161 research outputs found

    3D Imaging of Buried Dielectric Targets with a Tomographic Microwave Approach Applied to GPR Synthetic Data

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    Effective diagnostics with ground penetrating radar (GPR) is strongly dependent on the amount and quality of available data as well as on the efficiency of the adopted imaging procedure. In this frame, the aim of the present work is to investigate the capability of a typical GPR system placed at a ground interface to derive three-dimensional (3D) information on the features of buried dielectric targets (location, dimension, and shape). The scatterers can have size comparable to the resolution limits and can be placed in the shallow subsurface in the antenna near field. Referring to canonical multimonostatic configurations, the forward scattering problem is analyzed first, obtaining a variety of synthetic GPR traces and radargrams by means of a customized implementation of an electromagnetic CAD tool. By employing these numerical data, a full 3D frequency-domain microwave tomographic approach, specifically designed for the inversion problem at hand, is applied to tackle the imaging process. The method is tested here by considering various scatterers, with different shapes and dielectric contrasts. The selected tomographic results illustrate the aptitude of the proposed approach to recover the fundamental features of the targets even with critical GPR settings

    How could Archeo-Geophysics help garbage disposal? A fortuitous discovery in Central Italy

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    We present a non-destructive geophysical technique (Ground Penetrating Radar) as a suitable method for both the detection of buried archeological structures, as is already known, and as an aid to local administrators in the planning of potential waste management sites (e.g., landfills or incinerators). This can prevent the potential destruction of important archeological sites. The discovery of a subsurface archeological target a few dozen kilometers northeast of Rome, near the proposed site for the construction of a waste-to-energy incinerator, should cause local administrations to reconsider their plans for construction at this site

    Regional stratigraphy of the south polar layered deposits (Promethei Lingula, Mars): “Discontinuity-bounded” units in images and radargrams

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    The Mars South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD) are the result of depositional and erosional events, which are marked by different stratigraphic sequences and erosional surfaces. To unambiguously define the stratigraphic units at regional scale, we mapped the SPLD on the basis of observed discontinuities (i.e., unconformities, correlative discontinuities and conformities), as commonly done in terrestrial modern stratigraphy. This methodology is defined as “Discontinuity-Bounded Units” or allostratigraphy, and is complemented by geomorphological mapping. Our study focuses on Promethei Lingula (PL) and uses both high-resolution images (CTX, HiRISE) and radargrams (SHARAD) to combine surface and sub-surface observations and obtain a 3D geological reconstruction of the SPLD. One regional discontinuity (named AUR1) was defined within the studied stratigraphic succession and is exposed in several non-contiguous outcrops around PL as well as observed at depth within the ice sheet. This is the primary contact between two major depositional sequences, showing a different texture at CTX resolution. The lower sequence is characterized mainly by a “ridge and trough” morphology (Ridge and Trough Sequence; RTS) and the upper sequence shows mainly by a “stair-stepped” morphology (Stair-Stepped Sequence; SSS). On the basis of the observations, we defined two regional “discontinuity-bounded” units in PL, respectively coinciding with RTS and SSS sequences. Our stratigraphic reconstruction provides new hints on the major scale events that shaped this region. Oscillations in Martian axial obliquity could have controlled local climate conditions in the past, affecting the PL geological record

    The WISDOM Radar: Unveiling the Subsurface Beneath the ExoMars Rover and Identifying the Best Locations for Drilling

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    The search for evidence of past or present life on Mars is the principal objective of the 2020 ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Rover mission. If such evidence is to be found anywhere, it will most likely be in the subsurface, where organic molecules are shielded from the destructive effects of ionizing radiation and atmospheric oxidants. For this reason, the ExoMars Rover mission has been optimized to investigate the subsurface to identify, understand, and sample those locations where conditions for the preservation of evidence of past life are most likely to be found. The Water Ice Subsurface Deposit Observation on Mars (WISDOM) ground-penetrating radar has been designed to provide information about the nature of the shallow subsurface over depth ranging from 3 to 10 m (with a vertical resolution of up to 3 cm), depending on the dielectric properties of the regolith. This depth range is critical to understanding the geologic evolution stratigraphy and distribution and state of subsurface H2O, which provide important clues in the search for life and the identification of optimal drilling sites for investigation and sampling by the Rover's 2-m drill. WISDOM will help ensure the safety and success of drilling operations by identification of potential hazards that might interfere with retrieval of subsurface samples

