1,360 research outputs found

    Why Have Poorer Neighbourhoods Stagnated Economically, While the Richer have Flourished? Neighbourhood Income Inequality in Canadian Cities

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    Higher income neighbourhoods in Canada’s eight largest cities flourished economically during the past quarter century, while lower income communities stagnated. This paper identifies some of the underlying processes that led to this outcome. Increasing family income inequality drove much of the rise in neighbourhood inequality. Increased spatial economic segregation, the increasing tendency of “like to live nearby likeâ€, also played a role. In the end, the differential economic outcomes between richer and poorer neighbourhoods originated in the labour market, or in family formation patterns. Changes in investment, pension income, or government transfers played a very minor role. But it was not unemployment that differentiated the richer from poorer neighbourhoods. Rather, it was the type of job found, particularly the annual earnings generated. The end result has been little improvement in economic resources in poor neighbourhoods during a period of substantial economic growth, and a rise in neighbourhood income inequality.Inequality, Neighbourhood, Poverty

    Kommunikationstechnik und Dezentralisierung

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    Sea state bias in altimeter sea level estimates determined by combining wave model and satellite data

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    This study documents a method for increasing the precision of satellite-derived sea level measurements. Results are achieved using an enhanced three-dimensional (3-D) sea state bias (SSB) correction model derived from both Jason-1 altimeter ocean observations (i.e., sea state and wind) and estimates of mean wave period from a numerical ocean wave model, NOAA’s WAVEWATCH III. A multiyear evaluation of Jason-1 data indicates sea surface height variance reduction of 1.26 (±0.2) cm2 in comparison to the commonly applied two-parameter SSB model. The improvement is similar for two separate variance reduction metrics and for separate annual data sets spanning 2002–2004. Spatial evaluation of improvement shows skill increase at all latitudes. Results indicate the new model can reduce the total Jason-1 and Jason-2 altimeter range error budgets by 7.5%. In addition to the 2-D (two-dimensional) and 3-D model differences in correcting the range for wavefield variability, mean model regional differences also occur across the globe and indicate a possible 1–2 cm gradient across ocean basins linked to the zonal variation in wave period (short fetch and period in the west, swells and long period in the east). Overall success of this model provides first evidence that operational wave modeling can support improved ocean altimetry. Future efforts will attempt to work within the limits of wave modeling capabilities to maximize their benefit to Jason-1 and Jason-2 SSB correction methods

    Industry 4.0 – LabVIEW Based Industrial IoT Condition Monitoring System

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    As a result of a substantial shift in focus towards a more digital industry, multiple sectors of industry are now realising the potential of Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The manufacturing industry in particular is subject to unexpected machine downtime from component wear over an extended period. With Industrial IoT (IIoT) technology implemented, there is the potential for gathering large quantities of data, which can be used for preventative maintenance. This research article addresses some of the technological requirements for developing an IoT industrial condition monitoring network, whose composition makes use of wireless devices along with conventional wired methods to enable a series of data capture and control operations in amongst a network of nodes. To provide a platform to host these operations, the industry standard fieldbus protocol Modbus TCP was used in conjunction with the LabVIEW development environment, where a bespoke graphical user interface was developed to provide control and a visual representation of the data collected. In addition, one of the nodes acted as the output for hardware displays, which in turn correlated the alarm status of the user interface. By using industry standard communication protocols, it was also possible to enable connectivity between real industry hardware, further extending the capabilities of the system

    Variations saisonnières des formes de phosphores dans une station de traitement des eaux usées par lagunage, sous climat aride de Marrakech (Maroc)

