121 research outputs found

    Attempts of describing the problems linked to the liaison between school and territory.

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    International audienceThe object of this essay is first of all to sketch the theoretical outlines of the problem uniting school and territory, notably by illustrating it with the analysis of the experiment carried out in this matter by the local actors in the Italian valley of SĂ©rino, secondly to present the Observatory of the Rural School (ORS), whose research concerns the school specificities of the rural and mountain environment as well as to present its European partners who are going to integrate the REIT9

    Attempts of describing the problems linked to the liaison between school and territory.

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    International audienceThe object of this essay is first of all to sketch the theoretical outlines of the problem uniting school and territory, notably by illustrating it with the analysis of the experiment carried out in this matter by the local actors in the Italian valley of SĂ©rino, secondly to present the Observatory of the Rural School (ORS), whose research concerns the school specificities of the rural and mountain environment as well as to present its European partners who are going to integrate the REIT9

    Territoires et éducation au développement durable

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    International audienceAprès avoir rapidement caractérisé les notions de territoire, nous faisons dans un deuxième temps un point de l'état de la recherche en éducation sur la problématique générale " école et territoires ", " point relativement aveugle " des sciences de l'éducation. Nous abordons les spécificités rurales sur l'éducation au développement durable, à travers les projets d'écomobilité scolaire. Nous nous basons sur les travaux de l'observatoire de l'école rurale - Observatoire éducation et territoires (OER-OET), et sur ceux de l'ANR ED2AO

    Territories and education for sustainable development

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    International audienceAfter broadly featuring the concept of territory, we intend to review the state of educational research around the "school and territory" issue, still a blank spot a in educational sciences. We shall review the rural specificities in the education for sustainable development throw schools ecomobility projects. we shall rely on the OER-OET and ANR ED2 AO studies

    L'intelligence territoriale à l'œuvre: une démarche coopérative et partenariale de diagnostic territorial rassemblant acteurs et chercheurs

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    In the general frame of CAENTI after two years of WP4T work an active partnership has started between social actors of the Belgian association of Optim@, that is working in Seraing, and the French research team of OER, that works about rural school. On the suggestion of Optim@, the two partners have answered positively to the request of territorial diagnosis which have expressed the local actors and political deciders of the wallon city of Chapelle-lez-Harlaimont... With the aid of the French research laboratory MTI (ThéMA) the two partners are actually from March 2008 developing a collective participating approach that uses the digital tools (CATALYSE) of the territorial intelligence (Bertacchini, 2004; Dumas, 2004; Girardot, 2004, 2007) for increasing the local sustainable development (Bruntland, 1987) of the industrial city of Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont. As participating observers the two authors study the project of territorial diagnosis and the participating approach. The authors analyse first the organization of the three partners (OER, Optima@ and MTI), the participating approach of co-construction (Legardez, 2007) of the territorial knowledges, the calendar of the operations and, if possible, the first qualitative and quantitative results. They examine the level of pertinence and efficiency of the applied research for the local sustainable development of Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont. They measure the weight of the explicative variable that comes from territory and especially the eventual weight of territorial effects (Bidou- Zacchariasen, 1997; Champollion, 2005, 2007). They begin to evaluate the process of territorial intelligence that is developed in this operation.Dans le cadre général de l'Action de coordination du réseau européen d'intelligence territoriale (CAENTI), à l'issue de deux années de fonctionnement du groupe de travail sur la notion de territoire (WP4T), un partenariat actif s'est engagé entre les acteurs sociaux de l'association belge d'Optim@, sise à Seraing, et l'équipe française de chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) de l'Observatoire de l'Ecole Rurale (OER), issue de cinq instituts universitaires de formation des maîtres (IUFM) du sud-est de la France. Sur la suggestion des animateurs d'Optim@, les deux partenaires précités ont répondu positivement à la demande de diagnostic territorial, incluant une analyse contextuelle, émise par les acteurs locaux et les décideurs politiques de la ville de Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont en Wallonie. Avec l'aide technique de la composante MTI@SHS du laboratoire ThéMA CNRS-UFC, les deux mêmes partenaires sont ainsi en train de développer, depuis mars 2008, une démarche d'enquête participative collective utilisant les outils d'investigation scientifique numériques (CATALYSE) de l'intelligence territoriale (Bertacchini, 2004; Dumas, 2004 ; Girardot, 2004, 2007) en vue de dynamiser le développement durable (Bruntland, 1987) territorial local du site industriel de Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont

    The impact of land in education. The case of rural school in France

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    Desde hace diez años, se viene haciendo evidente en Francia la influencia de la dimensión territorial sobre la educación, particularmente en el contexto rural común y de montaña, independientemente de que el origen sociocultural de las comunidades siga teniendo una prevalencia muy significativa. Se han definido así numerosos impactos territoriales sobre la escuela que influyen principalmente en los resultados escolares y en el progreso educativo de su alumnado, así como en la organización de los centros escolares, en la pedagogía y en la didáctica. Además, se han puesto de relieve otras influencias territoriales multifactoriales, globales y sistémicas, sobre la escuela en lo que he denominado los efectos de territorio. Este artículo aborda en primer lugar los distintos tipos de impactos territoriales en relación con la escuela a partir de los resultados de investigaciones longitudinales desarrolladas en los territorios rurales de montaña de gran aislamiento geográfico en Francia. Presenta posteriormente algunos elementos de teorización basados en el análisis de las distintas metodologías de localización y caracterización de los efectos de territorio sobre la educaciónAt the end of the twentieth century, it was realized in France that even though less intensely than social and cultural origins, spatial and territorial dimensions influenced education, especially in rural and mountainous regions. Numerous specific territorial impacts could be seen. These specific impacts were principally involved with scholastic results and orientation, but also including the organisation of establishments, pedagogical work-ups and teaching materials. However, other multiple and systemic territorial influences on schooling have been noted: the territorial effects. Taking the results from empirical, studies about different isolated French rural and mountainous regions, the article shows the different types of territorial impacts influencing schools. Then, it shows several theoretical elements by analyzing the different types of methodology and the characteristics of territorial influences on education.Grupo de Investigación FORCE Universidad de Granad

    Vers des Convergences dans les Comportements Scolaires et les Représentations Territoriales entre Élèves Ruraux et Urbains ? Analyses Comparatives Rurales-urbaines en Fin d’École Primaire (France : Ardèche et Drôme)