    The Global Search for Liquid Water on Mars from Orbit: Current and Future Perspectives

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    Due to its significance in astrobiology, assessing the amount and state of liquid water present on Mars today has become one of the drivers of its exploration. Subglacial water was identified by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) aboard the European Space Agency spacecraft Mars Express through the analysis of echoes, coming from a depth of about 1.5 km, which were stronger than surface echoes. The cause of this anomalous characteristic is the high relative permittivity of water-bearing materials, resulting in a high reflection coefficient. A determining factor in the occurrence of such strong echoes is the low attenuation of the MARSIS radar pulse in cold water ice, the main constituent of the Martian polar caps. The present analysis clarifies that the conditions causing exceptionally strong subsurface echoes occur solely in the Martian polar caps, and that the detection of subsurface water under a predominantly rocky surface layer using radar sounding will require thorough electromagnetic modeling, complicated by the lack of knowledge of many subsurface physical parameters. Higher-frequency radar sounders such as SHARAD cannot penetrate deep enough to detect basal echoes over the thickest part of the polar caps. Alternative methods such as rover-borne Ground Penetrating Radar and time-domain electromagnetic sounding are not capable of providing global coverage. MARSIS observations over the Martian polar caps have been limited by the need to downlink data before on-board processing, but their number will increase in coming years. The Chinese mission to Mars that is to be launched in 2020, Tianwen-1, will carry a subsurface sounding radar operating at frequencies that are close to those of MARSIS, and the expected signal-to-noise ratio of subsurface detection will likely be sufficient for identifying anomalously bright subsurface reflectors. The search for subsurface water through radar sounding is thus far from being concluded

    Multiple subglacial water bodies below the south pole of Mars unveiled by new MARSIS data

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    The detection of liquid water by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) at the base of the south polar layered deposits in Ultimi Scopuli has reinvigorated the debate about the origin and stability of liquid water under present-day Martian conditions. To establish the extent of subglacial water in this region, we acquired new data, achieving extended radar coverage over the study area. Here, we present and discuss the results obtained by a new method of analysis of the complete MARSIS dataset, based on signal processing procedures usually applied to terrestrial polar ice sheets. Our results strengthen the claim of the detection of a liquid water body at Ultimi Scopuli and indicate the presence of other wet areas nearby. We suggest that the waters are hypersaline perchlorate brines, known to form at Martian polar regions and thought to survive for an extended period of time on a geological scale at below-eutectic temperatures

    Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars—a Probabilistic Inversion Approach

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    Liquid water was present on the surface of Mars in the distant past; part of that water is now in the ground in the form of permafrost and heat from the molten interior of the planet could cause it to melt at depth. MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding) has surveyed the Martian subsurface for more than fifteen years in search for evidence of such water buried at depth. Radar detection of liquid water can be stated as an inverse electromagnetic scattering problem, starting from the echo intensity collected by the antenna. In principle, the electromagnetic problem can be modelled as a normal plane wave that propagates through a three-layered medium made of air, ice and basal material, with the final goal of determining the dielectric permittivity of the basal material. In practice, however, two fundamental aspects make the inversion procedure of this apparent simple model rather challenging: (i) the impossibility to use the absolute value of the echo intensity in the inversion procedure; (ii) the impossibility to use a deterministic approach to retrieve the basal permittivity. In this paper, these issues are faced by assuming a priori information on the ice electromagnetic properties and adopting an inversion probabilistic approach. All the aspects that can affect the estimation of the basal permittivity below the Martian South polar cap are discussed and how detection of the presence of basal liquid water was done is described

    Assessing the role of clay and salts on the origin of MARSIS basal bright reflections

