65 research outputs found

    Relations entre l’explicitation, l’anticipation et la performance

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    La recherche a consistĂ© Ă  vĂ©rifier l'observation de Brown et Flavell (1987) selon laquelle les experts n'expliciteraient pas mieux leurs connaissances mĂ©tacognitives que les sujets moins performants. L'hypothĂšse de travail est que la relation entre l'explicitation et la performance serait non linĂ©aire et Ă©pouserait la forme d'une courbe normale en fonction de la performance alors que, Ă  l'opposĂ©, la relation entre l'anticipation et la performance serait linĂ©aire et croissante. Les auteurs ont demandĂ© Ă  42 sujets en apprentissage de la conversation anglaise de discriminer deux mots semblables Ă  l'Ă©coute. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les verbalisations mĂ©tacognitives Ă  propos de son propre processus cognitif pourraient avoir pour fonction de favoriser l'autorĂ©gulation de l'apprentissage.The objective of this research is to re-examine observations made by Brown and Flavell (1987) which state that experts do not explain their own metacognitive knowledge better than less expert subjects. The authors' working hypothesis is that the relation between explanations and performance is non-linear and could be described by a normal curve of performance while, in contrast, the relation between anticipation and performance is linear and increasing. The experimental task involved 42 subjects learning conversational English who were asked to discriminate between two similar sounding words. The results suggest that metacognitive verbalizations about one s own cognitive processes could facilitate self-regulation of learning.Esta investigaciĂŽn consistio en verificar la observacion de Brown y Flavell (1987) segiin la cual los especialistas no explicitan mejor sus conocimientos metacognoscitivos que las personas menos expertas. La hipotesis de trabajo es que la relation entre la explicitud y el desempeno no serfa lineal y tomaria la forma de una curva normal en funcion del desempeno mientras que, por el contrario, la relacion entre la anticipation y el desempeno seria lineal y creciente. Los autores solicitaron a 42 estudiantes de inglĂ©s conversacional que discriminaran entre dos palabras oralmente similares. Los resultados sugieren que las verbalizaciones metaco-gnoscitivas sobre su propio proceso cognoscitivo podrian tener por funcion el favorecer la au to regulation del aprendizaje.In dieser Arbeit ging es um die Verifizierung der Feststellung von Brown und Flavell (1987), nach welcher die Experten ihre metakognitiven Kenntnisse nicht besser in Worte fassen wĂčrden als weniger leistungsfĂ hige Studenten. Die Arbeitshypothese ist folgende: der Zusammenhang zwischen Darlegung und Leistung ist nicht linear, sondern hat die Form einer normalen leistungsbezogenen Kurve; demgegeniiber miisste der Zusammenhang zwischen Leistungserwartung und tatsĂąchlicher Leistung linear und steigend sein. Die Verfasser haben 42 Studenten der englischen Umgangssprache zwischen zwei Ăąhnlich klingenden WĂŽrtern unterscheiden lassen. Den Ergebnissen kann entnommen werden, dass metakognitive Aufierungen Ă»ber den eigenen Kognitionsprozess eine bessere Selbstregelung des Lernprozesses bezwecken

    Vers une modélisation des ensembles fractals

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    Ensembles récurrents de M.dekking -- SystÚmes de fonctions itérative de -- Ensembles de Fatou et ensembles de Julia

    A Systemic Approach to Consider Complexity in Sawmill Modeling

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    The lumber industry is challenged to operate more efficiently. Sawmill systems use much equipment with various technologies and their management methods are very much influenced by size of operation, employee skills, hierarchy levels, and the high volatility of softwood lumber commodity markets. Because of interactions between the different manufacturing system components, its management becomes a complex matter. It is therefore difficult to assess the effect of given perturbations or improvements on the overall system.This study proposes a modeling approach based on the concept of system that provides a comprehensive view for modeling and analyzing sawmill systems. Adaptations of existing formalisms to represent operating, information, and decision sub-systems are put forward, while assembling these three sub-systems in an overall model gives a new vision of the sawmill and a powerful tool for systems integration. This modeling approach could be used for diagnostic as well as for sawmill improvement. Various examples are provided on the application of this approach

    Psychological Impact of a “Health-at-Every-Size” Intervention on Weight-Preoccupied Overweight/Obese Women

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of a “Health-at-every-size” (HAES) intervention on psychological variables and body weight the weight-preoccupied overweight/obese women. Those women were randomized into three groups (1) HAES, (2) social support (SS), (3) waiting-list (WL), and were tested at baseline, post-treatment and six-month and one-year follow-ups. All participants presented significant psychological improvement no matter if they received the HAES intervention or not. However, even if during the intervention, the three groups showed improvements, during the follow up, the HAES group continued to improve while the other groups did not, even sometimes experiencing some deterioration. Furthermore, in the HAES group only, participant's weight maintenance 12 months after the intervention was related to their psychological improvement (quality of life, body dissatisfaction, and binge eating) during the intervention. Thus, even if, in the short-term, our study did not show distinctive effects of the HAES intervention compared to SS and WL on all variables, in the long-term, HAES group seemed to present a different trajectory as psychological variables and body weight are maintained or continue to improve, which was not the case in other groups. These differential long-term effects still need to be documented and further empirically demonstrated

