13 research outputs found

    ThE lEVEl of TraiNErS' EMoTioNal CoMpETENCE, SENSE of CoMMoN purpoSE aNd ENgagEMENT iN iTS iMplEMENTaTioN, aNd ThE iMpaCT oN ThE qualiTy of rElaTioNShip wiTh playErS iN iNdiVidual SporTS

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    abstract. Presented conspect devoted to the subject of cooperation between the coach and the player in individual disciplines of competitive sports concerns the impact of the level of trainer's emotional intelligence to engage in efforts to improve the quality of relationships and a sense of commonality and purpose of a cooperating player. The literature suggests that in order to build and sustain commitment to the player by the coach it is important to include mutual trust, positive relationship and clearly defined goal acceptable to both parties

    Address delivered in Vilnius

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    Title: Przemówienie w Wilnie 20 kwietnia 1922 roku (Address delivered in Vilnius, 20 April, 1922) Originally published: Pisma-mowy-rozkazy, vol. V, Warsaw, Instytut Józefa Piłsudskiego, 1933, pp. 255–260. Language: PolishThe excerpt used is from the original About the author Józef Piłsudski [1867, Zułów (in the district of Święciany, Lit. Zalave/Švenčionys, present-day Lithuania) – 1935, Warsaw]: politician. Piłsudski was born to a family belonging to the Polish-speaking gentry in the Lithuan..

    On patriotism

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    Title: O patriotyzmie (On patriotism) Originally published: Walka, 1 October 1902, pp. 4–6. Language: PolishThe excerpts used are from Józef Piłsudski, Pisma zbiorowe. Wydanie prac dotychczas drukiem ogłoszonych, vol. 2. (Warsaw: Instytut Józefa Pił-sudskiego, 1937), pp. 22–27. About the author See: Józef Piłsudski, Address delivered in Vilnius Context In the 1890s, three modern political movements emerged in Polish politics: the nationalist, agrarian, and the socialist parties. Their activit..