16 research outputs found


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    Genetic and morphometric caracteristics of two types of cornual bees

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    Morfometrijske analize su rañena merenjem krilne nervature 540 uzoraka krila pčela sa 9 lokaliteta u Vojvodini. Izračunato je 16 uglova (A1, A4, B3, B4, D7, E9, G7, G18, H12, J10, J16, K19, L13, M17, O26, Q21) koje zaklapa krilna nervatura i 4 indeksa (Ci, Pci, Dbi, Ri), ukupno 20 mera. Izračunate su prosečne vrednosti i utvrñena je statistička značajnost razlika izmeñu pčela iz regona Srema i Bačke i pčela iz regiona Banata, takoñe je izvršeno i poreñenje pčela svih lokaliteta sa DAWINO standardima za 5 rasa pčela (Apis mellifera carnica, Apis mellifera macedonica, Apis mellifera mellifera, Apis mellifera ligustica i Apis mellifera caucasica). Analizom varijanse izračunatih 20 osobina krilne nervature, utvrñeno je da samo kod osobine A4 nisu utvrñene statistički značajnie razlike izmeñu posmatranih lokaliteta, dok su u 19 osobina utvrñene statistički značajne razlike. Utvrñivanjem statističke značajnosti razlika, pčela iz regiona Srema i Bačke i pčela iz regiona Banata, utvrñeno je da 45% osobina ne pokazuju statistički značajne razlike, dok 45% osobina pokazuje statistički vrlo značajne razlike (P<0,01) i 10% osobina pokazuje statistički značajne razlike (P<0,05). Uporeñivanjem dobijenih vrednosti 20 parametera krilne nervature, pomoću ztesta, sa DAWINO standardima za pet rasa pčela, utvrñeno je da na bazi celog uzorka statistički nema značajnih razlika kod osobina A4 i D7 sa A. m. carnica, kod osobina H12, G18 i B4 sa A. m.macedonica i kod osobina J16 i B4 poreñeno sa rasom A. m.ligustica. Kod pčela iz regiona Srema i Bačke utvrñeno je da statistički nema značajnih razlika kod osobina A4, B3, D7 i G18 uporeñeno sa A.m. carnica, kod osobina H12 i B4 uporeñeno sa A. m.macedonica i kod osobina G18, K19, J16 i Q21 uporeñeno sa rasom A. m.ligustica, dok kod pčela iz regiona Banata utvrñeno je da statistički nema značajnih razlika kod osobina A4, E9, D7 i J10 uporeñeno sa A.m. carnica, kod osobina H12, J10, L13 i PCi uporeñeno sa A. m.macedonica i kod osobina B4, J16 i PCi uporeñeno sa rasom A. m.ligustica. Ocena genetičke povezanosti, unutar populacijska raznolikost i struktura populacije, dva tipa pčela u Vojvodini, izračunata je na bazi varijacije alela 25 lokusa mikrosatelita. Izvršena je genetska tipizacija sledećih mikrosatelita: A8, A14, A24, A29, A43, A79, A88, A113, Ac11, Ac88, Ac139, Ac306, Ap15, Ap68, Ap85, Ap90, Ap223, Ap224, Ap226, Ap249, Ap273, Ap274, Ap288, At168, At188. 92% ili 23 lokusa su se pokazali kao polimorfni u uzorcima pčela iz Srema i Bačke, a 88% ili 22 lokusa su se pokazali kao polimorfni u uzorcima pčela iz Banata. Izračunata heterozigotnost na nivou cele populacije se nije statistički značajno razlikovala od očekivane heterozigotnosti. Utvrñeno je da dobijene genetičke razlike izmeñu analiziranih pčela iz regiona Srema i Bačke i retgiona Banata nisu dovoljne da se ove dve populacije mogu smatrati razdvojenim.Morphometric analyses have been done by measuring the wing nervature in 540 samples of bees, collected from nine localities in Vojvodina. 