712 research outputs found

    Wissenschaftlicher Ansatz zum Entdecken von der Begabung zum Rugby bei 10- und 11jährigen Jungen

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    It has become apparent, since the dismantling of apartheid, that there is an urgent need especially among hitherto deprived groups of people, to develop talent in sport. The process of development and training of the young should be scientifically grounded. Departments of Physical Education can and should play an active role to ensure that such scientific individual development of Sporting talent takes place and is monitored regularly. A group of 173, ten and eleven year-old boys from a cross-section of the population was subjected to a battery of tests. The group consisted of youngsters who had never played rugby on the one hand (n = 110) and boys who played rugby (n = 63). The AAPHERD “Football Skills Test” was used together with relevant standardized motor-ability tests. The results of the tests were a) descriptively analyzed (x, sd) and b) analyzed by means of analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine significance differences (P<0,05). Group differences were determined by means of the Newman-Keuls-posthoc test. Results were compared to existing norm scales to substantiate strengths and weaknesses. It emerged that the deprived population groups have certain weaknesses to be addressed during talent development clinics. It also emerged, however, that these groups have the some potential as their more developed counterparts, given the same opportunities. Development programmes should be devised by experts to develop rugby talent and to monitor results. It is essential that research and organized rugby should co-operate to ensure professional development.Nach dem Auseinandernehmen von der Apartheid ist es klar geworden, dabei den bisher benachteiligten Menschen die Notwendigkeit besteht, das Talent für Sport zu entwickeln. Der Prozeß der Entwicklung und des Trainings bei Jugendlichen soll wissenschaftlich gegründet werden. Die Abteilungen für Sport können und sollen eine aktive Rolle übernehmen, um zu sichern, daß eine solche wissenschaftlich basierte Entwicklung der sportlichen Begabung geschieht, und daß sie kontrolliert wird. Die Gruppe von 173 10- und 11jdhrigen Jungen wurde der Testbatterie unterzogen. Diese Gruppe umfaßte einerseits diejenigen Jugendlichen, die kein Rugby gespielt haben (n=110), und andererseits diejenigen, die diesen Sport schon betrieben haben (n=63). Es wurde der AAPHERD "Football Skills Test" verwendet, zusammen mit relevanten standardisierten Tests der motorischen Fähigkeiten. Die Resultate wurden: a) deskriptorisch analysiert (x, sd) und b) analysiert mittels der Varianzanalyse (ANOVA), um die Signifikanzunterschiede (P< 0,05) festzustellen. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen wurden mittels des Newman-Keuls-Posthoc-Tests festgestellt. Die Resultate wurden mit der existierenden Normenskala verglichen, um die Starken und Schwachen zu determinieren. Es hat sich gezeigt, daß die benachteiligten Populationsgruppen bestimmte Schwächen hatten, mit denen man sich in der Begabungsentwicklung befassen Soll. Es hat sich auch gezeigt, daß diese Gruppe dasselbe Potential für Rugby hatte, wie die andere. Entwicklungsprogrammesollen von Experten entwickelt werden, mit dem Ziel, die Begabung zum Rugby zu entwickeln und die Resultate zu kontrollieren. Es ist wichtig, daß das wissenschaftliche und organisierte Rugby zusammenarbeiten, um die professionelle Entwicklung zu sichern

    Developing district health systems in the rural Transvaal Issues arising from the Tintswalo/Bushbuckridge experience

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    District health systems are increasingly acknowledged as a foundation for national health services based on primary health care. Initial efforts to institute a demonstration district health system in the Bushbuckridge area of the eastern Transvaal are described. These include efforts to overcome the organisational and administrative fragmentation caused by homeland and provincial boundaries. Close attention needs to be given to districtlevel health management, the complementary roles of district and regional health authorities, working relationships and accountability among professional staff from different disciplines, involvement of the community in a district health authority and the district health system as an element oflocal government

    Effective international expansion strategies for hotel companies

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    This study investigated the expansion strategies of hotel companies that want to expand away from their local market. Due to the growing importance of services in economic development, there is an impressive body of knowledge on the process of internationalisation and service industries. Due to the major changes impacting upon the industry due to the effects of technology and globalisation, it would be useful to establish the important key factors and processes involved during internationalisation. Expanding cross border for a hotel group signifies a number of challenges that must be focused on at the same time. Markets need to be identified, political stability needs to be scanned and cultural differences must be taken into consideration. Logistics and supply chain have to be developed together with operational issues from financial reporting, marketing and human resources. Organisational structures must be adapted to take into account the new levels of responsibility. An in-depth review of the literature regarding internationalisation was conducted, which evidenced that the most useful model for answering the questions was the eclectic paradigm as developed by John Dunning (1993). The paradigm has been used in many manufacturing and service sector studies, including that of the hotel sector (Contractor and Kundu, 1994). A questionnaire was compiled and interviews were set up with the directors and executives tasked with the respective companies’ expansion programmes. Due mainly to the effects of new technology and globalisation on the hotel industry, there have been many changes in the last decade, including increasing consolidation and concentration and an increasing importance upon branding and financial performance. It was apparent from the research that the time taken to internationalise by hotel chains has reduced significantly in the last decade, especially if one looks at the performance of hotel companies such as Accor Hotels. iii Only two of the three companies studied in this treatise had undertaken expansion into Africa with the third company ready for entering soon. Nonequity involvement in general was the most favoured form of involvement with majority of their expansions based on management contracts, joint partnership or franchises. The role of the functional departments, the importance of a global outlook and the necessary structural changes during international expansion was also explored. In order to answer the various research propositions that are posed, the researcher chose to base this research on a phenomenological approach through case study analysis

    Hard choices: Ethical challenges in phase 1 of COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in South Africa

