1,531 research outputs found

    Temperature-dependent magnetospectroscopy of HgTe quantum wells

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    We report on magnetospectroscopy of HgTe quantum wells in magnetic fields up to 45 T in temperature range from 4.2 K up to 185 K. We observe intra- and inter-band transitions from zero-mode Landau levels, which split from the bottom conduction and upper valence subbands, and merge under the applied magnetic field. To describe experimental results, realistic temperature-dependent calculations of Landau levels have been performed. We show that although our samples are topological insulators at low temperatures only, the signature of such phase persists in optical transitions at high temperatures and high magnetic fields. Our results demonstrate that temperature-dependent magnetospectroscopy is a powerful tool to discriminate trivial and topological insulator phases in HgTe quantum wells

    Synchrotron Polarization Signatures of Surface Waves in Supermassive Black Hole Jets

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    Supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei are known to launch relativistic jets, which are observed across the entire electromagnetic spectrum and thought to be efficient particle accelerators. Their primary radiation mechanism for radio emission is polarized synchrotron emission produced by a population of nonthermal electrons. In this Letter, we present a global general relativistic magnetohydrodynamical (GRMHD) simulation of a magnetically arrested disk (MAD). After the simulation reaches the MAD state, we show that waves are continuously launched from the vicinity of the black hole and propagate along the interface between the jet and the wind. At this interface, a steep gradient in velocity is present between the mildly relativistic wind and the highly relativistic jet. The interface is, therefore, a shear layer, and due to the shear, the waves generate roll-ups that alter the magnetic field configuration and the shear layer geometry. We then perform polarized radiation transfer calculations of our GRMHD simulation and find signatures of the waves in both total intensity and linear polarization, effectively lowering the fully resolved polarization fraction. The telltale polarization signatures of the waves could be observable by future very long baseline interferometric observations, e.g., the next-generation Event Horizon Telescope

    Формирование группы риска по врожденной патологии плода с использованием искусственных нейронных сетей

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    The aim of the study is the evaluation of the significance of various risk factors for congenital fetus pathology (congenital defect – CD) and the development of risk numeric scale. 424 pregnant women with fetus CD and 520 pregnant women with fetus without congenital defects have been examined. Artificial neural nets have been used for investigation how various factors effect on pregnancy termination. It has been found that the important factors for congenital fetus defect risk are: age younger 18 years of an pregnant women, age older 35 years, noncarring of pregnancy in anamnesis, complicated clinical course of the first pregnancy trimester, CD cases in a family, ultrasonic markers of chromosome pathology in the first pregnancy trimester. Changes in maternal serum AFP, hCG and uE3 levels and blood flow disorders are important to forming high risk group. A numeric scale for CD risk has been developed on the basis of neuronic net analysis.Цель данного исследования — оценка значимости различных факторов риска рождения ребенка с врожденным пороком развития (ВПР) и разработка балльной шкалы риска. Обследованы 424 беременные женщины с ВПР плода и 520 женщин, беременность у которых закончилась рождением ребенка без ВПР. Для исследования влияния различных факторов на исход беременности использовались искусственные нейронные сети. Выявлено, что возраст беременной моложе 18 лет, возраст старше 35 лет, невынашивание в анамнезе, осложненное течение I триместра беременности, наличие случаев врожденной патологии в семье, ультразвуковые маркеры хромосомной патологии в I триместре беременности являются значимыми факторами риска рождения ребенка с ВПР. В формировании группы высокого риска по ВПР большое значение имеет изменение уровней альфафетопротеина (АФП), хорионического гонадотропина (ХГ), эстриола, а также выявленные при допплерометрии гемодинамические нарушения. На основании нейросетевого анализа разработана балльная шкала риска рождения ребенка с ВПР


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    In this paper, in the frequency range from 270 MHz to 10 GHz, were investigated the frequency dependences of the absorption coefficient of electromagnetic radiation and frequency dependences of the complex magnetic permeability of the fiberglass which were made of fiberglass with a heterogeneous film deposited on the surface.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 16-45-360483 р_а и министерства образования и науки в рамках проектной части государственного задания

    Free-living use of artificial pancreas for children with type 1 diabetes: systematic review

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    BACKGRAUND: A closed-loop glucose control system or artificial pancreas consists of three components a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), infusion pumps to deliver hormone(s) and a sophisticated dosing algorithm to control hormone delivery. In the past years, numerous studies with closed-loop system devices were conducted with gradual shift to out-of-hospital environment and with lengthening study duration. AIMS: To compare efficacy and safety of closed-loop insulin pump use in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus in compare with conventional insulin treatment (continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) with our without CGM) based on randomized control trials data (RCT). METHODS: In the systematic review we have include 28 randomized controlled trials results indexed in PubMed, Medline databases published till 15 June 2017. The efficacy on metabolic control in this study evaluated by the proportion of time within target range (preferably 70 to 180 mg/dl if reported) and mean (median) glucose based on sensor measurements, and the safety evaluated by time in hypoglycemia (below 70 mg/dl if reported). RESULTS: Increased time in range in the night period was observed in all RCT. Only 3 RCT showed decrease of the time in range within 24 h evaluation period. In one RCT the significant positive differences have been shown in the time in range for dual hormone closed-loop glucose control system in compare with insulin-only artificial pancreas. Mean glycaemia and glucose variability changes were not in the same manner in different RCT, both in the night only and in 24 h estimation period. Night hypoglycemia duration decreased in most RCT with closed-loop control in compare with CSII, and increased only in 2 RCT. When all-day estimation period the time in hypoglycemia changed not in the same manner in different RCT. Valuable methodology differences of the glycaemic control estimation within observed RCT brought significant complications in the data analysis and made impossible the results quantitative estimation to prepare a metaanalysis. CONCLUSIONS: Much work has been done to develop effective and safe artificial pancreas, but not all RCTs confirmed advantages of closed-loop glucose control in compare with CSII in children and adolescents in real life. More research with prospective randomized control design required to prove benefits of closed-loop glucose control. Further RCTs should have an uniform methodology for glycemic control assessment and long duration that will allow to use cumulative measures in a closed-loop efficacy estimation (HbA1c)