61 research outputs found

    A catch comparison study on different codend designs to evaluate bycatch reduction in the North-East Atlantic deep-water shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery

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    Currently, there is a growing interest in the North-East Atlantic deep-water shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery with more actors expected to take part in the coming years. As the species and size of targeted shrimp varies globally, selectivity in this fishery is based on a grid system in front of a small mesh sized codend to avoid bycatch while simultaneously maintaining shrimp catches. However, small fish can still pass through the grid and risk being retained in the codend. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the selectivity of a modified shrimp trawl codend using shortened lastridges, an increased mesh size and a four panel codend in combination with the Nordmøre grid with the aim of reducing bycatch while simultaneously maintaining the retention of shrimp. This was carried out using a catch comparison analysis between the different treatment codends versus the compulsory two panel, 35 mm diamond mesh codend used in the fishery today. We found that applying shortened lastridge ropes, along with a four panel codend significantly improved the exclusion of redfish at approximately 50 % in length groups below 7.5 cm while simultaneously maintaining shrimp catches. However, a significant increase in catch efficiency for the Greenland halibut occurred. When all treatments were applied, a significant reduction in shrimp was observed as well as a significant reduction in both redfish and Greenland halibut. An additional experiment was undertaken observing the effect of shortened lastridge ropes while the baseline codends used were configured with four panels rather than two. This caused a significant reduction in shrimp as well as redfish and Greenland halibut in the treatment codend. The results from this thesis demonstrates that applying 30% shortened lastridge ropes along with a four panel codend may be a potential solution for the industry in reducing bycatch, but further exploration regarding the exclusion of flatfishes is needed. Reducing the percentage of lastridge shortening may offer some more clarity for these species’

    Intergenerasjonell inntektsmobilitet: En undersøkelse av persistens i inntektsulikhet mellom innvandrere og nordmenn i Norge

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    Norge har i de siste årene hatt en økning i sosial ulikhet. En andel av denne økningen i sosial ulikhet skyldes innvandring fra lavinntektsland. Dette gjelder spesielt i Oslo. Ulike faktorer gjør at innvandrere fra lavinntektsland oftere har lavere lønn enn en gjennomsnittlig annengenerasjonsnordmann. Intergenerasjonell inntektsmobilitet er knyttet tett opp mot sosial ulikhet, da spesielt inntektsulikhet. Dette kommer av at intergenerasjonell inntektsmobilitet vil si noe om hvor vedvarende inntektsulikhet er over generasjoner. Denne oppgaven ønsker å undersøke hvor vedvarende inntektsulikheten mellom nordmenn og innvandrere i Norge er. Dette gjøres ved å sammenligne annengenerasjonsnordmenn med annengenerasjonsinnvandrere i Norge, og Oslo. For å besvare problemstillingen brukes fire ulike målemetoder. Disse målemetodene omfatter intergenerasjonell inntektselastisitet, overgangsmatriser, overgangssannsynligheter og retningsrankmobilitet. Disse målemetodene har ulike egenskaper som komplementerer hverandre godt, i tillegg maler de et noe ulikt bilde. Den intergenerasjonelle inntektselastisiteten gir estimater som er lett å sammenligne med resultater fra tidligere forskning. De tre resterende målemetodene gir estimater som illustrerer individenes bevegelse i inntektsfordelingen relativt til far. De vil også si noe om i hvilken retning og hvor langt individer beveger seg i inntektsfordelingen. Dette er elementer som ikke har blitt kartlagt tidligere Resultatene fra den intergenerasjonelle inntektsmobiliteten tilsier at annengenerasjonsinnvandrerne er mye mer mobile enn annengenerasjonsnordmennene i utvalget. Resultatene fra overgangsmatrise, overgangssannsynligheter og retningsrankmobilitet tilsier at innvandrerne er mindre tilbøyelig til å foreta korte byks i inntektsfordelingen. Dette betyr at en større andel annengenerasjonsinnvandrere forblir i bunnen av inntektsfordelingen, sammenlignet med annengenerasjonsnordmenn. Målemetodene viser også annengenerasjonsinnvandrere har en større tilbøyelighet til å foreta lengre byks i inntektsfordelingen, sammenlignet med annengenerasjonsnordmenn. Det er altså en todeling blant innvandrerne. Dette endrer seg når en sammenligner annengenerasjonsnordmenn og –innvandrere i Oslo. I Oslo er annengenerasjonsnordmenn mer tilbøyelige til å foreta korte, og lengre byks i inntektsfordelingen.MasteroppgaveECON391PROF-SØKMASV-SØ