16 angles formed by wing nervation have been calculated(A1, A4, B3, B4, D7, E9, G7, G18, H12, J10, J16, K19, L13, M17, O26, Q21) as well as four indexes (Ci, PCI, DBI , R), a total of 20 measures. The average values have been calculated and statistical significant differences in bees from Srem, Backa and Banat region determined. Five breeds of bees from these regions have been compared to Dawino standards. The analyses of the variance of calculated 20 features of wing nervature indicate that statistically significant differences in monitored localities have not been found only in A4, on the other hand in 19 properties significant differences have been discovered. Established statistically significant differences between breeds from Srem and Backa regions reveale that 45% properties do not show any statistically important differences, while 45% features show very important statistical differences (P<0,01) and 10% show statistically important differences (P<0,05). It has been established by comparing the obtained values of 20 parametres of wing nervature by means of z test to DAWINO standards for five breeds of bees that, based on the whole sample, there are no significant differences in features A4 and D7 in A.m. carnica, in features H12, G18 and B4 in A.m. macedonica and features J16 and B4 compared to A.m. ligustica. As for bees from Srem and Backa region,there are statistically no significante differences in features A4, B3, D7 and G18 compared to A.m. carnica, features H12 and B4 compared to A.m. macedonica and features G18, K19, J16 and Q21 compared to A.m. ligustica, while in bees from Banat region, statistically there are no significant differences in features A4, E9, D7 and J10 compared to A.m. carnica, features H12, J10, L13 and Pci compared to A.m. macedonica and features B4, J16 and Pci compared to A.m. ligustica. The evaluation of genetic correlation, the diversity of bees population and population structure of two types of bees in Vojvodina have been established on the basis of allels variations in 25 locus microsatelites.The following microsatelites have been standardized – A8,A14,A24,A29, A43, A79, A88, A113, Ac11, Ac88, Ac139, Ac306, Ap15, Ap68, Ap85, Ap90, Ap223, Ap224, Ap226, Ap249, Ap273, Ap274, Ap288, At168, At188. 92% or 23 locus have shown as polymorphs in bees from Srem and Backa and 88% or 22 locus samples have shown as polzmorphs in bees samples from Banat and Backa region. The whole population calculated heterozygosity has not shown statistically significant differrence from expected heterozygisity. It has been established that the obtained genetic differences between the analysed bees from Srem and Backa region and Banat region are not significant to indicate two populations

