140 research outputs found

    Literature and writer in the Polish press of the second half of the 19th century. Selected problems

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    Publikacja jest zbiorem artykułów eksplorujących relacje między dziennikarstwem a literaturą z różnych perspektyw i w różnych obszarach językowych. Wobec postępującej w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach kontaminacji między dziennikarstwem a literaturą autorzy tekstów pochylają się nad historycznymi związkami między badanymi dziedzinami (począwszy od starożytności do czasów najbardziej współczesnych), stawiają pytania dotyczące kontekstów kulturowych determinujących badaną ekspresję, przyglądają się typowym dla niej środkom wyrazu, wychwytują nieuniknioną hybrydyzację form oraz kreślą sylwetki konkretnych dziennikarzy-pisarzy. Wartością dodaną jest zderzenie perspektyw badawczych w odniesieniu do różnych kręgów kulturowych (hiszpański, latynoamerykański, francuski, bułgarski, polski, amerykański, angielski, germański, klasyczny, włoski). Takie ujęcie prowadzi do wieloaspektowej problematyzacji niezwykle aktualnego wymiaru współczesnej kultury.Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na podstawowe relacje, jakie zachodziły między literaturą a dziennikarstwem w prasie polskiej drugiej połowy XIX wieku. W pierwszej części przedstawione zostały najważniejsze etapy w rozwoju prasy polskiej do końca XIX wieku, w drugiej obecność literatury w prasie, natomiast w części trzeciej – na przykładzie aktywności Henryka Sienkiewicza – relacje między twórczością publicystyczną a artystyczną. Sienkiewicz do 1882 roku był aktywnym dziennikarzem – recenzentem, felietonistą i reportażystą. Publicystyka stanowiła cenne doświadczenie w kształtowaniu się stylu pisarza, była też źródłem licznych inspiracji, które z czasem znalazły swoje odzwierciedlenie w twórczości literackiej.The author’s aim is to draw attention to the basic connections that were established between literature and journalism in the Polish press of the second half of the 19th century. In the first part of her work the author presents the most important stages in the development of Polish press till the end of that period, in the second one – the presence of literature in the press and in the third one – the relation between artistic and commentary works as exemplified by the writings of Henryk Sienkiewicz. Till 1882 he was an active journalist – a reviewer, columnist and reporter. The writer’s commentary works constituted valuable experience in shaping his style and also were the source of numerous inspirations that in the course of time were reflected in his literary works

    Na styku medycyny i literatury: Thomas Sonnet de Courval i Louis de Caseneuve

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    W niniejszym artykule zestawiono i porównano dwóch lekarzy-humanistów, którzy żyli i tworzyli w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku. Interesując się jednocześnie literaturą i medycyną, pozostawili oni po sobie dzieła ukazujące wielorakość składników kultury tamtego okresu. Choć specjalizowali się w różnych gatunkach literackich, w satyrze i w emblemacie, to obaj wykorzystali teorię czterech płynów ustrojowych w oryginalny i właściwy sobie sposób. Pierwszy z nich, Thomas Sonnet de Courval (1577-1627), zastosował tę teorię w kontekście tradycyjnego sporu o kobietę do wyjaśnienia sporów małżeńskich, dając po raz pierwszy nie wartościującą, lecz naukową ich wykładnię. Drugi z autorów natomiast, Louis de Caseneuve (1577-1627), starał się uwypuklić dominujące cechy każdego z czterech temperamentów po to, aby za pomocą alegorii i mnemotechniki ułatwić zapamiętywanie doktryny fizjologicznej. Utwory tych dwóch humanistów stanowią tym samym interesujący przykład przenikania medycyny do sztuki literackiej w epoce późnego Renesansu.This study considers and compares two humanist physicians who lived and were actif in the first half of the 17th century. Both of them interested in literature and medicine created works that testify to the multifaceted culture of the period. Within two different literary genres, satire and emblem, and in their own distinctive way, they deal with the doctrine of the four temperaments. Thomas Sonnet de Courval (1577-1627) perceives the theory from the perspective of the contemporary literary “Debate on Women” which discussed the institution of marriage, and gives not an axiological, but a scientific explanation of the issues raised. On the other hand, Louis de Caseneuve (1577-1627) tries to stress dominant features of the four temperaments in order to facilitate memorizing the physiological doctrine through allegory and mnemotechnics. The works of these two authors are interesting examples of how medicine and literature are interwoven in the humanist culture of the late Renaissance period

    Nitrogen-Doped Carbonaceous Materials for Removal of Phenol from Aqueous Solutions

