320 research outputs found

    Playful Tarot: Adaptations of Tarot In, Through, and Across Games.

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    The magical practice of divination through tarot emanates from the sacred, ritualistic power of play. Long before tarot accretes esoteric symbolism as a divinatory tool, Italians played it as the parlour game tarrochi. Extending this history, many games implement tarot as a mechanical framework and a source of visual imagery. Yet, not all implementations of tarot are equally successful artistically and spiritually. Ludic tarot is often mechanistic (just another way to think about buffs and stats) or superficially thematic (visual imagery without underlying semiotic content). In this paper, we will unravel the intertwined history of games and tarot, exploring its relationship to other cartomantic practices, including the dark Gnostic “Game of Saturn” decoded by Peter Mark Adams in the Sola-Busca deck, the pragmatically cryptic Lenormand deck, and the divinatory use of standard 52-card playing decks in folk witchcraft. Building upon this historical insight, we will then analyse three related tabletop games as case studies: Chalice (in which tarot generates narratives of a failed Grail quest), Alas Vegas (which resolves conflict and generates narrative through tarot-driven blackjack), and Invisible Sun (which reinvents tarot through the circular Sooth deck driving its magic system). All three of these games weave resonant connections between the imagery and mechanics of cards and fictional gameworlds, thereby investing tarot with an eerie sense of meaningful coincidence or synchronicity. Understanding the techniques that create a more resonant experience of tarot can open the way for a deeper implementation of tarot in game development, as well as enable playful reflection and insight within the magical practice. Specifically, insights into non-digital ludic implementations of tarot can pave the way for richer and more resonant digital tarot applications, building upon and deepening the recent use of tarot in videogames (such as Tanya X. Short’s Cartomancy anthology and Adam Malone’s VR tarot)

    Measuring and Modeling Vertical Crosshead Vibration in API-618 Reciprocating Compressors

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    LectureReciprocating compressors constructed to API-618 standards find application in refineries, petrochemical plants, and pipelines around the world. These compressors are constructed with a force-fed lubricated crosshead that drives a double-acting piston via a piston rod. Looseness in the running gear (piston assembly, connecting rod assembly, and crosshead assembly) results in knocks (impulse events) that are usually detected at the crosshead guide with accelerometers and, in some cases, with proximity probes measuring the piston rod vibration at the pressure packing case. Crosshead guide accelerometers have proven successful in detecting and preventing catastrophic failure; however, the alarm set points for the vibration levels have been derived heuristically because no model exists that relates forces and impacts within the running gear to the vibration of the crosshead guide. This paper presents a model of the crosshead system that estimates the vibration response of the crosshead and crosshead guide in reaction to the forces and impulses in the running gear. The model incorporates the oil-film behavior including non-linear, position-dependent stiffness and damping. The paper also examines the system response in the time domain and the complex plane (eigenvalue migration). The numerical model results are validated by comparison with data acquired on operating machines in known conditions of distress. The results show good agreement between the model and crosshead and piston rod vibration data, both in the timing and amplitude of vibration. Using the results of the model and historical data collected from operating reciprocating compressors the paper concludes with guidelines for filtering of crosshead accelerometer signals and alarm thresholds

    Vectorial Loading of Processive Motor Proteins: Implementing a Landscape Picture

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    Individual processive molecular motors, of which conventional kinesin is the most studied quantitatively, move along polar molecular tracks and, by exerting a force F=(Fx,Fy,Fz){\bm F} = (F_x,F_y,F_z) on a tether, drag cellular cargoes, {\em in vivo}, or spherical beads, {\em in vitro}, taking up to hundreds of nanometer-scale steps. From observations of velocities and the dispersion of displacements with time, under measured forces and controlled fuel supply (typically ATP), one may hope to obtain insight into the molecular motions undergone in the individual steps. In the simplest situation, the load force F{\bm F} may be regarded as a scalar resisting force, Fx<0F_x < 0, acting parallel to the track: however, experiments, originally by Gittes {\em et al.} (1996), have imposed perpendicular (or vertical) loads, Fz>0F_z > 0, while more recently Block and coworkers (2002, 2003) and Carter and Cross (2005) have studied {\em assisting} (or reverse) loads, Fx>0F_x > 0, and also sideways (or transverse) loads Fy0F_y \neq 0