    Effect of high intensity activity on children's aerobic power

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    Several studies in recent years have reported significant fitness improvements in children after exercise interventions, given sufficient training intensity, frequency and duration. However the knowledge of how fast children respond to exercise is limited and most research protocols are performed on cycle ergometers or other training devices using exercise programs are not applicable for practical purposes such as children’s sports programs or physical education classes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high intensity aerobic activity in five weeks, two sessions per week, on children’s VO2peak. Additionally we wanted to test whether ten-year old boys were able to sustain intensity over 80 % of reart ratepeak (HRpeak) for a relative long period of time (up to 4 minutes), using aerobic games and play. Results from the present study showed a significant increase in VO2peak from 178.5 (± 12.6) ml x kg-0.67 x min-1 to188.4 (± 12.6) ml x kg-0.67 x min-1). Conclusion: Children can increase their VO2peak after five weeks of exercise with two high intensity sessions per week. This study also revealed that children can exercise near their HRpeak in time periods lasting up to four minutes

    The venous thrombosis registry in Østfold Hospital (TROLL registry) - design and cohort description

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    Purpose: The incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is expected to increase over the next decades, further increasing its substantial impact on patients and health care resources. Registries have the benefit of reporting real-world data without excluding clinically important subgroups. Our aim was to describe a Norwegian VTE registry and to provide descriptive data on the population and management. Registry Population: The Venous Thrombosis Registry in Østfold Hospital (TROLL) is an ongoing registry of consecutive patients diagnosed with, treated, and/or followed up for VTE at Østfold Hospital, Norway, since 2005. Baseline and follow-up data, including demographics, clinical features, risk factors, diagnostic procedures, classification of VTE, and treatment were collected during hospitalization, and at scheduled outpatient visits. Findings to Date: From January 2005 to June 2021, 5037 patients were eligible for research in TROLL. Median age was 67 years (interquartile range, 55–77), and 2622 (52.1%) were male. Of these, 2736 (54.3%) had pulmonary embolism (PE), 2034 (40.4%) had deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and 265 (5.3%) had upper-extremity DVT or splanchnic or cerebral sinus vein thrombosis. In total, 2330 (46.3%) were classified as unprovoked VTE, and 1131 (22.5%) had cancer. Direct oral anticoagulants were the most frequent therapeutic agents (39.3%) followed by low-molecular-weight heparins (30.4%) and vitamin K antagonists (30.3%). Outpatient treatment for PE increased from 4% in 2005 to 23% in 2019. Future Plans: TROLL is a population-based ongoing registry that represents a valuable source of real-world data that will be used for future research on the management and outcomes of VTE

    Incidence rates of progressive childhood encephalopathy in Oslo, Norway: a population based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Progressive encephalopathy (PE) in children is a heterogeneous group of diseases mainly composed of metabolic diseases, but it consists also of neurodegenerative disorders where neither metabolic nor other causes are found. We wanted to estimate the incidence rate and aetiology of PE, as well as the age of onset of the disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We included PE cases born between 1985 and 2003, living in Oslo, and registered the number presenting annually between 1985 and 2004. Person-years at risk between 0 and 15 years were based on the number of live births during the observation period which was divided into four 5-year intervals. We calculated incidence rates according to age at onset which was classified as neonatal (0–4 weeks), infantile (1–12 months), late infantile (1–5 years), and juvenile (6–12 years).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found 84 PE cases representing 28 diagnoses among 1,305,997 person years, giving an incidence rate of 6.43 per 100,000 person years. The age-specific incidence rates per 100,000 were: 79.89 (<1 year), 8.64 (1–2 years), 1.90 (2–5 years), and 0.65 (>5 years). 66% (55/84) of the cases were metabolic, 32% (27/54) were neurodegenerative, and 2% (2/84) had HIV encephalopathy. 71% (60/84) of the cases presented at < 1 year, 24% (20/84) were late infantile presentations, and 5% (4/84) were juvenile presentations. Neonatal onset was more common in the metabolic (46%) (25/55) compared to the neurodegenerative group (7%) (2/27). 20% (17/84) of all cases were classified as unspecified neurodegenerative disease.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The overall incidence rate of PE was 6.43 per 100,000 person years. There was a strong reduction in incidence rates with increasing age. Two-thirds of the cases were metabolic, of which almost half presented in the neonatal period.</p

    Mutations in the histone methyltransferase gene KMT2B cause complex early-onset dystonia.

