88 research outputs found

    Increased occurrence of protein kinase CK2 in astrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease pathology

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    Background Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease. In addition to the occurrence of amyloid deposits and widespread tau pathology, AD is associated with a neuroinflammatory response characterized by the activation of microglia and astrocytes. Protein kinase 2 (CK2, former casein kinase II) is involved in a wide variety of cellular processes. Previous studies on CK2 in AD showed controversial results, and the involvement of CK2 in neuroinflammation in AD remains elusive. Methods In this study, we used immunohistochemical and immunofluorescent staining methods to investigate the localization of CK2 in the hippocampus and temporal cortex of patients with AD and non-demented controls. We compared protein levels with Western blotting analysis, and we investigated CK2 activity in human U373 astrocytoma cells and human primary adult astrocytes stimulated with IL-1β or TNF-α. Results We report increased levels of CK2 in the hippocampus and temporal cortex of AD patients compared to non-demented controls. Immunohistochemical analysis shows CK2 immunoreactivity in astrocytes in AD and control cases. In AD, the presence of CK2 immunoreactive astrocytes is increased. CK2 immunopositive astrocytes are associated with amyloid deposits, suggesting an involvement of CK2 in the neuroinflammatory response. In U373 cells and human primary astrocytes, the selective CK2 inhibitor CX-4945 shows a dose-dependent reduction of the IL-1β or TNF-α induced MCP-1 and IL-6 secretion. Conclusions This data suggests that CK2 in astrocytes is involved in the neuroinflammatory response in AD. The reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion by human astrocytes using the selective CK2 inhibitor CX-4945 indicates that CK2 could be a potential target to modulate neuroinflammation in AD

    Aspirin and NSAID use and lung cancer risk: a pooled analysis in the International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO)

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    Purpose: To investigate the hypothesis that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) lower lung cancer risk. Methods: We analysed pooled individual-level data from seven case-control and one cohort study in the International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO). Relative risks for lung cancer associated with self-reported history of aspirin and other NSAID use were estimated within individual studies using logistic regression or proportional hazards models, adjusted for packyears of smoking, age, calendar period, ethnicity and education and were combined using random effects meta-analysis. Results: A total of 4,309 lung cancer cases (mean age at diagnosis 65 years, 45% adenocarcinoma and 22% squamous-cell carcinoma) and 58,301 non-cases/controls were included. Amongst controls, 34% had used NSAIDs in the past (81% of them used aspirin). After adjustment for negative confounding by smoking, ever-NSAID use (affirmative answer to the study-specific question on NSAID use) was associated with a 26% reduction (95% confidence interval 8 to 41%) in lung cancer risk in men, but not in women (3% increase (-11% to 30%)). In men, the association was stronger in current and former smokers, and for squamous-cell carcinoma than for adenocarcinomas, but there was no trend with duration of use. No differences were found in the effects on lung cancer risk of aspirin and non-aspirin NSAIDs. Conclusions Evidence from ILCCO suggests that NSAID use in men confers a modest protection for lung cancer, especially amongst ever-smokers. Additional investigation is needed regarding the possible effects of age, duration, dose and type of NSAID and whether effect modification by smoking status or sex exists

    I am hiQ—a novel pair of accuracy indices for imputed genotypes

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    Background: Imputation of untyped markers is a standard tool in genome-wide association studies to close the gap between directly genotyped and other known DNA variants. However, high accuracy with which genotypes are imputed is fundamental. Several accuracy measures have been proposed and some are implemented in imputation software, unfortunately diversely across platforms. In the present paper, we introduce Iam hiQ, an independent pair of accuracy measures that can be applied to dosage files, the output of all imputation software. Iam (imputation accuracy measure) quantifies the average amount of individual-specific versus population-specific genotype information in a linear manner. hiQ (heterogeneity in quantities of dosages) addresses the inter-individual heterogeneity between dosages of a marker across the sample at hand. Results: Applying both measures to a large case–control sample of the International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO), comprising 27,065 individuals, we found meaningful thresholds for Iam and hiQ suitable to classify markers of poor accuracy. We demonstrate how Manhattan-like plots and moving averages of Iam and hiQ can be useful to identify regions enriched with less accurate imputed markers, whereas these regions would by missed when applying the accuracy measure info (implemented in IMPUTE2). Conclusion: We recommend using Iam hiQ additional to other accuracy scores for variant filtering before stepping into the analysis of imputed GWAS data