    Eating-related and psychological outcomes of a Health at Every Size intervention in health and social services centers across the province of Quebec

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    Purpose: To report the outcomes of a Health at Every Size (HAES) intervention in a real-world setting. Design: Quasi-experimental design evaluating eating behaviors and psychological factors. Setting: The HAES intervention is offered in Health and Social Services Centers in QuĂ©bec (Canada). Participants: For this study, 216 women (body mass index [BMI]: 35.76 [6.80] kg/mÂČ) who participated to the HAES intervention were compared to 110 women (BMI: 34.56 [7.30] kg/mÂČ) from a comparison group. Intervention: The HAES intervention is composed of 14 weekly meetings provided by health professionals. It focuses on healthy lifestyle, self-acceptance, and intuitive eating. Measures: Eating behaviors (ie, flexible restraint, rigid restraint, disinhibition, susceptibility to hunger, intuitive eating, and obsessive-compulsive eating) and psychological correlates (ie, body esteem, self-esteem, and depression) were assessed using validated questionnaires at baseline, postintervention, and 1-year follow-up. Analysis: Group, time, and interaction effects analyzed with mixed models. Results: Significant group by time interactions were found for flexible restraint (P = .0400), disinhibition (P < .0001), susceptibility to hunger (P < .0001), intuitive eating (P < .0001), obsessive–compulsive eating (P < .0001), body-esteem (P < .0001), depression (P = .0057), and self-esteem (P < .0001), where women in the HAES group showed greater improvements than women in the comparison group at short and/or long term. Conclusion: The evaluation of this HAES intervention in a real-life context showed its effectiveness in improving eating-, weight-, and psychological-related variables among women struggling with weight and body image

    The role of strong-tie social networks in mediating food security of fish resources by a traditional riverine community in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Social networks are a significant way through which rural communities that manage resources under common property regimes obtain food resources. Previous research on food security and social network analysis has mostly focused on egocentric network data or proxy variables for social networks to explain how social relations contribute to the different dimensions of food security. Whole-network approaches have the potential to contribute to former studies by revealing how individual social ties aggregate into complex structures that create opportunities or constraints to the sharing and distribution of food resources. We used a whole-network approach to investigate the role of network structure in contributing to the four dimensions of food security: food availability, access, utilization, and stability. For a case study of a riparian community from the Brazilian Amazon that is dependent on fish as a key element of food security, we mapped the community strong-tie network among 97% of the village population over 14 years old (n = 336) by integrating reciprocated friendship and occupational ties, as well as close kinship relationships. We explored how different structural properties of the community network contribute to the understanding of (1) the availability of fish as a community resource, (2) community access to fish as a dietary resource, (3) the utilization of fish for consumption in a way that allows the villagers to maximize nutrition while at the same time minimizing toxic risks associated with mercury exposure, and (4) the stability of the fish resources in local ecosystems as a result of cooperative behaviors and community-based management. The contribution of whole-network approaches to the study of the links between community-based natural resource management and food security were discussed in the context of recent social-ecological changes in the Amazonian region

    Event-based MILP models for resource-constrained project scheduling problems

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    International audienceIn this paper we make a comparative study of several mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulations for resource-constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSPs). First, we present three discrete and continuous time MILP formulations issued from the literature. Second, instead of relying on the traditional discretization of the time horizon, we propose two original MILP formulations for the RCPSP based on the concept of event : the Start/End formulation and the On/Off formulation. These formulations present the advantage of involving fewer variables than the formulations indexed by time. Because the variables of this type of formulations are not function of the time horizon, we have a better capacity to deal with instances of very large scheduling horizon. We also illustrate our contribution with a series of tests on various types of instances with the three MILP formulations issued from the literature together with our two new formulations, and we draw some conclusions on their use

    La relation de confiance en relations publiques : vers un modÚle d'adéquation contextuelle optimale

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    Cet article expose les rĂ©sultats d’une recherche de type qualitatif portant sur la relation de confiance entre relationnistes et parties prenantes. Lorsqu’un relationniste doit dĂ©fendre un projet ayant des retombĂ©es potentiellement nĂ©gatives (ou perçues comme telles) pour les parties prenantes, comment peut-il bĂątir des relations de confiance avec celles-ci  ? Au total, 40 entretiens semi-directifs ont Ă©tĂ© conduits auprĂšs de relationnistes et de parties prenantes afin de dĂ©terminer les Ă©lĂ©ments constitutifs d’une relation de confiance en relations publiques. L’analyse des verbatim a permis de dĂ©velopper un modĂšle de relations de confiance en relations publiques : le modĂšle d’adĂ©quation contextuelle optimale


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    Nous sommes fiers de vous prĂ©senter ce premier numĂ©ro fort substantiel de la nouvelle Revue internationale de communication sociale et publique (RICSP). Regroupant huit articles, il propose tant des rĂ©flexions Ă©pistĂ©mologiques dans le champ de la communication que des comptes rendus de recherches et d’interventions ayant une portĂ©e sociale significative. Si leur richesse ne peut malgrĂ© tout Ă©puiser le vaste domaine des communications, il vous donnera, je l’espĂšre, un aperçu de la diversitĂ© do..

    Les divers sens du mot passion

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