58 research outputs found

    Europeanised Attitudes, Nationalised Communication? Evidence on the Patterns behind Political Communication Output in Brussels

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    Studies of a communication deficit in the European Union (EU) have hardly taken a systematic look at the site where most of the political communication output is being created: within the elite bubble of EU politicians and correspondents in Brussels. This study builds on the communication culture approach to describe and explain the basic attitudinal patterns of EU politicians and journalists who critically shape the political communication output coming out of Brussels that is being consumed by European citizens. Based on a survey with more than 300 participating politicians and journalists, this study demonstrates that the internationalised communication context in Brussels reduces differences between the attitudes of actors from professional and national groups. We demonstrate that there is a tendency toward common elitist attitudes, complemented by a highly negative view of the public and a cynical mode of political communication. However, we observe predominantly national contact networks in Brussels and partly differing attitudes among some sub-groups of politicians and journalists, reflecting the partly conflicting national configurations of the European political and media system and the principal-agent relationships of EU politicians and journalists with their constituencies and media outlets

    Justice Sensitivity Is Positively and Negatively Related to Prejudice and Discrimination

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    The trait justice sensitivity captures individual differences in the tendency to perceive injustice and to negatively respond to these perceptions. The tendency to negatively respond to injustice to one’s disadvantage (victim justice sensitivity) was reliably linked to different measures of antisocial behavior and conservative values. Thus, we assumed that victim justice sensitivity should also be positively related to prejudice and discrimination. In contrast, the tendency to negatively respond to injustice to the disadvantage of others (altruistic justice sensitivity), was reliably linked to prosocial behavior. Hence, we assumed that altruistic justice sensitivity should also show negative relations with prejudice and discrimination. In order to test these assumptions, we surveyed justice sensitivity, prejudices against three different groups, and discrimination experiences among N=343 participants (M=26.61 years, 79 percent women) in Germany. We found that victim justice sensitivity predicted more self-perpetrated discrimination. Altruistic justice sensitivity predicted less total prejudice and self-perpetrated discrimination and mediated the link between self-experienced discrimination and prejudice/self-perpetrated discrimination unless age, gender, and education were controlled for. Discrimination can promote discrimination. Future research on correlates and potential risk and protective factors of prejudice and discrimination should also consider justice sensitivity as a moral-related trait

    How University Teachers Can Support the Linking of Theory and Practice in Lesson Debriefings with Student Teachers

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    [EN] Considering professionalism as a paradigm of higher education in university settings, it seems crucial to establish supportive spaces in which reflection, regarded as a mediating process between theory and practice, can be initiated. Within the conceptual framework of UntAdFoKo supervision, developed and tested in pre-service teacher education, N=10 lesson debriefings of university teachers and student teachers in the practical semester of teacher training were qualitatively analyzed to find out how and to what extent reflection can be initiated by connecting practical teaching situations with theory-based principles of learning-effectiveness and dimensions of teaching quality. First results indicate that in lesson debriefings using the conceptual UntAdFoKo supervision, linking of theory and practice occurred twice as often as the description of teaching situations and that university teachers are the main initiators of the linking process. These findings give insights into the effect of conceptually linking theory and practice on reflection processes.Ladehoff, C.; Pfetsch, J.; Ophardt, D. (2023). How University Teachers Can Support the Linking of Theory and Practice in Lesson Debriefings with Student Teachers. En 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'23). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 91-98. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd23.2023.16325919

    Pre-Service Teacher Career Choice Motivation: A Comparison of Vocational Education and Training Teachers and Comprehensive School Teachers in Germany

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    Context: The current shortage of teachers in Germany, especially in vocational schools, is of relevance to the education system and labour market policy. To recruit future teachers more effectively, it is of great importance to gain a better understanding of pre-service teachers’ career choice motivation. However, research has concentrated so far mainly on teachers in the general education system. The present study investigates the career choice motivation of students who will become vocational education and training (VET) teachers and compares it to the career choice motivation of future comprehensive school teachers. Approach: We surveyed N = 79 teacher training students in total, 30 pre-service VET teachers and 49 pre-service comprehensive school teachers at the beginning of their university-based teacher training. To measure career choice motivation, we used the standardized questionnaire Motivation for Choosing Teacher Education (FEMOLA) including six subscales (Pohlmann & Möller, 2010). In order to compare pre-service VET and comprehensive school teachers with regard to the six scales of career choice motivation, we performed a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Findings: We found the highest means for the motives subject-specific and educational interest for the future VET teachers. In comparison to the pre-service comprehensive school teachers, they rated their educational interest, social influences, and utility as significantly less relevant in terms of their career choice motivation. There are no significant differences on the other three motivational scales. Conclusion: The findings show that the two groups partially differ in their motivations to become a teacher. Therefore, we can conclude that the measures for attracting new students should also be individually adapted to the motives for their career choice. For example, in a counselling interview, the motives for choosing a profession should be discussed and compared with the requirements for studying and later working life