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    Access to COVID-19 vaccines has raised concerns globally. Despite calls for solidarity and social justice during the pandemic, vaccine nationalism, stockpiling of limited vaccine supplies by high-income countries and profit-driven strategies of global pharmaceutical manufacturers have brought into sharp focus global health inequities and the plight of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) as they wait in line for restricted tranches of vaccines. Even in high-income countries that received vaccine supplies first, vaccine roll-out globally has been fraught with logistic and ethical challenges. South Africa (SA) is no exception. Flawed global institutional strategies for vaccine distribution and delivery have undermined public procurement platforms, leaving LMICs facing disproportionate shortages necessitating strict criteria for vaccine prioritisation. In anticipation of our first consignment of vaccines, deliberations around phase 1 roll-out were intense and contentious. Although the first phase focuses on healthcare personnel (HCP), the devil is in the detail. Navigating the granularity of prioritising different categories of risk in healthcare sectors in SA is complicated by definitions of risk in personal and occupational contexts. The inequitable public-private divide that characterises the SA health system adds another layer of complexity. Unlike other therapeutic or preventive interventions that are procured independently by the private health sector, COVID-19 vaccine procurement is currently limited to the SA government only, leaving HCP in the private sector dependent on central government allocation. Fair distribution among tertiary, secondary and primary levels of care is another consideration. Taking all these complexities into account, procedural and substantive ethical principles supporting a prioritisation approach are outlined. Within the constraints of suboptimal global health governance, LMICs must optimise progressive distribution of scarce vaccines to HCP at highest risk

    Continuing professional development (CPD) : a necessary component in the workplace or not?

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    Abstract: Background: Continuing professional development (CPD) is important because it delivers benefits to the individual, their profession and the public. CPD increases credibility, maintains skills and knowledge to deliver a professional healthcare service. It also ensures that individuals are up to date with industry change by constantly updating their skill set, and filling in gaps in competencies and knowledge. Objective: The objective of this brief review is to investigate whether CPD should be a necessary component in the professional work field or not. Method: A literature review was conducted using electronic databases Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Google Scholar, ERIC, Research Gate, African Journals Online and Emerald Insight. Results: The results have shown that a number of barriers played a role related to the participation of professionals in CPD programmes. The barriers most professionals face which prevent them from participating in CPD are either the attitudes of professionals towards CPD or time constraints due to workload. .

    Quantum fields on closed time-like curves

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    Recently, there has been much interest in the evolution of quantum particles on closed time-like curves (CTCs). However, such models typically assume point-like particles with only two degrees of freedom - a very questionable assumption given the relativistic setting of the problem. We show that it is possible to generalise the Deutsch model of CTCs to fields using the equivalent circuit formalism. We give examples for coherent, squeezed and single-photon states interacting with the CTC via a beamsplitter. The model is then generalised further to account for the smooth transition to normal quantum mechanics as the CTC becomes much smaller than the size of the modes interacting on it. In this limit, we find that the system behaves like a standard quantum mechanical feedback loop.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Minor corrections, added reference

    Space-time qubits

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    We construct a qubit algebra from field creation and annihilation operators acting on a global vacuum state. Particles to be used as qubits are created from the vacuum by a near-deterministic single particle source. Our formulation makes the space-time dependence of the qubits explicit, preparing the way for quantum computation within a field framework. The method can be generalized to deal with interacting qubits whose wavepackets are not perfectly matched to each other. We give an example of how to calculate the Heisenberg evolution of a simple two-qubit circuit, taking expectation values in the field vacuum state.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, added references, added appendix, moved some text from introduction to conclusion, made minor corrections to text and figure

    The lesson of causal discovery algorithms for quantum correlations: Causal explanations of Bell-inequality violations require fine-tuning

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    An active area of research in the fields of machine learning and statistics is the development of causal discovery algorithms, the purpose of which is to infer the causal relations that hold among a set of variables from the correlations that these exhibit. We apply some of these algorithms to the correlations that arise for entangled quantum systems. We show that they cannot distinguish correlations that satisfy Bell inequalities from correlations that violate Bell inequalities, and consequently that they cannot do justice to the challenges of explaining certain quantum correlations causally. Nonetheless, by adapting the conceptual tools of causal inference, we can show that any attempt to provide a causal explanation of nonsignalling correlations that violate a Bell inequality must contradict a core principle of these algorithms, namely, that an observed statistical independence between variables should not be explained by fine-tuning of the causal parameters. In particular, we demonstrate the need for such fine-tuning for most of the causal mechanisms that have been proposed to underlie Bell correlations, including superluminal causal influences, superdeterminism (that is, a denial of freedom of choice of settings), and retrocausal influences which do not introduce causal cycles.Comment: 29 pages, 28 figs. New in v2: a section presenting in detail our characterization of Bell's theorem as a contradiction arising from (i) the framework of causal models, (ii) the principle of no fine-tuning, and (iii) certain operational features of quantum theory; a section explaining why a denial of hidden variables affords even fewer opportunities for causal explanations of quantum correlation

    The Parkes Observatory Pulsar Data Archive

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    The Parkes pulsar data archive currently provides access to 144044 data files obtained from observations carried out at the Parkes observatory since the year 1991. Around 10^5 files are from surveys of the sky, the remainder are observations of 775 individual pulsars and their corresponding calibration signals. Survey observations are included from the Parkes 70cm and the Swinburne Intermediate Latitude surveys. Individual pulsar observations are included from young pulsar timing projects, the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array and from the PULSE@Parkes outreach program. The data files and access methods are compatible with Virtual Observatory protocols. This paper describes the data currently stored in the archive and presents ways in which these data can be searched and downloaded.Comment: Accepted by PAS