313 research outputs found

    Presence of Paragonimus species Within the Secondary Crustacean Hosts in Bogotá, Colombia

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    Paragonimus spp. are parasites that infect many populations worldwide. It is predicted that infection rates within Asia reach ten to fifteen percent of the total population. Three largest areas of possible infection are Asia, Central and South America as well as Africa where the total population at risk is estimated to be 293 million people. Ingestion of raw or undercooked crustaceans are the source of infection to mammals. The crustaceans Neostrengeria macropa and Procambarus clarkii in Bogotá, Colombia were collected from local markets, pet stores and waterways. Dissection for presence of parasites is imperative to estimate the prevalence of crustacean infection by lung flukes. The preliminary findings show, pending laboratory confirmation, that the native crab species, N. macropa, has a prevalence of 17.2% infection. Invasive crayfish species, P. clarkii has a prevalence of 36.4% from both captive and field capture samples. While the prevalence estimated within this study is lower than compared to previous research in other cities of Colombia, there may be a number of factors that contribute to the difference in prevalence including: collecting season, overall low rainfall, temperature, altitude and the El Niño Southern Oscillation

    Inferring Kangaroo Phylogeny from Incongruent Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes

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    The marsupial genus Macropus includes three subgenera, the familiar large grazing kangaroos and wallaroos of M. (Macropus) and M. (Osphranter), as well as the smaller mixed grazing/browsing wallabies of M. (Notamacropus). A recent study of five concatenated nuclear genes recommended subsuming the predominantly browsing Wallabia bicolor (swamp wallaby) into Macropus. To further examine this proposal we sequenced partial mitochondrial genomes for kangaroos and wallabies. These sequences strongly favour the morphological placement of W. bicolor as sister to Macropus, although place M. irma (black-gloved wallaby) within M. (Osphranter) rather than as expected, with M. (Notamacropus). Species tree estimation from separately analysed mitochondrial and nuclear genes favours retaining Macropus and Wallabia as separate genera. A simulation study finds that incomplete lineage sorting among nuclear genes is a plausible explanation for incongruence with the mitochondrial placement of W. bicolor, while mitochondrial introgression from a wallaroo into M. irma is the deepest such event identified in marsupials. Similar such coalescent simulations for interpreting gene tree conflicts will increase in both relevance and statistical power as species-level phylogenetics enters the genomic age. Ecological considerations in turn, hint at a role for selection in accelerating the fixation of introgressed or incompletely sorted loci. More generally the inclusion of the mitochondrial sequences substantially enhanced phylogenetic resolution. However, we caution that the evolutionary dynamics that enhance mitochondria as speciation indicators in the presence of incomplete lineage sorting may also render them especially susceptible to introgression.This work has been supported by Australian Research Council grants to MJP (DP07745015) and MB (FT0991741). The website for the funder is www.arc.gov.au. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Presença de espécies de Paragonimus em crustáceos hospedeiros secundários em Bogotá, Colômbia