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    L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier dans un premier temps la dynamique du phosphore dans un système de traitement d 'eaux usées par lagunage facultatif, en relation avec les compartiments biologiques: phytoplancton, zooplancton et bactéries, dans un deuxième temps, d'évaluer, sous les conditions du climat aride, les performances épuratoires de ce système en ce qui concerne les formes du phosphore. Un intérêt particulier est porté au phénomène du relargage du phosphore par les sédiments. Les résultats montrent qu'il y a une évolution saisonnière et cyclique du phosphore dans les bassins de lagunage, en étroite corrélation avec le phytoplancton et le zooplancton. Le phytoplancton représente la part importante des formes organiques du phosphore particulaire. Les meilleures performances d'élimination du phosphore sont notées au printemps (77% pour les PO4 et 64 % pour le phosphore total). La période la moins performante est la période automne-hiver où les rendements moyens ne dépassent pas 38%. Le phosphore éliminé est stocké dans les sédiments. En période estivale, des phénomènes de relargage du phosphore à partir des sédiments ont été mis en évidence, favorisés par une zonation verticale des eaux à cette période. Des essais aulaboratoire ont montré la grande aptitude des sédiments de la station de lagunage étudiée à relarguer le phosphore, avec intervention de l'activité biologique du sédiment.Assimilation, sedimentation and release are the principal mechanisms controlling the behavior of phosphorus in aquatic ecosystems. There are numerous investigations of the phosphorus cycle in lakes and rivers in relation to the eutrophication process. There are, however, few studies about phosphorus cycling in waste stabilization ponds and most of these have discussed phosphorus removal. The aims of this paper were: 1) to study phosphorus dynamics in relation to the biomass compartment (zooplancton, phytoplancton and bacteria); and 2) to evaluate the phosphorus removal efficiency of the treatment plant under arid climatic conditions. Of particular interest was the remobilization of phosphorus from the pond sediment, both under laboratory conditions and in the field. The experimental installation consisted of two ponds receiving domestic wastewater (mean flow=120.4+5.8 m3.day-1 and specific organic load=56 kgBOD.ha-1. day-1; pond area=0.5 ha and depth=1.5 m). Samples were taken twice monthly from the surface, B1(S) and B2(S), and from the 1.5 m layers, B1(F) and B2(F). Composite (24 h) samples were taken from the inflow and the outflowof the plant to determine the removal efficiencies. In each sample, soluble reactive phosphorus (PO4), total phosphorus (PT) and total soluble phosphorus (PTD) were determined. Particulate phosphorus (PTP) was calculated as (PT-PTD) and soluble organic phosphorus (POD) as (PTD-PO4). Phosphorus release was measured in a plexiglas flask containing sediment (collected by corer from the pond bottom) overlaid with distilled water. Over 15 days, daily measurements were made of PO4 and total phosphorus. Sediment dry weight (%), volatile matter, organic carbon (%) and total phosphorus were measured before and after each test. Phosphorus contents of the phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacteria were estimated using the methods of BOUGIS (1974).The results show that cyclical and seasonal variations of phosphorus content were closely correlated with variations in the biological components. Significant correlation coefficients were noted between chlorophyll-a and particulate organic phosphorus. Organic phosphorus in algal cells was the more important form of particulate organic phosphorus. Under the arid climate, the waste stabilization ponds were more efficient at phosphate removal during the spring-summer period (77% of PO4 and 64% of total phosphorus in spring). The first pond may play the major role in phosphate removal. Phosphorus is only eliminated from stabilization ponds through accumulation in the sediment. However, part of the phosphorus which accumulates in pond sediments remains potentially mobile. During the summer period, phosphorus release from the sediment, observed in situ, was favored by stratification of the overlying water. The same phenomenon was noted during the autumn, particularly the release of POD. Laboratory studies have shown that phosphorus release may amount to 55 mg P m-2d-1. Biological activity may play a significant role in this mobilization

    Proton and Helium Spectra from the CREAM-III Flight

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    Primary cosmic-ray elemental spectra have been measured with the balloon-borne Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) experiment since 2004. The third CREAM payload (CREAM-III) flew for 29 days during the 2007-2008 Antarctic season. Energies of incident particles above 1 TeV are measured with a calorimeter. Individual elements are clearly separated with a charge resolution of ~0.12 e (in charge units) and ~0.14 e for protons and helium nuclei, respectively, using two layers of silicon charge detectors. The measured proton and helium energy spectra at the top of the atmosphere are harder than other existing measurements at a few tens of GeV. The relative abundance of protons to helium nuclei is 9.53+-0.03 for the range of 1 TeV/n to 63 TeV/n. The ratio is considerably smaller than other measurements at a few tens of GeV/n. The spectra become softer above ~20 TeV. However, our statistical uncertainties are large at these energies and more data are needed

    Effect of a 6-month brisk walking program on walking endurance in sedentary and physically deconditioned women aged 60 or older: A randomized trial

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:Walking endurance is a predictor of healthy ageing.OBJECTIVE:To examine if a 6-month brisk walking program can increase walking endurance in sedentary and physically deconditioned older women.TRIAL DESIGN:Randomized controlled trial.SETTING:Women recruited from public meetings aimed at promoting physical activity in women aged 60 or older.SUBJECTS:121 women aged 65.7 ± 4.3 years, with sedentary lifestyle (Physical Activity Questionnaire for the Elderly score 46%) were those with baseline lowest values of 6MWD (p=0.001) and highest values of body mass index (BMI) (p<0.01).CONCLUSION:Present results support recommendation that brisk walking programs should be encouraged to improve walking endurance in physically deconditioned women aged 60 or older, especially in those with high BMI

    Incorporación de raíz de mandioca (Manihot sculenta) en la dieta de cerdos y su efecto sobre variables productivas

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    En un programa de alimentación de cerdos existe una gran variedad de ingredientes que pueden utilizarse en la formulación de la dieta. El objetivo del trabajo fue verificar la conveniencia de utilizar raíz de mandioca en sustitución del maíz como recurso energético en cerdos, mediante la medición de las variables productivas consumo de alimento, ganancia diaria de peso vivo y conversión alimenticia. En el ensayo se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorizado. Tuvo una duración de 28 días: 7 de adaptación y 21 de medición. La experiencia incluyó 12 animales y cuatro dietas: dieta base (DB) con maíz molido (71%) más concentrado proteico (29%); dietas 33%, 66% y 100%: DB a las cuales se les reemplazó el 33%, el 66% y 100% del maíz por raíz de mandioca respectivamente. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el software InfoStat/P v.2011. Los resultados indicaron que para las variables consumo de alimento (1,63-DB; 1,56-33%; 1,53-66%; 1,44-100%) y ganancia diaria de peso vivo (0,42-DB; 0,40-33%; 0,39-66%; 0,36-100%) no hubo diferencias entre los tratamientos DB, 33% y 66%, siendo a su vez iguales entre sí los tres niveles de mandioca, mientras que para la conversión (3,91-DB; 3,90-33%; 3,93-66%; 4,02-100%) no hubo diferencias entre los cuatro tratamientos (p&lt;0,05), lo cual permite concluir que, excepto en el nivel de 100%, la inclusión de la raíz de mandioca en distintos niveles es una opción viable para la alimentación de cerdos