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    Résumé Cette comparaison rural - urbain témoigne de la légère atténuation de la spécificité rurale qui a été observée de 2012 à 2014 à partir de la comparaison des enquêtes CM2 (fin de l’école primaire) et 5ème (collège) des deux suivis longitudinaux OER - OET sur les deux départements de l’Ardèche et de la Drôme (effectués entre 1999 et 2005, d’une part, et 2011 et 2016, d’autre part). Les toutes dernières enquêtes urbaines menées sur ces deux mêmes départements vont en effet dans le même sens que les sondages urbains antérieurs valentinois (Champollion, 2017 ; Champollion, Dos Santos & May-Carle, 2015). Y aurait-il donc à l’œuvre - portée par le développement dans tous les territoires d’internet et des réseaux sociaux ? - une tendance générale à l’homogénéisation et à l’uniformisation progressive des regards sur soi et sur l’école, ainsi que des représentations territoriales, notamment, qui traverserait tous les types de territoire, ruraux comme urbains ? Faudra-t-il dans cette perspective à terme « déconstruire » l’école rurale avec ses spécificités historiques, au-delà de la diffusion actuelle massive dans les milieux urbains, notamment dans l’éducation prioritaire, de sa « forme » la plus emblématique, la « classe à plusieurs cours » ? Sous réserve d’invalidation ultérieure par l’analyse du second suivi longitudinal OET, et entre autres de l’enquête 3ème en cours de saisie, les résultats des enquêtes présentées ici, tant sur le rural que sur l’urbain, semblent bien le confirmer…   Abstract This rural—urban comparison testifies to the slight attenuation of the rural specificity that was observed from 2012 to 2014 from the comparison of the CM2 (end of primary school) surveys and 5th (secondary 1) of the two longitudinal OER - OET surveys on the two french départments of the Ardèche and the Drôme (1999-2005 and 2011-2016). The most recent urban surveys carried out on these two departments are in the same direction as the previous urban surveys of Valence (Champollion, 2017; Champollion, Dos Santos & May-Carle, 2015). Would there then be a general tendency—driven by the development in all territories of internet and social networks? —in the work to homogenize and gradually standardize views on oneself and on the school, as well as territorial representations, in particular, which would cross all types of territory, both rural and urban areas? Will it be necessary in this perspective to "deconstruct" the rural school and its historical specificities, beyond the current massive diffusion in urban areas, particularly in priority education, of its most emblematic "form", the "multi-grade classes "? Subject to further invalidation by the analysis of the second longitudinal OET follow-up, and in particular of the 3rd survey which is currently being captured, the results of the surveys presented here, both rural and urban, seem to confirm this... Resumo Esta comparação entre alunos dos meios rurais e urbanos atesta a ligeira diminuição da especificidade rural observada de 2012 a 2014 a partir da comparação dos inquéritos CM2 (final da Escola Elementar em França, correspondente ao 5º ano do Ensino Básico em Portugal) e 5ème do collège (correspondente ao 7º ano do Ensino Básico em Portugal) de dois levantamentos longitudinais efetuados pelo Observatório da escola rural (Observatoire de l’école rurale – OER) e pelo Observatório de educação e territórios (Observatoire éducation et territoires – OET), em duas divisões administrativas do território francês, Ardèche e Drôme, entre 1999 e 2005 e entre 2011 e 2016. As pesquisas mais recentes sobre territórios urbanos realizadas nestes dois locais apontam, de facto, na mesma direção que as pesquisas anteriores realizadas em Valência (Champollion, 2017; Champollion, Dos Santos & May-Carle, 2015). Haverá, então, uma tendência geral – impulsionada pelo desenvolvimento, em todos os territórios, da Internet e das redes sociais? – para homogeneizar e para uniformizar progressivamente as visões sobre si mesmo e sobre a escola, bem como as representações territoriais, em particular, que atravessariam todos os tipos de território, tanto nas áreas rurais como urbanas? Nesta perspetiva, será necessário “desconstruir” a escola rural e as suas especificidades históricas, além da sua atual difusão massiva nas áreas urbanas, particularmente no que diz respeito à questão da educação ou intervenção prioritária na sua “forma” mais emblemática, isto é, organizada por “turmas mistas”? Sujeito a uma invalidação posterior através da análise do segundo levantamento longitudinal da OET e, em particular, da 3ª investigação, que está atualmente em curso, os resultados dos inquéritos apresentados aqui, tanto no âmbito rural como no urbano, parecem confirmar isso..

    Education and Territory: A Conceptual Framework

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    The links between education and territory are complex. No part of schooling can free itself from the territorial context in which the school action plan develops: formal schooling, academic achievement, vocational orientation, didactics, pedagogy, etc. are all concerned, to a greater or lesser extent according to the territories and to the educational systems. Thus, territory can have an effect from the outside on school education as an impact factor, but it can also have a full educational role. It may also impact on education as a whole, as in some mountain areas. Nevertheless, all things considered, is it really the territory which has an impact on school; or is it rather its «symbolic » part-the territoriality-which «shapes» the education pathways? While the different contexts having influence on education-spatial, political, institutional contexts for instance-have been analysed for a long time, it is completely different regarding territoriality, which has only really been tackled for fifteen years

    BALUTEAU François, DUPRIEZ Vincent & VERHOEVEN Marie (dir.). Entre tronc commun et filières, quelle école moyenne ? Étude comparative

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    Disons-le d’emblée, l’organisation interne de cet ouvrage nous paraît tout à fait pertinente sur le fond. Les présentations des différents systèmes éducatifs nationaux sont toutes regroupées deux par deux, en fonction de la progression visée de la thématique comparative. Les deux pays « germaniques », l’Allemagne et la Suisse (si on peut le dire pour le canton de Vaud !), introduisent dans une première partie le débat par la question centrale, on le verra, du « recours précoce aux filières »...
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