86 research outputs found

    Specifying Executable Platform-Independent Models using OCL

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    Model-driven architecture aims at describing a system using a platform-independent model in sufficient detail so that the full implementation of the system can be generated from this model and a platform model. This implies that the platform-independent model must describe the static structure as well as the dynamic behavior of the system. We propose a declarative language for describing the behavior of platform-independent models based on a hybrid notation that uses graphical elements as well as textual elements in the form of OCL code snippets. Compared to existing approaches based on action languages it is situated at a higher level of abstraction and, through a clean separation of modifier operations and query operations, simplifies the comprehension of the behavioral aspects of the platform-independent system

    An Experimental Scrutiny of Visual Design Modelling: VCL up against UML+OCL

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    The graphical nature of prominent modelling notations, such as the standards UML and SysML, enables them to tap into the cognitive benefits of diagrams. However, these notations hardly exploit the cognitive potential of diagrams and are only partially graphical with invariants and operations being expressed textually. The Visual Contract Language (VCL) aims at improving visual modelling; it tries to (a) maximise diagrammatic cognitive effectiveness, (b) increase visual expressivity, and (c) level of rigour and formality. It is an alternative to UML that does largely pictorially what is traditionally done textually. The paper presents the results of a controlled experiment carried out four times in different academic settings and involving 43 participants, which compares VCL against UML and OCL and whose goal is to provide insight on benefits and limitations of visual modelling. The paper's hypotheses are evaluated using a crossover design with the following tasks: (i) modelling of state space, invariants and operations, (ii) comprehension of modelled problem, (iii) detection of model defects and (iv) comprehension of a given model. Although visual approaches have been used and advocated for decades, this is the first empirical investigation looking into the effects of graphical expression of invariants and operations on modelling and model usage tasks. Results suggest VCL benefits in defect detection, model comprehension, and modelling of operations, providing some empirical evidence on the benefits of graphical software design

    F-Alloy: a relational model transformation language based on Alloy

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    Model transformations are one of the core artifacts of a model-driven engineering approach. The relational logic language Alloy has been used in the past to verify properties of model transformations. In this paper we introduce the concept of functional Alloy modules. In essence a functional Alloy module can be viewed as an Alloy module representing a model transformation. We describe a sublanguage of Alloy called F-Alloy specifically designed to concisely specify functional Alloy modules. The restrictions on F-Alloy’s syntax are meant to allow efficient execution of the specified transformation, without the use of backtracking, by an adapted interpretation algorithm. F-Alloy’s semantics is given in this paper as a direct translation to Alloy; hence, F-Alloy specifications are also analyzable using the powerful automatic analysis features of Alloy

    Functional Alloy Modules

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    The Alloy language was developed as a lightweight modelling language that allows fully automatic analysis of software design models via SAT solving. The practical application of this type of analysis is hampered by two limitations: first, the analysis itself can become quite time consuming when the scopes become even moderately large; second, determining minimal scopes for the entity types (limiting the number of entities of each type) to achieve better running times is itself a non-trivial problem. In this paper we show that for the special case of Alloy modules specifying transformations we may be able to circumvent these limitations. We define the corresponding notion of functional module and define precise conditions under which such functional modules can be efficiently interpreted rather than analysed via SAT solving and we also explain how interpretation of functional Alloy modules can be seamlessly integrated with the SAT-based analysis of other modules. We provide evidence that for complex transformations interpreting functional modules may result in significant time savings

    Agile Validation of Higher Order Transformations Using F-Alloy

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    Model transformations play a key role in model driven software engineering approaches. Validation of model transformations is crucial for the quality assurance of software systems to be constructed. The relational logic based specification language Alloy and its accompanying tool the Alloy Analyzer have been used in the past to validate properties of model transformations. However Alloy based analysis of transformations suffers from time complexity and scalability issues. The problem becomes even more severe when it comes to higher order transformations that are inherently more complex. In previous work, we proposed a sub-language of Alloy, called F-Alloy, that is tailored for model transformation specifications. Instead of pure analysis based validation, F-Alloy speeds up the validation of model transformations by applying a hybrid strategy that combines analysis with interpretation. In this paper, we show how the F-Alloy approach can be extended to also support efficient validation of higher order transformations