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    Carbonaceous material (brown coal) modified by pyrolysis, activation, and enrichment in nitrogen, with two different factor reagents, have been used as adsorbent of phenol from liquid phase. Changes in the phenol content in the test solutions were monitored after subsequent intervals of adsorption with selected adsorbents prepared from organic materials. Significant effect of nitrogen present in the adsorbent material on its adsorption capacity was noted. Sorption capacity of these selected materials was found to depend on the time of use, their surface area, and pore distribution. A conformation to the most well-known adsorption isotherm models, Langmuir, and Freundlich ones, confirms the formation of mono- and heterolayer solute (phenol) coverage on the surface of the adsorbent applied herein. The materials proposed as adsorbents of the aqueous solution contaminants were proved effective, which means that the waste materials considered are promising activated carbon precursors for liquid phase adsorbents for the environmental protection

    „Zaszczytnie odznaczeni na polu naukowem”. Obraz polskich uczonych i badaczy w „Wędrowcu” (1863–1906)

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    The aim of the article is to present the linguistic image of Polish scholars and research- ers whose profiles, biographies and obituaries were published in the Warsaw weekly newspaper Wędrowiec (Traveller) in the second half of the nineteenth century. Ana- lysing the collected texts, the author distinguished a set of seven aspects which were taken into account by the journalists of Wędrowiec to present the profiles of the schol- ars. Those aspects are the following: the subject of research, scientific achievements, journalistic and publishing activities, didactic and educational activities, science-pro- moting activities, organisational activities, awards and distinctions. They were deter- mined by the points of view adopted by the authors of the texts. There are three domi- nant points of view: the one of an expert, a Pole and a positivist. These points of view coexist and complement each other. The expert and specialist informed the reader in detail about the scientific career and achievements of the scholars. The Polish publi- cist expressed his joy at the international success of his countrymen. He observed their research and scientific achievements with attention; especially those that influenced the development of fields important for the country. The positivist and journalist noticed and emphasised the utilitarian dimension of the scientific and research activities of the scholars.The aim of the article is to present the linguistic image of Polish scholars and research- ers whose profiles, biographies and obituaries were published in the Warsaw weekly newspaper Wędrowiec (Traveller) in the second half of the nineteenth century. Ana- lysing the collected texts, the author distinguished a set of seven aspects which were taken into account by the journalists of Wędrowiec to present the profiles of the schol- ars. Those aspects are the following: the subject of research, scientific achievements, journalistic and publishing activities, didactic and educational activities, science-pro- moting activities, organisational activities, awards and distinctions. They were deter- mined by the points of view adopted by the authors of the texts. There are three domi- nant points of view: the one of an expert, a Pole and a positivist. These points of view coexist and complement each other. The expert and specialist informed the reader in detail about the scientific career and achievements of the scholars. The Polish publi- cist expressed his joy at the international success of his countrymen. He observed their research and scientific achievements with attention; especially those that influenced the development of fields important for the country. The positivist and journalist noticed and emphasised the utilitarian dimension of the scientific and research activities of the scholars

    Corporate social responsibility in corporate strategy in the globalised economy

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    The objective of the paper is to emphasize the role of Corporate Social Responsibility as an element taken into account in the valuation of a company and assessing its potential for development. The authors note that an indication of CSR projects in a corporate strategy cannot only assess the progress and development of the company as a socially responsible organization, but also indicate its position in the global system. On the basis of literature study and own observations the authors think that congruence among a company and an environment (reflected in the areas of CSR) is the foundation for the creation of a permanent capacity for added value. The implication for modern companies is that they should implement CSR, compatible with the ISO 26000 standards (the new approach to CSR). The organizations implementing such a business model are determined to hold leading positions in the global system, because due to the use of the multidimensional potential of capital they are capable of continuous creation of added value. According to the authors the concept of creating added value with the use of CSR is very important and requires dissemination.Celem artykułu jest podkreślenie rosnącej roli społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu (CSR) jako elementu branego pod uwagę przy wycenie wartości przedsiębiorstwa. Zwrócono uwagę, że wskazanie miejsca przedsięwzięć CSR w strategii przedsiębiorstwa pozwala nie tylko ocenić stopień zaawansowania rozwojowego danej korporacji jako organizacji społecznie odpowiedzialnej, ale także wnioskować o pozycji zajmowanej przez nią w systemie globalnym. Wynika to z faktu, że we współczesnej opartej na wiedzy gospodarce umiejętne współgranie z otoczeniem (znajdujące odzwierciedlenie w obszarach CSR) stanowi podstawę tworzenia nowych wartości ekonomiczno-społecznych, czyli jest jednym z kluczowych elementów decydujących o długookresowej konkurencyjności. Kongruencja z otoczeniem stanowi bowiem fundament trwałości zdolności do kreacji wartości dodanej