    Strength of public preferences for endovascular or open aortic aneurysm repair

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    Background This study evaluated public preferences for the treatment processes for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in order to allow them to be incorporated into a cost‐effectiveness analysis. Methods This was a telephone survey using a trade‐off method in UK resident adults (aged at least 18 years) with no previous diagnosis of a vascular condition. Results Some 167 of 209 participants (79·9 per cent) stated that they would prefer endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), 40 (19·1 per cent) preferred open surgery and two (1·0 per cent) stated no preference. Participants preferred EVAR because of the less invasive nature of the intervention and quicker recovery. Participants preferring open surgery cited reasons such as having a single follow‐up appointment, and a procedure that felt more permanent. When participants were asked to make a sacrifice in order to have their preferred treatment, 122 (58·4 per cent) favoured EVAR, 18 (8·6 per cent) favoured open surgery and 69 (33·0 per cent) had no preference. Those preferring EVAR were willing to give up a mean of 0·135 expected quality‐adjusted life‐years (QALYs) to have EVAR, compared with a willingness to give up 0·033 expected QALYs among those preferring open repair. Conclusion These results indicate a clear preference for EVAR over open surgery for aortic aneurysm

    Chemically modified dsRNA induces RNAi effects in insects in vitro and in vivo: a potential new tool for improving RNA-based plant protection

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    Global agriculture loses over $100 billion of produce annually to crop pests such as insects. Many of these crop pests either are not currently controlled by artificial means or have developed resistance against chemical pesticides. Long dsRNAs are capable of inducing RNAi in insects and are emerging as novel, highly selective alternatives for sustainable insect management strategies. However, there are significant challenges associated with RNAi efficacy in insects. In this study, we synthesized a range of chemically modified long dsRNAs in an approach to improve nuclease resistance and RNAi efficacy in insects. Our results showed that dsRNAs containing phosphorothioate modifications demonstrated increased resistance to southern green stink bug saliva nucleases. Phosphorothioate-modified and 2′-fluoro-modified dsRNA also demonstrated increased resistance to degradation by soil nucleases and increased RNAi efficacy in Drosophila melanogaster cell cultures. In live insects, we found chemically modified long dsRNAs successfully resulted in mortality in both stink bug and corn rootworm. These results provide further mechanistic insight into the dependence of RNAi efficacy on nucleotide modifications in the sense or antisense strand of the dsRNA in insects and demonstrate for the first time that RNAi can successfully be triggered by chemically modified long dsRNAs in insect cells or live insects

    Kepler-102 : masses and compositions for a super-Earth and sub-Neptune orbiting an active star

