4,210 research outputs found

    Late-time expansion in the semiclassical theory of the Hawking radiation

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    We give a detailed treatment of the back-reaction effects on the Hawking spectrum in the late-time expansion within the semiclassical approach to the Hawking radiation. We find that the boundary value problem defining the action of the modes which are regular at the horizon admits in general the presence of caustics. We show that for radii less that a certain critical value rcr_c no caustic occurs for all values of the wave number and time and we give a rigorous lower bound on such a critical value. We solve the exact system of non linear equations defining the motion, by an iterative procedure rigorously convergent at late times. The first two terms of such an expansion give the O(ω/M)O(\omega/M) correction to the Hawking spectrum.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, LaTex, typos corrected, one intermediate formula adde

    Deamidation at Asparagine and Glutamine As a Major Modification upon Deterioration/Aging of Proteinaceous Binders in MuralPaintings

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    Proteomic strategies are herein proved to be a complementary approach to the well established amino acid composition analysis for the characterization of the aging and deterioration phenomena occurring to proteinaceous materials in works-of-art. Amino acid analyses on several samples demonstrated that proteins in the frescoes from the Camposanto Monumentale in Pisa are deteriorated as revealed by the decrease in Met, Lys, and Tyr content and by the presence in all the samples of amino malonic acid as a result of Ser, Phe, and Cys oxidation. Proteomic analysis identified deamidation at Asn and Gln as a further major event occurred. This work paves the way to the exploitation of proteomic strategies for the investigation of the molecular effects of aging and deterioration in historical objects. Results show that proteomic searches for deamidation by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) could constitute a routine analysis for paintings or any artistic and historic objects where proteins are present. Peptides that can be used as molecular markers when casein is present were identified

    Disc-Jet coupling in the LMXB 4U1636-53 from INTEGRAL

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    We report on the spectral analysis results of the neutron star, atoll type, low mass X-ray Binary 4U1636-53 observed by INTEGRAL and BeppoSAX satellites. Spectral behavior in three different epochs corresponding to three different spectral states has been deeply investigated. Two data set spectra show a continuum well described by one or two soft blackbody plus a Comptonized components with changes in the Comptonizing electrons and black body temperature and the accretion rates, which are typical of the spectral transitions from high to low state. In one occasion INTEGRAL spectrum shows, for first time in this source, a hard tail dominating the emission above 30 keV. The total spectrum is fitted as the sum of a Comptonized component similar to soft state and a power-law component (Gamma=2.76), indicating the presence of a non thermal electron distribution of velocities. In this case, a comparison with hard tails detected in soft states from neutron stars systems and some black hole binaries suggests that a similar mechanism could originate these components in both cases.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. accepted Ap

    Statistical mechanics of the Cluster-Ising model

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    We study a Hamiltonian system describing a three-spin-1/2 cluster-like interaction competing with an Ising-like anti-ferromagnetic interaction. We compute free energy, spin correlation functions and entanglement both in the ground and in thermal states. The model undergoes a quantum phase transition between an Ising phase with a nonvanishing magnetization and a cluster phase characterized by a string order. Any two-spin entanglement is found to vanish in both quantum phases because of a nontrivial correlation pattern. Neverthless, the residual multipartite entanglement is maximal in the cluster phase and dependent on the magnetization in the Ising phase. We study the block entropy at the critical point and calculate the central charge of the system, showing that the criticality of the system is beyond the Ising universality class.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    Probiotics: a possible role in treatment of adult and pediatric non alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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    The Authors correctly pointed outthat, based on preliminary experiments on differentNAFLD animal models and different bacterial strainsof probiotics, it would be expected that interventionswhich modulate intestinal microbiota may bebeneficial also in human obesity related liver dys-function. In this regard they mentioned the twonon-randomized pilot studie

    Reconfigurable swarms of colloidal particles electrophoretically driven in nematic liquid crystals

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    We present experiments where anisometric colloidal microparticles dispersed in a nematic liquid crystal cell with homeotropic anchoring conditions are dynamically assembled by means of liquid-crystal-enabled electrophoresis (LCEEP) using an AC electric field perpendicular to the confining plates. A nematic host with negative dielectric anisotropy leads to a driving force parallel to the cell plates. We take advantage of the resulting gliding anchoring conditions and the degeneracy in the direction of particle motion to design reconfigurable trajectories using a photosensitive anchoring layer (azosilane self-assembled monolayer), as the particle trajectory follows the local director orientation

    Un nou mètode d'enregistrament de dades magnètiques pot reduir la grandària de les memòries

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    La tecnologia dels ordinadors a dia d'avui es basa en l'habilitat d'escriure, llegir, i emmagatzemar informació digital de la manera més eficaç possible i en el mínim espai. La miniaturització, però, comporta molts problemes que físics i enginyers de tot el món s'esforcen en solucionar. Un equip d'investigadors de l'Institut Català de Nanotecnologia, ICREA, i de la UAB, en col·laboració amb l'institut SPINTEC de Grenoble a França, ha descobert un nou mètode d'enregistrament de dades magnètiques que permet que el procés d'escriptura dels bits sigui ràpid, consumeixi poca energia, i minimitzi l'error, alhora que pot reduir la grandària de les memòries.La tecnología de los ordenadores a día de hoy se basa en la habilidad de escribir, leer, y almacenar información digital de la manera más eficaz posible y en el mínimo espacio. La miniaturización, sin embargo, conlleva muchos problemas que físicos e ingenieros de todo el mundo se esfuerzan por solucionar. Un equipo de investigadores del Instituto Catalán de Nanotecnología, ICREA, y de la UAB, en colaboración con el instituto SPINTEC de Grenoble en Francia, ha descubierto un nuevo método de grabación de datos magnéticos que permite que el proceso de escritura de los bits sea rápido, consuma poca energía, y minimice el error, a la vez que puede reducir el tamaño de las memorias

    Landscape-Inversion Phase Transition in Dipolar Colloids: Tuning the Structure and Dynamics of 2D Crystals

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    We study the 2D crystalline phases of paramagnetic colloidal particles with dipolar interactions and constrained on a periodic substrate. Combining theory, simulation, and experiments, we demonstrate a new scenario of first-order phase transitions that occurs via a complete inversion of the energy landscape, featuring nonconventional properties that allow for (i) tuning of crystal symmetry, (ii) control of dynamical properties of different crystalline orders via tuning of their relative stability with an external magnetic field, (iii) an equivalent but independent control of the same dynamic properties via temporal modulations of that field, and (iv) nonstandard phase-ordering kinetics involving spontaneous formation of transient metastable domains

    Wave propagation in compact, thin-walled, layered, and heterogeneous structures using variable kinematics finite elements

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    The article investigates wave propagation characteristics for a class of structures using higher-order one-dimensional (1D) models. 1D models are based on the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF), a hierarchical formulation which provides a framework to obtain refined structural theories via a variable kinematics description. Theories are formulated by employing arbitrary expansions of the primary unknowns over the beam cross-section. Two classes of beam models are employed in the current work, namely Taylor Expansion (TE) and Lagrange Expansion (LE) models. Using the principle of virtual work and finite element method, the governing equations are formulated. The direct time integration of equation of motion is carried through an implicit scheme based on the Newmark method and a dissipative explicit method based on the Tchamwa–Wielgosz scheme. The framework is validated by comparing the response for the stress wave propagation in an isotropic beam to an analytical solution available in the literature. The capabilities of the proposed model are demonstrated by presenting results for wave propagation analysis of a sandwich beam and a layered annular cylinder structure. The ability of CUF models to detect 3D-like behavior with a reduced computational overhead is highlighted