Tecnologías ofrecen nuevas posibilidades en este contexto. En esta experiencia se intenta involucrar a un pequeño grupo de estudiantes en este proceso, mediante el análisis, evaluación, elección y uso de “web colaborativa” para el desarrollo de un trabajo de investigación en equipo para, posteriormente, evaluar el grado de adquisición de competencias transversales. El trabajo se desarrolla con un pequeño grupo de alumnos de Administración de Empresas poco habituados al uso de las TIC. Partiendo de un debate a cerca de las dificultades en la gestión y planificación de un trabajo en equipo, se les encomienda que investiguen sobre la conceptualización y características de la Web 2.0. Su puesta en común mediante debate, lleva a evaluar los distintos ejemplos de casos reales encontrados, su uso en el nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y las distintas posibilidades gratuitas disponibles, así como la elección de una de ellas según los requerimientos del grupo. Una vez desarrollado el trabajo de investigación propuesto, se realiza un nuevo debate en el que se analizan las competencias adquiridas. En este caso el alumno participa de todo el proceso junto al docente y se observa que se produce una mejor percepción de los resultados de aprendizaje y se facilita la evaluación de las competencias transversales.Placing the student in the centre of the teaching-learning process makes a methodological change that strengthens the active role of the student. New technologies offer new possibilities in this context. This experience seeks to involve a small group of students in this process, through analysis, evaluation, selection and use of "collaborative web" for the development of a research work in a team for, later, to assess the degree of the acquisition of cross-curricular skills. The work is carried out with a small group of students from Business Administration little accustomed to the use of new technologies. Starting from a debate about the difficulties in the management and planning of a team work, they have been assigned to investigate on the conceptualization and characteristics of Web 2.0: evaluate different examples of actual cases found, their use in the new European Higher Education Area and the various possibilities available, as well as the choice of one of them according to the requirements of the group. Once developed the research work proposed, we take a new debate in which we analyze the skills acquired. The student participates in the whole process together with the teacher. It produces a better perception of the learning outcomes and facilitates the assessment of cross-curricular skills.Administración y Dirección de EmpresasEducació

    Apuntes para la historia social de Extremadura

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    Análisis de la sociedad extremeña a partir de las informaciones ofrecidas por la Revista de Extremadura, 1899-1910. Se describe una sociedad rural, una distribución desigual de la riqueza, una sanidad deficiente, problemas de seguridad ciudadana... y las manifestaciones del movimiento obrero entre 1870 y 1910.Analysis of Extremadura society based on the information offered by the Revista de Extremadura, 1899-1910. It describes a rural society, an unequal distribution of wealth, poor health, problems of citizen security ... and the manifestations of the labor movement between 1870 and 1910

    Unas notas sobre el periodismo en Extremadura (1899-1910)

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    Análisis de la prensa local extremeña entre 1899 y 1910. Se relacionan los títulos de los periódicos, su filiación política su temática y su cronología.Analysis of the Extremadura local press between 1899 and 1910. The titles of the newspapers are related, their political affiliation its theme and its chronology

    Changing Attitudes and Classroom Climate Using Cooperative Methodologies on Low Interest Subjects

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    Partiendo de la estrecha relación entre actitud y rendimiento, se realiza un análisis en alumnos de primer curso de Grado en Derecho en la materia de Fundamentos de Economía de la Empresa, considerada de bajo interés para los alumnos. Se obtienen los resultados de aplicación de metodologías cooperativas en el cambio de la satisfacción e interés de los alumnos hacia la materia mediante escalas, y se observan las ventajas e inconvenientes de su desarrollo en las aulas.Leaving of the narrow existent relationship between social climate and outcome, an analysis is realized in students of Fundamentals of Corporate Economics of Bachelor of Law, because of their scanty interest in the subject. After applying cooperative methodologies, it has been used scales to measure the changes of attitude and satisfaction. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the methodologies in the classroom have been evaluated.Administración y Dirección de EmpresasEducació


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    The studies presented in this thesis were designed to develop efficient protocols for collecting competent oocytes and to produce disease-free wood bison embryos by in vitro fertilization and culture. In Chapter 3, the in vivo and in vitro maturational characteristics of cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) collected from live wood bison during the anovulatory and ovulatory seasons were compared. The stages of nuclear maturation: germinal vesicle (GV), germinal vesicle break down (GVBD), metaphase I (MI) and metaphase II (MII) were determined in wood bison oocytes using anti-Lamin AC/DAPI staining. Additionally, the optimal interval of time after human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) treatment required for in vivo oocyte maturation in wood bison was determined. Nuclear maturation occurred more rapidly during in vitro versus in vivo maturation, but was associated with less cumulus cell expansion than with in vivo maturation. In vitro oocyte maturation was maximal after 24 h of in vitro maturation. In vivo oocyte maturation was more complete at 30 than 24 h after hCG treatment. Season had no effect on the maturational capacity of wood bison oocytes. Competence of the in vitro (Chapter 4) or in vivo (Chapter 5) matured oocytes to develop to the blastocyst stage in culture was evaluated in subsequent studies. In Chapter 4, the hypothesis that the morphological characteristics of wood bison cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) affect the ability of the immature oocyte to develop in vitro following in vitro fertilization was tested. The effect of extending from 48 h to 72 h the FSH starvation period after superstimulation (FSH diluted in 0.5% hyaluronan) on number and size of the follicles at the time of collection by transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration, on COC morphological characteristic, and on blastocyst development rate, was also investigated. Compact COC classified as good (>3 layers of cumulus cells) resulted in the highest blastocyst rate following in vitro maturation, fertilization and culture. There was no effect of extending the FSH starvation period by 24 h on the number of follicles ≥ 5 mm at the time of collection, the morphology of the COC or blastocyst rate on Day 7 or 8 after fertilization. The morphological characteristics of immature wood bison COC affect oocyte in vitro developmental potential to the blastocyst stage. In Chapter 5, the effect of an additional 4 h of in vitro maturation of in vivo matured oocytes collected 30 h after hCG treatment on subsequent embryo development was evaluated. In addition, the effects of extending the interval between hCG treatment and COC collection from 30 to 34 h on in vitro embryo production was evaluated. Results confirmed that an additional short period of in vitro maturation, or an extended period of in vivo maturation increased in vitro embryo production rates in wood bison. In the final chapter (Chapter 6), the effectiveness of the IETS washing procedures with or without antibiotics for removing Brucella abortus from in vitro-produced embryos infected in vitro with the pathogen was determined. Brucella abortus was removed from 100% of in vitro-exposed embryos following 10 washes of 100 fold dilution, with or without antibiotics. Results validated the embryo washing procedures for producing Brucella-free in vitro-produced wood bison embryos

