457 research outputs found

    Microstates of a Neutral Black Hole in M Theory

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    We consider vacuum solutions in M theory of the form of a five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein black hole cross T^6. In a certain limit, these include the five-dimensional neutral rotating black hole (cross T^6). From a IIA standpoint, these solutions carry D0 and D6 charges. We show that there is a weakly coupled D-brane description which precisely reproduces the Hawking-Bekenstein entropy in the extremal limit, even though supersymmetry is completely broken.Comment: 11 pages. v2: microstate counting extended to generic angular moment

    An optical time-delay estimate for the double gravitational lens system B1600+434

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    We present optical I-band light curves of the gravitationally lensed double QSO B1600+434 from observations obtained at the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) between April 1998 and November 1999. The photometry has been performed by simultaneous deconvolution of all the data frames, involving a numerical lens galaxy model. Four methods have been applied to determine the time delay between the two QSO components, giving a mean estimate of \Delta_t = 51+/-4 days (95% confidence level). This is the fourth optical time delay ever measured. Adopting a Omega=0.3, Lambda=0 Universe and using the mass model of Maller et al. (2000), this time-delay estimate yields a Hubble parameter of H_0=52 (+14, -8) km s^-1 Mpc^-1 (95% confidence level) where the errors include time-delay as well as model uncertainties. There are time-dependent offsets between the two (appropriately shifted) light curves that indicate the presence of external variations due to microlensing.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Estimating stellar mean density through seismic inversions

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    Determining the mass of stars is crucial both to improving stellar evolution theory and to characterising exoplanetary systems. Asteroseismology offers a promising way to estimate stellar mean density. When combined with accurate radii determinations, such as is expected from GAIA, this yields accurate stellar masses. The main difficulty is finding the best way to extract the mean density from a set of observed frequencies. We seek to establish a new method for estimating stellar mean density, which combines the simplicity of a scaling law while providing the accuracy of an inversion technique. We provide a framework in which to construct and evaluate kernel-based linear inversions which yield directly the mean density of a star. We then describe three different inversion techniques (SOLA and two scaling laws) and apply them to the sun, several test cases and three stars. The SOLA approach and the scaling law based on the surface correcting technique described by Kjeldsen et al. (2008) yield comparable results which can reach an accuracy of 0.5 % and are better than scaling the large frequency separation. The reason for this is that the averaging kernels from the two first methods are comparable in quality and are better than what is obtained with the large frequency separation. It is also shown that scaling the large frequency separation is more sensitive to near-surface effects, but is much less affected by an incorrect mode identification. As a result, one can identify pulsation modes by looking for an l and n assignment which provides the best agreement between the results from the large frequency separation and those from one of the two other methods. Non-linear effects are also discussed as is the effects of mixed modes. In particular, it is shown that mixed modes bring little improvement as a result of their poorly adapted kernels.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 20 pages, 19 figure

    10,000 Standard Solar Models: a Monte Carlo Simulation

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    We have evolved 10,000 solar models using 21 input parameters that are randomly drawn for each model from separate probability distributions for every parameter. We use the results of these models to determine the theoretical uncertainties in the predicted surface helium abundance, the profile of the sound speed versus radius, the profile of the density versus radius, the depth of the solar convective zone, the eight principal solar neutrino fluxes, and the fractions of nuclear reactions that occur in the CNO cycle or in the three branches of the p-p chains. We also determine the correlation coefficients of the neutrino fluxes for use in analysis of solar neutrino oscillations. Our calculations include the most accurate available input parameters, including radiative opacity, equation of state, and nuclear cross sections. We incorporate both the recently determined heavy element abundances recommended by Asplund, Grevesse & Sauval (2005) and the older (higher) heavy element abundances recommended by Grevesse & Sauval (1998). We present best-estimates of many characteristics of the standard solar model for both sets of recommended heavy element compositions.Comment: ** John N. Bahcall passed away on August 17, 2005. Manuscript has 60 pages including 10 figure

    New Modeling of the Lensing Galaxy and Cluster of Q0957+561: Implications for the Global Value of the Hubble Constant