    Evidence-based teacher education and correlation analyses

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    Die Lehrkräftebildung verwendet das wissenschaftliche Konstrukt der Evidenz als Grundlage von Entscheidungsprozessen in der Gestaltung von Lerngelegenheiten zu inklusivem Unterrichten. Zwar ist der Zusammenhang von Diagnosewissen und positiver Einstellung zu inklusivem Unterrichten anerkannt, die dazu verfügbare quantitative Evidenz unterliegt jedoch zahlreichen Einschränkungen. Wir diskutieren die Bedingungen der Herstellung von Evidenz in der Lehrkräftebildung und zeigen im Kontext von Zusammenhangsanalysen typische Fehlerquellen klassischer Berechnungsverfahren auf. Datengrundlage ist eine quasi-experimentelle Studie mit 63 Lehramtsstudierenden, die problemorientiert oder instruktionsbasiert pädagogisches Diagnostizieren lernen. Durch die Anwendung eines innovativen statistischen Verfahrens, mit dem manifeste Wachstumskurvenmodelle in kleinen Stichproben berechnet werden können, zeigen wir, dass ein Zuwachs an Diagnosewissen mit einer Steigerung positiver Einstellungen zu inklusivem Unterrichten einhergehen kann. Im Anschluss diskutieren wir die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse für den Übergang angehender Lehrkräfte in die Schulpraxis.Teacher education utilizes the scientific construct of evidence for decisions on the design of teacher trainings. While the relationship between diagnostic knowledge and positive attitudes towards inclusive teaching is widely accepted, the available evidence is constrained by many factors. We discuss the conditions of constructing evidence in teacher education and show typical errors of classical correlation analyses. Our analyses are based on a quasi-experimental study with 63 pre-service teachers, who learned how to diagnose students either with problem-based learning or with instruction-based learning. Applying an innovative statistical method that allows for calculating growth-curve models with small sample sizes, we show that a growth in diagnostic knowledge can correlate with a growth in positive attitudes towards inclusive teaching. In the discussion we focus on the meaning of the results for the transition of pre-service teachers into teaching

    Cyberbullying und Empathie: affektive, kognitive und medienbasierte Empathie im Kontext von Cyberbullying im Kindes- und Jugendalter

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    "Bei medial vermittelter Kommunikation sinkt sowohl die Hemmschwelle für aggressive Verhaltensweisen wie Cyberbullying als auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit empathischer Reaktionen. Im Fokus der vorliegenden Studie mit 979 Schülerinnen und Schülern der 4.-8. Klassen (M=12.01, SD=1.68 Jahre, 55% weiblich) stand die Frage, ob Cyberbullies geringere Ausprägungen für affektive, kognitive und medienbasierte Empathie aufweisen als Unbeteiligte. Empathie wurde im Selbst- und Peerbericht erhoben. Hypothesenkonform zeigte sich, dass Cyberbullies weniger empathisch sind als Unbeteiligte. Allerdings waren die Ergebnisse für selbst- und peerberichtete Empathie nicht deckungsgleich. Bei kleinen, aber signifikanten Effekten scheint die Förderung von Empathie für die Prävention von Cyberbullying viel versprechend." (Autorenreferat)"In computer-mediated communication, the probability for empathic reactions decreases, while at the same time aggressive behavior like cyberbullying becomes more likely. The current study, with 979 students from grades 4-8 (M=12.01, SD=1.68 years, 55% female), analyzed whether cyberbullies show lower values for affective, cognitive and media based empathy than non-involved students. Empathy was measured through self- and peer-report. In line with the hypothesis, cyberbullies were found to be less empathic than non-involved students. Nevertheless, results for self- and peer-report were not completely congruent. The small but significant effects indicate that empathy trainings might have a potential for the prevention of cyberbullying." (author's abstract