    Agile Validation of Model Transformations using Compound F-Alloy Specifications

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    Model transformations play a key role in model driven software engineering approaches. Validation of model transformations is crucial for the quality assurance of software systems to be constructed. The relational logic based specification language Alloy and its accompanying tool the Alloy Analyzer have been used in the past to validate properties of model transformations. However Alloy based analysis of transformations suffers from several limitations. On one hand, it is time consuming and does not scale well. On the other hand, the reliance on Alloy, being a formal method, prevents the effective involvement of domain experts in the validation process which is crucial for pinpointing domain pertinent errors. Those limitations are even more severe when it comes to transformations whose input and/or output are themselves transformations (called compound transformations) because they are inherently more complex. To tackle the performance and scalability limitations, in previous work, we proposed an Alloy-based Domain Specific Language (DSL), called F-Alloy, that is tailored for model transformation specifications. Instead of pure analysis based validation, F-Alloy speeds up the validation of model transformations by applying a hybrid strategy that combines analysis with interpretation. In this paper, we formalize the notion of “hybrid analysis” and further extended it to also support efficient validation of compound transformations. To enable the effective involvement of domain experts in the validation process, we propose in this paper a new approach to model transformation validation, called Visualization-Based Validation (briefly VBV). Following VBV, representative instances of a to-be-validated model transformation are automatically generated by hybrid analysis and shown to domain experts for feedback in a visual notation that they are familiar with. We prescribe a process to guide the application of VBV to model transformations and illustrate it with a benchmark model transformation

    Towards an Abstract Framework for Compliance

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    The present paper aims at providing an abstract framework to define the regulatory compliance problem. In particular we show how the framework can be used to solve the problem of deciding whether a structured process is compliant with a single regulation, which is composed of a primary obligation and a chain of compensations

    Business Process Regulatory Compliance is Hard

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    CoReL: Policy-Based and Model-Driven Regulatory Compliance Management

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    Regulatory compliance management is now widely recognized as one of the main challenges still to be efficiently dealt with in information systems. In the discipline of business process management in particular, compliance is considered as an important driver of the efficiency, reliability and market value of companies. It consists of ensuring that enterprise systems behave according to some guidance provided in the form of regulations. This paper gives a definition of the research problem of regulatory compliance. We show why we expect a formal policy-based and model-driven approach to provide significant advantages in allowing enterprises to flexibly manage decision-making related to regulatory compliance. For this purpose, we contribute CoReL, a domain-specific modeling language for representing compliance requirements that has a graphical concrete syntax. Informal semantics of CoReL are introduced and its use is illustrated on an example. CoReL allows to leverage business process compliance modeling and checking, enhancing it with regard to, among other dimensions, user-friendliness, genericity, and traceability

    Global standards of Constitutional law : epistemology and methodology

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    Just as it led the philosophy of science to gravitate around scientific practice, the abandonment of all foundationalist aspirations has already begun making political philosophy into an attentive observer of the new ways in which constitutional law is practiced. Yet paradoxically, lawyers and legal scholars are not those who understand this the most clearly. Beyond analyzing the jurisprudence that has emerged from the expansion of constitutional justice, and taking into account the development of international and regional law, the ongoing globalization of constitutional law requires comparing the constitutional laws of individual nations. Following Waldron, the product of this new legal science can be considered as ius gentium. This legal science is not as well established as one might like to think. But it can be developed on the grounds of the practice that consists in ascertaining standards. As abstract types of best “practices” (and especially norms) of constitutional law from around the world, these are only a source of law in a substantive, not a formal, sense. They thus belong to what I should like to call a “second order legal positivity.” In this article I will undertake, both at a methodological and an epistemological level, the development of a model for ascertaining global standards of constitutional law