    Clíticos no português de herança de emigrantes bilingues de segunda geração

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    This paper examines the competence of heritage speakers of Portuguese living in Germany with respect to clitic placement in Portuguese by comparing their performance with that of monolingual speakers of the same age (7-15 years of age) in a test designed to elicit oral production data. The results of the study indicate that the heritage speakers go through stages in the acquisition of clitic placement that are similar to those of monolingual acquirers even though they take longer to attain the target grammar

    The acquisition of clitic pronouns by European Portuguese heritage speakers

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    This paper examines the competence of heritage speakers of Portuguese living in Germany with respect to clitic placement in Portuguese by comparing their performance with that of monolingual speakers of the same age (7-15 years of age) in a test designed to elicit oral production data. The results of the study indicate that the heritage speakers go through stages in the acquisition of clitic placement that are similar to those of monolingual acquirers even though they take longer to attain the target grammar.Acções Luso-Alemãs CRUP-DAA

    Analysis of dystrophin protein expression in undiagnosed patients suspected of dystrophinopathy

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    Dystrophinopathies are a group of neuromuscular disorders caused by a mutation in the dystrophin gene, which is X-linked and affects both the production and functionality of the dystrophin protein, essential for proper muscle function. Current diagnosis relies on genetic testing to identify causal mutations for these diseases. However, up to 7% of dystrophinopathy cases remain undiagnosed, or manifest a discrepancy between the mutation and the observed phenotype. The aim of the study is to identify cases where the disease phenotype is not justified by genetic analysis. Nine patients with a dystrophinopathy phenotype but without a genetic diagnosis were studied to perform a functional protein analysis using immunofluorescence and western blot techniques to evaluate dystrophin protein expression. Alterations in dystrophin expression levels were detected in eight out of nine patients. A mosaic expression pattern was observed in all female patients except for one that along with the male subject showed reduced expression. Protein quantification revealed altered expression in three female subjects for the C-terminal domain, and a considerable reduction in the central and C-terminal domains in the male subject. This study demonstrates the indispensability of functional protein analysis as a first step to confirm the presence of a dystrophin synthesis defect. It also highlights the value of combining immunofluorescence and western blot techniques for proper dystrophin expression analysis. However, the underlying molecular diagnosis will subsequently require mRNA analysis to identify the definitive molecular effect.Las distrofinopatías son un grupo de trastornos neuromusculares causados por una mutación en el gen de la distrofina, que se transmite ligado al cromosoma X y afecta a la producción y funcionalidad de la proteína distrofina, esencial para el correcto funcionamiento muscular. El diagnóstico actual se basa en pruebas genéticas para identificar las mutaciones causales de estas enfermedades. Sin embargo, hasta un 7% de los casos de distrofinopatía permanecen sin diagnosticar o existe una discrepancia entre la mutación y el fenotipo observado. El objetivo del estudio consiste en identificar aquellos casos en los cuáles el fenotipo de la enfermedad no es justificado por el análisis genético. Se estudiaron nueve pacientes con fenotipo de distrofinopatía pero sin diagnóstico genético a los que se les realizó un análisis funcional proteico, mediante técnicas de inmunofluorescencia y western blot para evaluar la expresión de la proteína distrofina. Se detectaron alteraciones de la expresión de la distrofina en ocho de los nueve pacientes. Se observó un patrón mosaico de expresión en todas las mujeres menos en una de ellas junto al sujeto masculino estudiado, quienes solamente mostraron reducción en dicha expresión. La cuantificación proteica reveló alteración de la expresión en tres sujetos femeninos en el dominio C-terminal y una considerable disminución en del dominio central y C-terminal en el paciente masculino. Este estudio demuestra la indispensabilidad del análisis de expresión a nivel proteico como primer paso para confirmar la existencia de un defecto en la síntesis de distrofina. Asimismo, resalta el valor de combinar las técnicas de inmunofluorescencia y western blot para el correcto análisis de la expresión proteica. No obstante, el diagnóstico molecular subyacente en sujetos sin diagnóstico con los métodos convencionales requerirá posteriormente del análisis de ARNm para identificar el efecto molecular definitivo.Biotecnologí