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    Funding: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under grant No. 1842402. C.L.B., L.W., and D.H. acknowledge support from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (grant No. 80NSSC19K0597) issued through the Astrophysics Data Analysis Program. D.H. also acknowledges support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. K.R. acknowledges support from the UK STFC via grant No. ST/V000594/1. E.G. acknowledges support from NASA grant No. 80NSSC20K0957 (Exoplanets Research Program).Radial velocity (RV) measurements of transiting multiplanet systems allow us to understand the densities and compositions of planets unlike those in the solar system. Kepler-102, which consists of five tightly packed transiting planets, is a particularly interesting system since it includes a super-Earth (Kepler-102d) and a sub-Neptune-sized planet (Kepler-102e) for which masses can be measured using RVs. Previous work found a high density for Kepler-102d, suggesting a composition similar to that of Mercury, while Kepler-102e was found to have a density typical of sub-Neptune size planets; however, Kepler-102 is an active star, which can interfere with RV mass measurements. To better measure the mass of these two planets, we obtained 111 new RVs using Keck/HIRES and Telescopio Nazionale Galileo/HARPS-N and modeled Kepler-102's activity using quasiperiodic Gaussian process regression. For Kepler-102d, we report a mass upper limit Md < 5.3 M⊕ (95% confidence), a best-fit mass Md = 2.5 ± 1.4 M⊕, and a density ρd = 5.6 ± 3.2 g cm−3, which is consistent with a rocky composition similar in density to the Earth. For Kepler-102e we report a mass Me = 4.7 ± 1.7 M⊕ and a density ρe = 1.8 ± 0.7 g cm−3. These measurements suggest that Kepler-102e has a rocky core with a thick gaseous envelope comprising 2%–4% of the planet mass and 16%–50% of its radius. Our study is yet another demonstration that accounting for stellar activity in stars with clear rotation signals can yield more accurate planet masses, enabling a more realistic interpretation of planet interiors.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A computer-based medical record system and personal digital assistants to assess and follow patients with respiratory tract infections visiting a rural Kenyan health centre

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical research can be facilitated by the use of informatics tools. We used an existing electronic medical record (EMR) system and personal data assistants (PDAs) to assess the characteristics and outcomes of patients with acute respiratory illnesses (ARIs) visiting a Kenyan rural health center. METHODS: We modified the existing EMR to include details on patients with ARIs. The EMR database was then used to identify patients with ARIs who were prospectively followed up by a research assistant who rode a bicycle to patients' homes and entered data into a PDA. RESULTS: A total of 2986 clinic visits for 2009 adult patients with respiratory infections were registered in the database between August 2002 and January 2005; 433 patients were selected for outcome assessments. These patients were followed up in the villages and assessed at 7 and 30 days later. Complete follow-up data were obtained on 381 patients (88%) and merged with data from the enrollment visit's electronic medical records and subsequent health center visits to assess duration of illness and complications. Symptoms improved at 7 and 30 days, but a substantial minority of patients had persistent symptoms. Eleven percent of patients sought additional care for their respiratory infection. CONCLUSION: EMRs and PDA are useful tools for performing prospective clinical research in resource constrained developing countries

    Access and barriers to measures targeted to prevent malaria in pregnancy in rural Kenya*

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate barriers preventing pregnant women from using insecticide-treated nets (ITN) and intermittent presumptive treatment (IPT) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) 5 years after the launch of the national malaria strategy promoting these measures in Kenya. METHODS: All women aged 15-49 years were interviewed during a community survey in four districts between December 2006 and January 2007. Women pregnant in the last 12 months were asked about their age, parity, education, use of nets, ITN, antenatal care (ANC) services and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) (overall and for IPT) during pregnancy. Homestead assets were recorded and used to develop a wealth index. Travel time to ANC clinics was computed using a geographic information system algorithm. Predictors of net and IPT use were defined using multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Overall 68% of pregnant women used a net; 52% used an ITN; 84% attended an ANC clinic at least once and 74% at least twice. Fifty-three percent of women took at least one dose of IPT-SP, however only 22% took two or more doses. Women from the least poor homesteads (OR = 2.53, 1.36-4.68) and those who used IPT services (OR = 1.73, 1.24-2.42) were more likely to sleep under any net. Women who used IPT were more likely to use ITNs (OR = 1.35, 1.03-1.77), while those who lived more than an hour from an ANC clinic were less likely (OR = 0.61, 0.46-0.81) to use ITN. Women with formal education (1.47, 1.01-2.17) and those who used ITN (OR: 1.68, 1.20-2.36) were more likely to have received at least one dose of IPT-SP. CONCLUSION: Although the use of ITN had increased 10-fold and the use of IPT fourfold since last measured in 2001, coverage remains low. Provider practices in the delivery of protective measures against malaria must change, supported by community awareness campaigns on the importance of mothers' use of IPT