1,190 research outputs found

    Time and position sensitive single photon detector for scintillator read-out

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    We have developed a photon counting detector system for combined neutron and gamma radiography which can determine position, time and intensity of a secondary photon flash created by a high-energy particle or photon within a scintillator screen. The system is based on a micro-channel plate photomultiplier concept utilizing image charge coupling to a position- and time-sensitive read-out anode placed outside the vacuum tube in air, aided by a standard photomultiplier and very fast pulse-height analyzing electronics. Due to the low dead time of all system components it can cope with the high throughput demands of a proposed combined fast neutron and dual discrete energy gamma radiography method (FNDDER). We show tests with different types of delay-line read-out anodes and present a novel pulse-height-to-time converter circuit with its potential to discriminate gamma energies for the projected FNDDER devices for an automated cargo container inspection system (ACCIS).Comment: Proceedings of FNDA 201

    Quantum Langevin theory of excess noise

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    In an earlier work [P. J. Bardroff and S. Stenholm], we have derived a fully quantum mechanical description of excess noise in strongly damped lasers. This theory is used here to derive the corresponding quantum Langevin equations. Taking the semi-classical limit of these we are able to regain the starting point of Siegman's treatment of excess noise [Phys. Rev. A 39, 1253 (1989)]. Our results essentially constitute a quantum derivation of his theory and allow some generalizations.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figures, revte

    Large scale queueing systems : asymptotics and insights

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Operations Research Center, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 195-203).Parallel server queues are a family of stochastic models useful in a variety of applications, including service systems and telecommunication networks. A particular application that has received considerable attention in recent years is the analysis of call centers. A feature common to these models is the notion of the 'trade-off' between quality and efficiency. It is known that if the underlying system parameters scale together according to a certain 'square-root scaling law', then this trade-off can be precisely quantified, in which case the queue is said to be in the Halfin-Whitt regime. A common approach to understanding this trade-off involves restricting one's models to have exponentially distributed call lengths, and restricting one's analysis to the steady-state behavior of the system. However, these are considered shortcomings of much work in the area. Although several recent works have moved beyond these assumptions, many open questions remain, especially w.r.t. the interplay between the transient and steady-state properties of the relevant models. These questions are the primary focus of this thesis. In the first part of this thesis, we prove several results about the rate of convergence to steady-state for the A/M/rn queue, i.e. n-server queue with exponentially distributed inter-arrival and processing times, in the Halfini-Whitt regime. We identify the limiting rate of convergence to steady-state, discover an asymptotic phase transition that occurs w.r.t. this rate, and prove explicit bounds on the distance to stationarity. The results of the first part of this thesis represent an important step towards understanding how to incorporate transient effects into the analysis of parallel server queues. In the second part of this thesis, we prove several results regarding the steadystate G/G/n queue, i.e. n-server queue with generally distributed inter-arrival and processing times, in the Halfin-Whitt regime. We first prove that under minor technical conditions, the steady-state number of jobs waiting in queue scales like the square root of the number of servers. We then establish bounds for the large deviations behavior of this model, partially resolving a conjecture made by Gamarnik and Momcilovic in [431. We also derive bounds for a related process studied by Reed in [91]. We then derive the first qualitative insights into the steady-state probability that an arriving job must wait for service in the Halfin-Whitt regime, for generally distributed processing times. We partially characterize the behavior of this probability when a certain excess parameter B approaches either 0 or oo. We conclude by studying the large deviations of the number of idle servers, proving that this random variable has a Gaussian-like tail. We prove our main results by combining tools from the theory of stochastic comparison [99] with the theory of heavy-traffic approximations [113]. We compare the system of interest to a 'modified' queue, in which all servers are kept busy at all times by adding artificial arrivals whenever a server would otherwise go idle, and certain servers can permanently break down. We then analyze the modified system using heavy-traffic approximations. The proven bounds hold for all n, have representations as the suprema of certain natural processes, and may prove useful in a variety of settings. The results of the second part of this thesis enhance our understanding of how parallel server queues behave in heavy traffic, when processing times are generally distributed.by David Alan Goldberg.Ph.D

    Quantum statistics of overlapping modes in open resonators

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    We study the quantum dynamics of optical fields in weakly confining resonators with overlapping modes. Employing a recently developed quantization scheme involving a discrete set of resonator modes and continua of external modes we derive Langevin equations and a master equation for the resonator modes. Langevin dynamics and the master equation are proved to be equivalent in the Markovian limit. Our open-resonator dynamics may be used as a starting point for a quantum theory of random lasers.Comment: 6 pages, corrected typo

    Psychometric precision in phenotype definition is a useful step in molecular genetic investigation of psychiatric disorders

