94 research outputs found

    Nanoclustering as a dominant feature of plasma membrane organization

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    Early studies have revealed that some mammalian plasma membrane proteins exist in small nanoclusters. The advent of super-resolution microscopy has corroborated and extended this picture, and led to the suggestion that many, if not most, membrane proteins are clustered at the plasma membrane at nanoscale lengths. In this Commentary, we present selected examples of glycosylphosphatidyl-anchored proteins, Ras family members and several immune receptors that provide evidence for nanoclustering. We advocate the view that nanoclustering is an important part of the hierarchical organization of proteins in the plasma membrane. According to this emerging picture, nanoclusters can be organized on the mesoscale to form microdomains that are capable of supporting cell adhesion, pathogen binding and immune cell-cell recognition amongst other functions. Yet, a number of outstanding issues concerning nanoclusters remain open, including the details of their molecular composition, biogenesis, size, stability, function and regulation. Notions about these details are put forth and suggestions are made about nanocluster function and why this general feature of protein nanoclustering appears to be so prevalent.Postprint (published version

    Skin sheds as a useful DNA source for lizard conservation

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    Stability of fractional vortex states in a two-band mesoscopic superconductor

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    We investigate the stability of noncomposite fractional vortex states in a mesoscopic two-band superconductor within the two-component Ginzburg-Landau model. Our analysis explicitly takes into account the relationship between the model parameters and microscopic material parameters, such as partial density of states, fermi velocities and elements of the electron-phonon coupling matrix. We have found that states with different phase winding number in each band (L1 not equal to L2) and fractional flux can exist in many different configurations, including rather unconventional ones where the dominating band carries larger winding number and states where |L1-L2| > 1. We present a detailed analysis of the stability of the observed vortex structures with respect to changing the microscopic parameters, showing that, in the weak coupling case, fractional vortex states can be assessed in essentially the whole range of temperatures and applied magnetic fields in which both bands are active. Finally, we propose an efficient way of increasing the range of parameters for which these fractional vortex states can be stabilized. In particular, our proposal allows for observation of fractional vortex structures in materials with stronger coupling, where those states are forbidden at a homogeneous field. This is accomplished with the help of the stray fields of a suitably prepared magnetic dot placed nearby the superconducting disk.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; minor text revision; references added; to appear in PR

    Prevalencia de diversos serovares de Leptospira interrogans en vacas no vacunadas en los estados de Puebla, Tabasco y Veracruz, México

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    The objective was to compare the prevalences of antibodies against different serovars of Leptospira interrogans among the states of Puebla, Tabasco and Veracruz, as well as among some of their municipalities, and to determine if the health status of the cows influences their fertility. Blood samples were taken from 423 cows (Bos taurus x Bos indicus and Bos indicus) from 24 ranches in 11 municipalities in the aforementioned states. The prevalences of the Hardjo and Inifap serovars were higher (P0.05). The number of serovars in the state of Veracruz was higher (P0.05); however, vaccination of cattle against Leptospira interrogans is recommended in order to decrease the risks associated with this bacterium in cattle and humans.El objetivo fue comparar las prevalencias de anticuerpos contra diferentes serovares de Leptospira interrogans entre los estados de Puebla, Tabasco y Veracruz, así como entre algunos de sus municipios, y determinar si el estatus sanitario de las vacas influye en su fertilidad. Se tomaron muestras de sangre de 423 vacas (Bos taurus x Bos indicus y Bos indicus) de 24 ranchos de 11 municipios de los estados mencionados. Las prevalencias de los serovares Hardjo e Inifap fueron mayores (P0.05). El número de serovares en el estado de Veracruz fue mayor (P0.05); sin embargo, se recomienda la vacunación del ganado contra Leptospira interrogans, con el fin de disminuir los riesgos asociados con esta bacteria en bovinos y humanos

    Influencia de un programa de ejercicios físicos en la mejora del dolor de pacientes fibromiálgicos

