633 research outputs found

    La Morte del simbolo nell'universo del medioevo animale. Una riflessione

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    PRESENTAZIONE : il lavoro, in lingua italiana, \ue8 stato pubblicato negli Annali della Facolt\ue0 di Scienze della Formazione, dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Macerata (2005), e ripreso nella citata raccolta "Les Passions du Mot. Etudes de litt\ue9rature du XVe si\ue8cle", Fano, Aras Edizioni (2009), p. 183-192. ................ ABSTRACT: Riflessione sui bestiar\uee fatrasici (animali nei bestiari e nella fatrasie a confronto: emerge un modificarsi della valenza simbolica attraverso lo slegarsi del significato dal significante)

    La Bouche et le corps. Images litt\ue9raires du Quinzi\ue8me si\ue8cle fran\ue7ais.

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    Raccolta di articoli - qui rimaneggiati - gi\ue0 apparsi in lingua francese all'interno di riviste quali la "Revue des langues romanes", "Fifteenth-Century Studies", "Quaderni di filologia e lingue romanze" ecc., o in libri e miscellanee, dal 1992 al 2003. Il libro comporta una prefazione di Jean Dufournet, direttore della collana "Biblioth\ue8que du XV\ue8me si\ue8cle" (Honor\ue9 Champion) che ha accolto il volume (pp. 7-13). Impact factor: http://crm.revues.org/index245.html (recensione del volume fatta da Bernard Rib\ue9mont per i "Cahiers de recherches m\ue9di\ue9vales", consultabile on line). Altre recensioni in "Le Moyen Age" (Elisabeth Gaucher) e "Studi Francesi" (Maria Colombo Timelli)

    Unraveling the Differences of the Hydrolytic Activity of Trypanosoma cruzi trans-Sialidase and Trypanosoma rangeli Sialidase: A Quantum Mechanics–Molecular Mechanics Modeling Study

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    Chagas’ disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a lethal, chronic disease that currently affects more than 10 million people in Central and South America. The trans-sialidase from Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi, TcTS) is a crucial enzyme for the survival of this parasite: sialic acids from the host are transferred to the cell surface glycoproteins of the trypanosome, thereby evading the host’s immune system. On the other hand, the sialidase of T. rangeli (TrSA), which shares 70% sequence identity with TcTS, is a strict hydrolase and shows no trans-sialidase activity. Therefore, TcTS and TrSA represent an excellent framework to understand how different catalytic activities can be achieved with extremely similar structures. By means of combined quantum mechanics–molecular mechanics (QM/MM, SCC-DFTB/Amberff99SB) calculations and umbrella sampling simulations, we investigated the hydrolysis mechanisms of TcTS and TrSA and computed the free energy profiles of these reactions. The results, together with our previous computational investigations, are able to explain the catalytic mechanism of sialidases and describe how subtle differences in the active site make TrSA a strict hydrolase and TcTS a more efficient trans-sialidase.Fil: Bueren Calabuig, Juan A.. University of Florida; Estados UnidosFil: Pierdominici Sottile, Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Roitberg, AdriĂĄn. University of Florida; Estados Unido

    Les Passions du Mot. Etudes de litt\ue9rature du XVe si\ue8cle

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    (Coll.: "Piccola Biblioteca di Studi Medievali e Rinascimentali", fondata e diretta da L. Pierdominici / I). Progetto editoriale che si avvale del seguente Comitato Scientifico internazionale: Gabriella Almanza Ciotti (Macerata), Jean Dufournet (Paris III), Nelly Lab\ue8re (Bordeaux III), Mich\ue8le Perret (Paris X). N.B.: La monografia consiste nella riedizione in volume, armonizzata e aggiornata nelle note e nella bibliografia, degli articoli pubblicati nel periodo 2005-2008 in riviste nazionali e internazionali, andando a costituire la terza parte del trittico idealmente iniziato con "Prose francesi del XV secolo" (I.E.P.I., 2002) e "La Bouche et le corps" (Paris, Champion, 2003). Dopo la pubblicazione del primo volume della collana, il Comitato scientifico si \ue8 accresciuto dei seguenti componenti: Massimo Bonafin (Macerata), Elisabeth Gaucher-R\ue9mond (Nantes), Bruno M\ue9niel (Rennes II), Amalia Rodriguez Somolinos (Complutense de Madrid). Il volume "Les Passions du Mot" comporta una prefazione di Gabriella Almanza Ciotti (pp. 1-4). Impact factor: http://crm.revues.org/index11819.html (recensione di Estelle Doudet per i "Cahiers de recherches m\ue9di\ue9vales", consultabile on line)