    Uteropexy in Sheep as Potential Method for Prevention of Uterine Torsion

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    Background: Uterine torsion is one of many causes of dystocia in sheep. Failure in performing of wright-time diagnostic procedures and treatment by certain obstetric procedures, can result with death of both fetus and ewe. There is sufficient knowledge about risk factors which could contribute to the occurrence of uterine torsion in sheep, but there is insufficient knowledge about measures for prevention of uterine torsion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of performing incorporative uteropexy as potential method for prevention of uterine torsion. Cases: This research was part of the experimental research of changes in the anterior presentation in sheep fetuses due to their ventro-sacral position in the 2nd half of gestation. At the same sheep farm where afore mentioned research was conducted, the farmer has reported the death of 3 pregnant ewes. In all of 3 animals, torsion of the uterus was diagnosed by patho-anatomical examination. This study was conducted on 6 ewes. All of the animals were in the period around the 100th day of pregnancy at the time of clinical examination. The exact day of pregnancy was not determinated because of free mating in the herd. Confirmation of pregnancy in all of 6 ewes was performed by ultrasound examination. Uniparous pregnancy was found in all of 6 ewes. The entire surgical procedures were performed in the field conditions. Laparotomy was performed in the animals positioned in the left lateral recumbency. Surgical procedure of incorporative uteropexy was performed during the closure of muscle layers of abdominal wall. In need for experimental research of changes in the anterior presentation in sheep fetuses due to their ventro-sacral position in the second half of gestation, 14 days after surgical procedures were conducted, all of sheep were positioned by assistants into a sitting position so that their trunks were vertical to the ground and kept in that position for 2 min. Ultrasound examination of surgical place of uteropexy confirmed that, in all of animals, uteruses were in place of surgical procedures. All of 6 ewes included in this study lambed naturally. One of 6 sheep was sent for economic exploitation on the 14th day after lambing. At the slaughter line, the abdominal wall was evaluated at the site where the incorporative uteropexy was performed. Patho-anatomical examination revealed tissue adhesions at the junction of the uterine horn with the abdominal wall. Discussion: Postsurgical tissue adhesions develop during normal healing process of tissue. According to our knowledge, previous studies do not mention effective measures that could contribute to the prevention of uterine torsion in sheep, but attention is focused on prompt diagnosis and treatment of the disease. According to the results of this study, postsurgical tissue adhesions were developed and confirmed by patho-anatomical examination in 1 sheep.  Other 5 sheep were not economically exploited or sacrificed, and no studies were performed to establish the presence of postsurgical tissue adhesions. In conclusion, it could be said that incorporative uteropexy could be considered as preventive procedure in order to avoid the development of uterine torsion in ewes which have shown a history of this pathology, but also in ewes with identified risk factors for the disease. In future studies, it is necessary to identify more parameters which will contribute to identification of sheep which have high risk factors to obtain the torsion of uterus. Also, it is necessary to use non-invasive methods of clinical diagnostics, primary ultrasound diagnostic, to evaluate the area of ​​incorporative uteropexy in order to assess newly formed tissue adhesions as well as to assess the vitality of fetus. It is necessary to follow the lambing process of ewes with incorporated uterus, and to provide medical assistance to the animals if complications occur during the lambing time. Keywords: sheep, uterus, fetus, torsion, incorporative uteropexy

    Population-genetical characteristics of the bee population of Vojvodina

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    In 1893. Jovan Zivanovic notes that based on the color of the abdomen of bees, two varieties of bees are present in Vojvodina, one dark and the other with two yellow rings on abdomen. Up to the present time there are mixed opinions about the presence of one or more populations of bees in Vojvodina, especially about the presence of the yellow variety in Banat. The aim of this paper is to establish the existence of one or more populations of bees, using genetic analysis of bees. Evaluation of genetic connections, diversity within the population and structure of the bee population in Vojvodina, were calculated on the basis of allele variation of 25 microsatellite loci. A genetic typification of the following microsatellites was performed: A8, A14, A24, A29, A43, A79, A88, A113, Ac11, Ac88, Ac139, Ac306, Ap15, Ap68, Ap85, Ap90, Ap223, Ap224, Ap226, Ap249, Ap273, Ap274, Ap288, At168, At188. 92% or 23 loci proved to be polymorphic in samples of bees from Srem and Backa, and 88% or 22 loci proved to be polymorphic in samples of bees from Banat. Heterozygosity calculated for the whole population is not significantly different from the expected heterozygosity. It was found that the obtained genetic differences between bees of Srem and Backa, and Banat region are not sufficient for these two populations to be considered separate