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    Histone lysine methylation, mediated by mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) proteins, is now known to be critical in the regulation of gene expression, genomic stability, cell cycle and nuclear architecture. Despite MLL proteins being postulated as essential for normal development, little is known about the specific functions of the different MLL lysine methyltransferases. Here we report heterozygous variants in the gene KMT2B (also known as MLL4) in 27 unrelated individuals with a complex progressive childhood-onset dystonia, often associated with a typical facial appearance and characteristic brain magnetic resonance imaging findings. Over time, the majority of affected individuals developed prominent cervical, cranial and laryngeal dystonia. Marked clinical benefit, including the restoration of independent ambulation in some cases, was observed following deep brain stimulation (DBS). These findings highlight a clinically recognizable and potentially treatable form of genetic dystonia, demonstrating the crucial role of KMT2B in the physiological control of voluntary movement.Funding for the project was provided by the Wellcome Trust for UK10K (WT091310) and DDD Study. The DDD study presents independent research commissioned by the Health Innovation Challenge Fund [grant number HICF-1009-003] - see www.ddduk.org/access.html for full acknowledgement. This work was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the National Human Genome Research Institute and the Common Fund, NIH Office of the Director. This work was supported in part by the German Ministry of Research and Education (grant nos. 01GS08160 and 01GS08167; German Mental Retardation Network) as part of the National Genome Research Network to A.R. and D.W. and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (AB393/2-2) to A.R. Brain expression data was provided by the UK Human Brain Expression Consortium (UKBEC), which comprises John A. Hardy, Mina Ryten, Michael Weale, Daniah Trabzuni, Adaikalavan Ramasamy, Colin Smith and Robert Walker, affiliated with UCL Institute of Neurology (J.H., M.R., D.T.), King’s College London (M.R., M.W., A.R.) and the University of Edinburgh (C.S., R.W.)

    Nord-Trøndelag Elektrisitetsverk : Selgermotivasjon, rom for forbedring?

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    Denne oppgaven er en bacheloroppgave i personlig salg og salgsledelse, hvor vi har tatt for oss temaet motivasjon i selgeryrket. Bakgrunnen for valget, var at vi mente at motivasjon på arbeidsplassen er viktig både for trivsel og lønnsomheten i en bedrift. Gjennom denne oppgaven har vi tatt for oss en problemstilling som omhandler hvordan NTE motiverer sine selgere, og hva som i realiteten motiverer selgere, sett fra selgerne sitt syn. Vi innledet oppgaven med å kort fortelle om motivasjon, formålet med oppgaven og presenterte bedriften NTE. Deretter presenterte vi ulike sentrale teorier som berører motivasjon og belønningssystemer. Ved hjelp av teori har vi kunnet se på hvordan ulike faktorer påvirker en ansatt, både når det gjelder indre motivasjonsfaktorer, samt ytre motivasjonsfaktorer. Senere i oppgaven så vi på hvordan vår planmessige fremgangsmåte skulle forekomme, dette ble gjort i metodedelen av oppgaven. På bakgrunn av analyseformål, bestemte vi oss for hvilket forskningsdesign vi skulle bruke. Vi analyserte deretter vår problemstilling, vårt møte med salgsleder i vår valgte bedrift, og vår teoretiske tilnærming for så å videre kunne utvikle hypoteser. Når hypotesene var ferdigstilte lagde vi en spørreundersøkelse som ga oss svar på hypotesene. Spørreundersøkelsen var knyttet til forskjellige aspekter ved jobben, og var delt inn i kategorier som finansielle insentivsystemer, arbeidsmiljø, arbeidsforhold og sosiale relasjoner. Ut av spørreundersøkelsen fikk svar på viktige faktorer om hvordan selgere blir motivert. Vi så ut ifra dette en klar trend i at selgere hos NTE blir motivert av ikke- finansielle faktorer. Vi har videre i analysene drøftet ulike måter å motivere selgere på, ved hjelp av forskjellige belønningssystemer og anerkjennelse. Ut av analysen fant vi gap mellom selgere og beslutningstaker, noe vi mente er viktig at NTE klarer å lukke. Det største gapet vi fant var knyttet til de finansielle kompensasjonene, men vi fant også gap i forskjellige komponenter som utgjør forskjellen på et godt og ikke godt arbeidsmiljø. Vi avsluttet så oppgaven med og komme med konkrete anbefalinger

    Development of intangible assets : Challenging the current accounting practices : A Quantatative Research

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    In this thesis, we investigate how the usage and development of intangible assets depreciate the relevance of accounting. Previous research suggests that the accounts historically have been a precise tool for predicting the stock price and, hence, the company's market valuation. In the past decades, both the explanatory capability and, subsequently, the accuracy of accounting have dropped with significance. We apply four quantitative experiments on a sample of Norwegian firms, both non-listed and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, between 2005-2018 to measure explanatory rates, prediction errors, valuation of stated intangible assets, and the amount of inherent goodwill. Initial test results indicated a partial depreciation of the robustness of accounting figures. Removal of the petroleum industry in the conducted experiments strengthens the assurance of the initial result. Additionally, other experiments indicate that the market positively values the reported intangible assets. Further investigations also show an increasing trend in the amount of inherent goodwill.nhhma
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