    Berufswahlmotive von Studierenden des beruflichen Lehramts

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    Um die Gewinnung zukünftiger Lehrkräfte noch effektiver gestalten zu können, existiert ein hohes Forschungsinteresse, die Berufswahlmotive von Lehramtsstudierenden besser zu verstehen. Im Gegensatz zum allgemeinbildenden Lehramt gibt es im Bereich der Berufsbildung bisher nur wenige Befunde. Deshalb rücken im vorliegenden Beitrag die Berufswahlmotive von 316 angehenden Lehrkräften des beruflichen Lehramts in den Fokus. Untersucht werden die Ausprägungen der Motive anhand des Fragebogens zur Erfassung der Motivation für die Wahl des Lehramtsstudiums (FEMOLA) unter Kontrolle von soziodemografischen und studienbezogenen Merkmalen. Zudem wird erstmals ein Vergleich der drei Fachrichtungen gewerblich-technischer Bereich, Pflege-/Gesundheitswissenschaft und Ernährung/Lebensmittelwissenschaft/Ökotrophologie vorgenommen

    Can Acting Out Online Improve Adolescents’ Well-Being During Contact Restrictions? A First Insight Into the Dysfunctional Role of Cyberbullying and the Need to Belong in Well-Being During COVID-19 Pandemic-Related Contact Restrictions

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    Connecting with peers online to overcome social isolation has become particularly important during the pandemic-related school closures across many countries. In the context of contact restrictions, feelings of isolation and loneliness are more prevalent and the regulation of these negative emotions to maintain a positive well-being challenges adolescents. This is especially the case for those individuals who might have a high need to belong and difficulties in emotional competences. The difficult social situation during contact restrictions, more time for online communication and maladaptive emotion regulation might lead to aggressive communication patterns in the form of cyberbullying perpetration. In an online study with N = 205 adolescents aged 14–19 (M = 15.83, SD = 1.44; 57% girls), we assessed the frequency of online and offline contacts, need to belong, emotion regulation problems, feelings of loneliness, and cyberbullying perpetration as predictors of adolescents’ well-being. In particular, we explored whether cyberbullying perpetration might function as a maladaptive strategy to deal with feelings of loneliness and therefore predicts well-being. This effect was expected to be stronger for those with a higher need to belong and with higher emotion regulation problems. Results of a hierarchical regression analysis revealed that well-being was significantly predicted by less emotion regulation difficulties, less feeling isolated and more cyberbullying perpetration. We also tested whether the need to belong or emotion regulation problems moderated the association between cyberbullying and well-being. While the results for emotion regulation problems were not significant, the moderation effect for the need to belong was significant: For students with a high need to belong, well-being was more strongly related to cyberbullying perpetration than for students with a medium need to belong. For students with a low need to belong, cyberbullying was not significantly associated with well-being. That cyberbullying perpetration predicted well-being positively is rather surprising in the light of previous research showing negative psychosocial outcomes also for cyberbullying perpetrators. The moderation analysis provides a hint at underlying processes: In times of distance learning and contact restrictions, cyberbullying may be a way of coming into contact with others and to regulate loneliness maladaptively

    Associations of Traditional and Peer Cyber-Victimization With Adolescents' Internet Use: A Latent Profile Analysis

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    Significant overlap exists between traditional victimization and peer cyber-victimization. Yet, they can also be somewhat differentiated. Adopting person-centered approaches, studies showed that multiple classes of peer victimization are distinguishable. In particular, this study analyzed the differences in Internet use, Internet motives and behavior and ethical media use of adolescents who are victimized only (or mainly) online (i.e., "cyber-victims"), their peers who are victimized at school ("traditional victims"), students who are frequently victimized both offline and online ("dual victims"), and students who are not victimized. A sample of 1377 Italian adolescents (49.5% females, age M = 16.13, SD = 1.27) completed self-report questionnaires of traditional and peer cyber-victimization and a variety of Internet-related measures. Latent profile analysis yielded four distinct groups: non-victims (79.6% of the sample), traditional victims (9.2%), cyber-victims (9.1%), and dual victims (2.1%). Among the four groups, dual victims, that is, adolescents who are frequently victimized both at school and online, showed the most problematic use of information and communication technologies (ICT). Dual victims and cyber-victims also reported to engage more frequently than the other groups in a variety of Internet activities (e.g., role-playing games and visiting adult sites). Traditional victims reported more coping and conformity motives for using Internet compared to non-victims and, in the latter case, also to cyber-victims. The current findings may help to better understand the link between traditional victimization and peer cyber-victimization with adolescent's use of information and communication technologies and may inform prevention and educational programs about positive use of new technologies among adolescents
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