    Proizvodnja tvrdog kozjeg sira i sirutke od organskog kozjeg mlijeka

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    Technology of hard goat cheese and whey production from organic goat’s milk is very complex and must be harmonized with the methods and guidelines of organic production. The organic goat cheeses are declared as products of higher quality, with greater or added value, and to achieve this, all technological parameters of production must be controlled and adapted to the desired type of cheese. In this study chemical analyses of the composition of organic and conventional goat’s milk, cheese and whey were performed. Cheese fatty acids profile was determined by gas chromatograph (GC) with FID detector, while for detection of amino acids was used HPLC method with fluorescence detection. Data obtained in the study were analyzed using Statistica 9.0 software package and significant differences were determined using t-test. Based on the results, organic milk was statistically significantly higher in all components, except in ash and sodium (p<0.05, p<0.01). Contrary, cheeses (aged 4 days) did not show significant differences (p<0.05, p<0.01), except for dry matter and lactose. During ripening of organic cheese the contents of threonine, tyrosine, valine and isoleucine decreased, whereas methionine, phenylalanine and lysine, showed a tendency to increase. Saturated fatty acids were mainly represented with myristic, palmitic and stearic acids while oleic acid was dominant as unsaturated FA. Organic whey samples contained significantly more protein (1.43 % versus 0.52 %, p<0.05, p<0.01). The application of organic standards of manufacture and control of all technological parameters in the production of organic hard goat cheese and whey resulted in obtaining a high-quality products.Proizvodnja tvrdih kozjih sireva i sirutke iz organskog kozjeg mlijeka vrlo je kompleksna i mora biti usklađena s metodama i propisima organske proizvodnje. Organski tvrdi kozji sirevi deklariraju se kao proizvodi visoke kvalitete, s većom ili dodanom vrijednošću, a da bi se to postiglo svi tehnološki parametri proizvodnje moraju biti kontrolirani i prilagođeni tipu željenog sira. U ovom ispitivanju izvršene su kemijske analize sastava organskog i konvencionalnog kozjeg mlijeka, sira i sirutke. Profil masnih kiselina bio je određen plinskom kromatografijom s FID detektorom, dok je za identifikaciju aminokiselina korištena HPLC metoda s fluorescentnim detektorom. Podatci dobiveni u istraživanju bili su analizirani primjenom Statistica 9.0 paketa a signifikantne razlike određene su upotrebom t-testa. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata organsko mlijeko bilo je značajno bogatije svim sastojcima, osim u sadržaju pepela i natrija (p<0,05, p<0,01). Suprotno, sirevi (stari 4 dana) nisu pokazali statistički značajne razlike, s izuzetkom udjela suhe tvari i laktoze (p<0,05, p<0,01). Tijekom zrenja organskih sireva udjel treonina, tirozina, valina i izoleucina se smanjivao dok su metionin, fenilalanin i lizin pokazivali tendenciju porasta. U pogledu sadržaja zasićenih masnih kiselina u siru više su bile zastupljene miristinska, palmitinska i stearinska, dok je od nezasićenih masnih kiselina dominirala oleinska. Uzorci organske sirutke sadržavali su više proteina (1,43 % prema 0,52 %, p<0,05, p<0,01). Primjena organskih standarda proizvodnje i kontrola svih tehnoloških parametara u proizvodnji organskih tvrdih kozjih sireva i sirutke rezultirali su dobivanjem visoko kvalitetnih proizvoda

    The composition of goat milk in different types of farming's

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    Possible differences between compositions of raw goat's milk due to the types of farmings system (organic, conventional and traditional) were investigated. Farms were located in different parts of Republic of Serbia. All animals were loose housed. The capacity of the farm ranged from 50 to 750 French Alpine goats. A total of 72 bulk samples of raw milk were collected from each farm during the year. The principle of analysis of raw milk samples was in accordance to mid-infrared spectrometry and flow cytometry. The following parameters in raw Milk were analyzed: fat, protein, lactose, total solids, somatic cell count, milk urea, and contents of fatty acid: saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. The fixed effect the types of farming and season (winter, spring, summer and fall) have shown a statistical significance difference (P 0.05). The Composition of milk also affected by a number of other factors such as the nutrition of dairy goats, breed and farm management. It is recommended to consider all these factors during the comparison of different farming systems. The results that showed significant differences could be used to improve the breeding technology of dairy goats, and feeding strategies as well as emphasize the importance of using pastures

