82 research outputs found

    Origin and tailoring of the antiferromagnetic domain structure in α\alpha-Fe2_2O3_3 thin films unraveled by statistical analysis of dichroic spectro-microscopy (X-PEEM) images

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    The magnetic microstructure and domain wall distribution of antiferromagnetic α\alpha-Fe2_2O3_3 epitaxial layers is determined by statistical image analyses. Using dichroic spectro-microscopy images, we demonstrate that the domain structure is statistically invariant with thickness and that the antiferromagnetic domain structure of the thin films is inherited from the ferrimagnetic precursor layer one, even after complete transformation into antiferromagnetic α\alpha-Fe2_2O3_3. We show that modifying the magnetic domain structure of the precursor layer is a genuine way to tune the magnetic domain structure and domain walls of the antiferromagnetic layers

    Magnetism of cobalt nanoclusters on graphene on iridium

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    The structure and magnetic properties of Co clusters, comprising from 26 to 2700 atoms, self-organized or not on the graphene/Ir(111) moir\'e, were studied in situ with the help of scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Surprisingly the small clusters have almost no magnetic anisotropy. We find indication for a magnetic coupling between the clusters. Experiments have to be performed carefully so as to avoid cluster damage by the soft X-rays

    Magnetism and morphology of Co nanocluster superlattices on GdAu2 /Au(111)- (13×13)

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).-- et al.We present a comprehensive study of the magnetism and morphology of an ultrahigh density array of Co nanoclusters self-assembled on the single atomic layer GdAu2 on Au(111) template surface. Combining scanning tunneling microscopy, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, and magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements, we reveal a significant enhancement of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy energy for noncoalesced single atomic layer nanoclusters compared to Co/Au(111). For coverages well beyond the onset of coalescence, we observe room-temperature in-plane magnetic remanence.We acknowledge funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation, from the Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation Project No. IZLCZ2 123892, from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MAT2010-21156-C03-03), from the Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, from the European Social Fund within the program JAE-Doc, the Basque Government (IT-621-13 and IT-627-13) and SAIOTEK (S-PE12UN095), as well as from the EU Calipso program for synchrotron access funding. The MBE chamber on DEIMOS was funded by the Agence National de la Recherche with Grant No. ANR-05-NANO-073.Peer Reviewe

    Europium Underneath Graphene on Ir(111): Intercalation Mechanism, Magnetism, and Band Structure

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    The intercalation of Eu underneath Gr on Ir(111) is comprehensively investigated by microscopic, magnetic, and spectroscopic measurements, as well as by density functional theory. Depending on the coverage, the intercalated Eu atoms form either a (2×2)(2 \times 2) or a (3×3)(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3})R3030^{\circ} superstructure with respect to Gr. We investigate the mechanisms of Eu penetration through a nominally closed Gr sheet and measure the electronic structures and magnetic properties of the two intercalation systems. Their electronic structures are rather similar. Compared to Gr on Ir(111), the Gr bands in both systems are essentially rigidly shifted to larger binding energies resulting in n-doping. The hybridization of the Ir surface state S1S_1 with Gr states is lifted, and the moire superperiodic potential is strongly reduced. In contrast, the magnetic behavior of the two intercalation systems differs substantially as found by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. The (2×2)(2 \times 2) Eu structure displays plain paramagnetic behavior, whereas for the (3×3)(\sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3})R3030^{\circ} structure the large zero-field susceptibility indicates ferromagnetic coupling, despite the absence of hysteresis at 10 K. For the latter structure, a considerable easy-plane magnetic anisotropy is observed and interpreted as shape anisotropy.Comment: 18 pages with 14 figures, including Supplemental Materia

    Kondo screening of the spin and orbital magnetic moments of Fe impurities in Cu

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    We use x-ray magnetic circular dichroism to evidence the effect of correlations on the local impurity magnetic moment in an archetypal Kondo system, namely, a dilute Cu:Fe alloy. Applying the sum rules on the Fe L2,3 absorption edges, the evolution of the spin and orbital moments across the Kondo temperature are determined separately. The spin moment presents a crossover from a nearly temperature-independent regime below the Kondo temperature to a paramagneticlike regime above. Conversely, the weak orbital moment shows a temperature-independent behavior in the whole temperature range, suggesting different Kondo screening temperature scales for the spin and orbital moments

