32 research outputs found
Sul futuro della città europea
This article deals about the ideas of the different reports that are about the European Un ion territory, observing that in all of them it is not very clear the possible ways of working. They are caliticated as political documents, so too much generalist. In that way, it is necessary to answer severa) questions to confront the territorial strategy of Europe and to make the identity of the European city with no very abstract proposals, and without ignoring as much as it has been done
I difficili rapport fra urbanistica e realtá nei paesi economicamente avanzati
Série Seminário Internacional "Pesquisa Urbana e Políticas Urbanas na Europa dos Anos 80"Unavailable.Indisponível
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Institute for Policy Studies or Johns Hopkins University
Sul futuro della città europea
This article deals about the ideas of the different reports that are about the European Union territory, observing that in all of them it is not very clear the possible ways of working. They are caliticated as political documents, so too much general ist. In that way, it is necessary to answer several questions to confront the territorial strategy of Europe and to make the identity of the European city with no very abstract proposals, and without ignoring as much as it has been done.Este artículo enuncia y explica brevemente las ideas de varios documentos referidos al conjunto del territorio de la Unión Europea y llega a la conclusión de que todos ellos son documentos políticos y, por tanto, demasiado generalistas que emplean una extrema cautela en la identificación de las posibles líneas de acción. Frente a e llo se plantea la necesidad de responder a una serie de cuestiones para afrontar la estrategia espacial de Europa, para construir la identidad de la ciudad europea no contentándonos con proposiciones demasiado genéricas, pero además, sin ignorar cuanto ha sido ya hecho
Nested-building as an effective strategy for the reuse of reinforced concrete industrial buildings. The case of the ex-Manifattura Tabacchi factory in Verona (1930-65)
[EN] Nested buildings today represent an efficient alternative to traditional recovery interventions in terms of cost-effectiveness, sustainability and compatibility with the existing building. The Italian territory has many disused industrial buildings on which it is necessary to operate with new recovery and re-market strategies. This article presents the results of the research, currently in progress, carried out by the ICEA department (University of Padua). The research concerns the recovery of industrial buildings in reinforced concrete from the 20th century. In these buildings the prefabrication allows a considerable optimization of the recovery interventions focused on modularity and prefabrication to fasten the construction times together with flexibility and reversibility. The analysis of the functional, structural and construction types made it possible to identify general intervention criteria which as the identification of the average span dimensions led to two design scenarios of wooden housing modules, following nested-building strategy. After a phase of study and critical analysis, criteria and guidelines for intervention were identified which as the identification of the average span dimensions led to two design scenarios of wooden housing modules, following nested-building strategy. The ex-Manifattura Tabacchi factory in Verona was chosen as a case study on which the results of the research were tested.Bertolazzi, A.; D'agnolo, E.; Fattori, G.; Piccinato, A.; Croatto, G.; Turrini, U. (2023). Nested-building as an effective strategy for the reuse of reinforced concrete industrial buildings. The case of the ex-Manifattura Tabacchi factory in Verona (1930-65). VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 8:56-65. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2023.188015665
Un mondo di città
Guardare la città è anche un modo di riflettere sulle caratteristiche della società contemporanea: la città ne restituisce una immagine immediata. A saperla osservare, la città ci dice molto della società che la ha prodotta. Guardarla, naturalmente, significa anche ricostruirne il processo di formazione, riconoscere i segni della storia passata e recente, indagare le ragioni che presiedono alle manifestazioni nello spazio della contemporaneità. Come se la città agisse da spia della società, sottolineandone i caratteri, esibendo gli esiti delle politiche poste in essere, enfatizzandone i conflitti. Il libro propone una riflessione trasversale sui caratteri della città contemporanea che ne pone in evidenza alcuni fra i nodi più problematici. L'indagine è rivolta alle città extraeuropee, come luoghi paradigmatici delle trasformazioni che investono la forma e la distribuzione degli insediamenti nel nuovo ordine economico mondiale. Sono discussi temi diversi, ma in qualche modo riassuntivi della realtà urbana di questo secolo: la forma, la storia, la crescita, la povertà, l'esplosione della città asiatica. Alcune grandi metropoli sono prese ad esempio per illustrare l'uno o l'altro di tali argomenti ma, soprattutto, per mettere in evidenza la diversità di percorsi di trasformazione solo apparentemente simili: New York, Los Angeles, Caracas, San Paolo, Singapore, Tokyo
Intorno ad alcune contraddizioni nel dibattito contemporaneo sulla città
abstractIl declino della pianificazione fisica come strumento di regolazione della trasformazione urbana. L'avvento delle politiche sottolinea la rilevanza dei processi e degli attori diversi nella costruzione della città contemporanea. I tentativi di ricostruzione di un quadro normativo condiviso
The happy city. Urban governance in advanced economic contexts
Economists (after the philosophers) are since a while rediscovering happiness, which was for long time substituted by economic progress. The research I am presenting aims to find its marks, maybe under the more modest title of "good living", reversing in this way a bulk of urban and regional studies traditionally devoted to emphasise malaise rather than well being. There exist today, in Italy, urban centres where good living is the norm, and malaise the exception. This is due by:- existing material conditions: economic welfare, work, social services;- the absence of some conflicting factors: economic uncertainty, excessive income disparities;- the presence of cohesion factors: historic roots, civic pride, social solidarity.How stable are such results? What was the influence of political culture and practice? What was the impact of urban planning (if any)? What was the role of the much more unbalanced development that took place within the regional space