440 research outputs found


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    A clinician is entrusted with the difficult task of organizing, integrating, and formulating a vast amount of information provided by a patient in order to conduct therapy. Typically, a theoretical paradigm is employed in this endeavor. This paper constructs a theory of theoretical paradigms—a meta-theory—to understand better how clinicians organize and understand patient information. The theory of theory posits that theoretical paradigms function as complex metaphors developed within a culture. The argument presented here utilizes research from various areas of psychology—including those focusing on cognitive research, psycholinguistics, and philosophy of theory—to develop the meta-theory. The central thesis of this research is that theoretical paradigms function as metaphors, which were developed within a given historical-cultural context


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    A clinician is entrusted with the difficult task of organizing, integrating, and formulating a vast amount of information provided by a patient in order to conduct therapy. Typically, a theoretical paradigm is employed in this endeavor. This paper constructs a theory of theoretical paradigms—a meta-theory—to understand better how clinicians organize and understand patient information. The theory of theory posits that theoretical paradigms function as complex metaphors developed within a culture. The argument presented here utilizes research from various areas of psychology—including those focusing on cognitive research, psycholinguistics, and philosophy of theory—to develop the meta-theory. The central thesis of this research is that theoretical paradigms function as metaphors, which were developed within a given historical-cultural context

    Accuracy and precision of an intraoral scanner in complex prosthetic rehabilitations: an in vitro study

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    The main purpose of this study is to measure the accuracy and the precision of the intraoral optical scanner CS3500® (Carestream Dental LLC, Atlanta, USA) in complex clinical situations as full arch rehabilitations on impl ants. 50 scans of the acrylic resin model were performed by using CS3500® (Carestream Dental LLC, Atlanta, USA) scanner. Each scan was compared with the virtual model derived from scanning with the laboratory scanner Dscan3® (Enhanced Geometry Soluti on, Bologna, Italy) to measure a possible misalignment. The alignment error was found to be 79,6 ( ± 12,87)  m. The measurement was taken at the level of 2 distal scan - abutments. The scanner's precision ranges from 24 to 52  m , depending on the dist ance between scan - abutment. CS3500® (Carestream Dental LLC, Atlanta, USA) intraoral scanner has detected a valid device in the execution of complex rehabilitations on implants. His accuracy and precision values fall within the range established in li terature to define acceptable the prosthetic fitting on full arch implant rehabilitation

    Entre lo local y lo global. Legitimidad como apropiación y manipulación en el cine paraguayo contemporáneo: 7 cajas y Luna de cigarras

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    This article analyzes the process of internal legitimation of the two most successful films from Paraguay: 7 boxes and Cicada Moon. Starting with a discussion on Shyon Baumann’s general theory of artistic legitimation, I explore how the structures of these films are built. The use of genres such as gangsters movies, thriller, action, western, horror, and the aesthetics of Italian neorealism establish an internal discussion within the films: by manipulating and adapting foreign cultures it is possible to make a statement on local culture.Este artículo analiza los procesos de legitimación interna de las dos películas más recientes y más exitosas de la historia del cine paraguayo: 7 cajas y Luna de cigarras. Partiendo de una discusión teórica a partir de la teoría general de legitimación en el mundo del arte de Shyon Baumann, se explora cómo están construidas estas películas. La apelación a géneros ya consagrados como el thriller, el cine de gangsters, acción, espionaje, western, terror y el imaginario del neorrealismo italiano plantea una discusión dentro de las películas en torno a la legitimidad como procesos de apropiación y manipulación de la cultura extranjera que derivan en una afirmación de lo propio

    Entre lo local y lo global. Legitimidad como apropiación y manipulación en el cine paraguayo contemporáneo: 7 cajas y Luna de cigarras

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    Este artículo analiza los procesos de legitimación interna de las dos películas más recientes y más exitosas de la historia del cine paraguayo: 7 cajas y Luna de cigarras. Partiendo de una discusión teórica a partir de la teoría general de legitimación en el mundo del arte de Shyon Baumann, se explora cómo están construidas estas películas. La apelación a géneros ya consagrados como el thriller, el cine de gangsters, acción, espionaje, western, terror y el imaginario del neorrealismo italiano plantea una discusión dentro de las películas en torno a la legitimidad como procesos de apropiación y manipulación de la cultura extranjera que derivan en una afirmación de lo propio.This article analyzes the process of internal legitimation of the two most successful films from Paraguay: 7 boxes and Cicada Moon. Starting with a discussion on Shyon Baumann’s general theory of artistic legitimation, I explore how the structures of these films are built. The use of genres such as gangsters movies, thriller, action, western, horror, and the aesthetics of Italian neorealism establish an internal discussion within the films: by manipulating and adapting foreign cultures it is possible to make a statement on local culture

    Procesos de subjetivación en mujeres que salen de relaciones violentas de pareja

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    Salir de la violencia de pareja requiere decisiones yacciones que transforman la realidad cotidiana. Esa rutaimplica movilizar procesos subjetivos y producir una nuevacondición de sujeto. Indagamos estas transformacionesrecogiendo las experiencias de nueve mujeres que hanvivido y superado situaciones de violencia con sus parejas.Sus relatos aportaron comprensión de los procesossubjetivos que cortan las ataduras a la violencia, superansus consecuencias y crean condiciones para vivir en paz.Los hallazgos contribuyen a orientar la acción terapéutica,la formación de profesionales, la creación de espaciosde atención y la definición de políticas públicas

    L’Unione europea e la controffensiva baltica nella garanzia dello Stato di diritto. Le Repubbliche di Lettonia e Lituania nel quadro del Report 2020 sulla Rule of Law

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    Notwithstanding the global expansion of phenomena of regression and erosion affecting liberal democracies, after having been subjected to the occupation of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, the newly independent Republics of Latvia and Lithuania are now pursuing policies aimed at improving the rule of law. The present contribution seeks to analyse from a comparative perspective the advancement of recent reforms undertaken by the two Baltic Republics.Notwithstanding the global expansion of phenomena of regression and erosion affecting liberal democracies, after having been subjected to the occupation of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, the newly independent Republics of Latvia and Lithuania are now pursuing policies aimed at improving the rule of law. The present contribution seeks to analyse from a comparative perspective the advancement of recent reforms undertaken by the two Baltic Republics

    Monolithic zirconia and digital impression: case report

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    The aim of this study is to present a clinical case of a full arch prosthetic rehabilitation on natural teeth, combining both digital work-flow and monolithic zirconi