    Genetic differentiation between the Old and New types of Serbian Tsigai sheep

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    Two Tsigai sheep populations exist in Serbia: the Old type, called Čokan, and the New type. It is assumed that the New type results from upgrading Tsigai sheep with exotic genetic material. We investigated genetic diversity and differentiation of these types by analysing 23 autosomal microsatellites. Tests for Hardy-Weinberg proportions, linkage equilibrium between genotypes across loci and the calculation of inbreeding coefficients were performed and the deficiency in the number of alleles within the Tsigai types was examined using a Wilcoxon sign-rank test. The New type displayed a higher level of genetic variability than the Čokan in terms of allele numbers, but the New Tsigai showed a pattern of heterozygosity deficiency. The positive f value for the Čokan suggests the occurrence of inbreeding in this type. The proportion of linkage disequilibrium was below that expected by chance. Exclusion of two loci in Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium did not alter our conclusions based on the entire data set i.e. the two Tsigai types are clearly differentiated and the New Tsigai type has been influenced by crossbreeding. Therefore, the Čokan Tsigai should be considered as a distinct endangered breed in the FAO classification

    The influence of grazing and indoor systems on goat milk, brined cheese and whey quality

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    This study aimed to investigate whether diet and different goat production systems affect the quality of milk, white-brined cheese and whey. It also aimed to determine the suitability of goat’s milk for the production of white-brined cheese. The physicochemical composition and hygienic quality of raw goat’s milk were studied, as well as the fatty acid profile and nutritional indices of milk and white-brined cheese. Traditional white-brined cheeses were produced from bulk goat milk from two farms in three samples. The results confirmed that different husbandry systems and diets influence the physicochemical composition of goat milk and cheese and their fatty acid profile. Milk and cheese from grazing goats contained significantly more (p<0.05) fat, protein, total solids and a higher percentage of cheese yield. Nutritional indices were also more favourable, with a lower atherogenic (AI) and thrombogenic (TI) index and a higher health-promoting index (HHP) and hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic ratio (HH). Goat grazing contributed to a higher content of n-3 fatty acids in milk and cheese and thus to a lower n-6/n-3 ratio. Cheese-making efficiency and protein recovery in the curd (%REC) was better with pasture milk, whereas fat recovery was better with milk from housed goats. Consumers rated the unripened white cheeses from both production systems the highest. In addition, the production of white cheese with brine results in good quality whey with significant health benefits. Natural pasture provides significantly more benefits to goats than confinement, especially in the early stages of use. This contributes to the high nutritional value of goat’s milk, cheese and whey

    Cadmium levels of edible offal from Saanen goat male kids

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    Concentration of cadmium was investigated in the heart, tongue, lungs, spleen, liver, kidney, testis, brain and thymus of 15 Saanen goat male kids. This element was determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), after microwave digestion. The cadmium concentration was significantly influenced by the type of edible offal. Mean cadmium concentrations ranged from 0.018 mg/kg (heart) to 0.114 mg/kg (kidney). The maximum cadmium concentrations found in the kidney (0.133 mg/kg) and liver (0.075 mg/kg) were below maximum levels (1.0 and 0.5 mg/kg, respectively) set by legislation for these tissues

    Ultimate pH, colour characteristics and proximate and mineral composition of edible organs, glands and kidney fat from Saanen goat male kids

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    Ultimate pH value and instrumental colour (CIEL*a*b* values) characteristics, proximate (moisture, protein, total fat and total ash) and mineral composition (K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Ni and Mn) were determined in 10 (heart, tongue, lungs, spleen, liver, kidney, brain, testicle, thymus and kidney fat) edible by-products of Saanen goat male kids. Many significant or numerical differences were found in the mean values of quality characteristics among the edible by-products. Among edible organs and glands, liver had the lowest surface CIEL* value (darkest colour), and the highest levels of protein, Zn, Cu and Mn. Furthermore, the highest pH(24h), total ash, K, P and Mg levels were determined in the thymus. The testicle had the highest moisture, Ca and Ni levels. The spleen had the lowest fresh cut cross-section CIEL* value (darkest colour), and the highest Fe level. The highest total fat content and Na level were determined in the brain and kidney, respectively. Among all the edible by-products, kidney fat had the highest pH(24h), surface CIEL* value (lightest colour) and total fat content, and the lowest moisture, protein, total ash, K, P, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu, Ni and Mn levels