    Gene–gene interaction of AhRwith and within the Wntcascade affects susceptibility to lung cancer

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    Background: Aberrant Wnt signalling, regulating cell development and stemness, influences the development of many cancer types. The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates tumorigenesis of environmental pollutants. Complex interaction patterns of genes assigned to AhR/Wnt-signalling were recently associated with lung cancer susceptibility. Aim: To assess the association and predictive ability of AhR/Wnt-genes with lung cancer in cases and controls of European descent. Methods: Odds ratios (OR) were estimated for genomic variants assigned to the Wnt agonist and the antagonistic genes DKK2, DKK3, DKK4, FRZB, SFRP4 and Axin2. Logistic regression models with variable selection were trained, validated and tested to predict lung cancer, at which other previously identified SNPs that have been robustly associated with lung cancer risk could also enter the model. Furthermore, decision trees were created to investigate variant × variant interaction. All analyses were performed for overall lung cancer and for subgroups. Results: No genome-wide significant association of AhR/Wnt-genes with overall lung cancer was observed, but within the subgroups of ever smokers (e.g., maker rs2722278 SFRP4; OR = 1.20; 95% CI 1.13–1.27; p = 5.6 × 10–10) and never smokers (e.g., maker rs1133683 Axin2; OR = 1.27; 95% CI 1.19–1.35; p = 1.0 × 10–12). Although predictability is poor, AhR/Wnt-variants are unexpectedly overrepresented in optimized prediction scores for overall lung cancer and for small cell lung cancer. Remarkably, the score for never-smokers contained solely two AhR/Wnt-variants. The optimal decision tree for never smokers consists of 7 AhR/Wnt-variants and only two lung cancer variants. Conclusions: The role of variants belonging to Wnt/AhR-pathways in lung cancer susceptibility may be underrated in main-effects association analysis. Complex interaction patterns in individuals of European descent have moderate predictive capacity for lung cancer or subgroups thereof, especially in never smokers

    Gene–gene interaction of AhRwith and within the Wntcascade affects susceptibility to lung cancer

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    Background Aberrant Wnt signalling, regulating cell development and stemness, influences the development of many cancer types. The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates tumorigenesis of environmental pollutants. Complex interaction patterns of genes assigned to AhR/Wnt-signalling were recently associated with lung cancer susceptibility. Aim To assess the association and predictive ability of AhR/Wnt-genes with lung cancer in cases and controls of European descent. Methods Odds ratios (OR) were estimated for genomic variants assigned to the Wnt agonist and the antagonistic genes DKK2, DKK3, DKK4, FRZB, SFRP4 and Axin2. Logistic regression models with variable selection were trained, validated and tested to predict lung cancer, at which other previously identified SNPs that have been robustly associated with lung cancer risk could also enter the model. Furthermore, decision trees were created to investigate variant x variant interaction. All analyses were performed for overall lung cancer and for subgroups. Results No genome-wide significant association of AhR/Wnt-genes with overall lung cancer was observed, but within the subgroups of ever smokers (e.g., maker rs2722278 SFRP4; OR = 1.20; 95% CI 1.13-1.27; p = 5.6 x 10(-10)) and never smokers (e.g., maker rs1133683 Axin2; OR = 1.27; 95% CI 1.19-1.35; p = 1.0 x 10(-12)). Although predictability is poor, AhR/Wnt-variants are unexpectedly overrepresented in optimized prediction scores for overall lung cancer and for small cell lung cancer. Remarkably, the score for never-smokers contained solely two AhR/Wnt-variants. The optimal decision tree for never smokers consists of 7 AhR/Wnt-variants and only two lung cancer variants. Conclusions The role of variants belonging to Wnt/AhR-pathways in lung cancer susceptibility may be underrated in main-effects association analysis. Complex interaction patterns in individuals of European descent have moderate predictive capacity for lung cancer or subgroups thereof, especially in never smokers