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    Anomalously bright basal reflections detected by MARSIS at Ultimi Scopuli have been interpreted to indicate the presence of water-saturated materials or ponded liquid water at the base of the South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD). Because conventional models assume basal temperatures (≀200 K) much lower than the melting point of water, this interpretation has been questioned and other explanations for the source of the bright basal reflections have been proposed, involving clay, hydrated salts, and saline ices. Combining previous published data, simulations, and new laboratory measurements, we demonstrate that the dielectric properties of these materials do not generate strong basal reflections at MARSIS frequencies and Martian temperatures. Plausible candidates remain perchlorates and chlorides brines that exhibit a strong dielectric response at much lower temperatures than other materials. This explanation might require that metastability could be maintained for a long period of time on a geological scale

    Monitoring the last Apennine glacier: recent in situ campaigns and modelling of Calderone glacial apparatus

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    The Calderone glacier is at present the most southern glacier in Europe (42° 28' 15’’ N). The little apparatus (about 20.000 m2 in surface area) has been giving an interesting response both to short- and long-term climatic variations which resulted in a considerable reduction in surface area and volume. The glacial apparatus is split into two ice bodies (glacierets) since 2000. The two glacierets are located in a deep northward valley below the top of the Corno Grande (2912 m asl) in the centre of the Gran Sasso d’Italia mountain range (Central Italy). Such glacial apparatus has been subjected to a strong reduction, with a loss of total surface area of about 50% and thickness of about 65%with respect to the hypothetical size (about 105.00 m2 and 55 m at the Little Ice Age). Since early 90s the Calderone glacier has been subjected to several multidisciplinary field campaigns to monitor and evaluate its role as an environmental indicator in the framework of global warming. Starting from historical series related to more than a century of records, the variability of the different glacier properties has been estimated by using classical geomorphologic methods as well as in situ and remote sensing techniques. In particular, the last field campaigns, in 2015, 2016 and 2019, have been carried out using Ground Penetrating Radar equipped with different antenna frequencies, drone-based survey, snow pit measurements and chemical-physical sampling. The measurement campaigns have been complemented by a regional climate analysis, spanning the last fifty years, and snowpack modelling initialized with microphysical snow data (e.g., snow density, crystal shape and size, hardness). The snowpack chemical analyses include the main and trace elements, soluble inorganic and organic ions, EC/OC and PAH, with different spatial resolution depending on the analytes. We present here the methodological approach used and some preliminary results

    Reply to: Explaining bright radar reflections below the south pole of Mars without liquid water

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    In their Matter Arising Lalich et al.1 simulate MARSIS echoes at the base of the South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD) assuming three different layering scenarios (Fig. 1 in ref.1): (a) dusty water ice overlaying bedrock; (b) one CO2 ice layer between dusty water ice and bedrock; and, (c) two basal CO2 ice layers interbedded with one layer of dusty water ice. A surficial layer of CO2 ice ranging from 0 m (no layer) to 2 m in thickness is also considered. The first layer in each simulation is a semi-infinite half space assigned the permittivity of free space, and the bedrock is a semi-infinite half space with pure basaltic rock permittivity. These authors argue that constructive interference generated by some layered configurations produce waveforms (Fig. 2 in ref.1) with local maxima corresponding to the bright basal reflections observed by MARSIS at Ultimi Scopuli 2,3. They conclude that this explanation is more plausible than liquid brines being the source of the bright reflections, as posited instead by Orosei et al.2 and Lauro et al.3. In an earlier paper, however, Orosei et al.4 explored the same model and mathematics covering the entire range of possible parameters for two and three basal CO2 ice layers. Through the quantitative analysis of 3.45 x 108 simulation results, these authors demonstrated that local maxima at one of the MARSIS operating frequencies are not matched by local maxima at the other operating frequencies: that is, a layer stack producing constructive interference at one frequency, does not produce the same effect at the other frequencies, which is inconsistent with MARSIS real data. Thus, constructive interference by basal layers is not a viable mechanism to explain the bright basal reflections at Ultimi Scopuli. Because most of the points in Lalich et al.1 are superseded by Orosei et al.’s4 work, we refer interested readers to that earlier paper for a full discussion of the models and results. Here, we focus on three critical aspects: electromagnetic model; dielectric values used in the simulations; and materials and geology