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    The gravitational lens 0957+561 is modeled utilizing recent observations of the galaxy and the cluster as well as previous VLBI radio data which have been re-analyzed recently. The galaxy is modeled by a power-law elliptical mass density with a small core while the cluster is modeled by a non-singular power-law sphere as indicated by recent observations. Using all of the current available data, the best-fit model has a reduced chi-squared of approximately 6 where the chi-squared value is dominated by a small portion of the observational constraints used; this value of the reduced chi-squared is similar to that of the recent FGSE best-fit model by Barkana et al. However, the derived value of the Hubble constant is significantly different from the value derived from the FGSE model. We find that the value of the Hubble constant is given by H_0 = 69 +18/-12 (1-K) and 74 +18/-17 (1-K) km/s/Mpc with and without a constraint on the cluster's mass, respectively, where K is the convergence of the cluster at the position of the galaxy and the range for each value is defined by Delta chi-squared = reduced chi-squared. Presently, the best achievable fit for this system is not as good as for PG 1115+080, which also has recently been used to constrain the Hubble constant, and the degeneracy is large. Possibilities for improving the fit and reducing the degeneracy are discussed.Comment: 22 pages in aaspp style including 6 tables and 5 figures, ApJ in press (Nov. 1st issue

    Helioseismological Implications of Recent Solar Abundance Determinations

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    We show that standard solar models are in good agreement with the helioseismologically determined sound speed and density as a function of solar radius, the depth of the convective zone, and the surface helium abundance, as long as those models do not incorporate the most recent heavy element abundance determinations. However, sophisticated new analyses of the solar atmosphere infer lower abundances of the lighter metals (like C, N, O, Ne, and Ar) than the previously widely used surface abundances. We show that solar models that include the lower heavy element abundances disagree with the solar profiles of sound speed and density as well as the depth of the convective zone and the helium abundance. The disagreements for models with the new abundances range from factors of several to many times the quoted uncertainties in the helioseismological measurements. The disagreements are at temperatures below what is required for solar interior fusion reactions and therefore do not significantly affect solar neutrino emission. If errors in thecalculated OPAL opacities are solely responsible for the disagreements, then the corrections in the opacity must extend from 2 times 10^6 K (R = 0.7R_Sun)to 5 times 10^6 K (R = 0.4 R_Sun), with opacity increases of order 10%.Comment: ApJ in press; clarified Figure

    Solar-like oscillations in the G8 V star tau Ceti

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    We used HARPS to measure oscillations in the low-mass star tau Cet. Although the data were compromised by instrumental noise, we have been able to extract the main features of the oscillations. We found tau Cet to oscillate with an amplitude that is about half that of the Sun, and with a mode lifetime that is slightly shorter than solar. The large frequency separation is 169 muHz, and we have identified modes with degrees 0, 1, 2, and 3. We used the frequencies to estimate the mean density of the star to an accuracy of 0.45% which, combined with the interferometric radius, gives a mass of 0.783 +/- 0.012 M_sun (1.6%).Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    How much do helioseismological inferences depend upon the assumed reference model?

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    We investigate systematic uncertainties in determining the profiles of the solar sound speed, density, and adiabatic index by helioseismological techniques. We find that rms uncertainties-averaged over the sun of ~ 0.2%-0.4% are contributed to the sound speed profile by each of three sources: 1)the choice of assumed reference model, 2) the width of the inversion kernel, and 3) the measurements errors. The density profile is about an order of magnitude less well determined by the helioseismological measurements. The profile of the adiabatic index is determined to an accuracy of about 0.2% . We find that even relatively crude reference models yield reasonably accurate solar parameters.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ . Related material at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~jn

    Detection of Solar-like Oscillations in the G7 Giant Star xi Hya

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    We report the firm discovery of solar-like oscillations in a giant star. We monitored the star xi Hya (G7III) continuously during one month with the CORALIE spectrograph attached to the 1.2m Swiss Euler telescope. The 433 high-precision radial-velocity measurements clearly reveal multiple oscillation frequencies in the range 50 - 130 uHz, corresponding to periods between 2.0 and 5.5 hours. The amplitudes of the strongest modes are slightly smaller than 2 m/s. Current model calculations are compatible with the detected modes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication as a letter in A&

    Solar-like oscillations in the G2 subgiant beta Hydri from dual-site observations

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    We have observed oscillations in the nearby G2 subgiant star beta Hyi using high-precision velocity observations obtained over more than a week with the HARPS and UCLES spectrographs. The oscillation frequencies show a regular comb structure, as expected for solar-like oscillations, but with several l=1 modes being strongly affected by avoided crossings. The data, combined with those we obtained five years earlier, allow us to identify 28 oscillation modes. By scaling the large frequency separation from the Sun, we measure the mean density of beta Hyi to an accuracy of 0.6%. The amplitudes of the oscillations are about 2.5 times solar and the mode lifetime is 2.3 d. A detailed comparison of the mixed l=1 modes with theoretical models should allow a precise estimate of the age of the star.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, accepted by ApJ. Fixed minor typo (ref to Fig 14