    Attosecond Delays in X-ray Molecular Ionization

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    The photoelectric effect is not truly instantaneous, but exhibits attosecond delays that can reveal complex molecular dynamics. Sub-femtosecond duration light pulses provide the requisite tools to resolve the dynamics of photoionization. Accordingly, the past decade has produced a large volume of work on photoionization delays following single photon absorption of an extreme ultraviolet (XUV) photon. However, the measurement of time-resolved core-level photoionization remained out of reach. The required x-ray photon energies needed for core-level photoionization were not available with attosecond tabletop sources. We have now measured the x-ray photoemission delay of core-level electrons, and here report unexpectedly large delays, ranging up to 700 attoseconds in NO near the oxygen K-shell threshold. These measurements exploit attosecond soft x-ray pulses from a free-electron laser (XFEL) to scan across the entire region near the K-shell threshold. Furthermore, we find the delay spectrum is richly modulated, suggesting several contributions including transient trapping of the photoelectron due to shape resonances, collisions with the Auger-Meitner electron that is emitted in the rapid non-radiative relaxation of the molecule, and multi-electron scattering effects. The results demonstrate how x-ray attosecond experiments, supported by comprehensive theoretical modelling, can unravel the complex correlated dynamics of core-level photoionization

    Replication of Lung Cancer Susceptibility Loci at Chromosomes 15q25, 5p15, and 6p21: A Pooled Analysis From the International Lung Cancer Consortium

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    Background Genome-wide association studies have identified three chromosomal regions at 15q25, 5p15, and 6p21 as being associated with the risk of lung cancer. To confirm these associations in independent studies and investigate heterogeneity of these associations within specific subgroups, we conducted a coordinated genotyping study within the International Lung Cancer Consortium based on independent studies that were not included in previous genome-wide association studies. Methods Genotype data for single-nucleotide polymorphisms at chromosomes 15q25 (rs16969968, rs8034191), 5p15 (rs2736100, rs402710), and 6p21 (rs2256543, rs4324798) from 21 case-control studies for 11 645 lung cancer case patients and 14 954 control subjects, of whom 85% were white and 15% were Asian, were pooled. Associations between the variants and the risk of lung cancer were estimated by logistic regression models. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results Associations between 15q25 and the risk of lung cancer were replicated in white ever-smokers (rs16969968: odds ratio [OR] = 1.26, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.21 to 1.32, Ptrend = 2 × 10−26), and this association was stronger for those diagnosed at younger ages. There was no association in never-smokers or in Asians between either of the 15q25 variants and the risk of lung cancer. For the chromosome 5p15 region, we confirmed statistically significant associations in whites for both rs2736100 (OR = 1.15, 95% CI = 1.10 to 1.20, Ptrend = 1 × 10−10) and rs402710 (OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 1.09 to 1.19, Ptrend = 5 × 10−8) and identified similar associations in Asians (rs2736100: OR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.12 to 1.35, Ptrend = 2 × 10−5; rs402710: OR = 1.15, 95% CI = 1.04 to 1.27, Ptrend = .007). The associations between the 5p15 variants and lung cancer differed by histology; odds ratios for rs2736100 were highest in adenocarcinoma and for rs402710 were highest in adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinomas. This pattern was observed in both ethnic groups. Neither of the two variants on chromosome 6p21 was associated with the risk of lung cancer. Conclusions In this international genetic association study of lung cancer, previous associations found in white populations were replicated and new associations were identified in Asian populations. Future genetic studies of lung cancer should include detailed stratification by histolog

    Beginning teacher agency in the enactment of fundamental British values: A multi-method case study.

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    There has been significant discussion and debate about the meaning and implementation of the requirement for schools to promote fundamental British values. While much of the research in this area focuses on surveying teachers’ attitudes, this paper set out to understand the processes of professional enactment through which beginning teachers interpret the policy agenda across sites and contexts in initial teacher education. A multi-method case study was undertaken at a large provider of initial teacher education in the North of England, following beginning teachers on project placement in primary schools. Theorising awareness and agency as axes of professional formation, the paper identifies three key thematic foci: community partnership, the treatment of inclusiveness and diversity and the professional understanding, interpretation and performance of value language. Context shapes enactment of each theme, with reflective space for criticality required if beginning teachers are to develop professional agency with regard to their role as values educators. This is a feature of the culture of placement schools, and while university-based teaching can ameliorate the effects of unreflective compliance, it cannot provide a replacement for professional acculturation. The paper explores the implications of reflection on enactment for the professional acculturation of beginning teachers, making recommendations for teacher education
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