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    ABSTRACT: Paragonimus spp. are trematode parasites that infect human populations worldwide. It is believed that infection rates within Asia reach five to ten percent of the total population. Three of the largest areas of possible infection are Asia, Central and South America as well as Africa, where the total population at risk is estimated to be 293 million people. Humans are infected via ingestion of raw or undercooked decapod crustaceans. Objective: To identify the presence of Paragonimus spp. in crabs from Bogotá, Colombia. Methods: The native crab Neostrengeria macropa and the aquatic invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii in Bogotá, Colombia, were collected from local markets, pet stores and waterways and dissected to assess the presence of Paragonimus spp. Results: The native crab species, N. macropa (n=29) had an infection prevalence of 17.2%, while the invasive crayfish species, P. clarkii (n=22), had a prevalence of 36.4% combined from both field captured animals and purchased samples. Conclusion: Although the estimated prevalence is lower compared to previous studies in other cities of Colombia, Paragonimus represent a risk to human health. Several environmental factors may contribute to the difference in prevalence including collecting season, rainfall, temperature, altitude and the El Niño Southern Oscillation.RESUMEN: Antecedentes. Los Paragonimus spp. constituyen un grupo de parásitos tremátodos que infectan a humanos en todo el mundo. Se considera que entre 5 y 10% de la población humana de Asia está infectada. Las áreas con mayor posibilidad de infección son Asia, Centro y Sur América, así como África. Se estima que 293 millones de personas están en riesgo de infección. Los humanos se pueden infectar al consumir crustáceos decápodos crudos. Objetivo: Identificar la presencia de Paragonimus spp. en crustáceos en Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: Una muestra de cangrejos nativos Neostrengeria macropa y de decápodos invasores Procambarus clarkii fue colectada tanto en mercados locales de Bogotá, como en tiendas de mascotas, ríos, y quebradas. Posteriormente fueron diseccionados para detectar la presencia de Paragonimus spp. Resultados: La prevalencia de la infección en N. macropa (n=29) fue de 17,2%, y en la especie invasora, P. clarkii (n=22), fue de 36,4% (porcentaje combinado de los animales colectados en el campo y los comprados en tiendas). Conclusión: Aunque la prevalencia en este estudio fue más baja que la de otras investigaciones relacionadas, se considera que existe riesgo para la salud humana. Es probable que algunos factores medio ambientales hayan contribuido a la diferencia, incluyendo: temporada de colecta, nivel de lluvias, temperatura, altura, y el fenómeno El Niño.RESUMO: Antecedentes. Paragonimus spp. são trematódeos parasitas que infectam populações humanas ao redor do mundo. Acredita-se que as taxas de infecção na Ásia atingem de 5 a 10% da população. As três maiores áreas de infecção se localizam na Ásia, Américas do Sul e Central e África, onde a população total em risco é estimada em 293 milhões de pessoas. Os humanos são infectados pela ingestão de crustáceos decápodes crus ou mal cozidos. Objetivo: Identificar a presença de Paragonimus spp. em Bogotá, Colômbia. Métodos: Indivíduos de caranguejo nativo Neostrengeria macropa e lagostim aquático invasivo Procambarus clarkii foram coletados em mercados locais, lojas de animais de estimação e cursos de água em Bogotá (Colômbia) e posteriormente dissecados para verificação da presença de Paragonimus spp. Resultados: A espécie de caranguejo nativa N. macropa (n=29) apresentou prevalência de infecção de 17,2%, enquanto a espécie de lagostim invasivo, P. clarkii (n=22), apresentou prevalência de 36,4%, quando combinados os animais capturados em campo e os animais comprados. Conclusão: Embora a prevalência estimada neste estudo foi menor do que a de pesquisas anteriores realizadas em outras cidades da Colômbia, existe um risco para a saúde humana. Há inúmeros fatores ambientais que podem contribuir para a diferença de prevalência, dentre eles: a estação em que a coleta foi realizada, pouca precipitação, temperatura, altitude e a Oscilação Sul-El Niño

    Pressure relieving support surfaces (PRESSURE) trial : cost effectiveness analysis

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    Objective To assess tire cost effectiveness of alternating pressure mattresses compared with alternating pressure overlays for the prevention of pressure ulcers in patients admitted to hospital. Design Cost effectiveness analysis carried out alongside the pressure relieving support surfaces (PRESSURE) trial; a multicentre UK based pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Setting 11 hospitals in six UK NHS trusts. Participants Intention to treat population comprising 1971 participants. Main outcome measures Kaplan Meier estimates of restricted mean time to development of pressure ulcers and total costs for treatment in hospital. Results Alternating pressure mattresses were associated with lower overall costs (283.6 pound per patient on average, 95% confidence interval -377.59 pound to. 976.79) pound mainly due to reduced length of stay in hospital, and greater benefits (a delay in time to ulceration of 10.64 days on average, - 24.40 to 3.09). The differences in health benefits and total costs for hospital stay between alternating pressure mattresses and alternating pressure overlays were not statistically significant; however, a cost effectiveness acceptability curve indicated that on average alternating pressure mattresses compared with alternating pressure overlays were associated with air 80% probability of being cost saving. Conclusion Alternating pressure mattresses for the prevention of pressure ulcers are more likely to be cost effective and are more acceptable to patients than alternating pressure overlays

    Hemiataxia: A Novel Presentation of Anti-NMDA Receptor Antibody Mediated Encephalitis in an Adolescent.

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    Anti-NMDA receptor antibody associated encephalitis as a cause of new-onset neuropsychiatric manifestations in children and adults can represent a significant diagnostic challenge for clinicians. Clinical signs often include encephalopathy, new-onset psychosis, and movement phenomenon. Although orofacial dyskinesias were initially identified as a characteristic movement phenomenon in this type of encephalitis, an expanded range of abnormalities has recently been reported, including isolated ataxia. We report a case of isolated hemiataxia in a young adult with mild initial psychiatric manifestations. A personal and family history of preceding neuropsychiatric symptoms produced diagnostic confusion and resulted in a significant diagnostic and therapeutic delay. Our case confirms the unilateral movement manifestations that have been emphasized in recent reports. Additionally, it confirms the need for involvement of neurologic as well as psychiatric services in the evaluation of such cases and emphasizes the importance of the neurologic examination in presentations with an initial psychiatric predominance

