129 research outputs found

    A Methodology for Quality Assessment in Collaborative Score Libraries

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    International audienceWe examine quality issues raised by the development of XML-based Digital Score Libraries. Based on the authors' practical experience, the paper exposes the quality shortcomings inherent to the complexity of music encoding, and thelack of support from state-of-the-art formats. We also identify the various facets of the ``quality'' concept with respect to usages and motivations. We finally propose a general methodology to introduce quality management as a first-level concern in the management of score collections, and an initial taxonomy of quality problems based on real use cases

    Modeling and Learning Rhythm Structure

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    International audienceWe present a model to express preferences on rhythmic structure, based on probabilistic context-free grammars, and a procedure that learns the grammars probabilities from a dataset of scores or quantized MIDI files. The model formally defines rules related to rhythmic subdivisions and durations that are in general given in an informal language. Rules preference is then specified with probability values. One targeted application is the aggregation of rules probabilities to qualify an entire rhythm, for tasks like automatic music generation and music transcription. The paper also reports an application of this approach on two datasets

    Évaluation de la correction rythmique des partitions numérisées

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    National audienceNous proposons une représentation des éléments de gravure musicale ayant trait au rythme – figures de notes, tuplets, ligatures, etc. – sous la forme d’arbres. Cette modélisation permet de lever les ambiguités et redondances contenues dans les différents encodages de partitions numériques, qui sont des sources d’incohérences majeures.Le modèle est développé théoriquement, puis nous présentons son intégration dans des procédures de vérification d’encodages. Il est également montré que l’on peut l’utiliser pour des tâches de génération de partitions

    Symbolic Weighted Language Models, Quantitative Parsing and Verification over Infinite Alphabets

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    We study properties and relationship between three classes of quantitative language models computing over infinite input alphabets: Symbolic Weighted Automata (swA) at the joint between Symbolic Automata (sA) and Weighted Automata (wA), as well as Transducers (swT) and Visibly Pushdown (sw-VPA) variants. Like sA, swA deal with large or infinite input alphabets, and like wA, they output a weight value in a semiring domain. The transitions of swA are labeled by functions from an infinite alphabet into the weight domain. This generalizes sA, whose transitions are guarded by Boolean predicates overs symbols in an infinite alphabet, and also wA, whose transitions are labeled by constant weight values, and which deal only with finite alphabets. We present a Bar-Hillel Perles Shamir construction of a swA computing a swT-defined distance between a swA input language and a word, some closure results and a polynomial best-search algorithm for sw-VPA. These results are applied to solve a variant of parsing over infinite alphabets

    Supervised Domain Adaptation using Graph Embedding

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    Getting deep convolutional neural networks to perform well requires a large amount of training data. When the available labelled data is small, it is often beneficial to use transfer learning to leverage a related larger dataset (source) in order to improve the performance on the small dataset (target). Among the transfer learning approaches, domain adaptation methods assume that distributions between the two domains are shifted and attempt to realign them. In this paper, we consider the domain adaptation problem from the perspective of dimensionality reduction and propose a generic framework based on graph embedding. Instead of solving the generalised eigenvalue problem, we formulate the graph-preserving criterion as a loss in the neural network and learn a domain-invariant feature transformation in an end-to-end fashion. We show that the proposed approach leads to a powerful Domain Adaptation framework; a simple LDA-inspired instantiation of the framework leads to state-of-the-art performance on two of the most widely used Domain Adaptation benchmarks, Office31 and MNIST to USPS datasets.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Modelling and Editing Cross-Modal Synchronization on a Label Web Canvas

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    We present how the open-source web framework Dezrann enables users to hear, study, and annotate music by interacting with synchronized views such as image scores, rendered scores, videos, and representations of audio as waveforms or spectrograms. We encode as unit conversions the cross-modal synchronization between these music representations. Composing these conversions allows us to conveniently translate musical time, audio time, and graphical positions, as well as to synchronize annotation labels across views. Uses of the Dezrann platform or of some of its components include corpus annotation for musicology or computer music research, music education, as well as collaborative score edition and correction in the CollabScore project

    Une approche orientée graphe pour l'interrogation de partitions musicales

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    National audienceDepuis plusieurs siècles, la diffusion de la musique occidentale est assurée par la représentation des oeuvres sous forme de partitions musicales. Ces partitions peuvent aujourd'hui être encodées dans des formats numériques offrant une représentation fine de leur contenu, ouvrant ainsi la voie à de nouvelles fonctionnalités. La notation musicale, même numérisée, reste cependant extrêmement complexe, notamment en raison de l'imbrication des aspects relatifs au contenu et de ceux qui décrivent la mise en forme de ce contenu. Dans cet article, nous proposons une modélisation formelle, sous forme de données graphe, du contenu purement musical des partitions numérisées. Cette modélisation vise à s'abstraire des aléas liés aux choix d'encodage et à la surchage consécutive aux informations de mise en forme. Nous discutons ensuite des fonctionnalités d'interrogation offertes par cette représentation. Nous fournissons également une réalisation concrète de ce cadre formel, sous la forme d'une implémentation dans le système Neo4j permettant l'interrogation des données via le langage de requête Cypher.Sheet music scores have been the traditional way to preserve and disseminate Western classical music works for centuries. Nowadays, their content can be encoded in digital formats that yield a very detailed representation of music content expressed in the language of music notation. These encoded (digital) scores constitute an invaluable asset for digital library services such as search, analysis, clustering, and recommendations. In this paper, we propose a model of the musical content of digital score as graph data, which can be stored in a graph database management system. We then discuss the querying of such data through graph pattern queries. We also describe a proof-of-concept of the approach that allows uploading music scores in a Neo4j database, and expressing searches and analyses through graph pattern queries with the query language Cypher

    Une approche orientée graphe pour l'interrogation de partitions musicales

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    National audienceDepuis plusieurs siècles, la diffusion de la musique occidentale est assurée par la représentation des oeuvres sous forme de partitions musicales. Ces partitions peuvent aujourd'hui être encodées dans des formats numériques offrant une représentation fine de leur contenu, ouvrant ainsi la voie à de nouvelles fonctionnalités. La notation musicale, même numérisée, reste cependant extrêmement complexe, notamment en raison de l'imbrication des aspects relatifs au contenu et de ceux qui décrivent la mise en forme de ce contenu. Dans cet article, nous proposons une modélisation formelle, sous forme de données graphe, du contenu purement musical des partitions numérisées. Cette modélisation vise à s'abstraire des aléas liés aux choix d'encodage et à la surchage consécutive aux informations de mise en forme. Nous discutons ensuite des fonctionnalités d'interrogation offertes par cette représentation. Nous fournissons également une réalisation concrète de ce cadre formel, sous la forme d'une implémentation dans le système Neo4j permettant l'interrogation des données via le langage de requête Cypher.Sheet music scores have been the traditional way to preserve and disseminate Western classical music works for centuries. Nowadays, their content can be encoded in digital formats that yield a very detailed representation of music content expressed in the language of music notation. These encoded (digital) scores constitute an invaluable asset for digital library services such as search, analysis, clustering, and recommendations. In this paper, we propose a model of the musical content of digital score as graph data, which can be stored in a graph database management system. We then discuss the querying of such data through graph pattern queries. We also describe a proof-of-concept of the approach that allows uploading music scores in a Neo4j database, and expressing searches and analyses through graph pattern queries with the query language Cypher
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