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    Introduction: Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disease of unknown etiology that causes skeletal-muscle disability consisting in chronic and diffuse pain. It is characterized by producing limitations in activity and restrictions in participation, decreasing considerably the quality of life of patients, affecting both the biological and psychological areas, where pain is the main symptom. In this context, different treatments are used where therapeutic physical exercise is a viable alternative.Objective: To assess the influence of a physical exercise program for the reduction of pain in fibromyalgia, which includes the orientation to the family as an educational measure.Material and method: A pilot study of quantitative, pre-experimental and exploratory type was carried out. A therapeutic physical intervention was carried out where a program of low-impact aerobics was used (walking, ergometric bicycle, walking in place, walking in the water and musical rhythmic exercises), flexibility, muscle strengthening, joint mobility, throwing fitness ball and Chinese therapeutic gymnastics (Qi-gong).Results and conclusions: It was found that the program of physical exercises correctly dosed and planned is an important tool in pain´s treatment of patients with fibromyalgia, since 100% of the patients significantly improved (p < 0.001) when the pre-test and post-test was compared.Introducción: La fibromialgia es una enfermedad reumática discapacitante consistente en la presencia de dolor crónico de los músculos esqueléticos, disminuyendo considerablemente la calidad de vida de quienes la padecen. Los tratamientos disponibles vas desde el uso de estrategias farmacológicas hasta la terapia, donde el ejercicio físico terapéutico es una alternativa viable. Objetivo: valorar la influencia de un programa de ejercicios físicos para la disminución del dolor en la fibromialgia, que incluye la orientación a la familia como medida educativa. Material y método: se realizó un estudio piloto de tipo cuantitativo, prospectivo, longitudinal y comparativo. Se efectuó una intervención física terapéutica donde se utilizó un programa de ejercicios aeróbicos de bajo impacto (Caminar, Bicicleta ergométrica, marcha en el lugar, ejercicios de hidrocinesiterapia particularmente el entrenamiento de la marcha y ejercicios de estiramientos, ejercicios rítmicos musicales), de flexibilidad, de fortalecimiento muscular, movilidad articular, de lanzamiento de balón medicinal y gimnasia terapéutica China, específicamente el Qi-gong. Resultados y conclusiones: se encontró que el programa de ejercicios físicos correctamente dosificado y planificado es una herramienta importante en el tratamiento del dolor en pacientes con fibromialgia, ya que el 100% de los pacientes mejoraron significativamente (p<0.001) después de la intervención

    Contenido de antocianinas en coronta y brácteas de seis cultivares de maíz morado (Zea mays L.) del Perú

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    Se evaluó el contenido de antocianinas de la coronta y las brácteas de seis cultivares de maíz morado (Zea mays L.): INIA 601, INIA 615, PM-581, UNC 47, Canteño y Morado mejorado en seis localidades. El diseño experimental fue de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones por cultivar. Las muestras constaron de 0,30 g de coronta y 0,40 de brácteas molidas. La cuantificación de antocianinas se efectuó de acuerdo al método de Fuleki y Francis (1968). Se realizó un ANOVA y las medias de los tratamientos se compararon con la prueba de Duncan. Se observó significación estadística (p < 0,05) para los seis cultivares en el contenido de antocianinas en coronta y brácteas. Los cultivares INIA 601, UNC 47 y Morado mejorado destacaron, con valores de 6,10% a 6,38% de antocianinas para coronta y 2,01% a 2,92% de antocianinas para brácteas

    Yield evaluation of rocoto pepper (Capsicum pubescens R and P) with application of calcium carbonate in greenhouses

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    The manzano chili is native to South America. It is characterized by having a fleshy pulp and is very popular in Latin American cuisine. In the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, Chili peppers of the jalapeño, serrano, chilaca and cayenne varieties are grown, while the manzano chili can be an option for greenhouse cultivation. The objective of the present work was to evaluate if the applications of calcium carbonate to the soil and to the plant (foliar route) influence the weight and number of fruits in manzano peppers under greenhouse conditions. The study was carried out in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agrotechnological Sciences, of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. For the generation of the treatments, the Taguchi method was used, creating 13 treatments, for 2 factors and 5 levels each factor, with 5 repetitions per treatment, using 65 plants in the study. Data analysis was performed using the quadratic response surface technique, adjusting the surface to determine the factor levels for optimal response. In order to obtain the highest weight in the three harvests 234.8 g, it is necessary to reduce the CaCO3 to the soil by 9%, while increasing the CaCO3 to the foliar by 100%. To increase the number of peppers from 59 to 70 in the three harvest periods, it is necessary to increase CaCO3 in the soil and foliar by 8.5% and 100%.Objective: To evaluate if the application of calcium carbonate on the soil and to the leaf influences the weight and number of fruits in rocoto pepper grown under greenhouse conditions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was carried out in the greenhouse of the Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas, of the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. The Taguchi method was used to develop the 13 treatments, with two factors, five levels per factor, and five repetitions per treatment, using 65 plants under study. Data was analyzed using the quadratic response surface technique, fitting the surface to determine factor levels for optimal response. Results: Reducing soil CaCO3 by 9% and increasing leaf CaCO3 by 100% was necessary to obtain the highest weight in the three harvests (234.8 g). Findings/Conclusions: A rise in the number of rocoto peppers (from 59 to 70, in the three harvest periods) required an increase in the soil and foliar CaCO3 by 8.5% and 100%, respectively