    Adult age differences in using information from the eyes and mouth to make decisions about others' emotions

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    Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge the assistance of Christina Pomareda and Auste Simkute with data collection. Funding This research was supported by grants from the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ES/P005330/1), and from the Lily Charlton Trust.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Age Differences in Gaze Following : Older Adults Follow Gaze More than Younger Adults When free-viewing Scenes

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    Acknowledgements We thank Teodor Nikolov, Igne Umbrasaite, Bianca Bianciardi, Sarah Kenny, and Vestina Sciaponaite for assistance with stimuli selection and data collection. Funding details This research was supported by Grant RG14082 from the Economic and Social Research Council, awarded to Louise H. Phillips, Benjamin W. Tatler and Julie HenryPeer reviewedPostprin

    Characteristics of people with low health literacy on coronary heart disease GP registers in South London: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective To explore characteristics associated with, and prevalence of, low health literacy in patients recruited to investigate the role of depression in patients on General Practice (GP) Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) registers (the Up-Beat UK study). Design Cross-sectional cohort. The health literacy measure was the Rapid Estimate of Health Literacy in Medicine (REALM). Univariable analyses identified characteristics associated with low health literacy and compared health service use between health literacy statuses. Those variables where there was a statistically significant/borderline significant difference between health literacy statuses were entered into a multivariable model. Setting 16 General Practices in South London, UK. Participants Inclusion: patients >18 years, registered with a GP and on a GP CHD register. Exclusion: patients temporarily registered. Primary outcome measure REALM. Results Of the 803 Up-Beat cohort participants, 687 (85.55%) completed the REALM of whom 106 (15.43%) had low health literacy. Twenty-eight participants could not be included in the multivariable analysis due to missing predictor variable data, leaving a sample of 659. The variables remaining in the final model were age, gender, ethnicity, Indices of Multiple Deprivation score, years of education, employment; body mass index and alcohol intake, and anxiety scores (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). Univariable analysis also showed that people with low health literacy may have more, and longer, practice nurse consultations than people with adequate health literacy. Conclusions There is a disadvantaged group of people on GP CHD registers with low health literacy. The multivariable model showed that patients with low health literacy have significantly higher anxiety levels than people with adequate health literacy. In addition, the univariable analyses show that such patients have more, and longer, consultations with practice nurses. We will collect 4-year longitudinal cohort data to explore the impact of health literacy in people on GP CHD registers and the impact of health literacy on health service use

    Temporal Variability of Diapycnal Mixing in Shag Rocks Passage

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    Diapycnal mixing rates in the oceans have been shown to have a great deal of spatial variability, but the temporal variability has been little studied. Here we present results from a method developed to calculate diapycnal diffusivity from moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) velocity shear profiles. An 18-month time series of diffusivity is presented from data taken by a LongRanger ADCP moored at 2400 m depth, 600 m above the sea floor, in Shag Rocks Passage, a deep passage in the North Scotia Ridge (Southern Ocean). The Polar Front is constrained to pass through this passage, and the strong currents and complex topography are expected to result in enhanced mixing. The spatial distribution of diffusivity in Shag Rocks Passage deduced from lowered ADCP shear is consistent with published values for similar regions, with diffusivity possibly as large as 90 × 10-4 m2 s-1 near the sea floor, decreasing to the expected background level of ~ 0.1 × 10-4 m2 s-1 in areas away from topography. The moored ADCP profiles spanned a depth range of 2400 to 1800 m; thus the moored time series was obtained from a region of moderately enhanced diffusivity. The diffusivity time series has a median of 3.3 × 10-4 m2 s-1 and a range of 0.5 × 10-4 m2 s-1 to 57 × 10-4 m2 s-1. There is no significant signal at annual or semiannual periods, but there is evidence of signals at periods of approximately fourteen days (likely due to the spring-neaps tidal cycle), and at periods of 3.8 and 2.6 days most likely due to topographically-trapped waves propagating around the local seamount. Using the observed stratification and an axisymmetric seamount, of similar dimensions to the one west of the mooring, in a model of baroclinic topographically-trapped waves, produces periods of 3.8 and 2.6 days, in agreement with the signals observed. The diffusivity is anti-correlated with the rotary coefficient (indicating that stronger mixing occurs during times of upward energy propagation), which suggests that mixing occurs due to the breaking of internal waves generated at topography