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    Affective disorders are highly heritable, but few genetic risk variants have been consistently replicated in molecular genetic association studies. The common method of defining psychiatric phenotypes in molecular genetic research is either a summation of symptom scores or binary threshold score representing the risk of diagnosis. Psychometric latent variable methods can improve the precision of psychiatric phenotypes, especially when the data structure is not straightforward. Using data from the British 1946 birth cohort, we compared summary scores with psychometric modeling based on the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) scale for affective symptoms in an association analysis of 27 candidate genes (249 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)). The psychometric method utilized a bi-factor model that partitioned the phenotype variances into five orthogonal latent variable factors, in accordance with the multidimensional data structure of the GHQ-28 involving somatic, social, anxiety and depression domains. Results showed that, compared with the summation approach, the affective symptoms defined by the bi-factor psychometric model had a higher number of associated SNPs of larger effect sizes. These results suggest that psychometrically defined mental health phenotypes can reflect the dimensions of complex phenotypes better than summation scores, and therefore offer a useful approach in genetic association investigations

    Le gisement pléistocène moyen de Galeria Pesada (Estrémadure, Portugal) : premiers résultats

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    Les fouilles de la grotte de Galeria Pesada (complexe karstique d’Almonda, Torres Novas) livrent de riches assemblages lithiques et osseux datés du Pléistocène moyen final (fouilles 1997-1999). Les ensembles lithiques sont caractérisés par une combinaison d’outils classiques de l’Acheuléen, d’une abondante série d’outils bifaciaux (foliacés, petits bifaces asymétriques, Keilmesser, etc.) et de nombreux racloirs, souvent en quartz. Cette industrie n’a pas d’équivalent jusqu’à présent dans la Péninsule ibérique. Elle est associée à une faune dominée par les Cervidés et les Equidés dont les ossements présentent un fort pourcentage de marques de boucherie, démontrant une exploitation intensive (consommation) des carcasses par les anciens hominidés.Excavations at the late Middle Pleistocene cave site of Galeria Pesada in Portuguese Estremadura have uncovered a series of lithic assemblages associated with abundant faunal remains (Excavations 1997-1999). The lithic assemblages are all similar and consist of a combination of a few classic Acheulean tools, a rich series of bifacial tools (foliates, small asymmetric bifaces, Keilmesser, etc.), and a large number of scrapers, often on quartz. These assemblages, unknown to date in the rest of Iberia, are associated with Cervids and Equids, cut marks on bones indicate extensive and intensive carcass modification and consumption by hominids

    Four Generations: SUSY and SUSY Breaking

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    We revisit four generations within the context of supersymmetry. We compute the perturbativity limits for the fourth generation Yukawa couplings and show that if the masses of the fourth generation lie within reasonable limits of their present experimental lower bounds, it is possible to have perturbativity only up to scales around 1000 TeV. Such low scales are ideally suited to incorporate gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, where the mediation scale can be as low as 10-20 TeV. The minimal messenger model, however, is highly constrained. While lack of electroweak symmetry breaking rules out a large part of the parameter space, a small region exists, where the fourth generation stau is tachyonic. General gauge mediation with its broader set of boundary conditions is better suited to accommodate the fourth generation.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    The distortion of distributed voting

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    Voting can abstractly model any decision-making scenario and as such it has been extensively studied over the decades. Recently, the related literature has focused on quantifying the impact of utilizing only limited information in the voting process on the societal welfare for the outcome, by bounding the distortion of voting rules. Even though there has been significant progress towards this goal, almost all previous works have so far neglected the fact that in many scenarios (like presidential elections) voting is actually a distributed procedure. In this paper, we consider a setting in which the voters are partitioned into disjoint districts and vote locally therein to elect local winning alternatives using a voting rule; the final outcome is then chosen from the set of these alternatives. We prove tight bounds on the distortion of well-known voting rules for such distributed elections both from a worst-case perspective as well as from a best-case one. Our results indicate that the partition of voters into districts leads to considerably higher distortion, a phenomenon which we also experimentally showcase using real-world data

    A binary model for the UV-upturn of elliptical galaxies (MNRAS version)

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    The discovery of a flux excess in the far-ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of elliptical galaxies was a major surprise in 1969. While it is now clear that this UV excess is caused by an old population of hot helium-burning stars without large hydrogen-rich envelopes, rather than young stars, their origin has remained a mystery. Here we show that these stars most likely lost their envelopes because of binary interactions, similar to the hot subdwarf population in our own Galaxy. We have developed an evolutionary population synthesis model for the far-UV excess of elliptical galaxies based on the binary model developed by Han et al (2002, 2003) for the formation of hot subdwarfs in our Galaxy. Despite its simplicity, it successfully reproduces most of the properties of elliptical galaxies with a UV excess: the range of observed UV excesses, both in (1550V)(1550-V) and (2000V)(2000-V), and their evolution with redshift. We also present colour-colour diagrams for use as diagnostic tools in the study of elliptical galaxies. The model has major implications for understanding the evolution of the UV excess and of elliptical galaxies in general. In particular, it implies that the UV excess is not a sign of age, as had been postulated previously, and predicts that it should not be strongly dependent on the metallicity of the population, but exists universally from dwarf ellipticals to giant ellipticals.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, 24 pages, 15 figures, 2 table