    Antiferromagnetic coupling of TbPc2 molecules to ultrathin Ni and Co films

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    The magnetic and electronic properties of single-molecule magnets are studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. We study the magnetic coupling of ultrathin Co and Ni films that are epitaxially grown onto a Cu(100) substrate, to an in situ deposited submonolayer of TbPc2 molecules. Because of the element specificity of the X-ray absorption spectroscopy we are able to individually determine the field dependence of the magnetization of the Tb ions and the Ni or Co film. On both substrates the TbPc2 moleculescouple antiferromagnetically to the ferromagnetic films, which is possibly due to a superexchange interaction via the phthalocyanine ligand that contacts the magnetic surface

    Hysteretic behaviour in a vacuum deposited submonolayer of single ion magnets

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    With element-specific X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism we have investigated submonolayer coverages of TbPc2 and DyPc2 molecules sublimated on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite. We have studied the field dependence of the magnetization of the central lanthanide ion at very low temperatures. Even in zero applied magnetic field we still observe a remanence in the magnetization. Since there are neither intermolecular coupling nor magnetic interactions with the substrate, this remanent behaviour results just from single-ion anisotropy. On the very inert surface of graphite at temperatures between 0.5 K and 2 K the spin relaxation is slow enough to observe a memory effect in the timescale of the experimental measurements

    Influence of alkylphosphonic acid grafting on the electronic and magnetic properties of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 surfaces

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    Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are highly promising materials for molecular engineering of electronic and spintronics devices thanks to their surface functionalization properties. In this direction, alkylphosphonic acids have been used to functionalize the most common ferromagnetic electrode in organic spintronics: La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO). However, a study on the influence of SAMs grafting on LSMO electronic and magnetic properties is still missing. In this letter, we probe the influence of alkylphosphonic acids-based SAMs on the electronic and magnetic properties of the LSMO surface using different spectroscopies. We observe by X-ray photoemission and X-ray absorption that the grafting of the molecules on the LSMO surface induces a reduction of the Mn oxidation state. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy measurements also show that the LSMO work function can be modified by surface dipoles opening the door to both tune the charge and spin injection efficiencies in organic devices such as organic light-emitting diodes.The research leading to these results was financially supported by the EU project NMP3-SL-2011-263104 HINTS and ANR agency (MELAMIN 2011-NANO-021). S.T. acknowledges the European Union FP7 CIG Marie Curie Actions under project SAMSFERE (FP7/2012–321739) and the Spanish MICINN for his JdC contract. P.S. wishes to thank the Institut Universitaire de France for a junior Fellowship. The research leading to these results was partly funded by the SFB/TRR 88 ‘3MET’ from the DFG. Experiments were performed on the “DEIMOS” beamline at SOLEIL Synchrotron, France (project No. 20100960)

    Large orbital moment of two coupled spin-half Co ions in a complex on gold

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    The magnetic properties of transition-metal ions are generally described by the atomic spins of the ions and their exchange coupling. The orbital moment, usually largely quenched due the ligand field, is then seen as a perturbation. In such a scheme, S = 1/2 ions are predicted to be isotropic. We investigate a Co(II) complex with two antiferromagnetically coupled 1/2 spins on Au(111) using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism, and density functional theory. We find that each of the Co ions has an orbital moment comparable to that of the spin, leading to magnetic anisotropy, with the spins preferentially oriented along the Co–Co axis. The orbital moment and the associated magnetic anisotropy is tuned by varying the electronic coupling of the molecule to the substrate and the microscope tip. These findings show the need to consider the orbital moment even in systems with strong ligand fields. As a consequence, the description of S = 1/2 ions becomes strongly modified, which have important consequences for these prototypical systems for quantum operations.We acknowledge financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, grant number 766726. C.L. thanks the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers and also acknowledges support from Kiel Nano, Surface and Interface Science (KiNSIS). M.G. acknowledges funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Project-ID 278162697 - CRC 1242, Project A08). R.R. and N.L. acknowledge financial support from the European Union project ESiM 101046364 and the Spanish State Research Agency grant (Project No. PID2021-127917NB-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103; they are grateful for the computer resources at Finisterrae II and the technical support provided by CESGA. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE) and Institute of Molecular Sciences (IMS) acknowledge the financial support of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (Projects UIDB/00100/2020, UIDP/00100/2020, and LA/P/0056/2020, respectively). P.N.M. and S.Re. thank FTC for the research contracts CEEC-IND/00509/2017 and 2020.02134.CEECIND. S.Ru. acknowledges funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant number 200021_175941).Peer reviewe