    Singing a(n) "(a)laukika" body : a note on the theorization of "utprekáčŁÄ" and Its application in the Pāáč‡ážyakulodayamahākāvya"

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    UtprekáčŁÄ or ‘ascription’ is one of the foremost devices in classical Sanskrit literature, with importance secondary only to upamā and rĆ«paka. In contrast to other figures extensively analysed by the theoretical treatises over centuries, it was characterised by a surprising uniformity in regard to its definition as offered by the ālaáčƒkārikas. The paper provides a brief overview of this device and its practical application in a 16th century mahākāvya, the Pāáč‡ážyakulodaya


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    Genesi e circolazione di uno strumento dialogico: il rinvio pregiudiziale nel diritto comparato sovranazionale

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    Il contributo prende le mosse dal dibattito che si sta sviluppando sulla ratifica del Protocollo n. 16 CEDU da parte dell’Italia, sottolineandone il retroterra comparatistico, incentrato sul raffronto dell’advisory opinion CEDU con l’istituto del rinvio pregiudiziale comunitario quale prototipico strumento dialogico. Su queste basi, per ragionare sulla possibilità che in atto o in potenza il primo istituto possa aderire alle forme del secondo, si propone un’indagine storico-comparatistica sulle tipiche caratteristiche funzionali del comparatum e sulle sue implicazioni sistemiche: in un’ottica, quanto alla sua genesi, di comparazione cd. verticale, e, quanto alla sua circolazione, di comparative supranational law.The paper is inspired by the debate of the Italian ratification of Protocol n. 16 to the ECHR, and its first aim is to highlight how the debate is shaped by comparative law and the comparison between the ECHR Advisory Opinion and the CJEU preliminary reference procedure taken as a prototypical dialogical instrument. In order to reflect on the possibility for the Advisory Opinion to substantially adhere to the forms of the preliminary reference, I propose a comparative-historical investigation on the typical characteristics and implications of the latter: by adopting, in looking at its origins, a so-called vertical comparative approach, and, in looking at its transplants, a comparative supranational one

    Contemporary and concurrent extension and  compression in Italy

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    Contemporary and concurrent extension and compression in Italy Paola Montone1, M. Teresa Mariucci1 and Simona Pierdominici2 1-Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome , Italy 2 – GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam, Germany We present the latest updating and the complete collection of data on the contemporary stress orientations in Italy. Data are relative to different stress indicators: borehole breakouts from deep drillings, crustal earthquake focal mechanisms and fault data. With respect to the previous compilation, performed in 2004, 206 new entries complete the definition of the horizontal stress orientation and tectonic regime in the most part of the territory, and bring new information mainly in Sicily and along the Apenninic belt. With an increase of 37% with respect to the previous compilation, now the global Italian dataset consists of 499 records with a reliable quality for stress maps. The total dataset includes the following active stress indicators: 56% borehole breakouts, 39% single earthquake focal mechanisms, and 5% represented by formal inversions of focal mechanisms, faults and overcoring data. A quality ranking between A and E is assigned to each stress data, with A being the highest quality and E the lowest. Only A-, B- and C-quality stress indicators are considered consistent for analyzing stress patterns. Depth interval of the entire dataset is between 0 to 40 km. The results in map are reported in terms of minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) because most of earthquakes present an extensional regime. Concerning breakouts, their orientations correspond to Shmin; since all the considered faults are normal faults, we assume the Shmin direction as perpendicular to the fault strike when no information on slip direction is available. The achieved results can be summarized in 3 main points: i) in some areas of Italy (Sicily, Friuli and Po Plain in the northern Italy), the alignment of horizontal stresses closely matches the ~N-S direction of ongoing crustal motions with respect to stable European plate. This result can be associated to the first-order stress field that drives the plate movement; ii) along the entire Apenninic belt – from north to south- a diffuse extensional stress regime is clearly showed by a large dataset indicating a NE-SW direction of extension, probably related to a second-order stress field; iii) the stress rotations observed in some areas (i.e., Po Plain minor arcs and Gela thrust front) reflect a complex interaction between first order stress field and local effects, revealing the importance of the inherited tectonic structure orientations. In particular in this work the simultaneous occurrence of different stress regimes is discussed. Finally, we underline that this kind of map is very useful to those many users that work on this topic and/or related ones such as, for instance, geophysical modeling, seismic hazard assessment, rock mechanics laboratory experiments, deep drillings but also on oil and gas well production and construction of nuclear waste deposits

    Scientific drilling in a central italian volcanic district

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    This article introduces the 350m scientific borehole performed in the Colli Albani area. It describes the technical features of the drilling and the on-site measurements, and summarizes the main ongoing researches on data and samples from the borehole
