6 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran kondisi obyektif cara pengasuhan orangtua terhadap anak dengan gangguan autisme, membuat rumusan pengembangan program pelaksanaan Parent Support Group (PSG) dan mendapatkan gambaran hasil implementasi program PSG. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan beberapa hal: pertama, kondisi obyektif membuktikan bahwa pemahaman orangtua tentang pengasuhan terhadap anak dengan gangguan autisme masih belum maksimal. Kedua, pengembangan program pelaksanaan PSG bagi orangtua yang memiliki anak dengan gangguan autisme telah di validasi. Ketiga, pengembangan program PSG di implementasikan dengan mengadakan mini smeinar di sekolah terhadap orangtua kemudian di observasi, wawancara dan di dokumentasikan. Untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal diharapkan adanya pelaksanaan program PSG yang berkelanjutan.;--- This study were intended to observe objectively the parenting methods toward the children with autism, construct the developing concept of Parent Support Group (PSG) implementation program and get the overview of the PSG program. The study employed descriptive qualitative method. The result of the study showed several findings as follows; first, objective condition proved that the parents’ knowledge about parenting to the children with autism was inadequate and needed to be maximized. Second, the implementation of PSG developing program has been validated. Third, the PSG developing program was implemented through the mini seminar held at school participated by the students’ parents and followed up with observation, interview and documentation. In order to maximize the result of the program, it was expected to maintain PSG program sustainably

    Utilization of Number Lines Through the Peer Teaching Method In Student Learning with Hearing Impairments

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    This research aims to describe the utilization of number line media through peer teaching methods in student learning with hearing impairments. This study used an action research design with research participants of class III SLB B Karnnamanohara Yogyakarta. The data collection techniques used in this study were participative observation, field notes, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used data triangulation techniques. The results showed that (1) Teachers and students could be assisted in the learning process using number line media through the peer teaching method. (2) The peer teaching method combined with number line media helps to establish interactions between teachers and students in the learning process. (3) Student learning outcomes in Mathematics can achieve KKM scores after using number line media through the peer teaching method

    Reliability of instruments friendship activity observational test and adjective observational test for intellectual disability in unified sports

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    Reliability in psychometric instruments is essential in the development of instru-ments. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate the instruments of Friendship Activity Observational Test (FAOT) and Adjec-tive Observational Test (AOT). The draft instrument that has been compiled is then tested to see its con-sistency. Instrument testing by three trainers who observed five intellectual disability athletes in unified sports. The analysis of quantitative data using intraclass correla-tion coefficients (ICC) with rodents proposed by Fernandes, the provision of relia-bility value has consistency and high stability if above 0.80. The result of ICC pro-cessing comparison of each athlete's bleeder got the value of instrument reliability ranges FAOT of 0.916 to 0.958 and AOT of 0.920 to 0.962. The results of reliability test on FAOT and AOT instruments for intellectual disability children in unified sports were obtained reliable results, so that in-strument has consistency and high stability to be used as a psychosocial tool for children with disability in unified sports

    Enhancing the Pedagogical Competence of Inclusive School Teachers in Handling Children with Special Needs

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    This study aimed to: 1) analyze the level of pedagogic competence of inclusive school teachers in dealing with children with special needs; 2) carry out activities to increase this competence; and 3) investigate the impact of these activities. An action research design was used. Data were collected through pretest and posttest questionnaire instruments and interviews. Two cycles of activities to increase the level of pedagogic competence were carried out: cycle 1 involved training and cycle 2 involved a workshop. The results showed that the training and workshops were effective in improving the pedagogic competence of inclusive school teachers in dealing with children with special needs and in improving the skills of teachers in preparing learning tools according to the learning needs of students, and this effect was significant. Keywords: teacher pedagogical competencies, inclusive schools, children with special need

    Life Skill Dimension Based on Unified Sports Soccer Program in Physical Education of Intellectual Disability

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    This article aims to find out the optimization of 21st-century life skill dimension based on unified sports soccer program on physical education of Intellectual Disability. The 21st-century education dimension includes knowledge, skill, and character integrated into life skill in everyday life. Today the concept of education for all is included for Intellectual Disability. Children with Intellectual Disability, characteristic physiological and psychological characteristics are characterized by limited intelligence, social, and other mental functions. In this regard, it is necessary to have special handling programs to solve life skill problems especially in physical education for Intellectual Disability. Inappropriate programs will have a more complex impact on Intellectual Disability life skill. Life skill formation program needs to be given in the form of a sports game, one of them is a unified sports soccer program. Unified programs are characterized by Intellectual Disability and non- Intellectual Disability activities as partners in teams, with Intellectual Disability child-specific tasks as goal scorers and non- Intellectual Disability feeders. This program provides self-exploration for Intellectual Disability children to boost confidence after scoring goals, and for partners to generate trust in friends (Intellectual Disability). Based on research experts note that unified sports soccer programs have a positive impact on behavior, friendship activity, adjective, inclusive of social factor, adaptive program, and individual development on Intellectual Disability. Therefore, the formation of life skill based on unified sports soccer program is suitable for use on Intellectual Disability as the implementation of physical education in the 21st century