    Obraz nadawcy w recenzjach Henryka Sienkiewicza

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    The Image of the Speaker in the Reviews by Henryk Sienkiewicz The aim of the article is to investigate the ways in which the speaker in the reviews by Henryk Sienkiewicz presents himself to the reader and to describe the roles he performs. The present analysis indicates that there is a correspondence between the image of the speaker and the type of the review. On the one hand, in case of reviews with a complex structure and a diverse illocutionary potential, i.e. academic reviews, polemical reviews which discuss and assess various aspects of the literary work, the speaker frequently assumes the roles of an expert, a connoisseur or a teacher, which often permeate and complement one another. On the other hand, reviews in the form of an overview or a summary usually feature a speaker-informer. Regardless of the genre, the speaker manifests his presence in the first-person plural forms and pronouns (my, nasz; Eng. we, our) and uses surprisingly few singular forms. What may explain the employment of the “my” (“we”) form as the plural of modesty is an attempt to make the text of the review seem more objective, while the inclusive “my” (“we”) serves persuasive purposes


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    The aim of the article is to present one of models which allow for the measurement and evaluation of information system success. This model was developed by W.H. DeLone and E.R. McLean based on an analysis of empirical studies. Paper presents a theoretical basis, characteristics of the extracted variables and the relationships between them, and examplesof research which verificationmodel.Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie jednego z modeli pozwalających na  dokonanie pomiaru oraz oceny sukcesu systemu informacyjnego. Model ten opracowany został przez W.H. DeLone’a i E.R. McLeana’a na podstawie analizy badań empirycznych. W pracy przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne modelu, charakterystykę wyodrębnionych zmiennych oraz zależności między nimi a także przykłady badań go weryfikujących

    Article ID 297654

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    Carbonaceous material (brown coal) modified by pyrolysis, activation, and enrichment in nitrogen, with two different factor reagents, have been used as adsorbent of phenol from liquid phase. Changes in the phenol content in the test solutions were monitored after subsequent intervals of adsorption with selected adsorbents prepared from organic materials. Significant effect of nitrogen present in the adsorbent material on its adsorption capacity was noted. Sorption capacity of these selected materials was found to depend on the time of use, their surface area, and pore distribution. A conformation to the most well-known adsorption isotherm models, Langmuir, and Freundlich ones, confirms the formation of mono-and heterolayer solute (phenol) coverage on the surface of the adsorbent applied herein. The materials proposed as adsorbents of the aqueous solution contaminants were proved effective, which means that the waste materials considered are promising activated carbon precursors for liquid phase adsorbents for the environmental protection

    Elizy Orzeszkowej i Henryka Sienkiewicza opisywanie przyrody

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    The analyses deal with the descriptions extracted from Nad Niemnem [On the Niemen] by Eliza Orzeszkowa and Listy z podróży do Ameryki [Letters from a Journey to America] by Henryk Sienkiewicz. The studies focus on the chosen features of the descriptions of nature by referring to the textological and stylistic research methodology. Indices of parametric features (such as size, height, length, width, depth, thickness and shape) and indices of sensory feedback have been juxtaposed with one another. The analyses show that the repertoire of linguistic and stylistic devices used by E. Orzeszkowa is by and large the same as the one used by H. Sienkiewicz due to their reference to the Romantic tradition. The descriptions differ in the intensity of the mentioned indices and in their function. Sienkiewicz’s descriptions of nature are more concrete and definite, while Orzeszkowa’s are more creative, with a tendency to poeticise nature.The analyses deal with the descriptions extracted from Nad Niemnem [On the Niemen] by Eliza Orzeszkowa and Listy z podróży do Ameryki [Letters from a Journey to America] by Henryk Sienkiewicz. The studies focus on the chosen features of the descriptions of nature by referring to the textological and stylistic research methodology. Indices of parametric features (such as size, height, length, width, depth, thickness and shape) and indices of sensory feedback have been juxtaposed with one another. The analyses show that the repertoire of linguistic and stylistic devices used by E. Orzeszkowa is by and large the same as the one used by H. Sienkiewicz due to their reference to the Romantic tradition. The descriptions differ in the intensity of the mentioned indices and in their function. Sienkiewicz’s descriptions of nature are more concrete and definite, while Orzeszkowa’s are more creative, with a tendency to poeticise nature.